The power of "Tianmen" is so powerful that just the light leaking from the gap brings a devastating blow to the entire battlefield. There are very few places where I can observe that can resist self-destruction. None of the endless security guards can survive. The strong structural body and body disintegrate into particles during self-destruction. After losing the power to maintain the body, even the structural function cannot be maintained. The life of the body has also been lost by a third. Even if it seems to be lingering, it makes people feel that there is still room for recovery.

The release of Tianmen ’s power is layered. Although it cannot be seen with the naked eye, it can directly feel the impact of this power on the temporary data to hedge the space barrier. The data hedging is becoming stronger, as if the space has blown time and again storms, the visible material state is twisted in this perceptual storm, and even consciousness has to bear an extremely strong load. According to my intuitive experience, this intensity of data hedging, even mysterious experts with the level of the second Mageweave messenger, can't persevere. The chance of death, or the risk of self-existence due to data hedging is twisted, damaged, and destroyed Ninety-nine percent.

This impact has drawn a cruel dividing line for all the presence on the scene-the unsurpassed strong ones survived, and the eliminated ones will surely usher in death.

The apocalyptic shamans who summoned the "Tianmen" had died "ethically" after the abnormal flesh and blood, and these tumor-like abnormal flesh and blood could not withstand the light of the Heavenly Gate and flew in the first time. Annihilation. The wind blows the dust and ash, which is mixed with particles of other colors. These particles are **** and foul. Once they are contaminated, they can't wait to rub off their skin. It is a feeling of disgust from the heart, and an instinctive rejection, as long as it is alive, with intellectual, rational, and perceptual thinking, which has the concept of "exclusion". It will certainly produce a psychological state. This mental state was originally brought by Saya, but now, with the self-destruction of abnormal flesh and blood, it has penetrated into the wind. Stir with the mist, ash, and dust, and spread it to the place where this burst of desperate wind can reach.

In the place where the wind blows, these things that are "absolutely repulsive" from the individual's rationality and sensibility, but in my naked eyes, present a scene like an rainbow. Obviously disgusting. But in the gaze of the naked eye, he showed a strange beauty. The nausea flowing from this beauty is like the invisible venom eroding the soul.

Contradictions are everywhere, and the contradiction between life and death, beauty and ugliness, acceptance and rejection, in this battlefield, in my experience, has never been so intuitively reflected. Then, this is very strong. The incomparable sense of contradiction that people can't avoid will make people intuitively feel what kind of thing "Tianmen" is and what a terrible mystery it has.

This is the blow of the repeater. Crossing the barriers of space, crossing the time and dimension, crossing the boundary of sensibility and reason, crossing the material and consciousness, from that unconfirmed side, the Doomsday Truth has completed the first relay to relay Blow.

This is the conclusion that came to my mind. Even without more evidence, I subconsciously endorsed this conclusion.

The battlefield is so silent, only the wind is making a big noise, and even the remnants of the broken walls are swallowed by this silence. It is suffocating. It makes people silent, makes people excite for no reason, but also makes no sense for fear. It attracts the sight of all survivors. If you cannot traverse the entire battlefield from a macro perspective, and only focus on one thing with your eyes, then. This thing must be the "door of heaven" that is opening in the sky.

When the light after "Tianmen" became brighter as the door opened, I could not feel the stronger impact. It seems that as long as you survive the first shock and survive, your own existence will adapt to this light. No matter how bright this light is, it is not disturbing itself. However, it is only naive to think that the threat from "Tianmen" is nothing more than that. I couldn't help thinking, what will happen when the "Tianmen" is fully opened?

In the observation range of the chain judgment, the members and the people in the 51 area do not know when they have disappeared. I can confirm that they, led by rivets and Novsky, did not die in the first impact of the "Tianmen", so , I have to regard this disappearance as a harbinger of a comeback. The lone traveler who had followed the secret action of Father Edwards was observed to be more than 80% likely to be completely dead. It is still possible to stand in this ruin and look forward to the existence of the "Tianmen", which can be confirmed through observation. There are only thirteen including me, Father Edward, Saya, Alienated Youjiang and the life of the body.

Thirteen, the mysterious number, even if it is a drop in the sea compared to the number of previous fights, but it gives me the feeling of "screening out impurities", but "uplifting the essence".

What will happen next? I couldn't predict it at all. However, the more I think about it, the more I guess, and at the same time when there is no answer, the heart also thumps more violently, stronger, and makes people warm.

However, at this moment of intense blood and intensely fluctuating emotions and thoughts, there is another kind of rationality lurking for a long time, which is suddenly out of this violently shaking waveform. I suddenly wanted to calm down, so I took out the camel cigarette and lighter from my pocket. I lit one and pumped quietly.

Waiting, the only thing you can do is wait. My instinct tells me that no matter what I do to this "Tianmen" now, it is useless. Others may be able to interfere with the formation of "Tianmen", but if they don't do that, it's just my personal thoughts, then nothing can be done.

My eyes stared at the "Tianmen", but the chain judgement has always been locked in the body of other people as far as possible from a macro perspective, confirming the detailed activities of each of their limbs. I read these subtle expressions and movements, use the past to understand them, judge their inner activities, and predict their next behavior patterns. Even so, I failed to see from them the possibility that they would interfere with the formation of "Tianmen".

