Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1588: Pathfinder

d At the Xunxun reception, Gao Chuan met all kinds of people. He could easily see the complex thoughts and emotions hidden in his heart, which was clearer than in the past, as if an illusion-like scene passed through his mind. It seemed that I was riding on a train that didn't know where I was going. Through the glass, I could vaguely see the outline of the fog outside the window. At the same time, the scene in the car was reflected on the glass, and the two phases were covered, full of psychedelic colors. Although the conscious walking ability that I acquired suddenly cannot be controlled by the brain hardware, I simply feel it by virtue of an instinctive feeling, but there are many things flowing out of the network-like bridge. Quite clear.

The two ends of the bridge are connected, and the network of the bridge is extending in all directions. From the invisible end to the other end that is also invisible, only in this process, those passing through Gaochuan will be clearly captured by Gaochuan. The fantasy formed by it They are overlapping and interlaced. Because the differences are confused, they are also confused. However, in this confusion, many parts are similar or even the same-Gao Chuan subconsciously understands , Similar or the same, is the commonality in people's consciousness, and those that are different represent the deep personality of people's consciousness. The network structure formed by these bridges is itself a manifestation of the subconscious connection between people-in psychology, there is such a hypothesis that the deepest consciousness of each person is connected with the deepest consciousness of another person. , Even any conscious things, with the planet as the scope, also have some kind of secret and close connection, and in the practice of the conscious walker, the deep ideological world seen does indeed fit this statement. .

Does the conscious walker endorse this hypothesis, so the ideological world reflects the characteristics they recognize, or is the ideological world the same as it is? Most conscious walkers do not pay much attention to the answer to this question. They recognize the world they observe, and act according to the world they observe, and that's all. In front of magnificent and mysterious things, people who lack time even think. Nor can I get a definite answer. The answer accepted in the previous moment may be overturned by the new situation in the next moment, and so on. It makes people feel tired.

The power of science lies in its falsifiability. Scientists also often say that when a theory is confirmed, it is already on the path of being overthrown. At this point, mystery is actually very similar to science-hypothetical. In the unfathomable unknown, there must be some high-level mystery that can never be touched, never explored, nor falsified. The unknown is infinitely far from the known, but not all mysteries are Is such that.

When the mystery is falsified, it is no longer mysterious, however. Mystery is not just a simple thing, nor is it a situation that stays still. As long as you admit that the "unknown is infinite", the mystery will always exist.

Either a mystery expert or a conscious walker, you can deeply appreciate this in your forced existence-unlike science, the change of science is slow, although it can be falsified, but the falsification process But it will last for years, decades or even hundreds of years. During this period, according to the science that has not been falsified, you can create value that is beneficial to yourself. But the mystery is different, the self-righteous understanding. Will be overthrown in a very short time, and then prove his ignorance and stupidity. This process is too fast, too frequent, far beyond people's ability to bear. When a person intends to face the mystery based on a theory that was once proved correct, the sudden consequences of the change are catastrophic.

Put it in science. This phenomenon will be regarded as "does not really recognize its essence", and the scientific requirement is to find its essential laws from the seemingly ever-changing phenomena. However, in the face of mystery, what exactly is the law and essence of the mysterious phenomenon? No one can be sure that in a changing situation, in a short period of time, mysterious experts often only get two or three choices based on known conditions, and then choose one of them-if the choice is correct, then It is possible to survive, but it is inconclusive whether we will ruminate afterwards and sum up, whether the experience and laws obtained will be used next time.

Gao Chuan has always heard people say that science is a method of cognizing the world, understanding the world, and transforming the world. It is not a specific product but a method. The core part of it is observation, summarization, reasoning, practice, and finally finding out the universal truth. However, this must be limited to the premise that the goal must be extremely repeatable.

So, if it is not repeatable, or it seems to be repeated, but the essence is different, in such a case, how to obtain effective results in a short time?

Just have time-everyone said so.

However, the truth is cruel, there is no time.

Before the end, no one has enough time.

Science or mystery, everyone knows that there is actually a way ahead. But because of this, the lack of time allows people who can see hope to feel the deepest despair.

Obviously there is a chance to do it, and obviously you can win, as long as you can go one step further, you can get rid of the predicament, at least you can breathe a breath, but the time is running out, and even the opportunity to take this step is not known. .

"So, you must fight for time." Gao Chuan's ear echoed what Dorothy once said: "Me and Xie Se have the deepest scientific knowledge in the world. We can use these advanced theories to analyze the current In the most difficult situation we faced, in the latest deduction, as long as one more year, we can perceive the truth of the 'virus'. But do we have one year? No. So we did in the most recent deduction In the case, the conclusion we got is still a failure, we still can't know the truth of the "virus". We are speeding up as much as possible, but you should understand that Achuan, when we accelerate, the "virus" will not stop. . "

Gao Chuan remembered clearly what happened that day, and the dialogue and movement between the two. Dorothy took out a note filled with fantasy-like records, or stories written in a "record" way. What surprised Gao Gao most was that many of the plots above seemed to have A pair of eyes that no one ever noticed observes himself. Observe this changing world.

"This is Gao Chuan's diary." Dorothy said: "I know, you are also writing a diary, but this is another Gao Chuan wrote. I made a copy by a special method, but it is not complete."

"That boy looks like me?" Gao Chuan understood.

