Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1603: Gaochuan's way

The clues must be grasped through further deaths and injuries-this sentence is exactly what Gao Chuan thinks is different from this female officer. ● ⌒, .. It is not to say that the facts described in this sentence are wrong. Compared with the advantage occupied by secret enemies, it is difficult for anyone to guarantee that they will be pulled out without casualties. Why are these enemies scary? It is precisely because they know that they want to do things that are "evil" in their own ideas, but they cannot kill that bad future in their infants in advance.

You must deeply understand this fact in order to fight with the other party, and have the idea that “the other party ca n’t let the other party hurt you”, or even “as long as the person you care about is hurt, then you lose”. Then it became a loser from the beginning. This is not a question of whether the ideas are naive, but that these ideas are unrealistic.

However, after clarifying the factual basis of "self must have sacrifice", how to treat your own sacrifice is exactly the difference between "gentle" and "cold" that Gao Chuan thinks. Just like what the female officer did, and the thoughts expressed in her statement, it seemed extremely cold to Gao Chuan. He feels that this woman has a natural view of "the sacrifice must be made by oneself". Although the fact is bound to be like this, she has no hope and expectation for the non-reality of the naive ideal of "no sacrifice". Hope. She believes that sacrifice is normal, and based on this normality, try to make the most of the various conditions that follow.

Gao Chuan never had the idea of ​​"sacrificing it for granted."

The female officer will not have any emotional ups and downs for this "justified sacrifice", Gao Chuan even believes that even if the person who is sacrificed is herself, she will not be a little touched, he can believe that she is facing the sacrifice she takes for granted Time. The nerve is as hard as steel. The nerve created by this steel is due to things that she takes for granted.

It also recognizes the fact that "sacrifice will definitely occur", with the concept of "must make every sacrifice a brick to victory", but walking on this road full of sacrifices. Gao Chuan did not take these sacrifices for granted. He still yearned for those unrealistically beautiful situations, and it was precisely because of the yearning for such a world that he climbed out of the infinite loop of **** out of countless failures.

If everyone must die, and death is the truth, then he hopes that the death that people will face is not described in the word "sacrifice", and is full of tragic and painful death.

For "death" and "death way". People have all kinds of vocabulary, and each kind of vocabulary describes the same result, but there are all kinds of differences between vocabulary after all, these differences are just because of people's subjective emotional feelings.

As many philosophers think, if death is an inevitable result, then at least let the process of death and the meaning of death included in people's self-cognition do not become a solid explanation. otherwise. There is no difference between those who possess spiritual intelligence and intellectuality and those who have no intellectuality.

In Gao Chuan's concept. "Sacrifice" may be factual and difficult to change, but it is never a commendatory word and never taken for granted. How to look at "sacrifice" and use it as a starting point to do more things-even if there is no difference in what you do. However, the difference in philosophical thinking alone is enough to make Gao Chuan think that he and the female officer are the same kind of person.

Gao Chuan cannot say that he hates female officers. Nor will he regard himself as correct, but the other party's ideas as incorrect. He allows female officers to act according to their own ideas, but it does not mean that he will sit back and watch the actions of female officers completely, and do nothing at all.

It is true that the female officer controls most of the people, which makes her represent the "large majority." In the case of the minority obeying the majority, she is indeed the core of a united and close team.

The Tactical Cooperation and Self-Renovation Committee is a new organization that already exists and cannot refute its foundation. It must inevitably control the direction of this plan for a long time. It is not right or wrong, but reasonable. It is a result of entanglement of various factors under special circumstances.

Gao Chuan does not deny the rationality of this result. I never thought of going to disintegrate this temporary organization established by female officers.


"I will not agree with the means of deliberately making sacrifices." Gao Chuan stared very seriously at the eyes of the female officer and said, "I don't deny that there will be sacrifices. The sacrificed people will make us catch the enemy's clues. It means that I agree to deliberately sacrifice some people to fish. If there is a sacrifice, I think it should be a situation that no one can save. It is a forced situation, not sitting on it. "

"I understand that Mr. Gao Chuan has always been an idealist." The female officer did not give in, and her eyes were still firm, as firm as Gao Chuan thought, "However, whether the sacrifice is active or passive is compelling. Still deliberately, it is impossible to change the fact that there are very few people who can survive on this boat. Since so many people are going to die, then, you must consider when and who to let, In what way you die, you can get more value. "

"Your idea is very much like Doomsday Truth." Gao Chuan said calmly: "They always think that death is inevitable, so use a cold and rational thinking to measure the value of the way of death. Then, I ask you What is this so-called value? "

"It's good for the whole." The female officer replied without hesitation: "This ship is bound to sink. As long as you ensure that Mr. Gao Chuan arrives in Australia, then the death of all the people on board is acceptable. Conversely, under extreme conditions, make sure Mr. Gao Chuan arrived in Australia, and then let everyone die in exchange for the greatest loss of the Nazis, which is the most valuable. "

"Unfortunately, I don't agree with you." Gao Chuan knew from the beginning that the female officer would explain this way, "This kind of value measurement is just your willfulness. I know very well that in this voyage plan, there is no let Everyone is prepared to sacrifice, and the planners never intended to use all of the sacrifices deliberately in exchange for what you call 'the greatest loss of the Nazis.' We all know. Many people will die this time, maybe For everyone, this is an objective fact, not a subjective impulse-you know? Subjective and objective cannot be confused. The same sacrifice, the objective result, there is no way. And the subjective result, called murder . "

