Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1529: True fantasy

What does he want to dig from me? I do n’t know very well, but it ’s just this vaguely stinging way of speaking that ca n’t shake my heart at all. . ?? `

"You tell John Bull them." I just told him that, and turned around and walked towards Zuochuan. The rivet did not catch up, but I felt him staring behind.

When I was in a trance, Zuochuan had already found Jiangchuan. I do n’t know how long I have been in a trance. For me, it ’s only a moment, but judging from Zuo Jiang ’s location and the description of the rivets, it seems to be a long enough time to be suspicious. The conversation between Zuo Chuan and Jiang Chuan seemed very pleasant. Jiang Chuan ’s sudden disappearance and sudden appearance did not seem to affect the relationship between the two-in fact, I did not want to disturb the two, nor did I want to ask in detail what Jiang Chuan experienced, With what kind of thought and purpose to return to this battlefield. Maybe I'm afraid, once I know more about my mood, I can't keep the attitude towards them at this moment. From this perspective, I actually don't trust my feelings for the two. Even if you make up your mind, no matter what you give up, you want to maintain their ideas will not change, but this determination is to doubt that your ideas will be shaken.

So, I stopped halfway. I waited until the two of them noticed my existence, and waved me over there.

However, at this moment, I was suddenly in a trance. The people in front of me seemed to have lost their traces in a trance, and the place where I was was no longer the sand on the shore, but on a cliff along the shore. I seemed to smell the scent of flowers. I looked around the scent and saw white flowers behind me—I recognized them all at once. These were all white Claudia. The sea of ​​white Claudia spread all the way to the foot of the slope.

This is where? Very familiar, but no specific impression.

It seems that it is still along the coast of the peninsula, but it does not seem to be where it was before.

Am I dreaming? I think this dream is a bit familiar. I have been here before, maybe it was the last trance.

"Are you awake? Achuan." A familiar voice came from behind me. I have confirmed before that, a second ago, there was only one person in this place. I stepped back a few steps and turned to look. Sure enough, Dr. Ruan Li stood there. She was carrying a portable refrigerated medical case, wearing a white lab coat, the most profound look in my memory.

This is ...

I haven't figured out the answer yet. I heard Dr. Ruan Li say: "Do you think you are dreaming?"

I am silent. ?. ?? `c? o? m

She then said: "It seems that the paradise is also losing its effect. Sorry ... Achuan. I still haven't been able to create a long-acting special-effect medicine. Your condition is too weird, it's changing all the time, any medicine will be in a short time Be adapted and then disintegrated. "

Her account is so familiar. I remembered that when Dr. Ruan Li said something similar in the reality of the hospital, none of the special drugs researched by the hospital for me could fundamentally cure my condition. Maybe it will be effective in a short time, but. Once the medicine is taken, the condition will mutate again, and new special drugs must be researched for the new condition.

I still can only be silent. In this world of repeaters, the situation encountered by Dr. Ruan Li is no different from her reality in the hospital.

I'm still not sure whether I am in a dream, or maybe ... came to Dr. Ruan Li's observation point in this world of repeaters. Dr. Ruan Li observes all kinds of vicious changes in this world of relays from a different perspective than mysterious experts. In her eyes, we are just a group of mental patients, and there are no real mysterious events. As a matter of fact, the battle we think is probably another ridiculous and crazy look in her observation.

I think I am standing on the beach on the shore, however. Even the recognition of this geographical location is different from the scenery that Dr. Ruan Li can see from the observation angle?

For Dr. Ruan Li, I was "just sober", but for me, this moment is more like a weird dream.

I can't confirm. Which one is true. However, this is not the first time he has been born to himself. Now, I will say to myself: What I can see, what she sees, is all real, but it is only a side of reality.

Dr. Ruan Li looked at me silently, and smiled for some reason, and said to me: "It's really reassuring, Achuan. If you think this is just a dream, why don't you speak? In the dream? , You can do anything and say anything without worrying about being punished, will you? "

"Because I don't think this is just a dream.?" I said what I said.

Dr. Ruan Li was surprised by my answer. This expression was written on her face as if I never thought I would say that.

"I have many things that I don't understand, but, one thing I'm pretty sure, you, my mother, and Dr. Ruan Li are absolutely not false." I said this way, "When I saw you, my emotion It is definitely not false. "

Dr. Ruan Li's surprised expression converged a little, as if he had figured out something, and seemed to be comforted. That exaggerated expression melted and became peaceful, just like the usual woman in my memory, not a clever and knowledgeable The doctor is also not a weird and determined researcher.

"I'm so glad you can say that, Achuan." Dr. Ruan Li said: "I've always been worried about how you would become if I left, but I feel relieved when I hear you say that. Maybe In your world, reality and hallucinations are all messed up, but for you, there is still something very clear, there is truth that cannot be concealed by any hallucinations, is it? Achuan. "

"Yes, it was like this from the beginning, mother." I said: "Maybe in your eyes, I am just a mental patient, but I still know what the reality of people and people's fetters looks like. Maybe my eyes If you ca n’t distinguish between illusion and reality, you will be confused by your imagination, and your logic will become chaotic. However, what kind of emotions you have in your heart, what kind of figures you have, what kind of expectations you have, but you have never been blinded. My heart said to her: "The inner observation of the self has never stopped since I was able to think."

