Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1460: Death of the Moon God

The spiritual erosion of the Moon God has been extremely damaging to me, making me wonder how I survived. I didn't even become an idiot. ↑ If I were in the past, I must pay a bigger price. Although I survived, but as soon as I thought about it, I felt terrified, as if there was a silk thread wrapped around my brain and pulled hard. The nerve signals of the body have been disorganized, and there is also a sense of rigidity after forcible smoothing. It seems that this hand and foot have become the hands and feet of a stranger. How do I want it to move? Although it will move, it seems very stiff. I stepped on my right foot and left foot didn't have time to keep up, so I couldn't help but stumble. I wanted to maintain balance, but I always slowed down and fell to the ground several times. The corners of my eyes were jerky, and my eyes seemed to soak in the water. Looking across this layer of water, I saw that the world was stained with a touch of red.

My ears are always Weng Ming, and these sounds squeeze into my brain, making me feel dizzy. My nose can't smell anything, the pain is hot, and when I open my mouth, I feel that my stomach is tumbling, and the sticky things spit out, but I find it is a pool of red and black smelly thick stuff. The fully covered armor on my body has cracked, and every few steps, debris will fall, but it is quickly repaired under the power of Level 4 Mageweave. The wind has never been so heavy, and it blows me up and down, and cuts into my skin like a knife.

I know very well that in fact, the harsh external environment has not changed, and it was only at this time that I was seriously injured, and I had such an illusion. I still feel that my will is strong, but every time I turn my head around to think and judge, the pain always makes people feel faint.

If you are an ordinary person, you probably will empty your brain and stop thinking about anything, maybe you will be happier when you are an idiot. Perhaps the blow from Luna is just to stop people thinking. However, I am not an ordinary person, no, it should be said that I cannot be an ordinary person. No matter how painful, thinking is necessary. If you do n’t make choices and judgments, the plan cannot be carried out, and all previous efforts will be abandoned.

Luna's attack is so terrible. It is probably unknown that the thing that people are most afraid of, but, in terms of behavior, perhaps it is impossible to think about it. For modern people, it is probably to think about being imprisoned and become an ideological slave. From the primitive step by step, the most proud of mankind is the more progressive thinking than other life, and greater thinking and learning ability. The application and development of the brain is regarded as unique by humans, and it is the most advantageous compared to other organisms. So that eventually grew into the root of "the spirit of all things".

Against spirit, against will. For the direction of thinking, and even for the brain behavior of "thinking", this ideological power is deepened step by step, full of mystery, and cannot be explained by any existing scientific reason. The principles underlying these explanations apply to the present. For any conscious walker. This kind of direct, seemingly rude but actually very fine power nature and movement must also be one of the ability to walk in consciousness.

Although it is only a half-hanging conscious walker, I can appreciate the significance of this level of power for a conscious walker. however. This is the power of the enemy. It must use this power to stop us and kill us, but how much resistance do we have? I do n’t think there are many mysterious experts who can resist this kind of power. I think that I am now inferior to monsters like Novowski, and my situation at this time does not mean, As long as a certain mysterious expert is weaker than Novsky in terms of comprehensive ability, and has no ideological expertise, is it a self-defeating way to face Luna?

Isn't all the movements made before Luna as if it were a game compared to the previous mental shock? Despite this thought, people will always feel a deep chill and have a fear of Luna. However, if you do not accept this fact, all actions against Luna are just hitting stones with eggs.

I don't know how long I have been in a trance after being subjected to the spiritual impact of Luna, but the situation on the battlefield in front of me has changed completely. Except for the alienation of Youjiang and Luna, the rest of the people could not feel their sound in the first place, and almost made me think that everyone except myself was already dead. However, this illusion can be easily understood. As long as I am alive, I can estimate the situation of others based on my own situation. Those mysterious experts who stayed on the peninsula certainly died a lot of people, but even if they did not reach the level of Novowski, but they can still survive as long as they get the hole cards, but once they are in order to protect The use of the hole card itself means that these mysterious experts have also fallen into a state of exhaustion.

Luna just used a blow in line with its own reputation to put so many mysterious experts into a desperate situation. If it is not on this peninsula, it is not restricted and imprisoned by the temporary data hedging space jointly created by many mysterious organizations. Is there any chance of winning? Whether it ’s the repeater Marceau or Novsky, they show strong power precisely because there is a repeater in the back, but even if this Las Vegas repeater is destructive by the Nazis After the transformation of the collection method, many flaws have been left, but if one repeater invades another repeater, it is still under the eyes of the Nazis, and it is absolutely impossible to do it easily. I have doubted more than once. One of the reasons why the battlefield is limited to this peninsula is also because the repeater power of the Fifty-One Zone cannot be applied to the entire range of repeaters with great fanfare.

Of the mysterious experts like monsters that I have seen so far, only Shitianyuan Gaya and Father Edward are most likely not to be restricted by the battlefield area. They use their own mystery, not the mystery of foreign objects such as repeaters, but they can achieve a level that can compete with repeater users in personal applications. For any mysterious expert, this is enough to call it a "monster".