The female officer remained silent for a long while, but she still straightened her neck and said to Gao Chuan: "No matter whether it is a subjective murder or not, objectively, I still think that such treatment is correct, the most efficient and the most valuable. "

"I don't talk to you about correctness, efficiency and value." Gao Chuan felt. If it was the former self, especially when the brain hardware dominated the thinking and emotions, he might discuss this kind of thing with the other party, but now it is different. He feels that although death is the basis of facts, it is a complete person. People with emotions and intelligence, anyway. It should not be based on a pure concept of death to see the value of all things, because what people call "death" is never objective and pure, nor should it be objective and pure.

then. He said to the female officer: "You don't think I am arrogant, irrational, idealistic, hypocrisy, I don't care. I just want to tell you. If you are still a real soldier, it is a possession People with a conscience should act according to the plan, and do not use their own ideas to distort or expand the meaning of the plan itself. It is the most meaningless to interpret the meaning of this plan and measure the value that you think with your own ideas. Thing. Because, from the beginning, you were not a superior, and you never really stood on a global perspective to look at the global battlefield-you think your vision is great, but, as a soldier, you are in a position The information that can be obtained is actually limited. I think you should understand that without enough information to observe the overall situation, there is simply no vision. "

The female officer was speechless, her tangled expression froze on her face, and she said after a while: "I still stick to my opinion. I don't think that what I did wrong, sacrifice is inevitable ..."

Gao Chuan interrupted her and said, "Yes, sacrifice is inevitable. However, the value of sacrifice is not up to us to decide."

"So, who should decide?" The female officer retorted.

"The victim himself." Gao Chuan said quietly, "I hope that if someone dies, it should not be the result of subjective oppression by anyone, but the objective result of his own choice. This is my ideal. A place of doctrine. "

"I can't understand your thoughts. This is contradictory." The female officer for the first time flashed a mocking look: "Mr. Gao Chuan, forgive me for being rude. Did you really distinguish between subjective and objective when you say this? I think you want to break the connection between the two. This is not the result of rational thinking. "

"Yes, I never said that, I am absolutely sensible." Gao Chuan smiled calmly, "I became a hero, not what I did heroic deeds, but I follow my own ideas-whether it is Subjective or objective, what kind of contradictions-those things are recognized by the people as heroes, justice, and value. "

After a pause, he said to the female officer in this way: "Do you know? I dreamed of being a hero since I was a child, but in the end it was decided whether I was a hero or someone else-whether it was to be a hero to some people or to be a hero The hero of all people, the only criterion for measuring, is not in himself or in what he has done. The hero is not an observer, but the result of being observed. "

The female officer was silent again.

"Maybe you are disappointed and think that my hero is different from what you think, so I don't want to recognize me as a hero anymore." Gao Chuan said: "That doesn't matter. It's just that I'm not sure because of your approval or not. Give up your ideas. However, if you still recognize me as a hero awarded by the United Nations, then please consider my proposal, you can control their words and deeds, but do not deliberately, actively sacrifice any of them . "

"Even if you sacrifice some people, you can reach out to the enemy earlier and put us in a good position. Can't you do that?" The female officer asked after a long while.

"Yes." Gao Chuan said without hesitation: "As you said, even if the enemy is pulled out earlier and let yourself stand in a relatively favorable position, it can't change the result that most people here will die, right? Of course, if you let yourself occupy a favorable position, you can indeed let the enemy invest more troops and energy, but the plan has never said that you should do everything possible to attract the attention of the enemy, right? Conversely, if We have done too much here, but it will produce counter-effects. This is not impossible. Maybe this statement is more comforting to you? "

"Anyway, it is not allowed?" Said the female officer with a straight face.

"No, it's not a problem that is not allowed. It's you, not me who controls most people. It's you, not me. I'm not qualified or able to decide your thoughts and behavior." Gao Chuan said: "We're just Exchange. I also believe that since everyone is selected and sits in a boat, there is nothing that cannot be negotiated. I say my thoughts ~ ~ You say your thoughts, Then, let these ideas confront each other in your head, rather than evolve into a life-and-death struggle. I think this is the right approach. "

"Are you negotiating with me?" Although the female officer's tone was still heavy and full of emotions, Gao Chuan observed that she had no more physical movements, "If I said no, what would you do? Hero's Mr. Gao Chuan. "

"Not much. I can't do anything. Your conscious walking control is very strong. You control most of the people. I can't confront you head-on anyway." Gao Chuan said seriously: "I'm really He is helpless and will not get the best results no matter what I do. So, I did n’t do anything, but sat here and used to say. ”He smiled again.“ Fighting has always been more than just hands and feet. Thing. "

Spouting guns is of course also a way of fighting. Although many people do n’t like to just talk or practice, it is also good if they can persuade their opponents and win with just communication. Gao Chuan always thought so. It's just that in a mysterious world, there are not many situations where communication is allowed, or there is only communication in this form of combat. Most of the time, hands-on is a more efficient and thorough way.

"... I will seriously consider it, Mr. Gao Chuan." The female officer remained silent for a long while, and corrected the military cap, so he replied. (To be continued.)

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