Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1480: Shoot out

Red 氤氲, in this 100-meter area, the heavens and the earth seem to be covered with a layer of red gauze, and this red is still deep and deep, just like becoming a different world isolated from the outside world. + ◆ If I am not the active attacking party, I may be able to avoid this area to fight, but as the active attacking party, I have to enter the alienated Youjiang planned site. Here, I and other mysterious experts are completely unable to take advantage of geographical advantages. All mysterious forces have been suppressed and are in a dilemma that will be eroded and reversed at any time. The difficulties we have to face are far more than the previous battles, but in my own sense, the pressure has been somewhat relieved because of the speedy sweep.

The strange gray fog demon was suppressed, Novowski's dimensionality reduction has been completely cracked, and the speed of changing the light man's movement has been unable to reach a balance compared to the speed of me and the alienated Youjiang at this time. In the face of the alienation of Youjiang's overall suppression of speed and mystery, only me is the only one who can fight against it. I do n’t know whether this strange gray fog demon and Novsky with the power of the repeater have come out with unique skills, or the skills of the two are the only ones, but at this moment, if I do n’t become the main force, who is Can it be topped?

I am not sure whether my efforts will be rewarded, and whether it will be beneficial to the development of my plan. In many cases, although my every move has clear goals, but whether it will increase my expectations, but It is difficult to measure from the detail level. Even so, I still chose my decision that was germinated by sensibility and intuition. At this time, my mind is not just thinking about my plan.

I just want to fight against the alienated Youjiang, that is, to use this spear, when no one stands out, at least no one on the surface can come up with the strength to compete with, become the mainstay of the mainstay. Even. Such thoughts and actions will also be used by others, or even counted.

Yes, others always have many options. The choice of smart people also tends to make the dumb people into passive and unknowing. I don't think I am smarter than others. But I never felt that I had to confront the alienated You Jiang head-on, which was a situation I was reluctant to do. I never felt that I was always sensible, nor did I feel that the choice made only from reason must be correct.

Mystery means that anything can happen. If the world is regarded as ideological, then sensibility will inevitably occupy a large proportion. In such a world, theoretically. Any choice made under the sensibility will definitely not result in useless work.

If the so-called "reality" is rational, logical, objective and rigorous, emotional affairs will be defeated, and miracles will only happen within the reason that people see. What is happening in such a doomsday world full of hallucinations, whose authenticity cannot be determined. In a sense, it is also a reflection of the desire for various "possibilities".

If this is a dream, then, before the dream wakes up, I hope that all the emotions I possess have a sense. In this nightmare, you can smash everything that is logically impossible.

I drove, swept, and pierced like an arrow through a red curtain. Sudden pauses and swift movements, in the interlace of movement, to experience a rhythm of rhythm, how to recapture that dangerous and dangerous opportunity from the moment of a thousand times. Every movement of Alienated Youjiang can reach the same speed as me in an instant, but as long as she can't use speed sweep, she can only reach this speed passively. Between passive and active, I seek an opportunity to hit.

I observe her speed changes, her tendency to move at high speeds, and look for her inertia and laws in the inner world of the brain that depicts her movements. All the things that are in a state of movement have few movement frequencies that do not repeat In simple scientific observation, most things are in a regular change, because completely random and random movements are not suitable for the combination of things. Law means stability, and stability is the foundation of a fixed form. From this perspective alone, alienated Youjiang appears as an individual with a specific image, and its own movement must also be part of it, with a fixed frequency, and even her choice and behavior trajectory, in a passively reached high speed , There must be repetitiveness.

The mystery can't be forced to get acquainted with science, but when science rises to the angle of a hypothetical theory, it can describe any phenomenon that has a stable frequency and a fixed law. I have always asked that I cannot observe mysterious things from a scientific perspective, but my knowledge and cognition still make me better at recognizing some fixed and stable logic, and in these logics, find what I have Rules and apply them.

In the past, this kind of thing could not be done for Alienated Youjiang, to a greater extent, simply because there was no environment where I could complete my observations. The inability to maintain a relatively stable observation environment is one of the fundamental reasons why all people who try to find regularity through observation can only pray for luck. However, I am different now. The rebirth of quarks, the adjustment of quick swept, and the deepening of the chain judgment, even if I fall in the downwind, I can still maintain my observation state.

Observing, exploring, and testing, in this cycle, I gradually adapted to the offensive of alienating Youjiang. She is not weak, or that she may be stronger, but I have experienced it firsthand, and I feel the inertial behavior of Alienated Youjiang when it reaches the immediate speed, and this inertia may come from The greatest weakness of all the final weapons is that it honors the mystery it possesses, achieves the same quality as the reference object, and is dependent on this synchronized quality.

For example, Alienated Youjiang synchronized my maximum speed, but in action, it tends to maintain this maximum speed. When I didn't take the initiative to increase the speed, most of her actions would be maintained at this constant speed. But constant speed itself is stable, repetitive, and can be used regularly.

I could n’t use this in the past, maybe it ’s a habit, maybe it ’s a passive constant speed situation, because even constant speed is also a kind of constant at extremely high speed. Under normal circumstances, it has an advantage for any movement that does not exceed this speed. . but now. I have relatively alienated Youjiang and gained another advantage, that is, the ability to use speed faster. The fragmentation of the invisible high-speed channel allows me to use these fragments to create traps. Perhaps Alienated Youjiang can erode these fragments and complete the acceleration. But it also means that I can judge her acceleration rate in advance.

