Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1513: Festival

Saya's power has already eroded a third of the mountain city. Even if there is no direct contact with these abnormal flesh and blood, there will be a certain chance that his body will suddenly become this abnormal flesh and blood. To look at the book 1 book k? A? Nshu · Erosion is not only done through the contact of flesh and blood itself, but like this kind of power that transforms inorganic into organic and twists organic, has penetrated into the wind A large number of invisible spores are hidden in the fog and ashes. As they flow and fall, they will explode when contaminated.

Neither the structural material of the tubular object nor the structural material of the security guard can completely resist this force. Even the life of the body has been transformed into a small part of the body.

The parts that are transformed into flesh and blood will become fragile, and the difference in structure and carrying capacity will make the movement of any object unbalanced. However, it is difficult to achieve arthropods by destroying these flesh and blood, because these flesh and blood are also carbon-based structures, but because some mysterious forces are in a state of continuous proliferation, this proliferation is based on matter, but it does not It is not necessarily a substance that can be seen with the naked eye. If the vacuum is maintained, will this proliferation continue? I do n’t know, but no one seems to be trying in this area. I have also thought that even if the particles are only subatomic in size, as long as the particles are physically present, then Saya's abnormal flesh and blood proliferation will work.

Mysterious experts and gray mist demons must also face this oil-bearing anomaly, "as long as the material state, even the product of the mysterious phenomenon, may be eroded by Saya, and then transformed into abnormal flesh and blood" This fact can already be obtained prove. Therefore, when this fact is born to me, I will cut off the part of me that has been alienated, even my hands and feet, and then rely on the impetus in the invisible high channel to let myself move forward.

What I observed at the scene was not eroded by the power of Saya, only the demon in disguise of You Jiang and Father Edward. The mystery of alienating Youjiang itself may be a guarantee against Saya ’s abnormal flesh and blood erosion, and Father Edward is probably because he is Saya ’s “creator”. Even the wizards in the sky have been unable to remove the abnormal flesh and blood on themselves because they maintain the "Tianmen". Unconsciously, many people have become "floating, creeping meat". But even the "creepy flesh", the mysterious power generated by it is still being absorbed by the "Tianmen".

As the "Tianmen" became more real, there was also a flesh-like silk thread that climbed up to that dark texture. Further let me realize that this door is materializing.

Because, so far, only in the physical state will it be affected by the power of Saya. ?? 一 ~ ~ The flesh and blood of Tianmen, even if it is only slight, is enough to prove how terrible the results of Father Edward. I do n’t know what the expressions covered by those masks look like. Facing the terrible creation of Father Edward, on the surface only, the shamans of the doomsday truth have gradually fallen. I can't help but imagine. When the repeater of Doomsday Religion and the Las Vegas Repeater are connected by the existence of the "Gate of Heaven", will Saya's abnormal flesh spread to the repeater of Doomsday Religion? And does Father Edward have the idea of ​​relying on Saya to erode the two repeaters at the same time?

The predecessor of the repeater is the night of Valpus, which is a special temporary data hedge space. If Saya ’s abnormal erosion is limited to "material", then a set of cognitive and analytical methods must be inherent , Any temporary data hedging is regarded as a kind of "material change". This kind of cognitive concept is closer to the alchemy theory in occultism.

Any "mystery" I have encountered can be met with the ideal theory of consciousness. It is also possible to find the context from the perspective of material science, and to find plausible references from the mysteries passed down from ancient times. No matter which one of these three is used to recognize all the others, or the concept of the three is mixed. Looking at everything with a confused perception can also complete a world view that regards "mystery" as an existing existence. And every mysterious expert also has such a world view that can be explained and recognized in self logic.

The world of doomsday illusions is so wonderful. Observing this world only from the perspective of doomsday illusions has the option and possibility to observe the doomsday illusions from the perspective of hospital reality. It is doomsday. Painful and sad, but it is also undeniable, it is also magnificent, strange and strange, what people can imagine, and unimaginable, understandable, and incomprehensible, all take a kind of reality The face is here. These complex and changeable, unpredictable, interlaced existences, and also give Doomsday Realm a warmth that is not available in hospital realities.

I sometimes feel that my attachment to the illusion of doomsday may also have this warm feeling of greed working. However, it is precisely because of this that I want to return to the reality of the hospital, and look for the cold reality in the reality of the hospital. There is a color that has not appeared, or has not been retained. If the reality of the hospital is truly "reality", then, I think it should not be exactly that cold and cruel look. ? A book w? Ww? · 1? K? A wants n books s? H? U ·

I want the world I see to be warmed up, and the world I observe to have a lively and magnificent color. Perhaps "cold" and "logic" are the foundations of the world, but as long as there are "people "The place is completely cold and logical, it must be wrong. Even if it is not wrong, I do not like that world.

I want--

I look forward to--

I long for--

These kinds of thoughts have no specific image, but always a hazy outline. However, this is enough, because, I want a lot, what I expect is like the sea of ​​stars, and what I desire is not to stay, so they are collected, just like this hazy appearance, like the same group does not have Shaped light.

Even when I am the most miserable, the most painful, the most unable to think and speak, I still know that there is such a light in my heart. Even if I fall into the bottomless abyss in nightmares and hallucinations, even if the unreasonable fear erodes the soul, this light still exists in the depths of the self, and the "Gaochuan" personality is built around it.

I imagined it, I understood it, I tried to recognize it, and believed that there was really a light in my depths that accompanied my every move. What I think and think, spreads warmth.

Then, "Gaochuan" will become more tenacious.

