Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1631: Division 2

The prostitute Gao Chuan did not know who could observe the changes in the world line besides himself. He learned from the mysterious experts who survived on the ship the process of the battle on this world line. ⊙ Top .. The story from the departure of the ship port to the fog is not much different from the pre-modified world line, and the event of the sacrificial ceremony inside the ship also broke out. The self-renovation committee and the undead crew members were also established by female officers and captains to distinguish themselves from each other.

When the prostitute Takagawa was inside the ship, there was not much difference in the mysterious events that occurred. Therefore, the place of change was naturally after the prosperity Takagawa was transferred from the ship by the doomsday truth. However, the prosthetic body Gaochuan could not observe the events inside the ship after he left in the original world line, so he could not judge how different the events inside the ship after he left in this world line were.

The brain hardware of the prosthetic body Gao Chuan stores the things in this world line that he "experienced" after leaving the ship, but from his personal point of view, it is more like appearing directly at the end of the story, the middle of the story The tortuous and dangerous battle has no real sense. In contrast, it is the mysterious experts in the ship who see it more authentically and feel more immersive-in general, the cheers for the return of the prosthetic body Takagawa at this time are precisely because of these mysteries Experts think that the reason why they can survive so many people is precisely because of the fighting between the prosthetic body Gao Chuanshe and life and some little luck.

Has the prosthetic body Gao Chuan fought the battle of losing his life? Of course, from the facts, in this world line, what he did was observed by everyone and is a veritable hero. However, in the cognition of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, what happened in the past on the world line still accounts for the vast majority. Even so, even in the past world line, he has done his best. What made him feel a little awkward at this time was not the question of "whether or not to work hard", but the difference between his own perception of battle on the battlefield and that of others.

Here, no one but myself seems to understand that the world line has changed.

The prostitute Gao Chuan only told the captain and the female officer the secret. However, the two's reactions were very indifferent.

"It's not that I doubt your statement. In fact, I also think that the repeater can do this kind of thing-well, it's still a little unbelievable." The captain said in a hurry: "Just, Mr. Gao Chuan, Since the change of the world line is the result of the battle, it should be a situation where one party wants to gain benefits for itself. Do you think the result of this world line is better today, or the result of the original world line? "

Gao Chuan thought about it seriously and admitted: "I think the world line today may be a better result. You know, in the original world line, although I failed to return to the ship again, I could feel the atmosphere on board. Very wrong. Intuitively, I think something very bad has happened and the situation inside the ship should be worse than it is now. "

"The problem occurred after the sorcerer's invasion, during which there have been six incidents that may directly collapse the situation." The female officer took out a flat jug and took a sip. Gao Chuan was able to smell the strongness across a position Of alcohol. The female officer did not usually show such a hobby, which made Gao Chuan feel that her heart was far less calm than it seemed. "Six changes ..." The female officer repeated softly. "Even afterwards, I pinched a cold sweat. At that time, every time I encountered such changes, I felt that I might not be able to reverse it. But in fact, We spent four, and minimized the impact of the other two-and finally let us achieve the results we have today. Perhaps in the original world line, we were overthrown by one of the incidents, and almost fell into total destruction. The situation. As far as this inference is concerned, I actually accept this world line today. I think this change in the world line is our victory. "

Her gaze moved on Gao Chuan and the face of the ship, saying cautiously and sincerely: "No matter whether Doomsday Truth and the Nazis are satisfied with the current world line, I think we should be satisfied."

In this way, he paused and emphasized again: "The opponents are the doomsday truth and the Nazis, I don't think there will be a better result."

"Speaking of it, it really makes people feel that they are dreaming." The captain digressed, because the increased tone of the female officer made the atmosphere a bit heavy, but since the current result should be regarded as "victory of his own side", then, he I feel that this atmosphere should not be allowed to continue. After the victory, everyone is happy, relax and enjoy the surviving aftertaste, it is correct. Therefore, he said this: "Listening to Mr. Gao Chuan's story about the original world line is like listening to the story of the parallel world. How to say it, there is no real sense."

"That's because, now we are completely the result of this world line. We can only treat what happened in another world line as what might happen." The female officer smiled, her eyes a little bit drunk. There is a little slackness, making people feel that chatting with her is no longer like a needle-like feeling-of course, before the formation of the tactical cooperation and self-innovation committee, she has always given Gaochuan this sense of relaxation, more like a special In order to relieve the pressure of the vase, even what she did afterwards made people fully understand that she is a more powerful and terrible character than most mysterious experts on this big ship.

Soon after, from the dark to the bright, Jung, who was in charge of the specific statistical work, also walked into the room with a report and made a concise conclusion to the temporary leaders who led the operation: "There are sixteen people left Can maintain a normal level of combat ability. The five people are seriously injured and can only wait for rescue. Because the injuries are caused by mysterious forces, unless the targeted mysteries are used, the treatment on the ship cannot recover them, even if they are only for protection. It is difficult to achieve without deterioration. Besides that, there are no other living people on the ship, and even the original flesh and blood in a messy room will be completely restored to its original state after ten hours. "

"What about the doctor?" The captain asked.

"It's dead, there is a record in the report. She's bad luck. When she was about to end the battle, she was attacked by a dying wizard. After the wizard killed her, she quickly stepped into the footsteps because of the serious injuries." The sound wave of Jung's tablet has never changed.

