Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1436: dissuade

The temporary data hedging phenomenon on the peninsula is very intense, which has a great impact on the observation of the chain judgment. ¢ £, I have encountered similar situations in the past. When the movement state in the observation range is more, the more intense, the greater the load on the body. At the micro level, I think that the chain judgment can even be locked smaller than dust. Particle movement, however, the particle movement in the micro state is often extremely violent and cumbersome, how much dust is in a centimeter? If you fully observe the movement of each dust and build their trajectory in your mind, the load will be amazing even if you just imagine.

More importantly, the chain judgment is not the magic ability, but the "talent" derived from the second level of the magic pattern. It is difficult to define whether it is "mysterious", but more often, it is not subjectively counted In the category of "mystery", despite its wide range of utility, it is also very convenient.

As the key point of subjective judgment whether it is "mysterious", it is the load on the body caused by the use of power. Flicking such a magic pattern, even if it has relativity, allows me to be faster than light and faster than consciousness, but it has not experienced substantial side effects. It may indeed have side effects, but so far, it is just an unknown and frightening psychological state. However, the chain judgment is different. The more carefully you observe the movement of things, the more you go deep into the essence of their movement, and the more you expand the range, the pressure on your body is very obvious.

In most cases, when I use chain judgment, I make a subconscious decision. In my opinion, this is not just the subjective consciousness, but also the instinctive reaction of physical crisis is working. For example, the observation range is limited to 50 meters, and most of them are based on plane scanning, but in fact, I used to use the magic quark as a relay satellite in the past doomsday illusion to enlarge the observation range to kilometers. , Covering most of the town. It has also been used for many times to make three-dimensional observations with chain judgments, even on hard concrete floors. It has also penetrated below fifty meters.

I have also tried to observe the particle motion in a small area and make a chain-shaped destruction. I have also made continuous motion judgments on enemy troops in the range of far vision.

However, these are in extremely harsh combat environments. This is a last resort. I take the initiative to enhance the effect of chain judgment, and I will inevitably bear the load that comes with it's own carrying capacity.

Nowadays, the data hedging phenomenon on the peninsula is so violent, and the movement of things that follow is also complicated and strange. I am not unable to observe and lock it, but. You must also consider whether you should risk your body being exposed to high loads. Dangers can occur everywhere on the peninsula. It is true that high-intensity use of chain judgment may prejudge the danger in advance. However, before the danger comes, this observation must be continuous, and it may be before the danger is really at hand. The body has been dragged down.

In my opinion, it is always unwise to maintain high-intensity observations to avoid danger. In the case that the energy can be used. Even if it is only at the last zero and one second that the danger is approached, it is enough to use the high advantage to transform the danger. On the contrary, if the body is already under high load and not in state, it will be biased in subsequent counterattacks.

Therefore, as the temporary data hedging on the peninsula becomes more and more fierce, my chain judgment effect is also declining. It is not that I cannot maintain the original observation effect. In fact, I have the ability to improve the observation effect. This is just A subjective judgment and choice.

Reduced effectiveness of chain judgment. It also inevitably means that the intelligence gathering ability is weakened. This weakening is continuous. After Dr. Ruan Li escaped from the nightmare, the scope of the chain judgment can be observed. It has overlapped with the range that can be observed by the naked eye, and is just to supplement the information that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

I even feel that, in a sense, if it is the prostitute Gaochuan here, his chain judgment will get more information. Because, I estimate that his chain judgment and my chain judgment are in the form of detection and expression. There is a huge difference, just as the difference between our respective grazing energy.

When the scene of the deepest night merges into this peninsula, the rain has been interrupted by the abnormal spatial state, but the view has not become clearer. The rain became smaller and replaced with large ash from the sky and the growth of hazy mist. The rain, ash and mist are not blown away by the strong wind. However, the wind, which can erode the soul, roared, and all the rain, fog and ash covering the field of vision were flowing, and this flow was clearly visible even to the naked eye.

When the figure appears in it, unless you enter a very close distance, you can only see a silhouette. I can't judge from this outline whether the other party is human or weird, whether it is the enemy or myself. Despite the existence of the seminar and my choices, my relationship with mysterious organizations has become very sharp. But to say that in the current situation, this sharp relationship will directly evolve into a direct attack, but it does not make me think how likely it is.

"Who?" I asked aloud, not intending to hide it, because, in such an environment where no specific details can be seen, if one looks sneaky, it will definitely make others have a dark subjective perception. As far as I can observe, I also believe that the other party has noticed me and Dr. Ruan Li.

"Mr. Gao Chuan?" The figure over there stopped and asked with a suspicious tone.

"It's me." I heard the answer and didn't plan to leave immediately.

The answering person was John Bull, and her voice was familiar to me. Sure enough, when the line came to him, John Bull was one of them. There are more than ten people in this team, with different appearances, men and women, body and clothing are also varied, but overall it looks like John Bull is the center. However, I used to work with these people for a while and knew that they were all mysterious experts in the team.

John Bull beckoned behind him, beckoning the others to take a step first. In my observation, no one wanted to bother me and Dr. Ruan Li, just pulled away from us and passed by from the side in the direction when Dr. Ruan Li and I came, and disappeared again after few breaths. In the misty vision.

John Bull looked up at the black pillar in the distance. The black column made from the coconut palms of Sitianyuan, even in this hazy and violent change, is the most eye-catching and clearest thing. Dr. Ruan Li behind me screamed, holding my shoulder and straightening up slowly.

at this time. John Bull threw a cigarette over. I caught it, took out the lighter and ignited it.

