Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1561: Round 1

Alienated Youjiang still didn't open her eyes. The more she stared at the calm and sleepy face, the longer I felt something in my heart gradually worn away. ◇ ↓ ◇ ↓, if possible, I want to fight now, rush up, and before she wakes up, take advantage of the vanity and throw away her most powerful attacking means. I ca n’t help but think that the possibility of doing so may not be able to eliminate it in this way, but maybe it can be hurt, but when this fluke is wandering, there is a deep fear and fear from The bottom of my heart seems to be that as long as I do this, it will not be mentioned for the time being, but is it also possible that there will be worse results?

I have overestimated the power of alienating Youjiang as much as possible. However, it is precisely because this opponent's power is far beyond human intelligence, and it is not something that such a stupid person can measure, so the so-called "overestimation" is only my own psychology. It ’s just comforting. In fact, I probably ca n’t assess how strong it is at all. Even if I have fought with the final weapon in the past and been killed, I ca n’t learn too much from it. "So, even if it was me, no, it should be said that it was this me who had been killed by it, so there is a shadow in my heart that is difficult to describe.

I'm still retreating. The battlefield cages made with special bombs have expanded to 10,000 meters. All kinds of weird phenomena are happening in inestimable quantities and frequencies, changing, impacting, inflating, smoking, and suddenly disappearing. , And suddenly occurred, with no signs of phenomenon, in every small range that I can observe, it went through a process that was difficult to observe, and the rest left me with the impression of "observed" Those results are more like burning residue. In the dark and deep universe background, all the observable changes caused by these strange phenomena are nonsense. The absurdity is extremely small. Only when it is actually standing on the near side and observing in the unit of "meter" can we feel its complexity.

I still have a lot of methods that I haven't arranged. It's based on the opponent's "alienated Youjiang" observed in the past. The targeted research methods, but the temporary, sudden, sudden, whim, and flash of light, led me to finally choose to "change cards". After recognizing the opponent in front of me, many expected The means have become outdated. Even if it is arranged. No effect is the best result. What is more worrying is that it will produce the opposite effect.

Every time I change the perception of Alienated Youjiang, I lose confidence in some of the hole cards, but the alienated Youjiang's cognition is not static, nor does it have a relatively long time buffer like people's changes. band. Its image is very mysterious at first. Not just the appearance of the human figure, this image changes as my cognition changes. The speed of this change is so fast that it can't keep up.

No, maybe it's just my psychological role, maybe it is some kind of power that allows me to breed all kinds of negative psychology. If the battle hasn't started, it's already helpless. How can we fight? I warned myself that caution is a good thing, but it transcended caution and became fearful. It ’s not a good thing.

I stared at the face of Alienated Youjiang and took a deep breath. At this time, I especially wanted to smoke a cigarette. I listened to my breath, my heartbeat, gradually, I was a little bit less concerned about the battle at the other end of the four-day courtyard Gamma Coconut. My world seems to shrink gradually, all condensed in the cage of the battlefield in front of me. It seems that the cage created by this mysterious phenomenon is the universe, and he stands on the edge of the universe, waiting for the most terrifying monster in the universe to wake up.

Everything else was erased by the eraser.

Then, I saw that Alienated You Jiang suddenly opened her eyes. It's not like a sleeper's ignorance when he wakes up, as if he didn't go to sleep, but just closed his eyes. Her eyes gave me a feeling of unclearness. It could not be said that it was the eyes of human beings, but it could not be said that they were cold and ruthless gods and monsters. There were some fluctuations in it, but it was absolutely not "emotional ". All in all, her eyes at this time are not the same as those in the past, as if to announce that she is not exactly the same as her in the past, but her position as the enemy has not changed, and she is opening her eyes. In an instant, it made me feel that she had locked me in. As if it was only me in my eyes at this time, she also made me feel that only me in her eyes-my mood, should I say fear? How honored? Happy? Still struggling? These complex emotions are like a flood, and I want to flush my close heart, and it comes over.

The action of alienating Youjiang should be quick-I think it is fast-but, in my gaze, it turned into "normal action" again. She was originally nailed to the cross. At this time, she folded her arms and seemed to slide down from the invisible cross. The void under her feet gave a solid feeling. It's just that there is of course nothing there. She is just more like "standing" than "suspending", so people have the illusion.

At 10,000 meters, my observations are not so precise, but the presence of Alienated Youjiang is so strong that people feel that her facial features are near, and those eyes are more like crossing 10,000 meters. Distance, right in front of your eyes. Her body and face also lost a lot of presence in front of these magical eyes, and gradually became faint.

My instinct made my body tremble, and an air raid alarm sounded in my mind. The instinct-launched super-sweep super energy at the same time constructs an invisible high-speed channel around the periphery of the prison cage on the battlefield. Then, just as I was just throwing it in, the body of Alienated Youjiang, 10,000 meters away, had completely disappeared, leaving only my eyes and a dim facial feature that seemed to be close at hand. These eyes and this face forced me, but after a slight pause after I entered the speed sweeping state, I couldn't help but pulled some distance away. When I stopped again, I was already on the edge of the battlefield. The circle, which is in sight, is the figure who also came out of the prison on the battlefield, standing against his back.

The alienated Youjiang, which was originally located in the center of the battlefield with frequent occurrences of countless strange phenomena, has rushed out of the cage in this extremely short time. Standing in a position extremely close to me. And I have no idea how she got out of it. It seemed that when I was attracted by her eyes, it was suddenly cut off.

