Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1584: NOG Conference

d "The battle was successful. ▲ ∴ ▲ ∴," This message was reached in several review meetings just one hour after confirming the disappearance of Las Vegas, and was sent to all officially participating Las Vegas relays Countries, organizations, and institutions that plan to implement device strategies. Of course, in other aspects of understanding, there are more explanations for the so-called "success", and there are people who don't think this is a success, but for the 51st district closest to Las Vegas, this The result is within acceptable limits. Therefore, during this period when the global Nazi exchanges were tightly sealed by the crazy Nazi offensive, the opinions of others were less important.

However, the disappearance of Las Vegas does not mean that there is no new trouble. On the contrary, even if this result can be regarded as a staged victory, it may have an extremely important meaning in the expected overall strategy, but it is definitely not The most critical victory. Before the counterattacks of all parties have begun, and before the victory of the counterattacks has been confirmed by the facts, this news can bring people only the disappearance of some uncertainties and the continued high confidence.

As a person, hope is always precious and important. The people in the 51st district are full of hearts and spirits, and it is already good news for the Las Vegas battle. Although everyone with a discerning eye knows that if one problem disappears, then the next problem will be faced. When an uncertain factor disappears, a new uncertain factor will be born. In the face of the Nazi offensive, you have to take a defensive posture, It has not grown to a level sufficient to take the initiative at the macro level. There must be many problems. Many uncertainties will arise from the results of current operations. That's what you need to face next.

This war with the Nazis was a "third world war" that most people did not expect. Before the recovery of the Nazis, people thought that the third world war would erupt on the basis of the victory of the second world war. However, the laws of each world war are similar. Defense, counterattack, deadlock. Until the victory of the war. Even the handling of various things after victory subdivides each stage of this process, and there are goals that must be confirmed and confronted in each stage. Perhaps the selection and handling of these goals will be all over again after the war After getting on the right track, I will look at it in reverse, maybe there will be a ridiculous feeling, maybe I will think "If you don't do this at that time, or you don't choose this direction, just fine". But for the parties at that time, it was necessary and necessary to do so.

The limitations of thought and vision exist every minute and every second, and only one can recognize oneself. The information that people can collect and understand is always asymmetric relative to the information that exists in their environment. Perhaps one day, people can achieve omnipotence and omnipotence in a sense in their own way, but when they reach that level A few days ago, the mysterious experts of the Doomsday Realm realized that they did not have so much time.

Any development, any analysis. Any comprehensible and transformative activities will take time. However, in the face of the imminent end of the world, what people lack most is time. Conversely, if it is a problem that can be solved through time activities, then there is no such thing as a "doom."

In the Americas, in Asia, in Europe, in Africa, in Australia, in the South Pole and the North Pole, all mysterious experts who are active, no matter which mysterious organization they belong to, disappear in Las Vegas at the moment, either vaguely or clearly The ground once again felt the pace of the end. What a firm, irresistible, step like a torrent, and any actions of your own will be recognized as the factors leading to the end.

If truth is the inevitable objective, then the end is the truth, at least the truth of this world is not only mysterious in this world, it is not only mystery that can explain this result, human beings are still immature, and there are some cutting-edge sciences in development The principle can be used to derive and assume a theory that conforms to this phenomenon on the basis of the "existing phenomenon". However, only theory is meaningless, and only a hypothetical theory is meaningless. It is impossible to transform the theoretical things into practice, and it is impossible to use the cognition existing in the mind to interfere with the results. Then, the problems you have to face Will not be resolved.

However, it takes time to assume the theory, apply it to practice, find out the laws in repeated experiments, correct your theories, and ultimately transform the world according to your own cognition.

Yes, it still takes time.

If there is no time for the idea to be established.

If there is no time for the operation to be established.

People will see despair and become mad in despair.

The unspeakable pressure came from the "combat success" report in the 51st area, which allowed many mysterious experts to directly bear the sense of despair from causality through their sensitive intuition. The end is closer, although I don't understand why this is the case, but the result of this intuition should not be wrong, because "intuition" never deceived them.

Within 24 hours after receiving the report, nog has confirmed many cases of mysterious experts committing suicide, autism, or switching to doomsday truth. However, such a result cannot shake the senior members of the online ball, because it is not the first This situation occurs again, so it can also be said that such a situation is still acceptable in the prediction of the mysterious organization of the network ball, and even in other years, the organization is strong and powerful.

In the online ball, Prophet Mayn is providing psychological counseling to mysterious experts in this organization. No one can be better than a prophet who is also a vanguard against the end of the world. What attitude should be adopted in the situation. The prophet is the predictor of the "end of the world", the person closest to the "end of the world", and has a stronger sense of the end than any mysterious expert. The soul can persevere in this torture day after day. In itself, it means that the mind is strong.

Even if Prophet Mayn did n’t need to speak, he just needed people to see it. Those who watch her will be calm. As we all know, Prophet Mayn ’s language is powerful. Her words did not interfere with the physical level of power, but they were enough to deal with the restlessness of the spiritual level.

