Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1542: Go to the moon

And the people in District 51 are about to leave. They seem to have bet all their chips on Sitianyuan Gamma Coconut at this time. The various arrangements that have been made in this repeater world have been in order to Let such a transcendental four-day courtyard gamma coconut be born in this world. Some of my enemies can be seen and some cannot be seen, and some must be seen. There are also only perceivable, they come from the external environment, but also from my heart. It was once called "despair", and it was once called "hope". A sense of terror that “craves but cannot get”, a sense of weakness that “does not work”. The sense of depravity of “seemingly hopes, then turning into despair”, the confusion caused by “the unspeakable unknown erodes the world I know” Think about it and stop the ongoing plan. Such enemies are invisible, but more often, they are more terrible than tangible enemies.

I have experienced many endless expansions and divergences of thinking. I know very well that in my thoughts, there are countless things that are fragile, timid, confused, and negative. In this incredible attack, I saw what I had subconsciously avoided, that part that could not be described to others. My heart is far more complicated, more changeable, negative, and cowardly than I thought. All my thoughts and actions in the past were because I did not want to be a negative and cowardly person, and I constantly forced myself, but also because I was such a person who forced myself, and I have already achieved this point, Therefore, we must continue to do it until a visible and final result comes to me to prove whether my past thoughts and actions were right or wrong.

I'm such a guy who won't look back when he hits the south wall. It ’s okay to die, I ’m going to die, I want to see if I ’m going to be crushed, or what kind of scenery is behind the south wall. I hope that those I love can return A blessed and happy everyday ideal township.

In front of my eyes, the peninsula turned into a Gobi, and the monotonous stone landscape flew backwards. The further forward, the greater the sense of depression is like placing an invisible space in a high-pressure environment, turning it into a visible solid. The invisible high-speed passage spreads in this space under tremendous pressure, just like a needle piercing the ice cube little by little, and every time it extends forward, it makes me seem to hear the creaking sound. I'm like carrying on a rock that is getting more and more heavy. Compared with me, the four-day courtyard gamma coconut, which is the most stressful, jumps up without any burden and shakes the six wings behind me.

At this moment, I seemed to hear the shattering sound of the glass. The six wings had such a moment. In the feeling, it seemed to break away from an invisible shackle. The wings are so huge that in the high-speed vibration, a stronger storm than in the past is formed, just like the mountains are blown down. The subsequent shocks formed various distortions, which made the chain judgment no longer observable, and also caused the invisible high-speed channel to collapse quickly. I stopped the chain judgment, and only focused my eyes on the rising Sitianyuan Gaya. I reorganized the fragments of the invisible high-speed channel and opened up new routes.

Even if the palms of Si Tian Yuan are only physically charged, they will bring devastating oppression to any objects around them. Even so, I still reached her when she first started to rise. The ground jumped up, gliding in the storm, landed on her feet, and ran along the curve of her torso to her shoulders. Relative to the body, Si Coconut ’s Gaya is still a normal proportion of the head. In my eyes, there is also the size of a hill. And like a mosquito, when I climbed on her body, I was already in her perception, and I have no doubt about this.

Si Tianyuan's neck bends into an awkward angle. Looking sideways to his shoulders, to me standing on her shoulders. Her eyes are like a black stone polished, just the part of the pupil, which is also larger than mine. Purple black, hard and huge. Inorganic, these words are accurate descriptions of the first impression of the eyes, eyes and even the whole of the coconut palm of Sitianyuan. She also only maintains the original appearance on the outline of appearance, and the other images and temperament are no longer "human".

"Gaochuan Gaochuan Gaochuan Gaochuan Gaochuan Gaochuan Gaochuan Gaochuan Gaochuan Gaochuan" could not describe whether its thick or sharp voice sounded in my mind, repeated at a very high frequency, but it made people think that this voice is actually very easy, but just myself Listening cannot carry this sound. This voice is full of magic. Before other words are spit out, the words that have been spoken have been echoed in my mind. It cannot be ignored or forgotten at all.

