Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1507: 1 second 0 kill

I fell from a high altitude, and even the doomsday shamans who used portal spells to gather in the air did not exceed this height. The range of the huge magic circle covered from a high altitude is unobstructed. Compared to the entire area of ​​the peninsula, this battlefield is also It's just a corner southwest. ∑ Novel. The battlefield of ∑ Novels was devastated, with continuous ravines and black water surging, like the mirage of mirages in succession. The ripples generated by the impact spread in the air, twisted, and there was no sign of stopping. And even farther away, the original ecology of the peninsula has not been maintained. Although it is not as fierce as the battlefield here, it is also gloomy and gloomy. A layer of gray is like a molting covering the outline of things, making people not born. Beautiful emotions.

This is the whole picture that can only be seen from high altitude. I ca n’t help but think of the rumors about this peninsula circulated in the towns outside the peninsula. Nowadays, the peninsula seems to be responding to the rumors. You can't help but remember the horror legend.

However, even if the peninsula has been transformed into a temporary data hedging space, the scale of the storm cannot be contained. In such bad weather, there is probably no one who will have this leisure to control what happens on the island. What's more, it is unknown how many people outside the peninsula survived. The black water once surrounded the peninsula and poured in from the outer periphery. At this time, the coconut palm of Sitianyuan seems to be trying to transform more black water.

Outside the peninsula, it was gloomy and hazy, like turbulent waves, and like heavy rain. Even if you could not hear the sound, you could feel a repressed, heavy and huge momentum that was constantly hitting the edge of the peninsula.

This peninsula has been isolated, which is a well-known thing. However, looking at the border from a high altitude is a complete experience of this isolation and the difficulty of crossing it. However, I couldn't help but think of it, even if it was this degree of isolation. How long can it last? The temporary data hedging space on the Peninsula is not a dead place that completely shields entrances and exits. People who can find entrances and exits can naturally enter and exit, but can only those who find entrances and exits enter and exit freely? Don't mention others. Just taking Alienated Youjiang as an example, I do n’t think that the blockade of the hedging space of Peninsular Data can take effect on her.

If the situation of the war changes further, contact the closure of the peninsula. In exchange for a broader and freer fighting space, it is not impossible to take the "world" as the depth.

I do n’t know the final scale of this battle, to what extent it will expand, but there are things in front of me that I have to do.

The number of doomsday shamans is also too much. Although in the mysterious world, it is not uncommon to use quantity to overwhelm quality, but only for wizards, more people and less people can There is a huge difference in what you do. Under me. These wizards have cast their own spells, and the gray mist flows from their fingertips, winding and transforming in units of individuals, becoming phenomena that can be directly observed or not directly observable, but in more detailed observations of chain judgment, these changes are Like a huge cobweb, each wizard is regarded as a node, with some bizarre flow, flowing from each node, and then passed to the other nodes along the invisible silk thread.

Hundreds of doomsday shamans seem to have abandoned individual differences. Or they may be connected to their respective qualities, just like a puzzle, forming the outline of a huge thing. It would seem inappropriate to treat each of them as an independent life. It is this inappropriate feeling. It made me feel that there must be a shock-the power of these wizards is necessary to fight against the alienated Youjiang, but it is really disturbing to let this number of people form a strange gray fog spell.

The doomsday Shamanism must have a surplus for the predicted situation, but this surplus is for others. Not a good thing.

I was falling, feeling the muddy atmosphere holding up my body, feeling the stronger wind blowing across my skin, and feeling the danger of hiding in the cold and the knife. Just let yourself fall to the ground, it will fall into the meat sauce. If you think about it like this, fear will flow deep inside, but for any mysterious expert, it is easy to resist this level of fear. Even me, I have confidence that I will never let myself die.

From being teleported to high altitude, to the fluctuation of thoughts in the fall, and the final judgment, the total time consumed is less than one second. I have straightened my body like a straight arrow, blown by the wind in the sky, and shot at the wizards with an inclined parabola.

Invisible high-speed passages have been formed. At this height, any mysterious external influences are minimal. I once again feel the smoothness and freedom that I have long missed. The generation and disappearance of debris are no longer so frequent, as if unlocking an invisible shackle on me. Richer route choices, richer target choices, richer combat strategy choices, all of which are listed in my mind, flow, and then triggered.

When the wizards seemed to realize it, but hadn't had time to raise their heads, I had interspersed them. The positions of these wizards are not dense, and there is a long gap between one, but no matter how large this gap is, it is also narrow and short in front of the rapid sweep. With a posture on my head and feet and half a hand, I fell behind a wizard, and at the moment his mask showed signs of swinging, the double knives cut off his neck like a scissors.

With the force of stepping on the corpse, I turned my body, and the invisible high-speed passage bifurcated like a tree root, leading to other wizards around. Each channel route is a choice, and there is no good or bad, only the difference of "which one to kill first". Without any hesitation, I got into one of them, and under the inherent thrust of the invisible high-speed passage, with a glide-like attitude, the second wizard had already penetrated his heart when he could not blink his eyes.

Because anyone can kill, the purpose is only to reduce the number of doomsday witches to their acceptable level, and the witches in front of them are always dressed, and it is difficult to distinguish who is the leader just by looking at the differences in masks. Their body contours to distinguish between the target to be killed-male priority.

