Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1477: Pseudo Super Experience III

c_t; The invisible high-speed channel shattered around me. At this moment, all the displacements I observed relative to the reference object stopped. [Fast update, fresh website pages, few advertisements, like this kind of website the most, be sure to praise], visit the latest chapter :. And the fragmentation of these invisible high-speed passageways is maintained in this unobservable but sensible "debris" state that exists around me, and they are even inaccessible, like wind, air, water and Part of the sand and dust exists in every entity and non-entity, coexisting on the material and non-material level.

I have a feeling that unless I "think", they will not disappear.

It's just that, if I were as before, if I was stuck in the "mystery" because of the erosion of the "fine" god, and when I couldn't "think" and "think" because of the power of "thinking lock", it would be like the previous quick sweep Is it a runaway state?

The answer needs to be sought in battle, and if it is not satisfactory, it is possible to die-however, this is not important, is it?

I was always in fear, but never bowed my head in fear. I am also afraid of death, but I never stop because of death.

A second later, I stood on the ground, looking at the figure that was walking away from the 100 meters. 79. The two monsters that can be observed by the m chain judgement appear in the mind like the same high-speed shooting. Each of their movements is disassembled into hundreds of thousands of static patterns, and various straight lines and curves are used to describe their movement.

The complex scenery of the Changhe River is rushing in my mind.

There are countless lights flashing in my mind, and countless currents in my nerves are flowing in the circuit. I know that all this is an illusion, but I still feel that the cloak behind me is spreading. It's like turning into smoke, turning into fog, and becoming a dark cloud covering the sky. I threw away my dagger and stretched out my right hand. The power of Mageweave absorbed the data contained in the dark cloud covered by the cloak to hedge the "wave".

The crow knight's armor is becoming thinner and lighter in shape and structure. However, the texture is also changing. More dark lines are drilled from the right hand joints and spread to the lower abdomen, ‘chest’, back, and mask. A halberd formed quietly in the back, a long silk ribbon with a red background and black patterns attached to the pole, accompanied by sand and dust flying in the wind, a stroke of more than ten meters, just like the flag of blood fire and death.

In the next second, Novsky and Alienated Youjiang quickly circumvented for thousands of kilometers, and the spatial scene that constantly changed between the plane and the three-dimensional was destroyed one after another. The "wave" motion was poured out of the dark cracks, and immediately the ground sand and gravel was dug out a large piece, as if it was bitten by a huge invisible mouth. But even such a terrible phenomenon can never stop the alienation of Youjiang. Her left eye was rolling dizzily, making it impossible for anyone to guess what she was looking at, but she walked through these devastating 'sexuality' phenomena as if these phenomena were all illusions of no real effect.

I suddenly felt that Alienated Youjiang was in that moment where the left eye changed. Just locked me. In the next moment, the light that Novsky turned into "shot" outward. Alienated Youjiang flicked her hair gently, swinging her neck gently, making the crimson 'color' scarf like a dragon out of the sea. The more it stretches forward, the wider the area becomes, as if this extension has no end . [Almost all the books I want to read are more stable and faster than the average site, and the updates are faster. There are no ads in the entire text. ]

Novsky quickly. However, the seemingly complex scarf completely enveloped his position at this moment in one breath.

I suspect that what I have seen is the ancient mythology in the occultism of the Central Duchy, those gods wielding strange and whimsical magic weapons. No matter how ‘treacherous’ and tricky the hostile ghost is, he possesses a stunt. It will also be swept into it by those seemingly inconspicuous magic weapons at the same time after performing this skill.

I took a deep breath, and in a moment of unstoppable moment, accelerated to a speed that neither monster could reach at this moment. I was holding a spear, and I only felt that the smoke made by the cloak behind the armor screamed with the wind. When I was in the invisible high-speed passage, every time I lifted my foot, it was like stepping on this dark gray 'color' cloud of smoke on. A force lifted my body, and the slender "fine" and delicate armor lost a little weight. I vaguely produced hallucinations, and there were countless streamers moving in the neural circuit, and my body was in this complex and complicated The rhythmic channeling is full of uncountable movement details.