"Yes ... Although I don't want to admit it. But neither I nor the color system can directly find evidence that he is not Gaochuan, but some kind of puppet like Gaochuan." Dorothy said: "Even so. I He still thinks that his existence itself is a viral conspiracy. You see, this diary is evidence, there is something, using his thought as a carrier, to record everything in the end of the illusion and the reality of the hospital, although I do n’t understand it The reason for this, but there is no doubt that even if it left the doomsday illusion. We are still under its observation. We have to doubt that another Gaochuan is the carrier of this observation. "

"I know, I know." Gao Chuan said: "However, we still have to be one."

"Yes, I know you will do that, Achuan. But, do you understand what must be done? Achuan." Dorothy asked.

"In order to become super Gaochuan." Gao Chuan said the answer that had been stated countless times.

"So why do you want to be super Gaochuan?" Dorothy continued to ask.

"Super Gaochuan is more capable and can do things that we cannot do now." Gao Chuan said frankly, this is also a very standard answer.

"So. Where is Super Gao Chuanqiang? Why can we do things we can't do now? He is a mystery expert? Is he superman? No, you should be clear that Super Gaochuan is placed in the reality of the hospital, and it is just a more ordinary than normal. People are powerful. They are still inferior to the mysterious experts, and they will not be the most powerful mysterious experts in the illusion of doomsday. "Dorothy said:" His body will be strong and his will will be firm. Indeed, the body Being strong is good, but. Will you and the past Gaochuan ’s will be weaker than him? ”Without waiting for Gaochuan ’s answer, she said decisively:“ Of course not. The only one who is superior to you and the past Gaochuan is It ’s only the actual body in the hospital. Knowledge, wisdom, will, and cognition are actually not much different. Nor will they be able to directly produce virus antibodies in the body because they become super Gaochuan, so Super Gaochuan is actually still Is a patient with doomsday syndrome. "

What Dorothy said, in fact, Gao Chuan already understood. The so-called super Gaochuan is still Gaochuan. It has neither become a monster nor a superman, nor does it have any special and mysterious power. This is a cruel fact.

"However, Super Gaochuan does have the possibility of defeating the virus, and this possibility is higher than any Gaochuan in the past. Why is this?" Dorothy asked.

"Why?" Gao Chuan did not want to understand this problem. He was only the executor of the plan. Although he could understand the original Gao Chuan's combat plan, the plan at that time was defeated by Gao Chuan after the initial Gao Chuan's death. Dorothy and tie colors have been modified many times, and have become unrecognizable. Super Gaochuan didn't exist in the original rough plan. More precisely, it never considered the possibility of its existence.

"I ask you, what is the most basic and core aspect to defeat an enemy?" Dorothy did not answer directly, but asked from a different angle.

"Identify weaknesses?" Gao Chuan said, but he knew that his answer was too shallow.

Sure enough, Dorothy shook her head and said, "It is to determine where the enemy is." She paused and continued: "When you know that such an enemy exists, you must know where it is, find it, In the face of it, we can do more things later, such as understanding and analyzing it. But if we do n’t even know where it is, how to deal with it? Then, I ask you, our enemy is a virus. , Then, before analyzing what the "virus" is, where is it? "

Gao Chuan was speechless and could only be silent. He wanted to answer "just inside our patients", but the question came: Who has found the "virus" from the patients? No. So far, no observation can confirm the existence of the virus from the patient's body. The so-called "virus" is more like a certain etiological hypothesis summarized from the condition-written in the actual data of the hospital, the researchers It is through summarizing the morbid phenomenon that a "virus" has triggered all this. Because of this, the virus has been double-quoted, which means that it is different from viruses in the sense of common sense.

"The existence of the virus cannot be observed, but the phenomenon caused by it does exist. It can be confirmed that there is such a source that the doomsday syndrome has occurred and spreads around the world." Dorothy said: "Maybe it is because of our Observation ability has not reached the level where you can observe the virus body. If you have time, of course you can slowly improve your observation ability, but we have no time. Therefore, we cannot use normal means to find and confirm the virus The presence."

"So, is Super Gaochuan an abnormal means?" Gao Chuan realized this.

"Yeah ~ ~ Gaochuan is special. Of all the patients with doomsday syndrome, Gaochuan's special is obvious to all." Dorothy picked up Gaochuan's diary and raised it, saying, "Look, there are many The evidence shows that Gao Chuan is actually closer to the "virus" than anyone else, and has a closer relationship. A Chuan, when you admit that the other Gao Chuan is also yourself, you are also the most special one. "

"So, the existence of Super Gaochuan will magnify this connection?" Gao Chuan understood.

"Yes, according to my and my coloration, Super Gaochuan will feel the existence of the" virus "very strongly-just feel it or not, the key is that since the" virus "makes Gaochuan special, then, Gao Chuan itself has a different meaning for 'virus'. It will definitely come to recover this meaning. "Dorothy said," When Super Gao Chuan is completed, the chance of being caught by 'virus' is extremely great. Whether it is looking for viruses, Still found by the other party, the two are more in-depth than any previous contact. This is also certain. "

"As a result, we can confirm the" virus "." Gao Chuan thought deeply.

"Yes, we will find it and confirm it. After that, we can do more things." Dorothy said: "The real codename of the Super Gaochuan Project is" Pathfinder "." (To be continued.) C

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