Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1519: Little fire

"Cube Sugar" releases an endless barrage. The furthest envelope is 10,000 meters away. Most of the surface area of ​​the mountain city is within range. The fire in the blast is like a silver tree of fire tree. ? One ~ ~ Want an? S to see h? U? · C? C "cube sugar" will also be shot down by a huge force, hit the ground, unable to stop the inertia of sliding, the shell burst. In a fierce battle, shock waves and various inexplicable mysterious phenomena rolled up the tube and flew anything visible to the naked eye. The debris splashed and was taken away by the hurricane. Light and shadow are staggered, thick smoke rises, gunshots rumble, mixed with metal impact sounds of different rhythms and tones, cutting sounds, sometimes like pouring rain, sometimes falling like silver beads, sometimes like cracked string, sometimes like wind and thunder However, these sounds have a common feature-no taste of life.

Whether it is a monster or a human, whether it is wise or instinctive, there is no howl when life is facing pain, despair, madness and collapse. Only the sound of the body crashing, only the sound of the body breaking apart, only the sound of the body tearing the air, only the sound of the body burning, sometimes just hearing this sound can be associated with some terrible injuries, but it is stiff and cold , Without emotion. The fighting and destruction here made me in the "sugar cube" feel no emotional fluctuations, as if it were just a group of sensible weapons attacking each other.

Maybe the battle is crazy, tragic, swift and weird, but if everyone thinks "this is the normal situation", it will probably become the current situation-actually I do n’t like this kind of battle Atmosphere, my sensibility is rich and sensitive, and my morality and ethics are deeply influenced by human social education in the past. I don't think it is normal to fight without "pain", "sadness" and "despair".

And now it is such a battle that seems absolutely abnormal to me. It is not that this battle is meaningless, it certainly has meaning, but that the meaning is overshadowed by indifference. Fighting always needs a reason, and the fighting reasons of humans are always accompanied by rich personalities and commonalities, but in this battlefield intensified by myself, I can't feel these things.

It seems that except for me and Father Edward who have entered the stealth state, other monsters are only acting in order to achieve the fact of "fighting". I destroyed four elemental lives in three seconds. But there was no emotion that was born of "winning". I felt bored. It was different from all previous battles. It felt like some kind of force was distorting this battlefield. One ~ ~ wants k? A? N? S? H? U? ·

"Tianmen" stood in the air. In the first second, he was already subjected to the violent baptism of the barrage and other monsters, and the alienated flesh and blood that was born was burned, torn, and ashed. It flakes off, revealing the inorganic color of the endoplasm, but is soon engulfed by more phenomena, just like the storm stirred the sea, and the vortex formed swallowed the boat. However, once the wind and waves rested, the "Tianmen" appeared again in the field of vision and stood in the air as always.

It is understandable that the "Tianmen" is difficult to destroy. It is believed that the power of the repeater is supported, and it is still a more complete repeater than the Las Vegas repeater. but. Even in such a violent shock, there was no reaction, but it made me feel uneasy. It is like a time bomb, I don't know when it will explode, or what size of impact it will release once it explodes.

I just drove the "Cube Sugar" in the fire and the wind, and suffered a wave-like attack, and at the same time released my attack without interruption.

Three seconds, five seconds ... In the tenth second, half of the structure of the "Cube Sugar" was completely destroyed. However, correspondingly, only two of the body's life can move. The total number of enemies has been reduced from twelve to less than half.

Then. It's time to evacuate. I judged this way. Because even the "Cube Sugar" has reached the point when the lamp is dry, although the power of Level 4 Mageweave has been repairing the "Cube Sugar", but from the first second of the war, the damage has been repaired. degree. Even if it takes only one breathing time. It can be completely restored to its full state, but the mysterious power that hits the "Cube Sugar" is so complex, diverse and powerful, and it is not interrupted for a moment, as if it is directly stuck to the "Cube Sugar", and its shell is always removed , In-depth internal core. There are many mysterious phenomena that can be circumvented by degree and distance, but there are also many mysterious phenomena that simply cannot observe the process of life and action. Although I have become accustomed to these phenomena without process, its destructive power will not be weakened by habit, and the mysterious characteristics will not be adapted because of the preparation in advance.

Just ten seconds, it seems to me as a century. The number of enemies is not large, but the mysterious phenomenon they cause is like a chain reaction, one after another, observable and unobservable, so that the entire mountain city composed of structural tubes begins to face collapse. ? A book? 1? K? A? N? S book h? U ·

In the eleventh second, the "Cube Sugar" pretended to be shot down, with intense and dazzling light, releasing irregular noise, peeling off the shell layer by layer, detonating it, it was like struggling, trying to break from the boundaries of collapse Recovered, and in the mysterious phenomenon that followed the shadows, disintegrated a little deeper inside. When the debris of "Cube Sugar" is embedded in the ground, the biggest storm expands in all directions around the "Cube Sugar", the mountain city is shaking, and the tube that constitutes the main body is like the internal organs are pulled from the body, and a part of the crack Part of the abyss was thrown into the air.

In the twelfth second, the "Cube Sugar" has been interspersed hundreds of times back and forth by the alienated life of the Youjiang and Du type bodies. "The entangled part of the wreckage and the mountain structure slipped deep into the crack. These cracks were previously excavated by black water and expanded by tubes. The rough force made more cracks in the cracks. I swept through these cracks.