The world seems to be static, even if you are in the alienated Youjiang in another world that cannot interfere, raising your hands and raising your feet becomes slow. Her red scarf shrinks slowly, and Novsky ’s light form is full of fatigue under this slow contrast. Even if the red scarf ’s encirclement is actually filled with gaps, his speed is not enough to break through these gaps. . However, at this moment, an invisible passage, ‘inserted’ into these voids, I hurried through this invisible passage.

I know that I am fast, and I know that in this moment, my speed, even the final weapon, cannot be achieved. Admittedly, in the next moment, Alienated Youjiang will complete synchronization, and finally let his speed be equal to mine, and completely surpass Novowski, but at this moment at this moment, I am still the fastest one.

As soon as others lifted their feet, I have crossed tens of thousands of miles-only at this moment, I think it is not an exaggerated description.

The chain judgment made me observe the quarks soaring in the sky, observe what is happening in the place it can observe, observe that the cloak behind him is pulling in the wind, and it becomes one with the dust of the dust In the large film, I observed that I was holding a spear, striding meteor, and the red silk ribbon on the pole fluttered, the closer to the end, the more fiery red 'color' was brighter, the darker the texture, the deeper , Not like an exact substance, but more like a phenomenon that is happening-

It seemed to be burning.

The wind and the clouds change color, and the sand and rocks go away. My mind was originally a lake with a mirror-like surface and a dark inflow on the bottom, but at this time, the lake surface was burning like this red silk belt, as if it was not water flowing in this lake It is oil like water.

I do n’t have much thought, I just think that Novsky should not die at this time, so no matter what kind of conflict with him before, regardless of position and reason, I ’m here. Before switching, maybe I have the courage and consciousness, but maybe I do n’t have enough power, but at least at this moment, I have the power to recapture anyone ’s life from Alienated Youjiang.

Yes. Even if it is only a moment, it is enough.

In the next moment of the invisible high-speed passage ‘hole’ wearing a red scarf, I was already riding a bad wind and a cloud of disaster. I gently shook my wrist and arm, the spear was spinning in my palm, and the red silk ribbon was also wound into a ball, shaped like a steamer. Every time it spins, there is a force that I can't tell clearly. Before Alienation Youjiang completes the speed synchronization and catches up with this distance, I have seized the seemingly stupid Novowski because the speed is too slow, and then hit a "stick" on the red scarf and put the book It was a flawed place, a more distorted gap was made, the tip of the spear poked, and everything was sharp. When the red silk scarf was twisted, the gap suddenly became larger.

Alienated Youjiang stopped, and at this moment, her speed was equal to mine. However, the red scarf covering the space was collapsing-the original gap became a gap, and the gap was torn by unclear and unknown forces. So that those fabric-like structures are broken into pieces. Without a blink, it was like a chain reaction. Spread to more than half of the scarf area.

The part of the scarf that collapsed was like a foam. It broke in the sand and disappeared. In the end, only the scarf of normal length remained, and it was still wrapped around the neck of Alienated Youjiang. I embraced Novsky and stood on the cloud of smog. Suspended in mid-air. Alienated You Jiang's left eye quickly turned like a twitch, and suddenly fixed on me, making me feel that she was indeed looking at this side.

"I'm about to let go." I stared at Alienated Youjiang, but said to Novsky.

"Gao Chuan?" Novsky seemed to recover. Whether his lack of thought could not see me, or was locked in "yin" by the alienation of Youjiang's thinking, I did not think about it at all.

Although he looked a little embarrassed before, and finally fell into the downwind, he almost stood on the edge of the cliff, but now that these thrills have been resolved, his voice is still full of breath.

So, I let him go.

