Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1522: Detonate

Although the atmosphere is a bit scary and strange, the elevator itself also ranks dangerous in various modern facilities. In all kinds of imaginative works, it is given a meaning of isolation and helplessness. .`The narrow space, the appearance that does not match the age of its existence, the strange smell, color and touch, etc., will describe the fear from the overall perception of people. However, something that makes people feel fearful is not really dangerous. Human fear is often an illusion, a illusion, a kind of thing that arises when external information is processed by internal mechanisms of the body. Sympathy. I feel like I am in a virtual experience video of a horror story. Although the atmosphere surrounding me is surrounded by the smell of weirdness and horror, it also has a sense of isolation, so that I can subconsciously understand that the real danger does not exist. Here-what I see and feel in front of me is fake.

Feelings become strange and difficult to describe, just like a piece of green float floating on the lake of mind. The green is filthy, the green is rich, the green is stagnate, the water waves push them away, and they form a piece on the other side. When you see it, you feel that the lake is already unclean, and when you want to look away, but again It will be noticed that this strange green, which is incompatible with the "clean" green, also carries a strange attraction. At the same time people want to avoid it, it can't be completely ignored, and even people can't help paying attention.

Around me, all things that can be observed, there is this abnormal psychological contradiction. With the rise of the elevator, these abnormal things that can be felt with eyes, ears, nose and skin become hazy in consciousness, as if they are no longer solid and no longer a physical substance, but become Another vain thing.

An idea emerged from this sensuous change. I subconsciously covered my mouth and nose-is it a hallucinogenic drug? It is absolutely incorrect to say that you have not taken hallucinogenic drugs and you are not aware of the changes that hallucinogenic drugs bring to the body and perception. "Paradise" is the most powerful hallucinogenic drug I know so far, even if I haven't taken it. I am in a psychedelic state many times. I really want to say that I have always been sober, but in fact, I can't tell at all. When are you sober, and when are you deeply illusory.

It's just that the changes in the scenery around me and the feeling it gives me are so infectious. It seems to awaken the tried-and-tested instinct in my body.

It ’s not something that is visible to the naked eye is abnormal, maybe the air that is not visible to the naked eye is abnormal-I suddenly had the idea that when I stepped into this place, when I took my first breath, myself It may have been "infected". . ?? `

I thought that my body immediately felt a sense of light and heavy imbalance, as if stepping on my feet was not the floor of the elevator monitoring, but a mass of cotton, a wave of water, and a dough. The narrow space of the elevator. There was also an illusion-like distortion. Waves of visible waves were transmitted from the hard metal wall, and the ripples were blooming in the middle layer of the liquefied metal. I felt the air shaking, and the body constantly adjusting the posture was completely out of balance. I fell, and before the fall, I stretched out my hand against the wall, but the sense of touch came with a slimy suction. I turned around and saw that my palm was sinking into the metal wall of the elevator. The metal texture of the wall really turned into a sticky, slippery look, like a **** intestine.

I took a deep breath. Looking again, I saw that inside the elevator where I was, it had completely turned into a squirming flesh-it looked like a large intestine-I was standing in a huge field, my nose full of blood and filth taste. The liquid began to fall on the top of the head, black, purple-black. Crimson is almost black, and it is not normal flesh color, which makes people can't help thinking, this is decaying. The rotten flakes also peeled off the top and the side walls, with a rancid liquid, crackling and rotten.

The vibration of the air is continuing, and weird phenomena are increasing, making people unimaginable where they are still a modern building or an elevator of technological products. I heard weird and familiar sounds, like a murmur of unclear face in the invisible time and space, and like the painful and heart-wrenching wailing of the sacrifice in the sacrifice ceremony. I saw countless ghost-like figures coming in from outside the closed elevator, through my body, and out from the other side, these

The ghost is also vague, but gives a deceptive impression on the outline.

I also saw more things that I could n’t imagine and understand, and I could n’t describe them. I could n’t even recall a rough look, because they were too confusing, too plausible, too abstract, Too shocking. I alternate between trance and sobriety. The lift of this elevator is so long that it gives me the feeling that the height it will go to is never ending.

I am rising, but soon, I can no longer feel whether I am "rising" or "declining". ??. ?? `c? o? m? lost its sense of direction, but also lost the sense of degree, lost the sense of time, lost the sense of all things outside. The vibration of the air continued to increase, and I almost fell again, but this time, the parts below my knees were all caught in the flesh of the elevator floor, which is now alienated, the creeping, biting Skin, the feeling of something growing out of my bones, makes me a little sober.

"Is it Saya?" I said to myself, trying to make myself more awake in this way.

I have a convincing guess about the current situation.

This is not an accident in this peninsula psychiatric hospital building, nor is it that someone deliberately set up traps and spilled hallucinogenic drugs in this area, but because it finally detonated the peninsula data hedge space.

These weird, seemingly illusory, but eventually people fall into the illusion of hell, is the result of the impact of the Peninsula data hedge space on the normal space-it is still the data hedge, the collapse of a data hedge space Tsunami-like, radiating data across the peninsula against surf tide. This wave may be temporary, but it may also create a more durable small-scale temporary data hedge. If so conceived, it is definitely not me who is affected, and it is definitely not just where I am.

The operation of Level 4 Mageweave is like an evidence that proves my guess. Its operation is increasing, just like swallowing the aftermath of data hedging. In this wave of data hedging, it is not only the conflicting information of the Peninsula data hedge space itself, but also the mystery of monsters that have not yet separated from the data hedge space. Actually. Including the data hedge space itself and everything inside the data hedge space, as long as it is not completely destroyed in the first place, it will sweep the peninsula with this wave, causing various familiar mysterious phenomena.

