Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1579: Gods themselves

The Milky Way Railway train seemed to be drilled out of a fairy tale, and was driving in this endless sky. When Dr. Ruan Li opened the window, I confirmed that it was the one she wanted to see. …. …

She leaned out of the body and seemed to see me, so she waved at me. But I was just a crow, and I couldn't fly to the train, as if there was an invisible abyss between us. I just fluttered my wings vigorously, catching up, and my heart was full of excitement for goodbye, even if this goodbye was short, it was like a dream in a fairy tale.

Dr. Ruan Li was dressed like a solo traveler carrying a suitcase. Her straw hat was lifted by the wind and instantly fell far away. She yelled at me, and then put the luggage on the window edge of the carriage, and suddenly opened, a large pile of dark purple reagent tubes were dumped out. The luggage was not big, but these reagent tubes that fell from inside seemed to be endless. I saw them falling on the ground and falling among the white flowers and corpses, and they burst apart, so that the purple "paradise" could be scattered everywhere.

The white Claudia gradually withered away, and the corpses also withered, foaming gurglingly, and emitting white smoke. These white smoke gathered more and became humanoids. Human figures drifted into the air, almost impossible for me to reach, they arrived at once. The train windows were pushed away by the figures inside, but apart from Dr. Ruan Li, I still couldn't see anyone else clearly. At this time, the white smoked figures got into the car window.

As the train approached, more and more "paradise" was poured out by Dr. Ruan Li, more and more white Claudia was withered, the body began to disappear, and more and more white smoked human figures Drill into the train.

The sound of the whistle whistle went into the distance.

I fly and chase.

The white smoked figures swarmed up and over my side, penetrating my body, just like the peak of the station flow. People scrambled up. These white smoked human figures are like ghosts, and they can always rely on unknown channels to get closer to the train faster than me. I soon found out. No matter how hard I flap my wings, it is impossible to get close to the train, just as I and the other are in two different worlds, but at this time I can never enter the channel that should exist. The white smoke figure has become the figure in the train, but the car seems to never be filled. It will always be such a crowd of passengers but not crowded. I looked inwards through the window opened by Dr. Ruan Li, and I couldn't see more passengers besides Dr. Ruan Li behind her. The back of the car was always surrounded by a layer of frosted glass Something is vague.

On the ground, the number of withered white Claudia and corpses are still expanding, as if these things were stacked into dominoes, pushed by an invisible hand, and then circled and fell around a complicated route. I overlooked them. I saw this withering phenomenon spreading to the biggest white Claudia, farther away. I seemed to hear laughter, and when I looked up, I saw Dr. Ruan Li's cheerful smile, as if he had finally completed a thing, and that smile was not at all false.

She was still waving at me, but the carriage where she was was already in front of me. The Milky Way railway train is like a free wind, coming from the dream and driving towards the dream, the front of the car is no longer visible. People feel that this extremely long body has been connected to the end of the front horizon, but the rear of the car emerges from the rear horizon. I had been dropped so far by this train.

I know I can't catch up with it, and flap my wings anyway. In any case, if I want to start the speed sweep, I just fly like an ordinary crow, and I can no longer catch up with this train. This is not a train I can take. I am reluctant to leave Dr. Ruan Li again, but the beckoning figure is not as sentimental as I am, just a few winks. Disappeared in front.

The train continued to thunder and the whistle wandered in the air. When the rear of the car swept past me, the entire train disappeared into my eyes, and the track made of white petals collapsed at this moment. All the white Claudia and the corpses buried under it have disappeared from the ground, except for the extremely huge white Claudia that seems to be the center of the world. The dry ground gushes clear water. I think the water was originally yellow, just like the formalin solution that soaked the corpse, exuding a pungent odor, but what I saw at this time was flowing in the gully. The water in it is so clear that it feels like no trace of bacteria.

The earth is dry, but it has been purified. Perhaps not long after, the idea that it will re-grow lush green vegetation emerges spontaneously, but in the next moment, a terrible subversive appears.

A behemoth smashed the ground. It seemed to have been hiding in the ground until this time. What kind of monster is this? It is not clear at all. It seems to be transparent. Only when the earth and rocks lifted up are scattered on its body, such a huge image is vaguely outlined. As soon as it appeared, it was located very close to the huge white Claudia. I think it was like a huge bug, and it was necessary to bite off this same huge plant with strong jaw teeth.

All the beautiful and dreamy colors have disappeared before, replaced by cold and strange colors, obviously the same thing, only because of the change in color, it makes its impression completely reversed. The fairy tale in front of the bed has completely turned into a ghost story of night talk, scarlet and black canine teeth are staggered, and even the clear water has become bloody. The environment is no longer purified, but bleeding from terrible injuries.

The huge white Claudia was bitten off the first time when the invisible monster pounced. It slowly collapsed in my field of vision, and the petals turned into some kind of finely divided phosphor powder, which was getting darker. In the light color, it is like a group of fireflies flashing. As night fell, nothing was left in the sky, and the endless darkness shone down, making me think that only this drastically changed earth was the only place in this darkness where we could settle. But this land has become such a look, only makes people feel more dangerous than the dark endless sky dome. I don't know where the danger comes from, because it is everywhere.

