Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1443: Thought killer

I couldn't help but look around. All the mysterious experts who appeared appeared quietly looking into the distance, as if they were motionless like sculptures. [Almost all the books I want to read are more stable and faster than the average site, and the updates are faster. There are no ads in the entire text. They are still alive, but their eyes are blank. I suddenly looked at the people around me. I don't know when I was handcuffed with John Bull's hand. The appearance of John Bull, the jointer and Anna is no different from those mysterious experts who are stiff and demented.

In the mid-air in the distance, the coconut palm of Sitianyuan was as pinched by the moon **** as he saw in trance, but the movement of the moon **** was so slow, even if the coconut palm of Sitianyuan did n’t struggle. She did not make her into a meat sauce in an instant.

I suddenly understood what happened to the previous trance.

This is the power of Luna, a large-scale interference of consciousness, and I am the first person to be sober from this interference. Even, I have to guess that it is only the aftermath of the power of the lunar gods that interfered with our mysterious experts, and the main power of the lunar gods was directed against the coconut palm of the Four Heavens Courtyard.

I can't remember how long it was during the intervention by consciousness and what happened, but this time is definitely not a good time to recall.

I held Anna on my shoulders, grabbed John Bull and the jointer with both hands, and swept away further.

Here, it is no longer a good place to watch the game.

I swept for more than ten kilometers, and the surrounding area was barren. The ravines, broken trees, and falling rocks were caused by the previous shock waves. This is no longer within the scope of a mental hospital. Ashes, but now there is only a plain, a gust of wind, constantly washing the gloomy scenery. I do n’t know how wide the range of the Moon ’s conscious power is, but when I think of it as a monster bred by this Las Vegas repeater, I ca n’t help but feel a bottomless abyss of fear. Not long ago, other mysterious experts probably did not fear this force. But I couldn't get rid of my own thoughts and fears. Now I feel that if the power of Luna is enough to cover the entire world of repeaters, it is not impossible.

Well, now it is walking on consciousness at this moment. How many people can get rid of it?

I have a strict evaluation standard for my abilities. In the past battles, there are indeed few people who are my opponents, but this does not mean that I am so arrogant that I do not feel that there is no opponent in the world. The mysterious experts who can participate in the battle of the peninsula probably have cards. I am confident that I will not lose to them, but I don't think I can walk away from the consciousness of Luna, and every other mysterious expert can do it.

At least, when I was awake, the mysterious experts I saw were still in a state of ignorance, and even the Si Tianyuan Gamma Coconut had no movement-she had the power of the Black Sea, and she also had the power of consciousness. It is not suppressed in terms of consciousness, I am afraid that it will not be easily caught in the hands of Luna and do nothing.

The situation right now. Si Tian Yuan Gamma Coconut understands that it has fallen into the downwind, but Luna is also slow to act and fails to kill her in the first time, which also means that Si Tian Yuan Gamma Coconut still has the power to resist. [However, it is precisely because the Sitianyuan Gaya Co., which has black water transformed by 4 billion people, can only passively resist, which makes me feel even more appalling.

I am not a real conscious walker. In addition to being able to walk away from the imprisonment of the Moon God for the first time, in addition to his ability to walk consciously given by Jiang, it must be that the resistance of the Sitianyuan Gaya Coconut played a greater role. But even so, I still can't understand. What is the conscious power of the moon god? I can't recall when I was in a trance.

Perhaps the four-day courtyard Gaya is now competing with Luna in the ideological world, but I cannot rely on the power of my own conscious walking to enter that ideological world. I'm also not sure whether other mysterious experts who are still in place have a few more people enter that ideological world.

I only know one situation. At this time, on the peninsula, only two can be active. Only me and Luna. But I can't use this opportunity to attack Luna, because, just to escape, I already have a feeling of doing my best.

I stopped and put John Bull, the jointer and Anna down. The faces of the three people were still at a loss. Obviously, this distance was still unable to get rid of the consciousness power of Luna. It has completely covered the entire peninsula, and even if there is no plan for the mysterious organization of all parties to isolate the peninsula, its power may spread throughout the world of repeaters. And the strength of this range is not likely to be the full strength of Luna. As a monster bred as a repeater under the control of the Nazis, it has a certain mysterious affinity to this world, which is a very common description in mysticology.

The power of Luna may not be the brute and simple power of "taking the sun and the moon", but closer to the characteristics of the repeater, deep into the field of ideology, turning the thinking of each thinker, and then let everyone It is in a state where it cannot think, and cannot use consciousness to drive behavior. The black water of the Coconut Palm in Sitianyuan also remained in a still state, falling from the sky, hitting the ground, and setting off a huge wave again, and this wave that should have swept the surroundings is maintaining its last minute state. I think this It is not the solidification in time or space, but Hehei Shui itself has a certain level of consciousness, which is suppressed by the power of the moon god.

Observing the world of repeaters from the perspective of doomsday illusions, the world of repeaters can be regarded as a world in which ideological entanglement manifests itself. Although we intruders have observed various "matter" and "physical phenomena" in a "" way, there is no evidence to prove that we are completely in the material state at this time-from the actual observation of the hospital. The illusion, from the end of the illusion of observing the world of repeaters, to the various nightmares of consciousness in the world of repeaters, if it is regarded as a deep layer of consciousness, it is regarded as a dive of the collective subconscious of humans It's a must.

