Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1634: Big monster

The speedboat rolled in the sea, and the monster's huge body floated up to drive a strong current. Not only did it create a huge wave on the sea, but even within a hundred meters below the sea, these turbulent submersible currents could not be avoided. Gao Chuan stumbled. Suddenly, the ceiling and ground of the cabin turned upside down. At the next moment, Gao Chuan turned around, and Gao Chuan grabbed the handrails fixed on the wall, before he could not fall. Swirling like a ballet. The searchlights on the speedboat have all been turned on. Even if you do not need the observation ability such as chain judgment, you can directly see the huge and monstrous monster body in the spotlight with the naked eye.

The whole body is yellow, without any trace of impurities, and is very smooth, making people doubt whether the material that constitutes this body is really a natural organic substance. What is certain is that it must have moved very fast in the sea. Its body is several hundred meters long, and the end of the tentacle is prismatic horny, which looks extremely hard, and the corners are also extremely sharp. The closer to the body, the thicker it is, and it seems to be powerful. People think that this speedboat can withstand its whip.

Can't stand it once.

With just one blow, the speedboat made of sturdy composite materials will disintegrate.

Gao Chuan determined that it had locked the speedboat. It was not a naturally occurring sea monster that inhabited this sea area, but a killer who was dropped into this area for sniping. Part of its body has already surfaced. At this time, only the lower part of the body is seen from the speedboat, but Gao Chuan can feel that the extremely sharp and oppressive viciousness overlooks the sea. He had a feeling of being watched by predators.

Even so, the huge monster did not immediately attack. After surfacing, it no longer has any big movements, just paddling gently with tentacles to maintain its own buoyancy-even this gentle stroke also stirs up a very strong torrent and pushes the speedboat near It was only a hundred meters away that it resurfaced.

The speedboat finally stabilized his body, adjusted his posture back, and the cabin was not flooded, but nothing fixed fell to the ground, and it was a mess. Despite such a thrilling scene, Gao Chuan didn't have much panic. Before he was intercepted, he no longer had a peaceful idea tonight. If it is an ordinary person, it will definitely scream for the monster in front of it, but for any mysterious expert, this size of monster is nothing to be amazed.

The last time I saw this huge monster was in London a few weeks ago. Father Edward turned himself into a hill giant in disguise. In terms of size and weight, the hill is huge. The devil is more shocking than the sea monster in front of him.

In fact, in Gaochuan ’s view, if only the sea monster is intercepting himself, then the enemy is not at all concerned about his own side-these enemies should be aware of the fighting power here, and have the ability to send more powerful fighting power, Only such a sea monster means that they put more energy into the direction of the new Titanic.

Gao Chuan didn't know why the enemy chose this way, nor did he know why this sea monster didn't attack at the first time, but it didn't matter. If the opponent is really strong and you can't beat it anyway, then everything is natural, but if the enemy really takes it lightly and wants to create a fair fighting environment, it will do no harm to himself. However, what makes Gao Chuan most vigilant is that this sea monster's temporary calm may be for brewing a bigger storm. It grabbed people first, but did not go further, it was for time.

Gao Chuan pushed open the cabin door, and the seawater accumulated on the deck suddenly poured into the cabin, and the waves slid obliquely to the ship's edge, and the inclination angle exceeded 30 degrees. Under the twinkling night sky, Gao Chuan stood firmly on the deck like a nail, looking at the strange-shaped behemoth in front of nearly a hundred meters.

On its smooth and nearly perfect spherical head, there are anthropomorphic features: all are symbolized by "holes". One big hole is the mouth, two small holes are the nose, and two more holes are the eyes, and the two holes on the sides are the ears. These open, dark holes inside are irregular, generally squeezed, giving an exaggerated and silent scream. The background color of this spherical head is also yellow, but at different times, it shows different colors of ring-shaped markings. From red to purple, it is colder and darker than the rainbow, but it is also more mysterious. The colors of these ring-shaped markings are constantly changing, giving a strong sense of rhythm. Just like talking and writing, people feel that they are expressing a certain Kind of meaning.

"What are you?" Gao Chuan asked aloud. Although he also feels that in the current situation, the idea of ​​such a dialogue is very stupid. The enemy wants a life-and-death result. The information available for conversation is very few, but the enemy will get more time.

As expected, the dialogue was not established at all. The ball head hung down and stood close to the speedboat. The distance from Gaochuan was less than three meters, but this was not a sign of friendly dialogue at all. There is a huge suction deep inside the hole that constitutes the five senses, and the sound of the cry is as if the monster is inhaling. Gao Chuan grabbed the fence in time, but his lower body had left the deck and was dragged up by suction. It took only a few blinks for the fence to deform, break, and make a babble twist.

Gao Chuan pulled out a powerful gun and fired at these holes, but the bullet was pulled by suction and fell into the dark and deep hole. The audio was lost instantly, and it seemed completely ineffective. There was only one fixed point left in the twisted and broken fence. Gao Chuan finally let go of his hand and started a quick sweep, turning these suctions without direct destructive power into Mercedes-Benz's explosive power, and jumped into this spherical head in a blink of an eye.

At this time, he realized that the monster above the head of the monster also had a combination of holes and exclamations, and it also had strong suction power. The surface of this monster's skin is too smooth. If you don't use special methods, you can hardly stand on this head. With the help of these powerful suctions, in a short span of less than a second, Gao Chuan passed these holes and poured explosives of suitable volume into the holes.