"Are you going to take her away?" John Bull saw my thoughts at a glance. And I can only keep silent, because I can't judge what position she is standing in front of me. but. I can't feel her malice. Not long ago, she was my collaborator and informant within the team. Later, because of the information she provided, I encountered the repeater Marceau. I was expelled from the peninsula mental hospital, but I do n’t think it ’s an unforgivable betrayal, and I should n’t even use the word “betrayal”.

Maybe I encountered various dangers because of the information she provided, and she was also used in some affairs, but I think that this is the risk I must bear. Since I left the team, I have been in a state of confrontation with the team. No matter why John Bull brought me a match, I have inherited her love.

Now see her here again. In my heart, the joy of reunion is far from the embarrassment of conflict.

"Yes, you know, she's just an ordinary person." I answered in a sweeping way.

"Can't go." John Bull shook his head and said very seriously: "It's too late."

"Late?" I looked at the temporary data hedging around: "Is the space closed?"

"No, it's more serious than this." John Bull seemed to think of something, a toothache expression.

"What the **** is going on?" I was a little stunned.

"The movements and movements in the fifty-one area are larger than we thought." John Bull smiled bitterly, trying to explain, but it seemed not a simple thing to say. She was about to say that Dr. Ruan Li had recovered. She propped my shoulders up straight, and I noticed. Only heard Dr. Ruan Li asked: "Achuan, what's going on? Have we left the peninsula?"

"No." I paused and didn't know what to say. "Something happened. It's hard to say."

"The alien space is closed, but there is still a little time before Luna comes." John Bull looked at the red moon in the sky. The mosaic phenomenon there had not completely disappeared, but it was much thinner, and it looked like a cloud. "We Talk? "

Dr. Ruan Li tried hard. Just jumped from behind me, she looked around with some doubt, staring at me and John Bull again. She seemed to know John Bull and said, "Why are you here? The seminar brought you back?" I think John Bull is another identity in the eyes of Dr. Ruan Li.

"The seminar is over." John Bull replied calmly, and as he spoke, he found a stone and sat down as a stool. As if it was n’t John Bull, I probably would n’t listen to it, and I would leave immediately and continue to the border between the peninsula and the hinterland, but since John Bull said that, I think I can trust her, just like in the past, even before During a call, the information she provided caused me to encounter the repeater Marceau and was almost killed.

Dr. Ruan Li also thought about it for a moment, and agreed to temporarily let go of the escape and listen to the news brought by John Bull.

John Bull took out a cigarette and handed it to Dr. Ruan Li. Dr. Ruan Li did not refuse, although she did not usually smoke cigarettes of this brand. The three of us got together and were quiet for a while, and let me talk about what happened in the underground river. Of course, Dr. Ruan Li does not approve of mysterious events, but even if she does n’t approve, she is accustomed to listening to me tell such stories. In the past, it was to measure my condition, but now, it is to measure her condition. ——Dr. Ruan Li thinks that he has been eroded by white Claudia, so it is like me that we have such weird things, especially since she has just woke up from a nightmare.

What kind of nightmare did I have on Dr. Ruan Li, but Dr. Ruan Li did not tell me, but claimed that it was just a dream, and the content had no practical significance. It's just that I don't think it is a normal nightmare. Dr. Ruan Li is an excellent psychologist and has always adjusted her mindset. She has never heard of her having nightmares, plus her particularity in this world of repeaters, I do n’t think her Nightmares are just ordinary nightmares.

However, since Dr. Ruan Li insisted, there was no way for anyone to draw a little news from her mouth.

Dr. Ruan Li and I were planning to escape from the underground river channel, but John Bull seemed more interested. When she mentioned the coconut palms in Sitianyuan, she seemed to know more about it, but she only had a heavy expression and deeply sighed. With a sigh of relief, "If Si Tian Yuan does not appear, you will almost succeed."

Dr. Ruan Li was not interested in the matter of Si Coconut, but asked about the seminar. As a result, John Bull told us shocking news again that the seminar was over, and all the participants, including researchers and patients, survived very few, and the research materials about "paradise" have also been destroyed. , But there are traces indicating that someone has taken a backup copy of the data.

"Apocalyptic ~ ~ I said.

John Bull nodded. Dr. Ruan Li also had no objection. But I know that the doomsday doctrines spoken by John Bull and me are not the same as those recognized by Dr. Ruan Li. For Dr. Ruan Li, this seminar was originally a subordinate institution of the doomsday sect of this repeater world, and even she herself was also a member of this sect of apocalypse, then, after the seminar, People took away the research materials of the seminar, and there is nothing inexplicable. No matter whether the extinction of the seminar is suicide or homicide, it is also a fact that it has been gradually eroded by white Claudia in the process of studying "paradise". This means that even if the Doomsday Truth Church cleans up the seminar by hand, it is fully in line with the internal doctrine of Doomsday Truth.

"There are more than one Apocalypse in the seminar. How did they do it? No one else stopped it?" I asked.

"I don't know the specific situation." When John Bull said that, his expression was calm, but let me know that she was actually informed, and this matter is also related to the tacit understanding of the mysterious organizations of all parties. Perhaps in order to concentrate on the Nazis, the team also made compromises.

I think sooner or later these "paradise" will spread in the illusion of doomsday. (To be continued.)

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