Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1492: Speeding consciousness

In fact, in the eyes of other people, from the attack of the Dobby Devil to its another defeat, the whole process is too fast to blink. However, for me and Alienated Youjiang, whose speed is still increasing, this scene is really like a slow motion show. I feel that Alienated Youjiang did n’t take this demon into his eyes at all. He stayed more like playing around when he was bored. This feeling is fundamentally different from when he was on Fujiang. Fujiang would n’t be affected by both sides. If the strength gap is too large, you will play prey.

If the alienation of Youjiang also has a little human nature, then her human nature must be evil.

Thinking about it this way, in the instinctive movement that exceeds the change of thinking, I have already crossed the fragments of 27 invisible high-speed passages. The acceleration in each debris is different. From the debris to the next debris, the speed difference is maintained in a terrible range, which is accelerated and decelerated with normal force, which is absolutely unbearable for the body. However, because it is a quick sweep, and is well aware of the acceleration method, it can be supported by the body of this fourth-level Mageweave messenger.

Not only is it supported, even for me, this kind of high-frequency and high-intensity acceleration and deceleration movements can almost be said to have no load.

This is a movement with no inertia, no reaction force, and no negative effects for the time being, so it seems to be more smooth and smooth than any other high-speed movement method.

Moreover, although it is very delicate, I have also noticed in this "lasting battle" of only a few minutes, even if the alienation of Youjiang synchronized my speed, but to achieve the same dexterity, it seems that it will be faster than in the speed sweep state. I use more "strength" and "action". Although for Alienated Youjiang, these extra powers and movements can be directly sustained by extraordinary physical qualities, to ensure that under the premise of multi-use powers and movements, they will still maintain the speed equal to mine, but, yes In my case, this kind of place is not simple enough. Perhaps it can be a breakthrough point.

I think it is possible to use high-frequency but low-speed shifting to deal with the extra action of alienating Youjiang. However, to actually complete it is still a very complicated project. I used a quick sweep. Probably has the performance that other Gaochuan does not, so even if you can absorb the experience of Gaochuan in the past, you can't directly apply these experiences.

The last application of the rapid sweep is the fragmentation of this invisible channel. It is completely the result of thick and thin hair, which is difficult to replicate in a short time.

The situation is as severe as expected. Although I can find a place that seems to be usable, because of the fact that the actual situation is not available in a short period of time, alienated Youjiang has shown a relative perfection in personal feelings. This feeling is very detrimental to the engagement in the state of conscious walking, but the oil of this feeling rises, but it cannot be suppressed by personal subjective thoughts.

The more she feels that the alienated Youjiang is perfect, the more she will show the perfect side in the ideological world. This problem has to be solved. Just let yourself not think of this perfection. The problem is: this is not a situation where you make up your mind to oppose it, you do n’t want to, you can deny it-I can feel that as long as there is a trace of "the other party is perfect Ideas such as "" will be deepened in one's own heart under an inexplicable force, and then will appear in the world of conscious walking.

Such a situation of "compulsoryly allowing the subconscious to move in a certain direction" should not be viewed as a manifestation of the mysterious power of "thinking lock" held by You Jiang.

Can make people think, do not want anything. Think in any direction, even if you don't want to. When you think you don't want to, you are actually thinking in the depths of your heart. Even if you hypnotize yourself and resist from the subconscious level, it will erode from other unexpected directions. Humans have more spiritual channels than they think they are. Things like this are almost imaginary, and they happened on this battlefield one by one.

I lost my spear and my right hand. The attack of the multi-armed demon is stopped in an instant. If I use improper sweeping, the alienation of Youjiang will get a faster speed. This is the absolute disadvantage that I fell into within three seconds after the war. Although it is a disadvantage, but because of the speed sweep, it will probably not be killed under the disadvantage within ten seconds. However, without changing the momentum, being killed is only a matter of up to a minute.

There is no way out, the distance must be pulled first. My thoughts turned, and the fragments of the invisible high-speed passageway in front of me completed the combination of the new route at the instant of appearance. Many fragments that do not constitute a route also exist, two thirds of which are eroded by red, and the alienated Youjiang has already passed through a part of it, completing further acceleration. These red fragments also have a sign that they will form a route, making me think that she is about to erode the complete "speed sweep".

However, my control of these debris is still in a dominant position, even the fragments eroded by the red color are still maintained in the state of "an instantaneous momentary destruction".

Every time the debris is generated, it is forming a new path. The place I am in at a certain moment is just a piece of channel debris here. Even if you can pass through the red eroded debris, you cannot reach the alienated Youjiang. This utilization efficiency, therefore, in more cases, her acceleration is still passive.

The difference between active and passive allows me to fully maintain the distance between each other when I run at full speed.

The next three seconds, I was already the 33rd time to use the chain judgment to feel the lock of the rivet and the connector. The two have a set of methods for identifying objects moving at high speed, but they are careful enough that they cannot pull the trigger. I know how complicated the movement state of myself and Alienated Youjiang is. The high frequency change will bring great difficulties to the trajectory prediction of long-range sniper. Originally Black Nest's multi-armed demon and Novsky were both candidates for mobile containment, but my joining increased the speed of alienated Youjiang's speed to a point where they were powerless.

Perhaps, from this perspective, my joining has made the situation even more tense, because my speed advantage is too obvious, which in turn allows Alienated Youjiang to gain a greater speed advantage over others.