All in all, no matter how she did it, what happened in the process. Or simply it is "no process". She was indeed brisk and seemingly unburdened, and got out of the trap that I had painstakingly arranged. If it was placed before the "change of cards", I might be surprised, no, maybe it was just "a little surprised in my heart", but now, it can somewhat prove my previous "change of cards" and Not wrong. So, there wasn't even a bit of surprise—she just took it for granted. As I guessed again and again, my defense was easily torn apart.

Even so, I still have the upper hand in speed-from the past to the present, although I have lost it, but I have never lost to these final weapons in the speed link-my advantage is still an advantage, the problem is only It is based on past experience. Only speed is superior, and it does not allow you to take advantage of the overall contest.

and so. Even if Alienated Youjiang hasn't turned around, I don't think I have the opportunity to make achievements in one fell swoop. Before I entered her side, I had swept over her and shot again. The special bullet was fired from ten meters away, and the magazine was completely blown out in one breath. A total of six bullets, in the trajectory I expected, were rotating and staggered, before hitting Alienated Youjiang. Suddenly collided with each other, the strong flashes and smoke were suddenly scattered, while the figure of Alienated Youjiang was covered, and white matter overflowed from it, covering a distance of ten meters in less than a second.

The figure of Alienated Youjiang disappeared into the white matter, but this was not the final result. A bullet penetrated the white matter and broke into the cage of the battlefield where the alienated Youjiang escaped unscathed. It was the fire that ignited the fuze. At the same time it struck the battlefield, I swept away quickly, and came to 100,000 meters away in one breath. At the same time, the white matter began to twist, and the battlefield cage began to twist, just like a big hand. Distinguish from the inside and the outside, there is no specific shape, because this twist becomes a long spiral.

The one who twisted the white matter should be the alienation of Youjiang, because she drilled out of the inside after the white matter turned into a spiral strip, and at the same time, under her, the same twisted battlefield cage, those life and death were uncertain The complex and weird phenomenon is chaotic. Although the interval is 100,000 meters, the cage with a range of 10,000 meters is also very conspicuous in the background of the universe because of the bloom of light and color-the alienated Youjiang is like a small spot, and it is immediately illuminated by the blooming colors Engulfed.

The battlefield cage I made was deliberately transformed into a huge bomb that seemed to be a cage because of the "card change". In order to ensure that it will not be perceived by the alienated Youjiang ’s conscious power invading his own consciousness, so as much as possible to let himself "forget" this matter, and only in a subconscious way to drive the body to perform instinctively after meeting certain conditions "Detonation" behavior. Of course, although I also thought that the ability to alienate Youjiang can interfere with this subconsciousness that drives the subtle activities of the body, but if it really interferes, I will definitely feel it, so I can do it without "abnormal feeling" It ’s really good to complete the detonation directly.

A 10,000-meter-long "megabomb" full of complex mystery was detonated, and the power generated was of course extraordinary. Even if I was 100,000 meters away from the center of the explosion, I could feel the rushing, like the impact of steel and concrete. The cosmic void that was supposed to be "nothing" in vision became visible due to distortion. It seemed to see the opposite thing through a layer of clear water. There was a wavy, skewed, not very real feeling. The shimmering waves were shaking, riding a wave of waves. I seem to be squeezed in all directions, obviously there is nothing, but people feel that it is difficult to move, but this pressure still can not stop the speed sweep-as long as it is in the speed sweep state, no matter which direction it is going to, there is no restriction. feel.

Because of being involved in the explosion, You Jiang, who had become a small body because of the distance, completely disappeared. However, even such a large-scale and large-energy impact is still imprisoned inside the dumbbell-shaped moon eye. Obviously at the beginning, I felt that the internal space of the dumbbell-shaped moon eye was not so spacious, and the tentacles of the coconut palm of Sitianyuan easily hit the edge of it, but since I was 100,000 meters away from the original position , Did not reach its boundary. Obviously, the inner space of the Moon Eye also possesses some mystery, and Si Tian Yuan ’s coconut palm can “touch the boundary with ease”, completely because of its relative mystery.

Because the explosion in the field was so violent that I could no longer observe the figure of Alienated Youjiang, nor could I feel her breath of activity, so the situation of the Moon Eye became an indirect reference—from Alienated Right In terms of the relationship between Jiang and Moon Eye, if there is a problem with the alienation of Youjiang ~ ~ Moon Eye will certainly not be indifferent-however, Moon Eye is still calm at this time, only acting as a cage. At the other end of the dumbbell shape, one-third of Si Tianyuan's body has been squeezed into the slender part of the dumbbell. Compared with the previous progress, it is undoubtedly a big step. It is precisely this situation that makes me feel that detonating this 10,000-meter-diameter "big bomb" is at least not completely ineffective.

When I thought about it like that, although the figure was small compared to the cosmic background, it was full of incomparable presence, and it appeared again in the distorted cosmic background. To be precise, it is her sense of existence, which disappears from the moment it becomes more and more intense, until it exceeds the sense of existence of the huge impact and various distortions caused by the explosion. So, she was so intense, scorching, wild, and grotesque, that people could not look away, and the distorted background of the universe stood out as if the position where she stood was the center of the universe.

Isn't that simple? I thought, however, that is not something to be discouraged. After all, from the beginning, it became such a situation, that is-

For granted. (To be continued.)

ps: The last chapter should be 1560, not 1660. u

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