Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1526: Archive

Zuo Chuan also came up and stayed with us. I wiped away tears with the clothes on Saki Ye ’s shoulders, and looked at her, she smiled as if from the heart, but not only happy, I can feel the worries, tension, uneasiness and anxiety in these eyes Fear, feeling the negative emotions that any human being has. She has always been with Misaki and Bajing, and is one of the survivors of the black water ravages. She also has a personal experience of the huge disaster in the world outside the peninsula. But even so, she can still smile. I think it ’s amazing. I let go of Miyake and Bajing and walked up to hug her tightly. I do n’t know what comforting words to say or how to feel relieved when I confirm their safety. The language used to express thoughts and emotions is so pale in front of really deep thoughts and feelings, and so false and exaggerated in front of emotions in my heart. I can only silently smile and give her this hug.

After a while, I couldn't say the word "thank you". I just felt that the scene in which these two words are placed now became an insult. So, I said, "Everyone is still alive, it's so nice ..." This statement is so bland when I heard it myself, but I just think that this sentence is the closest to my thoughts in all the words. A sentence.

Number of survivors of whisperers: four.

No, maybe it should be five people.

"Jiangchuan appeared." I said to Zuochuan. However, I am not sure what Jiangchuan is all about now, but no matter how she has become, I admit that she is a member of the whisperer. This is a very emotional decision, but I do n’t think there is anything abrupt or wrong. The place.

Misaki and Bajing didn't know much about Jiangchuan, because Jiangchuan's "death message" was more early in the establishment of whisperers. They didn't have time, just like Zuochuan, to understand Jiangchuan. Perhaps, the time is too short to allow emotions and relationships to accumulate, while Sakuya and Bajing cannot be too deeply impressed by Jiang Chuan. However, Zuo Chuan is different. I believe that Zuo Chuan cares about Jiang Chuan, and what they mean to each other. It is different from others.

The disappearance and return of Jiangchuan is not uninterested, nor is it that nobody cares. Jiang Chuan is not alone, never.

Zuo Chuan's body stiffened, and I hugged her. This short and slight stiffness is so clear. Even if I didn't look at her eyes, it seemed that I could feel the emotion in her heart. In turn, Zuo Chuan hugged me tightly. She did not cry or speak, but this embrace was so powerful. She didn't ask me more about Jiangchuan, she just said in a self-talking voice: "Look alive, just alive ..."

Yes, just alive. As long as you can survive, many people die in pain. Perhaps for many people, using death to relieve suffering is already the best result. But I believe that there will also be hopes that even if the world is so painful, desperate and crazy, the people they care about can live strong until they overcome something and are relieved with a victorious mood. Death is a short end, maybe a longer start, however, even if the pain disappears. The will and joy of the past will disappear with it. This is death, everyone will die, and everything has an end. However, the meaning possessed before death must be more important than the absolute meaning of death itself while still alive.

The doomsday truth promotes the concepts of death and end point, it seems that that is the ultimate meaning and end of all things, and it is the most important and core end point. It is an induction of all liberation, a part of the natural cycle, a fundamental turning point that must be experienced by the new life, and it is the easiest and simplest of all metabolic methods to obtain tranquility. Maybe they have their own reasons, and maybe there will be many people who agree, and I ca n’t refute this idea, saying it is absolutely wrong. However, even if such a concept is correct, it must not be the only correct one.

It is precisely because some people think that such an idea is wrong, at least not the only correct one, so some people resist. Those who resist the truth of the end also have their own beliefs and philosophical views, which in turn lead to various differences.

me too.

I do not recognize the truth of the end. Even if it looks really reasonable. Even at certain times, I must use some of these ideas to confuse others, comfort others, and pretend to be missionaries of this concept. I will never recognize the truth of the end.

Just to my heart, even if I told myself countless times that everyone will die, I must be mentally prepared, and I ca n’t stop the joy that comes out of my heart when I see everyone alive. For me, everyone Alive, even if the world is so painful, crazy, and desperate, even the next moment will die, but at this moment this second, you can confirm that everyone is still alive, and have the will to continue to live, as if they were redeemed It is like the battle and pain that I have suffered all the time, all have meaning at this moment.

The person I love, the person I care about, these people live and continue to live, from the angle I can observe, to get a more peaceful and free life is the biggest motivation for me to fight. Even if he has no way to reverse his destiny, even if these people can't overcome the destiny of death, but this mood is absolutely not mixed with any falsehood.

"We will win. I will protect you." I said to Zuo Chuan, Saki Ye and Hachijing, "I will protect you even if this world is destroyed."

I can't be a hero for everyone, but at least, I want to be their hero!

I saw John Bull coming. People I know will definitely come over. They bring whisperers to the peninsula, which is both compelling and with more active ideas. They knew that the existence of Zuo Chuan, Saki Ye and Ba Jing made it impossible for me to refuse to talk. Their previous efforts to protect Zuo Chuan, Saki Ye and Ba Jing must also be rewarded. I am the one who can give back.

Only at this time, I am very grateful to thank you for being a Level 4 Mageweave Messenger, and for all the factors that make you a Level 4 Mageweave Messenger.

Because I am a Level 4 Mageweave messenger, there are more people who need me, so I can be expected by others when it matters.