Although it is just a guess. but--

I have to believe, because the scene like being in the large intestine of a huge creature, if you are not prepared, may really bring yourself the risk of being ignored-if. The flesh and blood of the elevator is really caused by the mysterious flesh and blood erosion of Sayana. Then, the feeling of taking hallucinogenic drugs and the abnormal trance that strikes at all times seem to be affected by those moments. The monster is the same.

In any case, it can no longer be regarded as an ordinary illusion, and can not stay here. The anomalous and weird phenomenon is still intensifying, and the wave of shock is followed by a wave, with a very obvious trend of strengthening. I can't locate myself, so I can't confirm it at all. Whether you are near or far from the detonation center, but one thing is certain, even me, once confined in this narrow environment, it is difficult to do anything.

The four-level magic pattern started to run, and a heavy-weight chain saw was formed in my hands. The next second, it rang loudly, spun sharply, and slammed into the place where the elevator door was originally. Flesh flew. Sparks burst, the hard metal texture and the pliable stickiness of alienated flesh, all passed to the palm during the cutting and penetration process.

During, I was in a trance again. When he was awake, he was leaning back on a ball of soft meat, and the rotten and greasy juice and flesh had already covered his face. I seem to have fallen, but when I fell, I have no impression. The chain saw is still tightly held in his hand, and the chain saw still rotates with full force. The flesh and blood hit the chain saw and flew away instantly. When I got up, I felt something was pulling my back. When I turned my head, I saw that the alienated flesh and blood seemed to grow together with the skin. When it was pulled, it seemed to pull a piece of flesh from my body. Feet are also deeply immersed in flesh and blood, as if they have merged with flesh and blood, and their hands have been twisted, not in a five-finger gesture, and grasp the palm of the chain saw,

, Completely lost the outline of the five fingers, alienated into a mass of wrap around the chain saw handle.

The erosive nature of these flesh and blood is really too strong. Although there are many places in my body that I can't see, such as my face, from the sense of coming, it doesn't make me feel better.

The only good news is that the place on the front that should be the elevator door has been cut a big hole. Although the alienated flesh is still creeping and trying to make up, but the empty front is a huge platform-the roof I do n’t know when it ’s here. The rainstorm is mixed with ashes and shakes in the wind. Groups of people do n’t know that the body is a mysterious ghost. These storms and ashes are visible, and they are wandering around on the platform. It is a scene of demon dance. But even so, it is more secure than this completely alienated flesh elevator.

I twisted my arm, without hesitation, chopped off the tentacles of the flesh and blood that eroded the back, and then cut off the feet that had completely solidified in the flesh. As soon as my body fell, I entered the invisible high channel. With the impetus, it burst out of the flesh elevator. Even if I don't observe, I can feel the abnormal flesh behind turning into tentacles. As soon as he broke the gap, he turned, flesh and blood tentacles squeezed out one after another, and swelled again in a flash, splitting more tentacles, just like a full octopus spreading its teeth and claws toward the open space in front. The screamers on the rooftop platform that were like monsters and ghosts were hit by this tentacle, and they were immediately smashed like smoke, but immediately condensed more from the rain, ash, and mist. They were angry, wailing, swimming hysterically. The chaotic situation began to change in an orderly manner due to the accidental attack of flesh and blood tentacles.

These different images also give people the anomalous presence of ghost demon, which starts to rotate, and rotates on its own axis, and the whole body rotates with the target of flesh and blood tentacles, one after another rotation, intertwined into a larger, completely engulfing the entire roof The rotation of the platform. The strong tornado seemed to tear the entire building. The glass windows were smashed into the tornado. The facilities in the building also began to break. The metal and wood were like broken internal organs. They were pulled by a brain. Outside the building.

These broken objects, combined with huge rotating force, show terrible physical lethality. The building is shaking, every second a layer of skin is cut, and every second will open a bigger gap in the body. The tornadoes made by the translucent weirdoes seem to have a huge and hostile consciousness ~ ~ watching the flesh and blood tentacles coming out of the elevator.

I have evacuated to more than ten meters away, only to see that the air near the exit of the elevator is distorted by the pressure, and the debris fragments that can't tell what the original body is are hit from the tornado to the flesh tentacles. The flesh and blood tentacles were smashed into meat puree, and in a blink of an eye, these debris poured into the elevator and at the same time the elevator room was dented. I only heard a loud thunderous noise in the air, the building shook suddenly, the platform ground began to crack, and the entire elevator room was razed to the ground, leaving only a large hole with a radius of five or six meters.

However, there is no time to breathe, more alienated flesh spreads from the edge of the big hole like a carpet, and then debris debris spouts out of the hole like a fountain, and then more and thicker flesh tentacles from Gush below. If you only look at the tentacles, you may feel that the real body of some weird creature is hidden under the big hole, but in fact, the tentacles grow out of the inner wall of the cave that has been completely transformed into abnormal flesh. Little by little, the whole building is transformed into a body made of alienated flesh and blood.

It seems that the translucent weird ghost ghosts are clustered together, as if they are provoked and angry. What kind of mystery they are caused, there is no clue at this time, but their previous confusion is indeed due to the appearance of Saya ’s abnormal flesh and blood. Becoming orderly, turning into a tornado with the enemy, and confronting the expanding alienated flesh and blood tentacles. However, it is probably because I understand Saya ’s horror better. From my personal perspective, the defeat of these ghosts is only a matter of time. (To be continued.)


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