Even if they are all wearing wizard robes, the advantages in figure will still be reflected. For me, it is enough to kill the wizard who is the most robust in the first sense and looks most like a male. There are many prey, no need to hesitate.

There will not be much spare time. The wizard always has some strange spells to protect himself without any room for reaction. The first two wizards, whose lives were easily taken away, were unqualified in my memory and other impressions of Gao Chuan. It's also extremely rare. They didn't prepare themselves for protection spells in advance. Was it too careless?

However, the third wizard was quite satisfactory. Although he also failed to respond, but. When the two knives were on the ground, they felt extremely obvious resistance. From the cut robe, the gray mist flowed out like blood and changed into a poisonous snake biting me. However, in the agitation of the two knives, it instantly turned into fog. Then, the blade penetrated the wizard's waist, cut off his left arm that was about to move, and then cut off his head.

This is probably a three-knife faster than lightning in the eyes of others. When the other wizards finally rolled their eyes. I have arrived behind the fourth wizard. Pierce, cut, and break the passively triggered defensive spells in the fastest and most violent way, just like cutting paper and cutting grass, killing the opponent, and then transferring to another target, repeating the above behavior.

No more complicated skills, no intrigues, no thinking strategies. Simply Mercedes and swing the sword. Unbelievable speed, changeable routes, and two double knives that have intrinsic strengths different from those of the previous magic pattern constituted weapons. The difficulty of slaughtering these wizards is simply unbelievable. Only at this time. It made me feel intuitively how much stronger I am today than myself in the past.

Each formal wizard is equivalent to a second-level Mageweave messenger, and the elite among them is comparable to the third-level Mageweave messenger. however. This level of power does not give them an advantage in the face of a more unusual mystery. They may be able to discourage them by gathering more power through tighter connections, but swift sweeping is like a sharp knife, peeling them off the concept of "group" one by one with their fast and unresponsive speed— —The enemy I want to deal with is not in a large group, but in a plurality of individuals. Time is the weakest link in the line that they hold each other. Quickly cut this line easily, at least in In the time when the reaction was too late, they were a veritable mess.

Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten ... Every ten is a group, and each group is far enough apart. I suddenly left and right, south and north, and up and down. They shuttle between the safest distances in their minds. In front of the speed sweep, the difficulty is the same as "moving a millimeter", and the time it takes is the same. I don't feel any burden. At this level of high-speed operation, there is no problem even if it lasts all day and night.

However, there is no need to kill all doomsday shamans, at least not yet. The gray fog spells jointly launched by these wizards will inevitably occupy a position in the counterattack on the alienated Youjiang. If it is really eliminated, it will be very troublesome for everyone here.

It's just that if you miss this opportunity, next time you have to deal directly with these wizards, you have to spend a lot of money. I always think that this time it is easy to succeed, it is more of an unexpected advantage. Doomsday Truth has observed, confirmed, and evaluated me, the fourth-level Mageweave messenger, including strength, character, and behavior patterns. It is impossible to be completely unprepared, but, for various reasons, I exceeded their expectations again. , Nothing more.

When I landed on the ground again, the broken body in the sky fell like rain, and the splattered blood was held by the wind, just like fireworks blooming in many places.

The number of apocalyptic shamans observable on the scene was suddenly cut by a third in less than a second. I felt amazed and strange in the sights that came from all directions. However, I don't think their attention shift is a good thing. Because Alienated Youjiang has already taken advantage of this opportunity to make some moves again.

This time, there were five mysterious experts who were the first to keep up with the alienation of the Youjiang speed, including Father Edward and Novsky. The former completely lost human form, showing a high-speed form of demon disguise, roaring like a shell Jet, the latter turned into light again, and after a flash, it went behind the alienated Youjiang. The other three mysterious experts are very eye-catching, one is a lone man standing behind Father Edward, and the other two are members of other mysterious organizations. The five people maintain the same speed, and they approached the same with the outspoken formation. Alienation of speed Youjiang-This is indeed a way to deal with the mysterious synchronization of the final weapon, especially under the premise that the final weapon number is small, it seems to have a good effect.

I can't help thinking ~ ~ This kind of cooperation may be the experience of mysterious organizations in dealing with the final weapon. It's just personal strength, just personal speed. As long as you have the limit, you can't be the opponent of the ultimate weapon. Therefore, the cooperation of these mysterious experts lies in "don't reach personal limits", but in "maintaining synchronization with peers"-both speed and offensive and defensive intensity are maintained at a level as consistent as possible, and, must It is for "any immediate situation" to maintain this consistency. If someone attempts to break into the battle with a force that exceeds this level, the blockade of the final weapon will be completely broken, because the final weapon will be synchronized with the "most immediacy" aspect. Once the strongest immediacy exceeds a certain person's limit, no matter how persistent it is, you can only run away.

Therefore, even if there are more than five mysterious experts around, but when the five people show this consistency, the others just keep a lower range of activities and do not show the idea of ​​joining the battle at all.

If the alienation of Youjiang is just the ordinary ultimate weapon, then five experienced mysterious experts who also possess strong hands like Father Edward and Novsky must have a certain degree of chance of winning.

However, the alienation of Youjiang is different. Always remembering this, I am ready to break into it at any time. (To be continued.) SJGSF0916 Baidu searches for "" to see the latest and most complete novel!

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