Although only John Bull was alone, her coming was completely enough to represent the idea of ​​this team. Perhaps, for others. It is still difficult to have a face-to-face conversation with me. I can understand that they are not robots and have their own ideas and emotions. Compared with them, John Bull and I have worked together for a longer period of time and are more suitable for communication.

"Other people still can't help it." John Bull smiled, but there was not much apology, and I didn't think she had any need to apologize. For the trouble I added to them, the resulting deaths and injuries can hardly be said to be "goodwill". Yes, I was obviously a member of the team, but I hurt them deeply. I never wished them to forgive me.

Conversation and cooperation are merely tactical and strategic communications, not expressing understanding and goodwill. I am very clear. The cooperation between John Bull and me has always been criticized, but we still have the same enemy today. They need my strength, and I need their strength. I have deeper feelings about them than they do to me, but they must not know or understand. But that's okay. This is fine. If they feel that treating me as a casual enemy is a better choice, that's fine.

"Thank you for taking care of them." I glanced at the three whisperers who stood aside as a group, and they had a clear boundary with others.

"Well. It's just a part of the transaction." John Bull said: "Online **** are reputable."

"So. Can you tell me the current situation and the next plan?" I went straight to the topic.

"Of course, it's for this." John Bull pulled a small box from his arms and threw it into my hands. "Add another chip."

I opened the box, which contained a chip the size of a nail. The familiar textures, touches and shapes immediately made me understand what this is-a personality preservation device! I just felt my breath seemed to stop for a moment.

"This is the research result of our online ball. We can save the information of Misaki and Eight Scenes and let them leave the world of repeaters." John Newton paused before continuing: "The Las Vegas repeater is about to burst , But, our online ball is willing to accept them, we also have repeaters, do n’t we? ”

John Bull's words have been very straightforward. The underlying meaning in this remark is also obvious, and it really gives me a good option-for the online ball, only for the online ball, there is nothing that can make it occupy a high ground of justice. They probably think that this is the best way to deal with the four-level Mageweave messenger in my special situation. In fact, I can't refuse it at all. I understand that the personality preservation device is definitely not the latest research result of the netball, as John Bull said, but my understanding of its particularity is more than the netball.

Although the effectiveness of the personality preservation device has not yet been fully confirmed, placed in the world of the doomed repeater in front of us, there is no better protection for the power of Sakuya and Bajing than these things-they and the others here People are different, they are ordinary girls without any mysterious power. In a fierce battle, under the mysterious impact of the collapse of the entire Las Vegas repeater, it is difficult to estimate the difficulty of protecting two ordinary girls while defeating the enemy.

However, with the personality preservation device, there is a greater possibility. Even if the Las Vegas repeater will really collapse, the repeater world will be completely destroyed. If it is just Misaki and the Eight Scenes, there is a greater chance of survival than others. They can transfer from this world and go to other worlds, even if it is not a doomsday illusion, maybe they must be placed in the Dunlun repeater of the network ball, but this result is also better than in this Las Vegas repeater better.

Personality preservation device is "hope", which is a more powerful protective cover than the power of the fourth-level Mageweave messenger.

I can't refuse. There is no reason and possibility for rejection.

"I see." I made a very simple promise. "Can it be used immediately?"

"Of course, we are well prepared." John Bull replied without hesitation. "There are related equipment on board."

"Marceau is on the boat?" I asked. However, I already have the answer in my mind. Personality preservation devices are not so easy to obtain and cannot be easily used. The night and eight scenes of the Las Vegas repeater must be stored and sent to the London repeater , It is necessary to mobilize the power of the London repeater. As far as I know, among other holders of repeater power that currently exist in Las Vegas repeaters, repeater Marceau is the only candidate. The network ball can locate the Marshall of the Las Vegas repeater, and use it as a breakthrough to let the power of the London repeater penetrate into it, and it must also achieve a lot of behind-the-scenes work-this is the power of the entire organization of the network ball reflect.

Conversely, the existence of Marceau is also one of the reasons why I let Saki Ye and the Eight Scenes be taken care of by the netballers. If the repeater Marceau shot, then I can rest assured that Miyake and Bajing, no matter where they go, they are not "under the fence".

"Yes, Marceau is responsible for the entire conversion process. We are the only one on our side." John Bull didn't hide it. "If you don't worry, you can accompany yourself."

"No ~ ~ I don't need it anymore." I smiled, but John Bull's eyes flashed a little stunned and puzzled, and I didn't seem to understand why I was so indulgent, maybe in her heart, Sakuya and Bajing It is more like a "hostage" than the status of "friend of a temporary partner". However, I do not object to her treating it this way. She hadn't been to the "Hospital Reality", and she didn't understand Misaki and Bajing. What did Marsau and Dorothy mean? Perhaps in this doomsday illusion, Marceau did not have too many intersections with Misaki and Bajing, but the same family-like emotions will be conveyed through the subconscious mind. I am so convinced. Besides, is there still Dorothy? Dorothy is only for my "deteriorating Takakawa", not for Misaki and Bajing like ordinary people.

Both Marceau and Dorothy are in the network ball and have a special status in the organization. Their identity, heart and strength are enough to protect Sakuya and the Eight Scenes until the moment of world destruction.

I don't think anything is bad. In other words, I think that it is enough to deal with Saki Ye and Ba Jing. Misaki and Bajing are unfortunate, but compared to other patients with doomsday syndrome, it is not the most unfortunate. Even in this world of repeaters, just ordinary people are lucky than more mysterious experts. (To be continued.)


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