When the angle of observation changes, the concepts of matter and consciousness begin to blur and undergo a relative transformation. This is among the various scientific theories I know, especially the superstring theory and quantum theory that tend to be unified. There is also an explanation. I never felt that this vagueness of the physical state and state of consciousness was anything new, but it was indeed daunting and reached the limit I could imagine. This also means that the power that Moon God exerts at this time. The lowest level is also the limit I can imagine. I used to think that human imagination is endless, but at this moment, I deeply feel that one's imagination has its limits. The gap between "one person" and "person" in a broad sense. It is as far away as the distance between the hyperbolic curves-perhaps it can be kept close, but it cannot overlap at all.

The rotation of thinking makes me feel great pressure, the more I imagine and think. To try to recognize and understand, the pressure is even heavier.

The fourth-level magic pattern constantly draws the aftermath. The aftermath of data hedging seems to be endless, but it is relative. This also proves how severe the data hedging pervades the peninsula. I finally felt the limit of the fourth-level magic pattern. If the afterglow available at this time was regarded as a vast ocean, then the fourth-level magic pattern would be just a bowl, and although this bowl could continuously pick up water, it could not scoop at all Dry this sea. Dumping out, there is only the power of this bowl of water.

Perhaps for other mysterious experts, this bowl of water is the one that exceeds their strength, but for the four-day courtyard Gamma Coconut and the Moon God who made this ocean, how insignificant this bowl of water is.

I looked at the two monsters, and their existence did not become faint because of the distance. Instead, the body of Luna seemed to be bigger than before, and. It continues to grow taller. If the normal scientific surveying and mapping method is used to estimate, the Luna at this time is higher than a skyscraper, and the proportion is estimated. The four-day courtyard coconut palm held in it must be far more than a human body. .

The deadlock between these two monsters does not know how long it lasts. I couldn't feel the loss of time in my trance. And while I was watching, the body of the coconut palm in Sitianyuan disappeared, and the palms of the moon **** suddenly slammed together, making a thunderous sound like a whine, and it seemed that the whole peninsula jumped. I subconsciously touched the warm nasal cavity, and I saw blood on my fingers. At the same time, I can no longer hear any sound.

Wherever he could see, the scene began to distort. This twist started from the hands of the moon god, and passed the place where our mysterious experts were originally in our breath. I'm subconsciously doing something ...

What am I going to do? I'm at a loss. In a trance, I felt a huge force hit me, and I was floating in the pressure and pain, I was still thinking, what should I do, but until I fell on the ground again, I did not think of a result . I think I'm very wrong, but how can I not get something out of it. I don't think I should drill the tip of the horn, but what can I do without it?

I think I am chaotic, but what is chaos? I know that I am in a trance, but what is sober? I think I should stop thinking, but what is thinking?

I heard a loud voice, and saw some disturbing things, a huge shadow jumped from the sky, and fell down with great force. I was swept up, washed away, and some kind of power penetrated into my mind, but disappeared in my daze.

When I woke up again, there were already many more people around. I couldn't help but shudder, thinking about turning again, only to feel like I had lost my soul before. This is clearly the conscious power of the Moon God, and everything that happened before has not been missed, and it is all in memory-I did not make any resistance when the shock wave arrived, so I was allowed to be blown off and broken After the wood and flying stones hit and hit the ground, they rolled for a long distance before stopping, and then flooded the area with black water flooding.

In the process, I originally had a hundred ways to protect myself and John Bull, but none of them worked. No, it's not useless, but it should be an instinctive reaction, the thinking answers that should be given in the first time, all stopped at that moment, like an idiot, at a loss when danger comes.

This is obviously not normal.

All the sources that drive the body to act are interfered by a mysterious force, the instinct is forcibly interrupted, and thinking is confined to a very narrow range, unable to respond to external circumstances.

"This is ... the mystery of the moon god?" I stood up swaying, and the body of the Level 4 Mageweaver finally supported. Broken bones, twisted muscles, broken internal organs and other injuries are quickly healing. However, looking around, there are more than ten mysterious experts lying on the ground, some have breathing, others are miserable, some have turned into meat sauce, some have turned into corpses, some bodies have been broken, and their internal organs scattered Everywhere.

The strong wind brought ashes and turned into a cyclone around us ~ ~ From time to time a sharp sound came from the air, and then a larger wind and waves swept over, almost blowing people over again. When I looked up, I saw a deep and turbid dark curtain, like seawater, which was thicker than seawater, and farther away, it was a tornado that made the sky dark curtain holes. Incomparably huge shadows shuttled through the shady scene, and from time to time thunder and waves. I clearly stood on the ground, but it seemed to be standing in a big hole on the bottom of the sea. What I saw was not the sky, but a black ocean.

I have been completely awake, and this is the battle between the four-day courtyard Gaya and the Luna. I can't clearly see who has the upper hand, and I can't even see them, only the constant occurrences, all kinds of sky-splitting, incredible phenomena, as if the peninsula may be broken at any time. No, it should be said that it is strange that the peninsula was not broken at this time. It also proves that this peninsula has completely turned into an abnormal space in the data hedging phenomenon.

I cannot guarantee that my place will be affected by this magnificent battle again. I want to participate. However, as long as I haven't found a way to deal with the terrible conscious interference ability that restricts the rotation of the mind and responds to instincts, I can't stand on this battlefield.

Facts have proved that in the current state, the power of conscious walking that I have can only make me wake up faster than other people, but it cannot completely prevent the erosion of the conscious level. .

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