When an object in motion, its constant speed and acceleration values, as well as the direction of motion and inertia can be observed and estimated, even if there is no "faster" speed, interference can still be completed.

In the state of high-speed movement, every second is hundreds of times, and I have observed the alienation of Youjiang for ten seconds in full of thrilling passive resistance. In these ten seconds. I have tried various methods that I can think of to affect her movement status. In this attempt, I have found one of the largest in terms of probability, which is to control the formation of fragments of invisible high-speed channels and let them erode Fixed debris; the second is to control the "relatively fast" feature of rapid sweep, so that it is in synchronization. Reached the speed value I set in advance, and she will often be in the next few moments. Maintain the constant value of this high speed; third, guide her in a decelerating way to walk on a fixed trajectory I expected in a momentary movement.

As long as the speed change and direction adjustment are completed, the movement of alienating Youjiang will become unprecedentedly clear in my chain judgment.

Although accidents always occur, as long as they are not completely unpredictable and unpredictable. Unreachable, I can complete the counterattack.

To deal with the final weapon, the faster the speed, the better. I think I finally found the key. The key to victory lies in the movement and observation of the movement. It is to use the stability and repetition of those motion frequencies. If the opponent's movement looks chaotic, then it must be made regular in his observations. Fortunately, the final powerful synchronization of weapons is passive and must be based on the reference object. If the reference object itself can be changed regularly according to its own will, then the final weapon will also become passive and regular.

Although his movement becomes regular at first, it is easy to be caught by the other party, but the party who actively changes always has the advantage of being the first mover.

Ten seconds later, I started to fight back.

In the trajectory of the chain judgment in the mind, the one belonging to the alienated Youjiang is so clear and stable. The movement she has made becomes a solid line, while the movement she has not completed is depicted as a dotted line. The implementation sometimes jumps out of the dotted line suddenly, but will return to the dotted line again at the next moment. As a result, this solid line began to oscillate around the dotted line. This seems to be a waveform diagram, and a considerable part of its fluctuations are repeated, which is a rhythm.

I wandered through the fragments of the invisible high-speed channel, which macroscopically affected the rhythm of this waveform, as if my own movement also became a waveform, and when it overlapped with the waveform describing Alienated Youjiang, I would A predictable, optimal situation, arrived at the position that surprised Alienated Youjiang.

The red between the sky and the earth was torn by the spear, and through the cracks, the gloomy color could be seen. When I jumped, I carried a gray-black cloud of smoke, interlacing with the alienated Youjiang's figure at a time when there was no room for it. At this moment, what she will do next is flashed in my intuition. In this moment of change, all her attacks are predicted. She is like a wooden man, there is no more change, only the crazy left eye can capture my movements, but it can not be reflected in her actions.

At the same speed, the predicted party is at a disadvantage in response.

At this moment, Alienated Youjiang lost all its initiative.

My spear is spinning, the glamorous red silk ribbon is like a vortex of flame. Han Mang, jumped out of that fiery vortex, and then it was 108 shots. There is only one sentence left in my mind: the ambition to be trapped, there is no death, a little cold awn comes first, and then shoots like a dragon. Even if there are few enemies, the end will be able to take the first rank of the enemy in the army!

Alienated You Jiang was stabbed in the joint as soon as she raised her hand, she would be swept in the ankle, her shoulder was shaking, she turned her body, she turned her head to the side, avoided a stab, and there were more spears sweeping Here. Every shadow stirs and cuts the red color. This red space is like torn leather. The vortex of red silk like flames enveloped her.

I have lost the figure of alienated You Jiang in my naked eyes, but the trajectory in my mind is still so clear, every time she fluctuates, it coincides in my frequency. She tried to stay away, I caught up, she tried to jump out of the predicted dotted line, I once again evoked the speed sweep, either relatively fast, or fragmented, let her synchronize, let the red erosion, let her jump into it , Once again reaching the speed I prepared for, and returning to that dotted line. Each of my guns, trajectory and speed are calculated. Any repetition is the beginning of a serial trap.

There are chains in the chain, and traps are hidden in the traps. Every stab is a real move, but Alienation Youjiang's response to each real move will be included in the calculation in advance, at this moment ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ How many ways can she use? Maybe she can adapt, but it must take time, maybe the next moment, but it must not be the moment. Not every mystery can adapt to such high-frequency movements.

I don't know how long I can persist. Such huge, sharp and cumbersome calculations and movements, whether it is the body or the brain, are under great load.

I tried my best. The physical strength of the Level 4 Mageweave messenger also felt as if it was beginning to be torn, as if every nerve and every cell was rubbing, to the limit of spontaneous combustion. My five senses and seven tricks seemed to be flowing hot magma. I swallowed saliva, only full of blood, I breathed in a big breath, and it seemed to be inhaled.

However, I am very sure that such a limit must be reached before it is possible to cause trouble to the monster in front of me.

I didn't even have the last sentence in my mind, there was only one feeling, only following this feeling.

A demon wind evoked, and the red tassel went with the shadows, that is

Shoot out! Shoot out! Shoot out! Shoot out! (To be continued.)

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