Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1450: Death Knight

I can guess what the essence of the Dark Raven Knight is, but I cannot prove that if it is a part of myself that Gao Chuan does not understand, then I cannot really understand it at this time. -79- However, even if it is part of Gaochuan, it must also have some kind of deep connection with me. This connection may be due to various reasons, such as the reflection of this doomsday illusion, such as the means of alienating Youjiang, such as The morbidity caused by the "virus" deteriorated and so on, and it became like a quarantine and a very different existence from me. However, I believe that the bridge between us must not be completely cut off. Even at this time, Gao Chuan's body in the reality of the hospital has completely collapsed.

The collapse of form, the existence of differences in "sex", the split of personality, the "precision" and the "error" and "chaos" have made "Gaochuan" into more than one. However, if the existence of will has its truth, Gaochuan has from the past to the present , All in despair, never give up that original intention, then, this faith, this ideal, this will, this force that burst out of despair and pain must also exist in it, he and me, support Look at the bridge that seems to shake 'desire'.

What I want to believe is not just myself, I also believe in other Gaochuan, not just the body of Takagawa who is in London, but also the card 'gate' that has become the agent of the end, and the mystery of my **** The 'cracked electronic demon night crow quark', and even the knight knight made by the fusion of night crow quark and card 'gate'.

I firmly believe that no matter whether I, he or it is a person or not, there is such a soul belonging to Gao Chuan, such a spirit exists in the depth of our soul, and if we will eventually become one, then this soul, This spirit is the hub that unites us.

I have n’t thought about who ’s the priority or who ’s plan, all the factors that make me, him, and it different, have been abandoned when I put my finger in my eyes. Too. The incomparable pain moved up the nerves. Make my brain blank.

The left eye was twitching, as if it was the excitement of "Jiang". The soft, ‘sexual’ and smooth touch feels like I ’m touching something fresh when I touch the eyeball with my fingertip. It is no longer an eyeball. My left eye lost sight, as if the curtain was falling, and my vision broke at a certain moment, leaving only half. However, that lost half. Pinned my will, my desire, my heart, my pain and pale.

I just feel like I am falling into the abyss, and the next moment I seem to be pushed up by a force. I saw hallucinations, but I could no longer think about what that hallucination looked like. Hearing heavy and sometimes sharp voices from his ears. It's like sharp nails scratching on the brain.

I felt the visual nerve break, as if I heard the sound of a break.

In all this pain and torture, time seemed to have stopped, and the Raven Knight maintained a counter-attack posture in front of him. I suddenly thought of this, not because all my sights have completely surpassed it, but simply because my will is being transmitted in this ideological world.

At this moment, it seems that nothing has changed except me, but in fact it is changing. [Almost all the books I want to read are more stable and faster than the average site, and the updates are faster. There are no ads in the entire text.

Because we are in a complicated and huge pattern, and I feel it. This pattern changes dramatically in a range that cannot be directly observed when my pain is transmitted in the nerve. Whether this is an illusion or something really matters, I don't care anymore. No matter what this pattern implies. I don't think about it anymore.

At this moment, all thoughts and emotions are condensed in one point: I want to dig out my left eye and use the power of "Jiang" to integrate my life's thoughts, emotions and will, and my identity to "Gaochuan" Recognition and pride are passed to the Raven Knight in front of him. Me and it. This left eye will be used as a bridge, eventually becoming one.

No matter who is dominant, or who is secondary, we are all "Gaochuan", as long as we have this common ground, it is enough.

In the reality of the hospital, I can entrust all my own to the next Gaochuan before the temporary, and I can also pass this will to the new Gaochuan here. Maybe, that is not me anymore, but as long as it is "Gao Chuan", it is enough.

Gao Chuan may not only be me, but I am Gao Chuan!

My body was shaking, but I couldn't tell whether it was because of pain or because the memory was too deep. The more you pull your fingers inwards and dig out the left eyeball a little bit, the pain and terror involved in the nerves seem to put me in that night again. As if I saw an illusion, Zhenjiang was by my side, touching my face, staring at my eyes, and telling me words that I couldn't listen to.

I yelled and took off my left eye. It beats in my hand, even if it leaves the body, it seems to be a living creature that can exist independently and have independent consciousness. The moist and lively touch feels like "Jiang" has been watching me, it rolls in my palm, the pupils are aimed at me, so that I can see the deep black "color" eyes, and I am full Bloody face.

At the next moment, the dark Raven Knight gave me a head, and I held my breath in dizziness, and when it raised its head, it pressed the left eye to the mask-like face. Upper, the position of the left eye. Suddenly, more blood was sprayed out of my empty "hole", and a face was sprinkled. The amount of bleeding made me think that all the blood in my body was sprayed at this time. Clean.

The left eye seemed to have growing soil, and the broken nerve stretched like a tentacle, a little bit under the hard mask.

The Dark Raven Knight, who had not responded at all, seemed to feel the "pain", as if he had tasted the pain for the first time and reacted more violently. He hugged his face and staggered back, as if to remove the left eye, however, when its hand touched the left eye, the posture of the arm became strange, like a puppet arm with a broken thread , Suddenly pulled down.

I pressed the left eye of the empty ‘hole’ and still could n’t stop the spewing blood. With a long knife piercing the "chest", I fell in a pool of blood. This **** touch, so familiar and nostalgic, is as thick as asphalt. I pulled out my long knife vigorously and threw it to the side as much as I could, spread it out, and lay in this thick pool of blood. These few small movements seem to consume all the energy, and I don't want to say a word.

