Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1625: Unbreakable

All the observation capabilities of the prosthetic body Gaochuan have been unable to effectively observe the final Gaochuan and the ten-body final weapon in a state of extreme speed. Although he has his own judgment on such a situation, it is impossible to prove whether this judgment is correct. Whether there is such a strong feeling to tell him that he must enter the speed value in the same range as the other party, he is very clear that if he cannot reach it, there is no possibility of joining the battle in a practical sense. ⊙. ⊙

The internal situation of the new Titanic seems to have been regained control by the captain and the female officer, which makes the heart of the prosthetic body Gaochuan a little relaxed. The extremely fast battle between the ten-body final weapon and Juvenile Gaochuan was carried out in a way that deviated from the normal material state. For the time being, this big ship was not affected, but when did the young Gaochuan alone entangle the ten-body final weapon? No matter how you think, the prosthetic body Gaochuan is hard to believe that this seemingly calm situation will not be suddenly broken. Once the ten-body final weapon breaks through the block of young Gaochuan, even if their goal is not the big ship itself, the aftermath of the battle between the two sides is enough to destroy most things on the surface of this sea area, and there are certainly not too many people who can really escape. .

If you are killed in a frontal battle, you may still be able to die. However, it is not the target of the main attack, but it is killed in the aftermath of the battle. Maybe everyone will feel very useless. The prostitute Gao Chuan did not want the people who survived on the new Titanic to have to face such a death method.

There are only two things you can do today:

First, let the new Titanic leave the sea as soon as possible. Even after leaving the battlefield, there are still countless traps waiting for them. The situation is also precarious, but it is more than being trampled by monsters as weak ants in this sea. it is good.

The second is to use the power of the new Titanic to accelerate itself, with a view to reaching the speed range of the final Gaochuan and the ten-body final weapon faster, thus re-incorporating the situation into the observation and obtaining the possibility of participating in the entry.

The rapid sweep of the prosthesis Gaochuan takes time, but if you have enough external force and can finely adjust the external force, this time can be greatly reduced. The various barrage that Wen Spider put at this time, although still under the control of brain hardware, forcibly matches the combat trajectory of the final Gaochuan and the ten-body final weapon, but the priority role is no longer to attack the enemy, but to create a more Different from acceleration, and after the acceleration reaches a certain threshold, it can be inserted into the battle for the first time.

With the passage of time, the prosthetic body Gaochuan is getting faster and faster, and multiple linear graphs are gradually formed on his retina screen. These patterns are all "battles" summarized by the brain hardware using the existing observed information. "Transfer route" The route that the young Gaochuan and the ten-body final weapon had moved during the battle was time-sensitive. Although the other party had already moved to another place when it was observed, just like the star position seen when observing the starry sky, It is the location of these stars many years ago, not the immediate location at the moment.

However, even if it is only "the place where it was in the past," further judgment of the brain hardware is necessary. Every time there is more data collected, the observed "past location" will be closer to the "instant location". The prosthetic body Gaochuan can vaguely feel that when he is accelerating continuously, his observations are also becoming more accurate, and this changed connection is proportional to the data.

Wen spider galloped in the explosion shock he made. Soon, the attack of the new Titanic also volleyed. Explosions, more intense explosions, precise impacts, more precise impacts, the air in this sea area seems to be pressed into a vacuum by this continuously superimposed force, and the sea surface is constantly sinking. From the sky, it looks like a sponge. The central government was halved by life. These pressures are observed in units of "one second", and there is no dead angle in all directions, but as long as the units decomposed below "zero point and one second", the time, direction, force mode and strength are still uneven. Unevenness is not as continuous as in normal observations.

Under the driving of Gao Chuan, Wen Spider took advantage of this micro level, the force in a very short unit time, to better meet its own acceleration needs.

His acceleration increased explosively.

One second later, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan finally re-observed the curve formed by the real-time movement. The final Gaochuan and Ten-body final weapons always maintained linear motion, even if this linear motion was too beyond physical knowledge, it seemed extremely complicated and strange. The prosthetic body Gaochuan rarely reached this speed, because it has completely exceeded the speed of "light" in physical knowledge. The singular changes that occur when all moving objects exceed the speed of light in the physical hypothesis have not been produced in the observation of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, or perhaps they have been produced, but they have been on a larger and far-reaching macro level that is difficult for individuals to understand , Or at a deeper and more precise micro level that is also incomprehensible.

Prostitute Gao Chuan believes that this is the reason why the battle between the two parties "seems to be hidden in a different space that can't be seen but can cause some perception".

Another half second passed, and the world in front of the prosthetic body Gaochuan seemed to be unveiled, presenting a bizarre scene in which one cannot feel oneself in the material world. The sky, clouds, and ocean have not disappeared, but they are set like illusions, without any realism. The water is almost stagnant, there is no sense of flow, and the sound is very heavy, as if it is just an incomplete syllable, you can no longer smell a little scent, you can't feel the air touching the skin, and the soul seems to jump out of the body.

This is a high-speed world that the prosthetic body Gaochuan has never been to before, and it also deliberately does not cross the speed limit. In this world, it seems that all the physical and energy manifestations are hallucinations, but they are very fragile. It seems that if you move your feet casually, it will cause a big avalanche. But this is just an illusion, because he is not still at this time. Not only is he moving, but his high-speed movement is also part of this seemingly complex and fragile system. The brain hardware is displayed on the retina screen The data shows how strong this particular world observed under extreme speed is. Even if it bears the order of hundreds of times the current speed value, it cannot penetrate this system even if it is a small hole.