Before the end of this second, the light was already far behind. Those monsters were attracted by the "cube sugar" wreckage, and of course they could not be intercepted in advance. At least, in my chain judgment, I can observe the place, and there is no shadow of alienation of Youjiang, elemental life and Saya. The place I am in is like a huge labyrinth. Without the ability to directly lock things, the more difficult it is to cross the obstacles of unknown coverage to find the target. The faster you go deeper into the crack, the clearer the sense of relief from death. There is no feeling of fatigue as the battle progresses, but. When the perceptual danger gradually went away, I just felt that my energy seemed to swiftly take away the heat from my body after the liquid nitrogen touched the air.

I feel cold. This cold image emerged directly from the spinal cord and quickly spread to blood vessels and nerves. All sorts of discomfort seem to grow from every cell at this moment. Even so, I am still convinced. The skimming does not put a load on the body. These complicated and unusual uncomfortable feelings are caused by other conditions. However, at this moment, it cannot be verified.

At the thirteenth second, there was no visible to the naked eye at the upper back, and there were violent vibrations between the layers of pipes and rock walls. I think it should be the last self-detonation mechanism set for "Cube Sugar" successfully activated. In the fourteenth second, there was no longer any tube in the observation of the chain judgment, leaving only the rock and soil with the original taste. Nothing can be seen in the darkness with the naked eye. In the gallop, the positioning is completely determined by the chain judgment. Each small movement possessed here will be depicted, and the route that should be moved is outlined in the mind.

I compared my movement route and the peninsula data left and right to the entrance and exit of the space to avoid all the blocked underground passages within the observation range of the chain judgment. These passages are not secure. Sometimes the front foot will just fall away, and the back foot will collapse. Even if you just walk in, the front and rear roads will be blocked by sudden falling rocks. However, for a Level 4 Mageweaver who is still in the temporary data hedge space. The threats posed by these natural disasters are too small compared to mysterious phenomena.

The new device has been made of four levels of magic patterns, which is like four mechanical arms extending from the backpack and changing into various digging tools. From the Jedi with no road, dig a passage that allows individuals to pass through. From this moment on, I crawled like a spider, and when the passage was smooth, I activated the swept energy. Going on and off, without stopping for a moment, when drilling out of the ground again. There is only a fist-like silhouette left on the battlefield, which can only be seen when climbing up the high ground.

Only by staying away from the battlefield can we see how different the sky of the battlefield is from the sky of other places on the peninsula. Particularly thick dark clouds and tornado storms cover the battlefield and slowly move around. As long as there is enough time, this huge storm that can't see when it will stop can completely cover the entire peninsula.

Although the entire peninsula data hedging space is a huge man-made prison cage, the previous battlefield is more like the one in this huge prison cage, smaller, stronger and weird from the place where I am now. The cage is like another data hedging space in the data hedging space. This layered nesting feeling, I can't help but think of the situation where the entire peninsula data hedge space was detonated-indescribable, but the destructive power may be stronger.

In the sixteenth second, I have come to the indicated location. Although it was the place where Dr. Ruan Li and I had been, the current environment is no longer in the shadows. The terrible force once leveled the area, leaving only a flat gravel belt. The once existing vehicles, corpses and even black water were completely steamed, no matter whether it was on the ground or in the air. To the traces they once existed.

I don't know how many entrances and exits of this peninsula data hedge space. However, the entrance and exit here was once used by Shitianyuan Gaya Coconut.

Father Edward once said that the true body of Si Coconut has already left the peninsula and continues to make black water worldwide. Although she had thought about it, she would still use the entrance and exit, and there were speculations that Dr. Ruan Li might return to this place, but from the surface conditions alone, no relevant traces could be found.

I settled in and walked into the underground river with a strong impression. Originally there was groundwater pouring into the surface, forming a small water hole with a wide inner mouth. It used to be a place where black water gushed out. But now, the water has dried up, leaving a vertical hole leading to the depth. I stepped down on the inner wall of the rock and quickly found the route in my memory.

The light was engulfed by darkness again, but the topographic image formed by the observation of the chain judgment in my mind still made me aware at the first time that this underground river was enlarged more than doubled by the black water. The corroded inner wall was very smooth, no signs of life were left, and the underground river water also disappeared. To be precise, there is nothing here except a passage that winds in the dark and is so smooth that one knows nothing about natural creation. Walking inside, only one's own breath, one's own heartbeat, one's footsteps echoed crisply and horrorly, and passed into the deep darkness ahead.

Chain judgment The terrain outline drawn by the movement trajectory of the particulate matter is not very delicate ~ ~ The usual applicable method has great limitations in this place. I don't plan to think about the origin of this restriction anymore, just pull out the lighter from my pocket. With the sound of "click", the little firelight condensed, and there was a vague outline around it, but the darkness was also thickened, just like quality water, trying to extinguish this little little in my hand Flame.

The swaying, faint light makes the terror in the environment more impressive than the complete darkness. Obviously there is only one's own voice, but it makes people feel that something else will suddenly appear at any time, or they are lurking behind them, walking with each other. Something is peeping at you, hunting yourself, with cruel and strong maliciousness. The illusion of "a pair of eyes watching in the dark" emerged spontaneously. I felt that my throat was a little tight, but because I had experienced greater horror for a long time, it was only a little nervous.

Relatively speaking, I would rather believe that the danger of walking in this dark underground river channel is far weaker than the danger of being in the Peninsula data hedge space when it is detonated.

Going forward, I did not skim, just with this little fire light, accelerated the pace. (To be continued.)


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