In front of the powerful fight of the invisible monster, the huge white Claudia had no power to fight back, and did not respond in any way. It was just like a plant that had been broken, so it died, and the debris after the death was turned into phosphor powder, which was scattered in all directions with the blowing wind. This wind is full of the crazy and desperate smell I am familiar with, and I suddenly felt that the wings seemed to hang thousands of tons of weights. Can hardly lift it.

So, I began to fall, falling freely from a height of thousands of meters. Unable to maintain balance, the wind blew around, and the ground underneath came into view and was constantly spinning. I feel sick and want to vomit. There is a feeling of depression that cannot be expressed, and it is difficult to breathe in the chest.

I feel like I am dying, no, maybe even if I die, I feel better than I was at this time.

I was hit **** the ground and my body bounced several times. Although the body of the crow at this time was obviously not normal, I was still surprised that I did n’t die, because when flying, I never “crashed from such a high sky without any damage. "a feeling of. Because, this crow's body is like a normal flesh and blood body. A wave of weird and sudden things followed one wave at a time, making it completely impossible for people to think of what changes would happen next. The only good news is: I am still alive, I am still alive.

That red blood flow swept up and washed me into the gully. The muddy soil stuck to the feathers and soon wrapped my body in a thick layer. My wings can't spread, my feet can't be straightened, and my eyelids are extremely heavy. My neck couldn't turn either. I seemed to be poured into a cement column. Even if I struggled, it didn't help. The sealed darkness quickly obscured my eyes, and I could no longer see the invisible monster and the huge white Claudia. I can't breathe. I felt that I would be suffocated in the next second, but in the next second, I still did not die, and I could not perceive the situation outside through the heavy shell that wrapped me.

I felt myself starting to rot, to be precise. It is this crow's body that is rotting. Feathers detached, muscles shrunk, and nerves, blood vessels, brains, and bones turned into a pile of slimy sludge, as if maggots were still born, and finally even the maggots died in the sludge like this sludge. But the self that still exists makes me feel that I am free from such a weak body and continue to grow in the rotten nutrients. The invisible and intrinsic soul has grown out of its outline, blood and flesh, and horny. This growth is like the accelerated passage of spring and autumn. The last moment was the seed planted in spring, and the next moment is already the fruit of autumn.

I did n’t die, and no one went. I could feel my loss and re-growth. I could feel something backlogged on me all the time in the process of rebirth. Then, I stretched my limbs, climbed from the ground, and with a little effort, I lifted the heavy thing that was pressing on my back and stood up with my legs again.

I wiped off the mud on my eyelids with my hand, and when I opened my eyes, I saw a **** muddy world. The sky of this world is dark without stars. The land of this world is flat and endless except for me and another huge object. As if only me and that huge thing are still "living creatures" in this world.

That huge thing is so conspicuous. At first, it made me think that it was a huge monster to describe it in fact. It was definitely not something that could be seen under normal circumstances, and it was completely impossible to describe its existence with common sense. What does it look like? Although I witnessed it with my own eyes, I couldn't find a suitable vocabulary to describe it. All in all, it is the most unique kind of weirdness that we have seen in such a long journey.

At first glance, you might think it is a plant, but if you look closely, it looks like an animal. If you gaze at a part more carefully, you will think it is a deformed human body. Its image seems to express something, but it makes people feel obscure and unclear, but it brings a depressed, gloomy, desperate emotion to the watcher, making people want to die in front of it.

I looked at my new body, naked, no longer a structural material, full and flesh-filled and fragile, not unfamiliar, it is the one I am most familiar with, the 17-year-old high school student. I wanted to use quick sweep, but the magic pattern did not take effect. I suddenly realized that the magic pattern cloth is here. Therefore, I have no quick sweep superpower, no chain judgment, and become the most common young man in this strange ideological world. This body is fragile, and those dangers hidden in darkness, weirdness, and grotesque shapes can be fatal threats of any conceivable danger.

Although the mystery expert will not be too good in the face of the mystery event and will not survive, but there is no mystery power, but to face the mystery as an ordinary person, you need to be a mystery expert Stronger will and greater courage.

I couldn't even find a weapon. The bad air was full of odor, making people feel that their life span was shrinking at a rapid rate. My heart is full of fear, just like in the past ~ ~ This is nothing uncomfortable, and my hands and feet will not become stiff. I was so shirtless, stepping deeper and deeper towards the giant, weird presence. I know exactly what kind of situation I am in, and how I fell into such a situation. I have been hit repeatedly, washed away by countless sudden changes, but I have not lost a little memory.

I still remember my plan and knew what I had to do.

It ’s more reassuring than fear, nakedness, and flesh and blood, and doing nothing, or doing something.

Of course, I am not sure what the weird huge thing is. I can only be sure that it must be related to You Jiang, Dr. Ruan Li and Si Tian Yuan Jia coconuts. What kind of good thing, but can not stay in place just because it feels terror and danger.

Approaching it is certainly dangerous, but staying in place is not necessarily safe. The choice of "probability" is meaningless in such a situation, because intelligence is always inadequate, and the world I am in is always more absurd than I think. I know that I will never be able to do what I have to do until I am "fully prepared", and I can never rely on waiting for opportunities to move for opportunities and victory. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit the mobile phone URL

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