Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1458: Vigorously

I jumped in the shadows. This used to be a quark's ability, but now we are united again, so there is no longer any need to present it in the form of an angel or an electronic demon. In the same way, the power that Carmen once had was also circulating in my body. I am Gao Chuan, I am Kaku, I am Carmen, I am the Knight of the Doom, the agent of the Doom, and the Mageweaver who walks in the mystery. The mystery I possessed, once regarded as the mystery possessed by others, penetrates with a will, integrates in a body, and continues to exist in a soul.

The quark's wings, the transformation of the demon, shuttled in the shadows, the quick swept superpower and chain judgment of the Mageweave messenger, the undeadness of the doomsday agent, the half-toned consciousness walking, and the "jiang" in Carmen and me. The power, and the malignancy of the "virus" is what I have.

The current me is strong enough, and everything I paid in the past to achieve the current strength is now being rewarded by such a strong me.

Before jumping out of the shadows, I saw Novsky, who was suspected of self-dimensionality. This time, I can finally see him clearly. Perhaps it is because the shadow is also flat and the dimension is reduced. When I jump in the shadow, my state is in a dimension similar to Novsky. I look at the world from the same perspective as him. I can feel everything he can feel. What he can do, maybe I ca n’t do it completely, but I can understand intuitively instinctively what is in it. Movement is taking place.

When motion is produced, it has the concept of speed. When speed is available, the speed sweep must surpass it. I cannot learn science, understand science, and describe the laws of what I see and hear. As with the use of technology, all mysteries that occur in front of you and yourself are explained, but. When the mystery happens, I know if I can cope. How to deal with it is not a rational analysis, but a perceptual instinct and instinct, just like raising your hand and raising your foot, even if you can't know the mechanism of the details of the operation, it does not hinder the activity itself.

As long as this soul, this body, intuitively and instinctively know how to do it. And to show it with its own mystery, this degree is enough.

Among the characters I know, only Fu Jiang has defeated Novowski in one person, and the others either have concerns or are out of power. The several collisions between him and me have resulted in me Ups and downs, even if he once retreated because of his heart. The powerful impression he left me is so deep that I was still not sure before I was what I am now. When his plan must collide with him, how big his chance of winning will be.

And now, I suddenly have confidence.

The moment when I jumped out of the shadows. Once again, the existence of Novsky became blurred. However, even if I could not continue to observe him as a whole and effectively at this time, I no longer felt that he was still as incomprehensible as the past.

A loud sound burst in the air, and the surging air flow screamed from the air. At the moment when I was out of the shadow, the moon **** had folded his palms, just like shooting dead mosquitoes, but it was still a step slower. Do not. It should be said that I can always take a quick step. The time between my departure and its attack was less than 0.11 second. but. For me, this length of time is enough for me to complete more things.

Before the shock wave spreads around. I have once again entered the speed sweep. In the state of light man, Novsky is erratic and wandering, seeing with normal naked eyes, his trajectory of action is like an ever-increasing curve, like the silk thread spit out by the spring silkworm gradually wrapping himself and the moon god. However, he is still an individual with a height of less than two meters, as long as he enters a quick-sweep state, he can see the score clearly.

What can he see in such a fast movement? I am not very sure. Even if you move at the speed of light, what you see is completely different from the observation state of the speed of light moving under normal scientific theory, and it is also true in mystery. I used to be faster than light, but I didn't see the "backward flow" of science fiction. When I run in the invisible high-speed passage, there is only a world that is constantly slowing down and slowing down. While outsiders observe how I feel at this time, I can also guess. At most, from their expressions, I can see some clues. I always saw a surprised expression of dementia, or even the expression could not be changed, completely frozen in my face when I started. "They can't even react" is the description I used most often to describe the state of the observed enemy while swiftly skimming.

Even if the other party has been exercising, this movement will no longer be targeted in front of the speed sweep, let alone those movements that have not deliberately targeted my state at a certain moment.

When I was catching up with Novsky, who had turned into light, I had already drove through the invisible high-speed passage for a while. However, Novsky's twisting motion was not completed in this good time. His eyes missed my body and stared at the place where I was there at the last moment, but it was no longer here. I looked at his face without facial features, but very keenly felt that he didn't see me at all. Maybe I had already felt my attack, but even the instinctive reaction was not completed.

I now, in terms of common sense, are indeed "faster than light" and "faster than consciousness". I have always been afraid of this rapidity, and it has not changed at this time. However, when there is only faster than light, than consciousness When it is faster to defeat the enemy, I can also let go of all fears and suspicions.

At this moment, any person or non-person who has movement and produces speed is like a dull wooden pile in my speed sweep, the difference is only their size and the way of existence. Even if it is Luna, in front of such a speed, as long as it is still doing regular movements, it is just a stupid big man. Even Novsky, in front of such a speed, as long as he is still doing a movement that conforms to the common sense concept of "speed of light", it is just a creeping crawler.

Before Novsky's observation caught up, I had come behind him, and before his combat instinct worked, I had jumped into the shadows under his feet. When he reduced his dimensionality again, I used this shadow as a channel to actually capture his existence. In the normal world. I couldn't grasp him as if there were only two dimensions, as if moving on a plane of infinitely small height, however. The shadow is connected to the shadow, and the shadow is connected to the world where Novsky is located. In this shadow, I have stood on the same infinitely distant and infinitely low plane.