I came to a conclusion: The appearance of "Tianmen" may not be a good thing for them from different positions, but it is not a bad thing either. The power shown by "Tianmen" did not bring any mentality and plan to them. Even, it can almost be confirmed that they have any abnormalities that may exist after the "Tianmen". There is no fear or rejection.

When the Doomsday Truth joins the battle for the Las Vegas Repeater in this way, it is likely that all survivors present will be "happy to see their success."

Is it the same as my idea? Through escalating mysterious wars. By maintaining a fragile balance, and by gradually heating up the battlefield, all possible involvements are pulled in, draining the cards that each participant may hide and let them do their best. Unsustainable. Everyone who can interfere with the existence of the Las Vegas repeater can't sit idly by, can't withdraw and leave, can't fish in muddy water, can't watch the fire from the other side.

However, even if the Doomsday Truth joined the battle as expected, it is not enough in terms of the "quantity" that the war can accommodate, which also means that there will be some turning points.

Ability to create causal deviations and create mysteries of time and opportunity. It does exist in this world. Therefore, in theory, before all the possibilities are exhausted, all the turning points disappear, and all the undetermined unknowns are processed by the exhaustive number, and any result can be changed before the final and only result is reached. I cannot predict how long this battle will be, but I must make sure that I am a survivor in any possible outcome. Only in order to carry out the later plan. So, the next thing I should do is ...

When I was thinking this way, "Tianmen" finally opened completely.

The light in "Tianmen" disappeared. There was only one dark entrance, and Saya ’s abnormal flesh and blood had climbed up to two-thirds of the door frame, and more fleshy tentacles were separated into this dark entrance, but the next moment, a lot of flesh and blood exploded— —Not just the flesh and blood attached to the door frame, those are all over the mountain. The flesh and blood lumps that did not directly contact the "Tianmen" seemed to be broken from the inside. In the observation of the chain judgment, first of all, the flesh was bitten out of a hole by invisible force, and then torn from the hole, and it was too late to blink, leaving a crack that almost divided the flesh into two halves, in a very short time Here, similar cracks appeared many times, so the whole flesh turned into mud, pushed away by the huge force released inside and spattered in all directions.

With the bursting of abnormal flesh and blood, something hatched out of it-it is not clear, even if it is a chain judgment, it cannot be outlined. They seem to be invisible, small, and give me a feeling similar to mystics The "goblins" who have no definite body in them have such a power that they use Saya's abnormal flesh as a hotbed and food.

Invisible to the naked eye, they are suspended in midair, as if they are slightly lighter components in the air, and part of the so-called "wind" is a phenomenon caused by their movement. But the wind here is desperate, crazy, and direct at heart, so these small things that are difficult to confirm with direct observation are certainly not good things. Madness and despair are also part of their essence.

They are in groups, roaring in the invisible realm, just like a swarm of bees. They directly penetrated the life of the body, but did not cause any trouble to the life of the body. The life of the body does not seem to be able to perceive their existence. It seems to be in a space where they cannot be touched or touched by them. . They also passed by the side of Alienated Youjiang. Alienated Youjiang reached out and grabbed a handful. The left eyeball that was twitching convulsively snapped on them, and she seemed to be able to see them directly, Then, stuffed into the mouth casually and chewed with a pleasant smile.

Alienated Youjiang chewed a few times and spit out his head. I can't see what she spit, but it looks like a spitting jujube. I can't help but sketch out the things like evil spirits in my mind, squeezed into a scum by her teeth, and swallowed soft The part, and the scene where the bone or head is spit out-of course, the things that can not be directly observed, of course, it is impossible to really have bones and brain plasma in the ordinary sense.

I couldn't help but slammed two cigarettes and was shocked.

Sure enough, even if there are thirteen, but the guys who can show their existence in such a big way are abnormal monsters. The thirteen anomalous people themselves possess the mystery of confronting any mystery head-on, at least they also have strong confidence in their own mystery of this strength. Those who are hiding, although it can be said that they move afterwards, can also be regarded as, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to ensure that their mystery can be directly confronted.

Just when I thought about it, those small things that were not directly "predated" and could not be directly observed, all gathered in the scope of perception of Father Edward. Father Edward ’s demon gradually became disguised as if it were covered by an invisible cloth, and his body gradually disappeared, leaving only the existence that could be confirmed in perception.

Was it originally one of Saya's ability applications? I took another breath. At first, I thought it was because Saya ’s erosion of “Tianmen” was counterattacked, and then those things happened ~ ~ hundred percent.

The 100% carnalization of the "Tianmen" has been completed in a blink of an eye. There is no power to obstruct this erosion, and even the doomsday truth religion seems to do nothing. Perhaps the inside of the "Tianmen" has already reacted, but this reaction has not been observed and felt by me who exists outside. Is it being pinned? Or is this flesh-and-blood of the "door of heaven" actually a tacit agreement between Father Edward and the Doomsday Truth?

Father Edward began to move, and I couldn't observe his movement. The way and shape of this movement have exceeded the range of movement that can be specifically observed by the chain judgment. Moreover, even the "feelings" of this movement are weakened and replaced by "intuitions". Intuition gave me an answer: This movement method is not fast, but the advantage is that it cannot be interfered, whether even alienated Youjiang can not be interfered, and it cannot be directly confirmed, but neither me nor the life of the body has the condition of interference.

It's really conservative and cautious, I think so. (To be continued.)


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