When Novsky's body fell, he fell short and fell off beside me. This height is more than 20 meters above the ground, but it can't fall a mysterious expert, not to mention, Novsky is a "monster". He turned into light again when he fell, and after a flash, he had already stabilized his heels on the ground.

"This guy is too weird," Novsky said loudly in the wind. "Did you come up with a solution?"

"No." I replied as I retreated, pulling away from Alienated Youjiang. Her thinking lock is simply irresistible, even if the resistance is strong, a moment of trance is inevitable. This distance is just to ensure that after a trance, there is room for maneuver. If it is a close fight, I am afraid that she will get her head off in a trance.

"The solution is what you are thinking and already doing, isn't it?" I read to Novsky ;.

"That's no way out." Novsky took a deep breath. His attitude made me think that it seemed that they had riveted their plans to complete their life and delay, and it was not so worth looking forward to.

"What do you say she's waiting for?" I turned to the subject and asked.

The battle to alienate Youjiang has never been one-off. At first, the situation was very calm, and it even made people feel that they could persevere. However, the alienation of Youjiang's sudden force will always let people know that this is just his own illusion. After one effort, if not killing the enemy once, the offensive of Alienation Youjiang will ease again. If you don't understand the ultimate weapon, I am afraid that alienating Youjiang is just a three-axe. However, to my horrifying mysterious expert who understands the ultimate weapon like this, I can only feel that her behavior pattern is abnormal, and it is not from the defect of her own ability.

In the end, weapons are not flawed relative to any mysterious expert. If a flaw occurs, it is either a trap or an illusion.

"Maybe ... waiting for the repeater?" Novsky joked casually, but after speaking out, his expression was a bit murky.

When I look at Alienated Youjiang, who has no expression but has a crazy face because of his abnormal left eye, I just feel that there is an unusually deep maliciousness under the cover of this madness.

Perhaps she was not "waiting" for the repeater. It is not our immediate presence or mysterious organization of all parties acting in secret that is involved in her 'spirit' power, which is her most fundamental goal, but merely a repeater-all are interfering in this Las Vegas Repeaters for repeaters: Apocalyptic, Netball and 51.

This guy wants to use this Las Vegas repeater as a bait, and bite back at other interfering repeaters?

However, turning the entire Las Vegas repeater into a trap is not the situation we have envisioned in advance?

I have calculated in my heart, based on the current state of the Las Vegas repeater, compared with several mysterious experts who represent the power of the repeater, and made a guess about the increase in interference strength. Undoubtedly, with the deepening of the peninsula incidents, it has been confirmed that the power of the interfering repeaters is in the 51st area, and the 51st area is the highest in repeater investment. In terms of actions, the repeater Marceau ’s actions are cryptic, and he has no way of judging what he is doing or he wants to do. However, just guessing from the demand side, the possibility that they “pull out” and leave is very great. The current behavior, It can be regarded as a strategic 'sexual' cooperation with the fifty-one district, and the repeater interference in the doomsday truth religion is only in speculation, and there is no too substantial 'sexual' performance.

Alienated Youjiang's performance at this time, is it because the interference of these repeaters has increased, or is she trying to make all those repeaters who have not been involved in the game have more effort? If other repeaters interfere too much with this Las Vegas repeater ~ ~ will reverse aggression really occur?

Although many questions have no answers, as long as you think in this direction, the more likely you feel.

If other people think of these situations, will they give up their actions? Will you be prepared for this? The most important thing is, can you complete your vision?

I do n’t know what other people want to do, but I know what I can do.

Five minutes, this is a promise. No matter what changes will take place after these five minutes, but within five minutes, the seat will be the main force for alienating Youjiang's attention. I think this is the right choice.

I took a deep breath, and the attention of Alienated Youjiang has shifted to me. Those familiar fears and pressures are clearly felt again.

I picked up the spear and posed.

Alienated Youjiang took off the red 'color' scarf that had been wrapped around her neck and neck. ;

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