Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1550: Survival strategy

The scene behind the Red Gate is like a landscape that crosses time and space. People and machinery are intertwined. There are people who are ready to deal with sudden dangers. Some people are overwhelmed by sudden dangers. Some people want to react. There are also people who are buried in their work. Not everyone was surprised by my invasion, but everyone I saw showed anxiety and fear in their eyes, even in the gaze of the calmest, like a visitor, wearing a mask, It is not without fluctuations. I ’m not the one that shakes their hearts, the Si Tian Yuan Gamma Coconut is, even if it ’s just using a huge screen to show the scene of the huge and twisted monsters in the universe, even if it ’s just looking with eyes or ears Listening, you can also feel an inexplicable fear, accompanied by the unpredictable mystery, accompanied by the destruction of the absolute power.

The mystery of the coconut palms in Sitianyuan, the endoplasmic leakage caused by its own distortion, and the inexplicable strangeness that has been introduced, has gradually radiated to farther places with time-when I saw it here When the scene about the coconut palm in the Four Heavens Garden was shown on the screen, I fully felt it, and the ship was also exposed to this radiation. These people were captured and eroded by this mysterious radiation, and maybe even somewhere in the ship, weird and strange phenomena occurred.

I don't have any evidence, I just feel it. This kind of feeling is often real and actually exists, just like an early warning of instinctive crises. Of course, before visual observation of actual phenomena, people will feel like illusions and illusions. But as soon as this sensation began to emerge, I could not help but be sure that the ship was already on the verge of being destroyed.

It's faster. It is necessary to rescue as many people as possible before the ship is completely destroyed. This time, my luck was better. The last ship was declared to have ended when I first entered, leaving me with insufficient time to judge the status quo. As I was skimming, I moved my gaze to the surrounding screen again. The graphical information depicts the movements of the coconut palm in Sitianyuan. Her trajectory seems to pass by this ship. But even without a frontal impact, the mystery generated during its movement still produces huge erosion and destruction of anything close to her-the closer it is, the more direct the erosion and destruction.

In the nearest relative position calculated by the processing center. The end of this ship will definitely not be better than the last one I was in.

In this seemingly wide room, swiping, collecting and processing all the visible information in the process of swiping, and then paying the action, how long does this series of actions take? The answer is simple. No need for tenths of a second. For ordinary people, one tenth of a second is a very high level of responsiveness, and it takes longer to go from instinctive reaction to completion of the reaction, but for mysterious experts, within one tenth of a second It is not so difficult to accomplish targeted reflex actions. `So, I have to hurry up.

As soon as any wizard on this ship surrounded by mystery, could not reach the level. The invisible high channel winds around everyone, from the zenith to the ground. From the wall to the equipment, I have arrived behind them before their eyes reflected my figure. The ropes made by Level 4 Mageweave bound their bodies, and the blades made by Level 4 Mageweave cut their necks, pierce their hearts, and cut off their limbs.

The enemies judged initially may not be completely misunderstood, but at this moment, I still choose behaviors that are extremely brutal in my opinion, within a tenth of a second. All people preliminarily determined to be enemies, regardless of whether there is a misjudgment or not, are torn apart, in terms of the physical constitution of ordinary people. There is simply no possibility of survival. I entered through the red door aisle, circled the room several times, and returned to the aisle entrance.

When I stood still, there were more than ten heads flying in front of my eyes, my body cracked and my internal organs collapsed. The blood was sprayed like a column of high-pressure water, pouring people all over the face. I carefully observed the expressions and actions of the survivors. Their expressions stayed at the last moment. It was not so shocked, it was better to figure out what had happened. Subsequently, a more intense fear spread with the **** smell in the air, but fell into a dead silence, only the machinery was still operating, and a low whine. The people working in the glass-like transparent spherical inner room, one after another, stopped their work, opened their mouths, their eyes glared like bronze bells, and looked incredibly at the **** scene outside.

My heart is not calm at all, but the first reaction is still: the possibility of the arrogant wizard of doomsday truth among the survivors has been reduced to less than half.

These ordinary people and I are in the same killing scene, but what we are watching, feeling, and thinking are completely different. In the corner of my eyes, the shadow creeped strangely, and it made people feel uncomfortable, with the familiar mysterious taste, quietly rising from the outdoor ship space, along the open channel, a trace Silk penetrated. This kind of unclearness seems to turn into black gas in my mind, first a trace of inflow, and then into a stock, and it will probably become a piece after a while.

Before everyone came back, the alarm device had sounded, and the red pop-up window popped up in a projected manner. The pungent red did not leave any space in this huge room. `This red light flickers on everyone's face, making an unclear one that can be felt directly between their eyebrows.

"Start the escape device. Immediately!" I shouted loudly.

No one can immediately react to this series of accidents. Their thinking is like a pause, until I smashed a barreled self-propelled device with a knife handle and made a loud noise.

"Who are you!" Someone finally asked. Although this problem seems out of place to me, it is not incomprehensible. The most important thing is that someone finally entered the state.

"Activate the escape device, publish the escape announcement, how much do you prepare for the possibility of the ship being destroyed? Take it all out." I emphasized again, of course, it is also very clear that this kind of answer is impossible to make every one here. Everyone is satisfied. If these people are ordinary people, then people who can act decisively under the extreme conditions at present are definitely only one-tenth. No, I looked around them and observed them, I think this number is even smaller. If the time is sufficient. I also hope to make an explanation and organize and operate them in a way that is more in line with social common sense, just. I don't know how much time I have left. I can only think about the situation in the worst possible direction.