I sprinted in my imagination and waved my sword in my illusion. Penetrate the enemy in thoughts, fall through again and again, stand up again and again in the useless work that cannot understand but try to understand again. The pain in the body never stopped, and the wound did not heal completely. The blood will flow out, and the confusing thoughts will be like the foam of the washing tub, which will immediately flow up, as if engulfing my own thoughts. When my body is still moving, after a while, I will still wake up. Despite this repetition, I could n’t knock down the strongest figure, and it did n’t allow me to support more time in front of Alienated Youjiang, but. As long as I can exercise and think, it is enough to prove that I have not fallen, and I can create more possibilities.

The long knife I threw, bouncing on the neck of the body life, before it reacted, I had skimmed to its feet, grabbed its right foot, and used it as a weapon to sweep the surrounding security guard. Then he cast it on the alienated Youjiang who passed through the air. The structural body of the elemental life was cracked by the alienated Youjiang in the middle of the sky, and hemorrhage grew from the cracks. At this moment, my feet were also connected with the alienated flesh and blood of the ground, and the alienated flesh and blood of the ground. I cut off this foot with my left-handed knife, and then jumped forward. In front of me, the invisible high-channel fragments immediately connected into a tortuous channel.

I shuttled around dozens of mysterious experts in critical situations. When they were dead and had no way to escape, they broke down all kinds of anomalies that surrounded them. Tugging them into another battlefield. I was running like this endlessly, as if I were the wind, the lightning, and the surging waves. As long as the fighting continued, I would not stop. The four-level magic pattern is like an infinite ammunition library, providing a variety of weapons, including swords and halberds, as well as bullets and an endless stream of data hedges, resulting in an endless aftermath, which can be found everywhere in the battlefield Absorbed, at the same time as absorbed, it has been transformed into body armor, as well as those combat artifacts that seem to exist out of nothing.

Every second, I'm looking for possible flaws in a very short period of time, and I'm also looking for the optimization of armed collocations according to the immediate situation. Every minute, it will be cut into hundreds or thousands of copies. Using this time, try to understand the various strange changes around you and create corresponding props accordingly. Sometimes, even the unthinkable things that seem to come naturally come into being, relying on the power of the fourth-level magic pattern to be born, and immediately cast a dazzling effect.

I can clearly feel that in this painful battle as if squeezing imagination and vitality, I am changing, becoming something that I do n’t even know what I am, and then I admit that it is still "I" However, "I" is no longer human. I am a monster, enough to fight and fight against those terrible monsters, and even the same kind that may kill them.

I worked so hard. However, the result of the chain decision still kept telling me how bad the situation was and how it was deteriorating. The tube-shaped mountain city full of mechanical sense and ancient stone, its internal structure is so intricate, all people who can be used as temporary companions under immediate conditions are swept by the fierce battle situation, as if washed out by a huge wave. Identify the corners. And I could n’t drag them out of the trap at the same time, so, surrounded by swarming security guards that seemed to be faster than destruction, mysterious experts died one after another, disappeared, and disappeared, but I was very Clearly, not everyone is hiding, there are indeed many people who really die.

Before I knew it, I stood above a debris of a raised tube, and I looked away, leaving only an endless gray sea of ​​security guards. It seems that there are always only a few points left in this gray and white ocean, and even if only these few points remain, the existence of fighting there has already occupied 80% of all explosions and shocks on the scene. The alienated flesh is like green floats in the pond, accompanied by the gray-white waves splashed from time to time in explosions and impacts, lifted up into the air, torn, leaving foam falling, but then it floats on the gray-white surface. Large and large pieces of flesh and blood form a piece.

The area covered by the off-white of the structure material has exceeded the range of quark fixed-point observation in the sky, and more than 10,000 meters covered by the original giant magic array. The magic array at that time was completely submerged by the tube. The top of the mountain city has been raised a lot, standing on a tube overlooking, the original "surface" is like a hundred meters away, and the cracks deep underground are also filled by the structure. I don't know how deep it is. Then, in the dark depths, the light-like spots began to flash.

The place that I can rely on the chain judgment has completely lost the natural state of the peninsula, and has completely become a part of the unique style of the ruins of the ruling bureau. In the style of the Victorian Heavy Industry Materialization District of the ruling bureau, the layers of flesh and blood covered everywhere are even more disgusting.

Above the sky, the shamans of the doomsday truth do not know when they have been completely eroded by Shaye ’s alienated flesh and blood, and turned into a paralyzed flesh that does not see the human form, but still wriggling, still giving a strong sense of life " ~ Tianmen" has appeared completely, but there is also a third of the area covered with the iconic flesh and blood of Saya. There is a silk thread like a cobweb that penetrates the gray mist and combines the tumor-like flesh with One-third of the structure is connected by the flesh-shaped heavenly gate. If you regard it as a closely related whole, you can feel the rhythmic agitation stirred by the silk thread and back and forth between the tumor flesh and the flesh-like heaven gate— -They are alive, just like a kind of alternative life, a miracle created by a mystery that ordinary people cannot reach, even if they look so ugly, it is difficult for people to feel good about it Its body produces any beautiful imagination.

When seeing this scene, all beautiful emotions will be sucked away, all negative emotions will be accompanied by the fog and ashes that make the world dim, and the wind of despair that never stops growing madly. Listening with your ears, you can only hear the faint sound like nails scratching the glass, whispering a language that cannot understand its content, the rhythm is like a prayer, like a hymn, making people want to cover their ears, but it is difficult to refuse to listen .

This sound and rhythm are so familiar that I can't help but recall the scenes I experienced in the Tianmen project of the Marjols in the past doomsday illusion. I know that is the language unique to the shamans of the doomsday truth. (To be continued.)


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