The body of the Raven Knight in front of him was twisted, as if to imply a twist in his heart. Originally all its movements and postures were covered by the hard and cold armor, as if it were an unintentional killing machine, but. At this moment, this distortion made me understand that it is indeed intentional. Because they have their own hearts, they only interfere when the hearts of others enter. Will become distorted.

The difference between me and it is greater than the difference between me and Gaochuan in the doomsday illusion, so this distortion will naturally become more obvious. Without any other external force, the arm of the Dark Raven Knight was broken like this, followed by the foot as if twisted several times. It fell to the ground all at once, the neck and body twisted and twisted, and the mask began to crack, and the eyeballs seemed to be embedded in its face before going under the mask, and under the cracked mask. What does that face look like? I can't see it, and the chain judgment cannot be observed. Under the crack of the mask, there is only a bottomless darkness, as if the only real organ is the eye that keeps piercing.

The more the left eye is embedded downward, the more it glows. When I can't even see the sphere, there is only one red light left. And the dark Crow Knight took the posture of being spoiled and broken. The head was bent into a posture impossible for humans to stare at me.

I don't know what it would think if it had a heart. Maybe it was exclusion, maybe it was anger. Do you think of such a boring thing as "I don't want to be you"? Will you deny that you are part of Gaochuan and insist that you are just yourself? There are always philosophical thoughts in the story. Maybe it will also think, but I have stopped thinking.

I just sat quietly, as if all my strength and life were accompanied by thick blood flowing from the empty "hole" eyes. I was ‘pumped up’ a little bit. I lay in the pool of blood, and this thick blood piled up and piled up on my waist before flowing out. I gradually couldn't feel the strength of my lower body, as if my feet had been dissolved by this thick pool of blood. I lay back, and as the "chest" was submerged in the pool of blood, there was no fear in my heart.

I felt unprecedentedly calm, as if indulging a little bit in the arms of a warm and light taste, only thought that perhaps the end of this indulgence is my own death.

I am not sure whether my choices and practices are correct, nor is it clear whether anyone has observed the changes here, but no matter what the result is, I have no regrets. In extreme encounters and ultimate exploration, I did not find any answer, but this encounter, exploration, and choice is like the answer itself. I have tried my best, and I do n’t think I can do better if my life can be repeated. I deeply feel that these problems I have always faced have never been true and wrong in the true sense, and my choice has never been the difference between good and bad.

"It's just ... a choice." I said to myself, and I felt that I was actually talking to someone. Who is it to say, perhaps "Jiang"? Is it Zhenjiang, Fujiang, Zuojiang? Is it any form under the "jiang"? Or is it a "virus", Sakuya, Bajing, Marceau, ‘Se’ and Dorothy?

In the end, although I still feel that I am stupid, I have lived so much, experienced so many things, and thought for so long, but at the end I still cannot clarify everything. However, I think I can face all this calmly. Whether thinking or not, it is no longer important. What is important is that I really pushed myself, resisting those psychological and physical contradictions and sufferings, and did what I wanted to do without a moment of slack.

I lay in the pool of blood, and was gradually overwhelmed by the thick blood. Before the field of vision was completely covered, the chain judgement first lost the observed scene, and then the complex and magnificent magic array that surrounded us seemed to bloom wider. , Become extremely dazzling. I heard the clattering sound of flowing water, as if the stream had risen over the stone surface, flowing away in all directions. I heard the movement further away. It seemed to be struggling, but it quickly disappeared. I heard the roar of flooding, the impact of flying straight down, the rotation of the gears, and the murmurs of many people. I think that all this is just those information changes that really happened, flowing into the brain, but unable to It is understood that it can only be expressed in a visual way, resulting in the illusion.

There must be something happening.

But I have stopped thinking and guessing.

I only know that if I can still observe, I must only observe the surface, and the essence exists in my heart and cannot be described.

I have lost any consciousness below the neck and neck, and then from the order of the mouth, nose, ears and eyes, I have lost the sense of the five senses. While surrounded by this warmth, there is a voice that comes to my heart:

"I ... will die again ..."

At the next moment, darkness covered me.

In the next moment, it seemed to be half awake. I suddenly felt that I was in a trance, and when this idea came into being, it made me feel sober again. When I felt the body and felt the **** of the body, I opened my eyes subconsciously. Then, everything that really caught my eye made me suddenly realize that I didn't die.

To be precise, the feeling of death is so real, but it seems that at the moment of crossing the death line, it is found that the other side of the death line is not hell, but alive.

I ca n’t believe it ~ ~ But I do n’t have any more thoughts in my mind, or a emotion filled my body, leaving me no time to think about other things. I raised my head, lowered my head, raised my hand, and "touched" "touched" my left eye, whether it was seen or "touched", it gave me a very real answer: I did not die And, the left eye is still intact.

However, something is different. I can't tell the difference. It's just that when the memories fell on the dark Raven Knight, it was suddenly noticed that the armor covering his arm was different from the original impression in many details. There is no mirror here, and I can't see my whole body. However, from the parts I can see, I can clearly feel a complex and gorgeous charm, which is completely different from the original simple armor texture.

Have you ... merged with the dark Raven Knight? When this doubt arises, there is another question. When I think at this time, is it the past self thinking, or the dark crow knight thinking? As soon as this question appeared, there was an answer: just "I" was thinking.

I am still me, but, I am not the past me, nor the dark knight knight.

I am still Gao Chuan, and it is just that.

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