However, even if the battlefield is limited to the peninsula, there are many well-planned plans, there are at least five strong hands that can be called "monster" There are signs of an upper hand. Even before I tried to interfere with Novsky. I do n’t see any possibility of defeating Luna. I can only say that within a limited time and space, all mysterious organizations have a certain degree of self-protection ability.

Initially and afterwards, mysterious experts who entered the world of relays one after another, with one incident after another, only a few dozen remained unconsciously. These dozens of mysterious experts regarded as the backbone came to the peninsula and can live to the present. I don't think there will be more than twenty. If there are less than ten people left, I think it is extremely normal. It's just a decrease in the number of people. It's not too direct for me, but for other mysterious experts, this rate of downsizing must be shocking. They worked together and experienced the horror of this massive downsizing from the deepest perspective.

If no one can leave Las Vegas alive, then this repeater strategy mission is ten deaths, if one or two survive, then it is nine deaths. Before the action begins. There is nothing wrong with describing the mission. However, even if it is such a nine-death life. Many mysterious experts who participated in this task are out of reach, even if it is a mysterious expert who is still alive at this time, who can be sure that he can stick to the end? If they came at first with the consciousness of sacrifice, then this time. It is indeed proof of their consciousness.

I fell in three steps, staggering and moving on the ground.

I have tried quick skimming, however, even during quick skimming, I will also frequently suffer the spiritual erosion released by Luna. The intensity and frequency are far beyond the initial battle, it seems that until facing the alienated Youjiang, Luna has come up with real skills under great pressure. Once I fall into a trance, pain, unable to think, thinking is completely blocked by the idea of ​​rapid jumping, the speed of rapid swept becomes extremely dangerous.

Even a quick glance never means that the road ahead is straight and smooth, just to allow yourself to avoid obstacles and dangers faster in the eyes of others. If you lack the subjective consciousness to think and judge the way forward, you can still rely on intuition and fighting instincts. However, under the spiritual erosion of Luna ’s frequent radiation, even intuition and instincts have a feeling of being blocked.

It seems that whether it is a superficial conscious idea or a subconscious idea, in this forcibly involved high-frequency operation, it becomes other things within the time of being shaped, and it expands to be deformed and bloated. Even when actively mobilizing the power of consciousness walking, there will be a subjective mobilization of itself, and the emphasized self-cognition will help abuse.

In the unstoppable trance, I only have the cognition of self-existence, everything else is endless and irregular, uncontrollably inflated, transformed, blocked, it is impossible to grasp the speed again During the skimming process, it was impossible to adjust the route and stop the march. Whenever I wake up from trance, I have to adjust my body again and again.

Less than a hundred meters away, I don't know how long I have walked, I only know that I have been tranced fifty-three times. Raven Knight ’s armor shattered and replenished. After repairing it, it shattered in a trance. I once tried to enter the shadow, but the power of the moon **** still penetrated the dimensional isolation. To describe it, the process of power is not to pierce the paper with a pen, but it seems to be born from my heart through another channel, as if it is through the maintenance of the soul between people, Through the depths of the collective subconscious ocean, it flows like an ocean current, and the subjective consciousness cannot be observed or captured at all.

Every time I wake up from a trance, I will find that the huge moon **** in the distance has a more profound and distorted change. Alienated Youjiang always stood on it, as if I hadn't moved when I was in a trance. Unconsciously, there was an intuitive feeling that Alienated Youjiang was already part of the Moon God. Luna ’s body lost the hardness of the scales, and a lot of liquid poured from its body. It was as if it was a greasy skin. It didn't make a sound, and its face with no facial features could not see any expression. It even gradually lost its movement, but it could exude a desperate despair and pain from the whole body. Under the pain, it is like a **** and flesh-like life, more real than ever. In contrast, the alienated Youjiang, who has always maintained the appearance of a humanoid woman, is more like a monster.

Perhaps, the current alienated You Jiangben is a monster among monsters, and anything that is regarded as a monster will become ordinary in front of it. And such alienated Youjiang will replace Luna and become the most direct opponent of all of us. I do n’t know if it ’s cost-effective, but I do hope that my actions towards Novsky will encourage the Nazis to devote more energy to alienating Youjiang and completely abandon the past Lasvi that has been fraught with holes. Control of the Gas Repeater ~ ~ The dying Luna, even in the state of being unable to move, the mental erosion radiated is more violent each time, and the frequency is more frequent. I don't know whether this impact is effective in its fight against alienated Youjiang, but its performance makes it more vivid and shocking. It is like in the documentary of the animal world, the fierce and cruel beasts will also become weak, embarrassed, and dying in the face of natural disasters, and they have to use their last strength to fight. The past ferocious and cruel, just As if engraved on that moment of weakness and stubbornness.

However, just like the beasts who died in failure, its past victories and strengths could not prevent its weakness and death. When I felt that the frequency and power of mental erosion began to weaken, I realized that this monster-like moon **** had fallen into death step by step before it reached the peak of its own life. Perhaps, the attack that almost destroyed my consciousness directly, and the changes in my trance that I did n’t know were the most astounding period since it was born from this world of repeaters— —It's so short, it's so horrifying.

Luna is about to die, it will be eaten, it will make another more powerful monster become more powerful. Then, all those who sit and watch this happen, no matter what plan they have, must have the consciousness of a sudden drop in survival. (To be continued.) U

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