If ordinary people hear this voice, self-consciousness will collapse in the first time. But this is not a hostile attack. It is probably the most normal way of speaking for the Sitianyuan Gamma Coconut.

"You, you, you, you, you, finally, finally, finally, still come, come, come, come." Si Tianyuan Jia coconut said so, no doubt about my appearance, nor did I From her, I felt the previous madness and hostility.

"Yes, this is the end, and I must be present." I stood on her shoulders and calmly looked at her. The more I looked into her eyes. The more you try to explore the depth of the purple-black pupil, the more you can see all kinds of unimaginable illusions, these illusions are like a vortex next to each other. Trying to draw me to the deepest point, but after every momentary trance, I can always recover.

Si Tian Yuan's Gamma Coconut didn't open again, her neck contracted back to her normal posture, and she looked up at the alienated Youjiang and Moon Eyes, who were high in the sky. She didn't attack me, let me stay on her shoulder. There was no change in her breathing. But the towering chest suddenly swelled, and at the next moment, an explosive airflow set off, taking me straight to the sky.

The space around the palm of Sitianyuan was completely distorted, and she stood on her shoulders and observed any scene with her eyes. The resulting images were unrealistic, lost their original appearance, and became fragmented and in shape In the outline, it seems to contain a metaphysical charm. She is flying, in terms of physical space coordinates, it is relatively "up", but I am not sure whether she is "flying up to the sky" or "in a time and space because there is no reference coordinate. Flight in a certain channel that cannot be directly observed ".

It is precisely because the location of the alienated Youjiang and the Eye of the Moon at this time is not a place that can be reached under the concept of common sense distance. It is more likely to approach alienated Youjiang. Needless to say, one must put aside the inherent concept of common sense in order to stand on the same battlefield as Alienated Youjiang.

I have to say how long I flew with Si Tianyuan Gamma Coconut, how high I flew, and if I look down, the scene can roughly give a strong impression that the distorted scene gradually disappears. The land is surrounded by a deep gully, a corner extending from the interior of the continent. This field of vision is still magnifying. Finally, it is confirmed that the land is not a cuboid, but has a clear and huge arc. When the arc becomes more and more obvious, a spherical outline can be drawn from the impression.

The planet, the white clouds, the dried yellow-brown, and only a quarter of the blue are very symbolic. The impression is enough to explain the common sense physical height of me and Sitianyuan gamma coconut relative to the ground.

Even so, we are still rising and still feel that we are still far away from the alienated Youjiang and the Eye of the Moon.

The planet began to show its original shape, and gradually narrowed in the field of vision. Darkness came from all directions, silent and silent. This is what I have seen from the TV, from the books, and from the "universe" I have seen countless times. At this moment, I finally felt that I and Shitianyuan Gamma Coconut had completely escaped the shackles of the planet and came to a veritable universe.

Whether this is the real universe or not, I don't have an accurate concept, but I am very serious. The universe that I had imagined in the past is what it looks like.

Coming into this universe, the positions of the alienated Youjiang and the Eye of the Moon became clear. She originally thought that she was located in an abnormal place different from the normal space. However, when the scene seen by the field of vision deviated from the earth, this unusually different space seemed to return to the normal space.

Shimayuan and I indeed flew towards her place.

And that position relative to the spatial position in common sense is


Go to the moon!

I looked at the huge ~ ~ it was clearly the moon, but at this time it was more like a demon eye. The moon eye murmured.

"It's really the eye of the moon." It used to be called the "eye of the moon", but it was just a description of one's own opinion, but the original feeling was confirmed by the scene in front of him at this moment.

How should people move in the universe? How will you feel differently? This knowledge has a detailed description in the popular science books. However, those descriptions are completely different from my feelings at this time. Because, I did not produce feelings such as "weightlessness" and "no oxygen", any feelings that are different from the surface of the earth do not exist, and I stood on the shoulders of the coconut palm in Sitianyuan, as if I were still standing On a mountain peak on the surface of the earth, breathing the same, under the same gravity, and without the pressure of high-speed flight. Some are just the mystery that diffused from the coconut palm of Sitianyuan. A huge sense of oppression. (To be continued.)

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