"That's right. Very good. Very good, Achuan, I always treat you as a child, but unconsciously. You are no longer just a child." Dr. Ruan Li sighed, "So, I will You can let go and do what you should do. "

"Are you going away?" I asked, "Where are you going? What to do? Use your medicine to defeat white Claudia and save the world? Didn't you say that the paradise can deal with black water? You Did n’t say that. All the hallucinations in this world have become the erosion of white Claudia? White Claudia ... just behind us, is n’t it? "

"Yes, I'm going to save the world." With that said, Dr. Ruan Li suddenly laughed like a child. At this time, she was more like a mental patient than me, but she didn't feel half crazy. .

"It seems that you are still not fully awake. Achuan, look behind you. Where is the white Claudia?" She said to me.

When I looked back, the white Claudia flowers that had spread to the foot of the **** were all gone at this time.

"Don't worry, Achuan ..." Dr. Ruan Li's voice became very gentle, and she didn't know when to hug me in her arms. I feel the power and physical touch of this hug, so true and true, "You will survive, at least, I can let you survive. Maybe, the world in our eyes is not the same. But, we do Being in the same world. What we can observe like differences does not change what we are exposed to is the same thing; what we think is the same thing; what we feel is the same emotion. Can you see me and what kind of me do you see? Please believe that I have always been with you. "

With that said, Dr. Ruan Li blinked next. Already stood on the edge of the cliff. I foreseen something, I ran towards her, I reached out and tried to catch her, but she did n’t hesitate any more, just like she let go of all the burden and jumped to the other side of the world-she just walked off the cliff Jumped out and fell from my eyes. All my mysterious powers, that can be vanquished, seem to have never existed on my body, I can only run with my feet, the body is heavy and weak, and even the heart beats like lead Piece.

When I ran to the cliff and looked down, there was no figure there. Only the black wave was beating against the reef, and the splashing water could not penetrate the sunlight.

"Dr. Ruan Li!" I yelled.

Dr. Ruan Li! Although I have always had a hunch, when I was born in this scene, I deeply felt a huge emotional shock. I could n’t even tell what kind of emotion I was, it was not absolutely negative, but it was also It will not be positive, as if many sauces that have been tried and not tasted are mixed together, and the sweet and sour are turned into confusing memories. It makes me unable to make other sounds besides calling her name. I understand, I understand that Dr. Ruan Li ’s actions did not mean death, but of course, such a scene also prevented me from treating it as a good thing. This scene before my eyes was not unexpected. In the past, there were various clues that allowed me to imagine this scene. However, when it really appeared in front of me, I could not tell whether this moment was a dream or a reality. .

Should I be powerless? What language should I use to express? What kind of emotion should I be? Should I be in pain? Should it be with relief and a smile? I was drawn into a huge vortex of emotions, and this vortex was so familiar. Dr. Ruan Li was not the first to leave in this way. In the doomsday illusions of the past, and even in the reality of the hospital, those suddenly separated memories poured into my mind at a stretch. I was engulfed by these memories and emotions. They poured into my mouth and nose, squeezed into my trachea, pressed my lungs and heart, made me cough, and made me breathless.

I struggled in the vortex of emotions. When the turbulent waves hit me, I was pressed into the water. I continued to struggle, using both hands and feet, and floated to the water before suffocating.

When I pierced through the water and inhaled the first air, I woke up in horror.

There was still a black river in front of me, standing on the beach on the shore. The mysterious experts who had gathered here once again became sparse, and the ships carrying reinforcements were sailing in the other direction. It seemed as if the black water was sticking to one another, pushing the hull between the waves, as if a will was helping the ship leave. I know that the repeater Marceau, Miyake and Bajing are on that boat. Zuo Chuan and Jiang Chuan are not far away, as if they are unaware of what is happening to me. I think, in this dreamlike trance, there must be abnormal movements. However, their eyes are Quiet, as if to say, in their eyes, all my abnormalities are "normal" instead.

Other than that, no one ’s eyes are on me, they are all doing their own things—yes, those things that are born on me that only I can see are just my own things. . They look at what they can observe and deal with what they are facing, and am I not?

No one is aware of Dr. Ruan Li's affairs ~ ~ This is my own dream, or, for the time being, it belongs to me.

I took a deep breath and patted my cheeks with both palms, the pain made me awake.

I can neither stop nor help Dr. Ruan Li. This is reality, and on the basis of this reality, it is what I should do further.

After a while, there were more mysterious experts leaving. They seemed to have assigned their own tasks and only needed everyone to complete their work. And my job, my task, my enemy ... Where is Father Edward?

Alienated Youjiang hangs high above the sky, silent as a dream. Saya broke through the darkness and was entrenched in the interior of the peninsula. When the ship disappeared into my field of vision, the surging Heihe River did not stop, but became more violent and violent. It roared, rolled, and made a grunting sound, which was by no means the tide, and the droplets that were brought up when the wave was lifted were pulled by an invisible force in a way contrary to mechanics, and retreated along the trajectory of splashing Back to Heihe. (To be continued.)


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