The world looks fragile, but in reality it is so indestructible. The words "beyond the world" or "destroying the world" described in mysticism have become ridiculous at the moment, and are really imaginary. Such a thought came to the mind of the prosthetic body Gaochuan at this time: when he was part of the world, any movement of the self could not destroy the world, but only to destroy himself, but only when he was destroyed, The world you observe will certainly no longer exist, but only the "world you observe while you are alive" no longer exists.

As a person, the observed world is true and true, but it is not complete, but it makes people feel that there may be an absolute integrity that is unbreakable and will not be affected by personal observation, movement and existence. The strongly affected world exists here. The fragile world observed by the individual is shrouded in this unbreakable inherent world. The relationship between the former is like an illusion of the latter, a deviation, an illusion, a kind based on personal understanding and emotional Appearance.

"Anything that will be destroyed is not true ...?" The body style Gaochuan couldn't help murmuring.

If you look at the world from this angle, then this faintly unbreakable real world seems to be impossible to be destroyed by "viruses", and it can even be deduced that "viruses" are also part of this unbreakable reality and the hospital The "virus" that people want to eliminate cannot be directly observed. It seems that there is no entity. It makes people feel helpless. The reason why it seems irretrievable is that the "virus" that everyone realizes may be "some kind of unbreakable." The illusion produced when objective reality is observed ".

In the mind of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan suddenly rolled out all kinds of assumptions that made him feel incredible: "Viruses" do not actually exist, but some kind of real and objective changes that are not based on human will and are not limited to human observations. People are aware of this change, but while conscious of this change, they can only observe a part of this change, a surface, so they feel that there is such a "virus". Moreover, human beings will never be able to observe all of this real change, and cannot outline this reality from a complete perspective, so that the "virus" appears cryptic and unpredictable. In short, "virus" is a result of deviation between observation and objective existence. It is neither an observation product nor objective reality, but the deviation itself.

"Patients" are not forced into changes by what will, but they are part of this change, and even all "people who can be aware of this change" are part of this objective and real change, so they can There is a reaction, and all these reactions are actually still part of this unbreakable and real chain reaction, which makes people feel full of powerlessness, because what people observe is all an illusion, deviation, illusion and appearance. Human beings rely on their own observations to touch and change only the part of the illusions, deviations, illusions and appearances that they can observe. Actually, they do not really interfere with the objectively existing, unbreakable, extremely vast and complex Real system.

It can also be inferred from this that the end of the world and the destruction of mankind, which everyone thinks, are nothing but illusions of their own. What is about to be destroyed is only the part of the illusion based on "self-observation".

On the other hand, while producing these ideas, the prostitute Gao Chuan was very clear: he could not prove that this is the truth, and even if these ideas were closer to the truth, he could not deny that what he loved was what he loved. Those people and things that you observe are only those you have observed.

Yes, what I care about is what I can observe and what I am observing. If what I observe is not a complete objective reality, but only a deviation, an illusion, an illusion, a superficial and The one-sided part doesn't matter. Because stupidity is like me, I can never see what reality really is. Stupidity like me always seems to stay in a dream, stupidity like me. From the beginning of understanding and observing the world around me, I am already a mental patient. At this moment, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan, because the shock that this shocking thought emerged in his mind, completely disappeared from his mind.

"Stupid me, I'm going to fight!" The prostitute Gao Chuan said to himself. On the retina screen, the image of the young Gao Chuan and the final body of the ten-body weapon are from this seemingly fragile, extremely complicated and practically indestructible high speed. Stripped out of the exercise system. Those things that have been integrated into this peculiar visual, which are not presented in a fixed form at all, are also reappeared one by one as if they have always been there, keeping their original appearance, but from different angles. Look, you will only see different sides, and the illusion of "they have changed" is generated, and the observation at this time is only to return to the perspective of the most familiar and intimate observation of the prosthetic body Gaochuan.

The sea is still roaring, under the hazy sky, the mist is overflowing. Eleven entangled figures, crossing sharp lines, intertwined with each other on the sea, under the clouds. Driving the spider's prosthetic body Takakawa ~ ~ seems to condense all the will and compress it into each transmission pipeline in a way that exceeds the carrying limit. His facial features tightened and squeezed together, enduring great pain. The blue veins spread from the neck to the forehead, bulging savagely.

The bridges that only he can see penetrate through the body of the spider, and connect to the final weapon of the ten bodies and the juvenile Gaochuan. No matter how fast and irregularly they move, they ca n’t escape the bridge connection and ca n’t break the bridge. Because they exist, these bridges are not actually exist, they are just a kind of reality, and they exist in the connection between them. The image that exists in the observation of the body of the prosthetic body Gaochuan is an illusion, an illusion, and only Illusions and hallucinations only appear in the observation of the prosthetic body Gaochuan.

If the ten-body ultimate weapon and juvenile Gao Chuan want to destroy these bridges, what they actually want to destroy is that inherently existing, connected to each other, real and unbroken motion system. Can the ten-body ultimate weapon destroy this system? There is no way, because they have always been interacting with Gaochuan, which is itself a part of this system.

"Now, no one can get rid of me." Gao Chuan laughed, because of the twisted expression of his best efforts, making this smile gruesome.

Immediately, the spiders fired spider silk and leaped towards them. (To be continued.)

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