I am flowing, and invisible high-speed passages have always existed even in a world without height. On this plane, there is movement, and there are all concepts and quantitative changes that describe movement, albeit in terms of expression. Not the same as the normal world. Whether it is from a macro perspective or a micro perspective, there is a wonderful, distinct rhythm and frequency in the movements felt. Even in this state, the observed sky is not the same as the earth, but it has not been shackled by Novsky forcibly incorporated into the world of dimensionality reduction.

The inconveniences and inconveniences I felt in the battle with Novsky in the past seem to be washed away now. I feel my movement. Compared with the past, it seems to be a smooth curve, and the difference between a curve that is constantly out of position. All the energy used to correct one's movement in the past. Can all be invested in the movement for the only goal.

Fu Jiang can upright and completely crush Novowski, precisely because she has always maintained a "stronger" attitude toward Novsky, devoting herself to combat with all her strength. Although I can't do Fujiang now, at least in terms of speed, I can be released without hindrance.

This plane is Novowski's realm, and it is my initiative to transform my own form of existence through the shadow, and invades using the shadow as a bridge. So I can imagine Novowski's observation of this plane. It is still comprehensive and efficient, even. Under this comprehensive observation, my quick sweep can no longer cut into the blind spot of his field of vision as before. But as long as the advantage of rapid swept is still there, it is not useful to be observed.

Because, observation does not mean that it can react.

In the past, there were many people who could capture my actions from direct observation and passive perception, but most of them still lost to me.

This time, the results have not changed.

If you can't limit my speed, you must have the "no speed concept". One of the two is the object I am least willing to fight. In the past few collisions, Novsky's own mysterious natural advantages have made him the former, and this time, he has lost this advantage.

As he turned around, I approached directly from his eyes. When he turned halfway, I had actively entered his attack distance, however, until I crossed his side, reached out and grabbed his neck, his The turn is not yet complete. I pinched his neck. In the same form of existence, this touch is so real.

He tried to grab my hands and free himself, as if he wanted to attack me, forcing me to let him go. However, before he touched me, I had taken him into the shadows, and then from the shadows Jump out, one back and forth, and return to the original battlefield. Luna ’s body only moved less than a meter before I entered the shadow, not because it was not fast enough, but because I was too fast.

Before the second action of Luna was made, I had already pulled Novowski's neck, smashing his whole person on Luna's face, and before his body bounced, pressed the back of his head, Close to the surface of Luna's body galloping all the way. Even without blinking, I had crossed the top of Luna's head and came to its back. At this time, all kinds of strange phenomena formed by Luna in order to attack and defend, just came after my heels.

The huge friction, if placed on ordinary mysterious experts, would have been enough to kill. But placed on the naked form of Novsky, he could not achieve the desired effect. However, this battle was not ended so easily, and my purpose in attacking Novsky was not to kill him at this time.

It can be said that although the Nazis must be given enough time to force them to deploy all the power in the world of repeaters, and even all the control of the repeaters, they are poured on the peninsula battlefield and on their own. In the plan you want to achieve. However, in the case of the four-day courtyard Gacon and Father Edward's silence, the loss of any mysterious expert will multiply the pressure, especially the failure of monsters such as Novsky and the repeater Marceau. Directly, it is likely to completely collapse the situation.

Moreover, once the Nazis completed their plan, and this plan, as I guessed, would make Alienated Youjiang a powerful ultimate weapon that is difficult to describe in words, then, directly face the powerful person who alienated Youjiang, short Only us in time. It is only at that time that it is true that if you do not join forces, you will die, and only at that time will this messy Las Vegas repeater really appear to have a chance to occupy Nestle.

My plan requires that I must create a relative balance, or that, in this world of repeaters, all people and organizations that fight against the Nazis must maintain a situation that is downwind but tough enough. I am not really good at doing this kind of thing, but I can only make it difficult.

Novsky was the breakthrough point chosen in this reluctance.

Perhaps it can be said that Novsky is not lucky, but in fact, I am also very clear that this choice is selfish.

Or ~ ~ It is this kind of selfishness that makes me more willing to choose Novsky as the target of making a balanced strike.

In a relatively high-speed world where the opponent can't respond, and can really get in touch with it, I have many ways to directly hit the opponent. Even if this opponent is in the state of bare man, it seems that the direct attack on Novsky is not effective.

However, I just chose a way to make him lose face. Once again before the arrival of Luna ’s counterattack, he swept down from Luna and threw the embarrassed Novsky on the ground.

Novsky rolled a few times on the ground, and before he got up, the surrounding air began to surge, heating to a terrible temperature in a very short time. In the first time, I quickly swept to the place as far away as possible from the moon god. After a second, I began to be in a trance. When I felt that I was going to wake up, I found that the ground under my feet was not stepping on. I can't describe where I am standing, I want to think, but I only know the concept of "thinking", but I seem to forget how to go deeper. The clearest understanding is the self-existence.

Then, a huge and hazy figure appeared in front of the white. To be continued.

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