"You--" When the second voice appeared, I interrupted it.

"There is no time." I emphasized again, making a louder voice again, so that everyone's eyes were focused on me. My eyes are in contact with theirs. Completed a group consciousness walk. Consciousness walking is not hypnosis, but it can also achieve the effect of hypnosis. It is not easier to penetrate the minds of ordinary people than to invade the consciousness of the mysterious expert, but if only a riot from the surface consciousness is forced to reverse its attention in a short time. And thinking-oriented words, but it is not so difficult.

The eyes of the survivors were dull, but the body had moved according to my orders. My conscious walk is very rough, and may leave some sequelae in these people's hearts. I do n’t expect to be forgiven afterwards, but also accept the questioning of everyone who advocates freedom of will. It ’s just that I know very well that I know what I ’m doing before I do this kind of thing. I make judgments, I make choices, I exercise power, I carry results, whether this consciousness is past or present. Never lost.

In front of me, people cooperated with dull expressions. They turned off the alarm, opened the ship's communication, and operated the escape mechanism according to the regulations. Everything is organized like a drill hundreds of times. Obviously, they did have a strategy, and the only thing that allowed them to be destroyed along with the ship was only the time to execute the strategy-if the attack of the four-day courtyard gamma coconut made them lose the opportunity, then the escape became a luxury. . Just like the ship where I was before.

There must be more passengers in the ship, but I do n’t need to deal with them one by one now. This is indeed the central command system for the highest order of the cloth ship. From here, the commands issued are strictly executed by others in the ship. Perhaps among those people, there are people of doomsday truth, but as long as they do not occupy the overwhelming majority, nor can they make up their minds to destroy everything in a sudden order, this simultaneous synchronization escape strategy cannot be prevented. In my chain decision, all the actions of all members of this command center are making me understand the outline of their escape strategy.

For some reason, the escape of this space fleet is not carried out in batches, nor is it simply a behavior inside a ship. The instructions sent from here are communicated to all ships that have not been destroyed in a network, and this function is also available to every other ship. This means that as long as a ship issues an escape command, the command will theoretically be received by the entire fleet and executed synchronously. During this process, it does not seem to be controlled by the other ship's central system.

Some people may choose to interrupt the order and cut off the operation by cleaning up the inside, but as long as the people who do so do not occupy the vast majority and do not have absolute control over the ship ’s escape system, they cannot stop everyone in the first place. Escape behavior.

I personally do n’t understand why this fleet uses such an escape strategy as the "Noah ’s Ark" guided by the Doomsday Truth. What kind of considerations and compromises did people with all kinds of ideas complete to accomplish this The layout of the escape strategy. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is much better than the bad situations I have imagined.

The information flow rolls on the screen, and the intuitive graphical system monitors the results of each step. One query after another is interrupted, and one escape signal after another is fed back. Just like dumplings, from the container-shaped hull, flat boxes of uniform standards are dropped. As soon as these flat boxes enter the universe, they spread out in all directions and spray in the direction of the earth. After a certain distance, the surface supports Open an umbrella and look at it from a distance, like a dandelion flying against the sun and the wind.

I suddenly realized that the direction of escape they had decided was the earth.

When I realized this kind of consciousness, I suddenly felt that perhaps this choice of escape strategy and escape direction was originally a symbol of "not everyone has been fooled by Doomsday Truth". Or, in this world of repeaters, the idea of ​​doomsday doctrine since its birth has not been so extreme as to the doomsday doctrine of doomsday illusion. Perhaps the doomsday doctrine of doomsday illusion and the doomsday doctrine of this repeater world have the same close relationship as imagined, but just as the doomsday doctrine in the doomsday illusion also splits different factions and ideas from the details In the doomsday truth of this repeater world, there are people like Dr. Ruan Li who have clearer goals and rationality.

Although it is also the doomsday doctrine, it is also guided by the doomsday doctrine. However, the human beings in this world of repeaters are not self-destructive, but doomed by external factors. If all the self-destruction is caused by a "virus" infection, then the people in this repeater world, compared with the people in the illusion of doomsday, the "pathology" of their personality consciousness is only a slight degree ~ www ~ Even from the point of view of the reality of the hospital, whether it is the people in this repeater world or the people in the illusion of doomsday, they are actually split, wandering in the personality.

After the escape command was issued, the people in the central command system where I was also started their own escape journey. My consciousness walked, let them ignore the blood on the ground, and completely made escape the top priority. After everyone left, I still used the monitoring device to observe the movements of the coconut palms in Sitianyuan.

Si Tian Yuan Gamma Coconut is still in high activity, but at the same time, she can only be located at a certain coordinate. Ships close to where she is, even if they were not directly destroyed, and obtained the opportunity to escape, under the radiation of her mysterious power, they began to undergo serious mutations. The flat box out of the ship was severely distorted near the moving track of the coconut palm in Sitianyuan, and was transformed into half-flesh and half-metal foreign objects-these foreign objects are alive, just like hunting in the school of fish Like the eaters, wandering in the universe, there are signs of attacking other escapers.

But soon, the flat box-shaped escape device was also linked to a large scale like a school of fish. Just like every danger signal, all other surviving escape devices will be fed back, so that they can be offset as far as possible. To hurt the route. (To be continued.)

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