"Everything is in the plan, it is not an unexpected situation." Just need to hear this from her mouth, the mysterious experts in the online ball who have been devastated by cause and effect despair. Will calm down again. As for whether this sentence is true or false, it is only when everything about the end is settled. In order to know, before being proved by the facts, true and false have no meaning for mysterious experts. They can still draw hope and light the lights in this sentence, which is the most meaningful to them.

Facing death with hope and facing death with despair may be the same in terms of actual results, but in the process. It is different. Those who only value the results have practiced the doomsday truth. Only those who think they are still in the process and decide what to change in the process. Will stay in the netball. For these mysterious experts still hopeful, the process is reality, and the result belongs to the future. What they crave is now.

One of the highest-ranking persons in charge of the network ball, which nominally led all the resolutions of the network ball, pushed open the door of the conference room. Around a long table, sitting on the top of the network ball, there are nog representatives from other member organizations. Not all member organizations have sent people. But organizations with permanent director status have not missed. These people represent different interests, different ideas, different solutions to the same event, and they do not coexist in harmony with each other. They only sit on a meeting of less than 100 meters at the same time. In the room, it is precisely because the Nazis have indeed become a priority problem that must be solved.

When the fire came in, they were arguing. Of these people, only a few are dressed up, but even if they are not dressed up, they can appreciate from some details that they have tried to use fists to resolve disputes before. Fire escape does not cause headaches for this discordant situation, because it is completely expected, so, on the contrary, it will feel: the conference room is still intact, but it is really good.

What prevents the meeting room from being destroyed by mysterious forces, of course, only the stronger mysterious London repeater is functioning in an orderly manner, and the fact that everyone is talking only with their mouths is evidence.

As soon as the fire entered the room, the loud noise gradually faded.

He walked in his seat, it was already the focus of attention. There is no need to bluff, he knows that no one wants to see himself dominate. Therefore, he only said with ordinary volume and tone: "The successor to the disappearance of Las Vegas has been observed. Let me read the results." He looked around the people with questioning eyes and confirmed that these people did not intend to listen. So the materials brought in were distributed.

As a result, the meeting room fell into a slightly lengthy silence.

It took a while for someone to break the stiffness and gloom that filled the entire room: "So, the moon has made new changes. Is this good news or bad news?"

"The point is, it's unclear what kind of changes the theory above looks quite scientific, but the level of IMHO is low and I can't understand it at all. And we are mysterious organizations, not scientific institutions, mysterious experts, not Scientist. "Another said.

"However, mysterious phenomena cannot be understood, they can only be observed. It is not ridiculous to use theoretical logic to guess the new changes of the moon." Another person said: "Indeed, the newcomers are limited by their own thinking and need an understandable Yes, at least it is a logical truth that can be accepted by us, but we do n’t need these feelings, intuition, experience. If we only use these things to look at the changes on the moon, each of us can confirm it, probably It ’s finally confirmed, that ’s why we are sitting here. "

"Then, don't make it mysterious." The person on the other side suggested: "The network ball's report has been confirmed, and now it is our respective reports that should be confirmed."

This proposal was approved, and the fire continued to remain silent.

"It's the same." The proposer said first: "We got the same result on our side."

"As above, although I don't understand what quantum entanglement is, the feeling that the moon is no longer one but two is still very strong."

"There is a difference in detail, but overall it is the same feeling. Although only one moon can be seen with the naked eye, it is like two moons superimposed on the same position."

After the round of reports, everyone confirmed the situation described in the online ball report. Although this kind of thing can be confirmed directly by remote contact, the problems that need to be solved in this room are not just confirmation of the report. Authenticity. But after confirming, what kind of way should one take to respond.

"Las Vegas disappeared, one moon became two moons overlapped, and one of them was the Nazi headquarters, so what about the other moon?" This is a key issue.

"Remind. The Nazis that we usually observe with the naked eye do not exist on the moon, which is quite normal. According to the current popular saying, the Nazis are not on the moon, but in the lunar repeater, which is different from the conventional moon. The concept that they descended from the moon to the earth is an observed phenomenon, not a substance. I believe that they use the lunar relay to jump directly into the earth ’s space. "There is indeed such a saying.

"Isn't the lunar repeater on the moon just like the Las Vegas repeater is in Las Vegas and the London repeater is in London?" Some people objected.

"No, UU reading is of course different. The difference between the phenomenon and the essence, understand illiteracy."

"It's not important. Under normal circumstances, we have to reach the moon to reach the moon repeater, just like we have to send someone to Las Vegas."

"Why do n’t you try to connect the repeaters? Now that the Nazis have lost the Las Vegas repeaters, they will not deal with the Doomsday Truth. As long as they cooperate with the 51st district, two repeaters are enough to build a stable. Channel. "

"I don't worry about the doomsday truth."

"Even if the Doomsday Truth teaches in, the worst case is just two-to-two, not an unacceptable risk."

"Sorry, I have a more conservative attitude towards the doomsday truth."


"Okay, let's be quiet." At this time, when the fire broke out, we clapped our palms. When the quarrel gradually fell, we continued to say: "We can be sure here that the other moon is definitely not a Nazi base. to be continued.

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