"What should I do?" The captain looked around the crowd, and his shoulders were weak. "Before we arrived in Australia, we didn't have support. It seems that it is difficult to recover the fighting power. Now, as long as the doomsday truth or the Nazis come back, we all have to Get down. "

"Isn't this the expected situation?" The female officer said, shaking the hip flask without any worries: "The danger of this plan is high, but we all want to complete it, don't we? , You can only put your life and death out of control. "

"No one here is afraid of death!" The captain's deep voice seemed to state the fact: "Getting on board means you are mentally prepared. The question is whether all of us will die, will the plan become Better. IMHO, if we consider the changes in the world line, we have actually completed the task, only when Mr. Gao Chuan can arrive in Australia. "He said this, staring at Gao Chuan:" I think Mr. Gao Chuan is here At that time, we can act separately from us. "

"Do you want Mr. Gao Chuan to go to Australia alone?" Jung frowned.

"Yes, not only to leave alone, but also to leave alone with great fanfare." The captain said his plan: "Takagawa's route will attract more attention from the enemy, so we can get breathing time."

"Sounds like what a traitor would say ..." The female officer said so, and she changed her tone: "However, I think it works."

"As far as the matter is concerned, Mr. Gao Chuan is one of the important reasons why our bait ship is patronized by the enemy." Jung looked at Gao Chuan with a calm face before continuing to say: "This also means that if Mr. Gao Chuan acts alone, pressure Will multiply. "

Although the conversation is here, there is a smell of crossing the river and breaking the bridge, but the prostitute Gaochuan does not have any negative emotions. For him, no matter who he is fighting with, whether or not anyone is willing to fight with himself, he hopes he can Carry this heavy burden alone. What's more, although these words are a bit harsh, they are indeed the truth-if you leave the big ship and accelerate towards Australia, the risk rate of others will drop a lot.

"I have no problem." Gao Chuan looked directly at everyone's eyes and said, "If I act alone, I can arrive in Australia in a short period of time. Maybe at that time, you have to float on the sea for a few days." Immediately, his eyes All fell on the captain. "The mist has disappeared. Can you confirm our geographic coordinates."

"It has been confirmed. In the mist, we moved unexpectedly fast. After the maintenance of the hull and full horsepower, we can arrive in Australia in one and a half days." The captain replied seriously: "However, Mr. Gao Chuan first took a step , We have to stay at sea for a long time-this group of people, this ship, how long to sail on the sea, which route to go along, there are clear rules. "He said, he pressed Hat brim, said: "I didn't know before, why there are so many, so detailed requirements, it seems that it should be related to the activity of the repeater."

"I have no objection." The female officer shrugged and stood up. "It's not too late, everyone, let's get started. I'll go to inform the deck and provide Mr. Gao Chuan with a speedboat."

Gao Chuan didn't refuse. Although when stepping fast enough, stepping on the surface of the water was like flying, but too fast a movement speed would also allow the enemy to turn his head to deal with it as fast as he could not. New Titanic. Gao Chuan knew very well that he accepted this proposal precisely because of his departure, which could reduce the burden on the ship. If the other way around, it would be meaningless.

Therefore, even if you can run fast, you can't run so fast. Even if you can kill all the enemies at once, you must use the method of adding oil to tear the enemy's strength a little.

It didn't take long for Gao Chuan to return to the boat, and he had to leave again without sitting on a hot stool. Mysterious experts who are aware of this decision are somewhat silent. This decision is so realistic that some people may want to be human, but the environment is so bad that they cannot afford to let go.

"I will arrive in Australia." Gao Chuan said to them: "No matter what happens, it will be done. So, you should also work hard to live."

"If you are desperate, you will die. If you are not desperate, you will not be able to complete the task. How can you spare yourself desperately to survive?" A surviving crew member said with a smile, he had no eyes in sight like other survivors he saw A little bit afraid, and no complaints about his situation. While talking to Gao Chuan, he untied the speedboat from the deck and hung it to the sea.

Gao Chuan raised his head, and the sun had moved directly above his head. When he was walking in the fog, the sun was too bright to be directly viewed. Looking along the sea and looking in all directions, the horizon seems to make a big circle, besieging this big ship in a seemingly vast, but narrow, hunting ground with few options. Today's weather is very good. Since the Nazis descended from the sky ~ ~ radiation has polluted the sky, it has been rarely seen. Gao Chuan still remembers that on the days when the black rain first fell, people almost believed that such a gloomy and terrible sky was the sky that he could see in all future days.

However, on this sea, a piece of blue and blue finally appeared, as if foreshadowing something good.

Thinking this way, Gao Chuan has always been in a heavy mood, and has also relaxed a little.

"So, I'll take a step first." He smiled at the people around him, and with one arrow step, he fell from the deck and landed on the speedboat.

Gao Chuan skillfully turned on the engine, confirmed the instrument situation, and then turned sideways and waved at the crowd looking over the deck. The speedboat slowly accelerated and made a half-turn around the New Titanic, heading for the ship's course offset by a thirty-degree angle. The speedboat was getting faster and faster, and after a while, there was only a hazy outline behind the new Titanic. Gao Chuan didn't know what would happen to this big ship after he left, but, as he said to them—

"I will survive!"

The speedboat rides the wind and waves and cuts a white trace on the sea, gradually moving away. (To be continued.)

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