Even so, other people should not think about what I thought, but they did not make any suggestion for me to leave the battlefield. I do n’t think it ’s because of some helplessness that allows the development of this situation, which also means that they still feel that the positive impact of my joining the battle is greater when I think there is a negative impact.

For the time being, I think so too.

My plan cannot be promoted without manpower. The best situation is, of course, no matter what I do, no one will stop it, but the reality is that I must hide my plan. When others have their own goals and do not do their utmost to achieve this goal, push the plan by mobilizing the situation. I can't control everyone's thoughts, and I can't stop them from doing what they want or not doing. In this case, more people with different ideas want to make the situation develop in the direction they want, or, everyone will encounter a deviation on the route they set in advance, because the deviation produces some unexpected The situation may be better.

I think so, because of this idea, so torchlight shows its strength to me. It is also a boost. And I am not the only one who thinks that more people will participate and the "deviation" will bring more opportunities.

At the beginning, I didn't think it was such an unbelievable thing that this kind of cooperation has been divided into cooperation and cooperation in chaos, but each of them can temporarily put down the dispute and cooperate in silence. Everyone is doing this, and I am just one of them. If you just think that the other party will become an enemy in the future, the other party's progress will be faster. The more unfavorable to yourself, and then always thinking about hitting opponents-this kind of thinking is too dangerous in my opinion, it is likely to lose money, unable to see through the key points of its own benefit from checks and balances.

Just like the "five minutes" procrastinating war. If you can't create a situation that is beneficial to others, if you can't take the lead, put yourself in danger and create opportunities for others. The whole situation will be completely reversed to the Nazis. According to my assessment of the strength of the Nazis, they have fully prevailed. Probably like a snowball, it will beat everyone at an unimaginable speed. All along, the efforts made to contain the Nazis, the price paid and the pain they have suffered, will not be rewarded.

No matter what kind of thinking you have, just on this battlefield, I think that the strategy you have done is to include "future enemies" and "now yourself" in the clash like a big wave. Based on all the remaining fighting power, think about how to defeat the Nazis. Even if there are more people like me, all have their own ideas and goals, but as long as they have to do something in the "fight against the Nazis", they will directly assume their own strength.

In the eyes of others, this kind of negotiation that has not gone through the bright side, but only in a silent tacit understanding, I hope everyone understands the situation that can cooperate, and what can be achieved is really a miracle. However, in the mysterious world, in the face of all kinds of strange and tortuous events, if this level of tacit agreement cannot be reached, the lonely person will be in desperation, and the chance of death will eventually be amplified without limit.

Taking my encounter as an example, although I also regard other people as "future enemies", I also parted ways with the team that fought together, and even actually acted in the past to hurt the allies in the past. Even so, I still pass a few people. , Such as John Bull and the connector, etc., maintain a variety of connections. Even Novsky, who had a life-and-death battle, was able to temporarily let go of his grudges and cooperate to a certain extent.

Don't treat all the enemies at present as dead enemies. Although it is necessary to kill the enemies, it is not because of the reason that "the other party is the enemy". If the other party cannot be killed, it is necessary to think about the necessity and priority of the positions and hostility of both parties with the mentality of inevitable goodbye.

In a mysterious event, letting the event end in a way that is beneficial to oneself is the ultimate goal, but a way that is beneficial to oneself does not necessarily have to be harmful to others. For each mysterious event, the participants may have different demands, so how to find this consistency from the silence of others is the highest priority. It is extremely unrealistic to want everyone to come together, open their minds, and talk about what they are asking for. For various reasons, it is impossible to say their purpose and it should be understandable. Under the premise of this understanding, go to confrontation and cooperation, and use temporary confrontation and temporary cooperation to leak some information to achieve a certain degree of tacit agreement.

I have been thinking and implementing this idea.

I also think that this kind of thinking is also one of the common points of most mysterious experts, and it is the basis for everyone to reach a tacit understanding in silence.

I have attacked as a pioneer. Nilfsky, who turned into light, was searching for opportunities. The black nest multi-armed demon, who is bound like a marionette, is struggling, trying to alienate Youjiang by these silk threads in turn. The rivets and joints retreating far away are looking for the time to snipe, and the distance they retreat is not worth mentioning for the ability to alienate Youjiang.

These real-time scenes have been chained to my mind ~ ~ Every combat unit is agreeing on a quiet frequency, maybe other people can't make global observations like me, but I believe that the instincts of the mysterious experts will also show this kind of tacit understanding in the many confrontations in the depth of their hearts.

Yes, even if the future is the enemy, they must trust them now, and they must believe that they also believe in themselves at this moment.

This is the cooperation of mysterious experts!

I felt it and started it. I forcibly conquered all my thoughts. Even if a large part of these thoughts were still guided by force, I was still like a wild horse, but I tried to grab the part that I could control. I felt like turning into a wind and a flame, and being part of a spear tied with red silk. I saw that even if I did n’t look at the eyes of Alienated You Jiang, her figure also stood out in my uncontrollable thoughts, among the many flashing thoughts, she seemed to force one of my many thoughts into herself The figure, and with great fear, let this figure have a sense of unmatched presence.

Her figure was like a magnet in my mind, focusing all thoughts and all thoughts on that figure. (To be continued.)

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