Some of these explosives are set to be delayed explosions, some are set to instantaneous explosions, the latter is naturally thrilling, but the former is more imaginative-if there are others here, you will want to know, these What it looks like when the explosive explodes inside the monster.

But the actual situation is that there is no sound at all for this part of the delayed explosive, and the sea monster has not made any special response. Instead, it exploded on the surface of the sea monster, making these holes biologically like twitch. Although it seems that these facial features-like holes are very fragile, as long as you look closely, you can find that these explosions have not even torn the skin, and even the color and smoothness have not changed.

Is there no effect? Gao Chuan thought, pulling out the dagger and inserting it on the monster's skin. A sticky feeling caused the blade to shift, but when he touched it with his hands, this smooth skin had considerable friction. Visually smooth, it is very rough in touch, soft visually, but harder than steel when struck. The contradiction between surface observation and actual contact is clearly reflected in the monster's body.

Gao Chuan felt that there were no weapons in his body that could cause effective damage to it. It is too big, the protective layer of the shell is too strong, and the inside of the body is full of mystery, but Gao Chuan does not want to drill in and see for himself. In fact, to deal with this behemoth, he only needs to swiftly bypass it. Not every battle requires a head-to-head contest, and it is currently unclear whether this monster is the product of Doomsday Truth or the Nazis. Depending on its subordination, its ability characteristics and action goals will also be different. Gao Chuan still feels that if it is a product of the Nazis, it is better to deal with it.

Although the Nazis were a mysterious organization that split from the Doomsday Truth, it is also stirring up the world today, as if in full swing, as if the overthrow of the world's political power and the future of mankind are at the next moment. However, Gao Chuan never looked away from the Doomsday Truth. Even if he stood at the forefront of the battle against the Nazis and acknowledged the strength of the Nazis, he could not change his fear of Doomsday Truth.

In fact, for most mysterious organizations, including the cyber ball, there is indeed the idea that the Nazis who suddenly emerged from the moon are a powerful enemy, but the most powerful and most powerful in this world The threat, the most difficult to deal with, is still the doomsday truth.

Also fearless of death, fighting like fanatics, the Nazis had a violent fighting style, but the doomsday truth was closely linked. This is not because of differences in their fighting philosophy, but because of differences in the ultimate pursuit of ideas. It is the gap at the philosophical level that has caused a difference in the style of means.

It is precisely this philosophical difference that led to the separation of the Nazis from Doomsday Truth during World War II. Similarly, the Doomsday Truth Three have only seen the Mar Jones family. Strictly speaking, the struggle for power and profit is not the main reason, but the difference in concept, which led the three parties to drift away.

The Mar Jones family finally inherited the doomsday doctrine of Apostolicism and became a wizard and holy place. The Nazis lurked independently on the moon and intended to make a comeback. The last of the Big Three disappeared in the river of time and gradually disappeared. Father Sissen is regarded as the spokesperson of this giant: they follow fundamentalism, but at the same time are rejected by both the Doomsday Truth and the Nazis under the control of the Mar Jones family, but have relatively close cooperation with the Nog and the United Nations.

The source of this information is the online ball. Gao Chuan ca n’t prove its correctness, but he ca n’t find more detailed information. It is precisely this information that allows Gao Chuan and most other mysterious experts to be under the leadership of today ’s Mar Jones family. How strong is the doomsday doctrine of truth? With a generalized understanding-it has not become weak because of the departure of the other two giants, but has become stronger and stronger, and it is growing in other mysterious organizations. At that time, its own growth rate is second to none.

If it is such a sea monster released by the Doomsday Truth, even if it is not the main point of attack, it is definitely not easy to deal with-the indestructible feature also means that the sea monster only exists here and can pass the time The passing of has a very strange and powerful influence.

The conspiracy of doomsday truth has always been like this. At first, it seemed to be a very weak symptom, and then it seemed that it could be solved with a single blow, but when you penetrated deeply, you would feel troubled. Once entangled, the staged goals of the doomsday truth will always be completed one step ahead Afterwards, even if they finally destroyed their apparent purpose, the influence of those completed stage goals will continue. In any case, if you can't get stuck in the rhythm of the doomsday truth in every step, there is no complete victory, and as long as you cannot achieve a complete victory, the parties will realize that this is their biggest failure.

Therefore ~ ​​ ~ If this sea monster belongs to the Nazis, Gao Chuan can immediately withdraw and leave, because its existence will not elicit more chain reactions. But if it is subordinate to the Doomsday Truth, Gao Chuan must find ways to figure out what the Doomsday Truth wants this sea monster to play.

The sea monster's huge body looks sluggish, but it's only relative to the rapid swept. Its quick tentacle reaction will definitely make most mysterious experts feel ashamed. The heavy mass combined with the fast movements caused a huge wind and waves on the surface of the sea, and the speedboat was wrapped in giant waves and drifted away. Gao Chuan relied on rapid swept. From the spherical head to the tentacles under the sea, he tested the intensity once, and the final conclusion was not beyond his expectations: relative to the lethality of the weapon he had at this time, completely Without weakness, even consciousness walking cannot be completed, because, although the sea monster does not appear to be a dead object, it cannot directly sense its consciousness.

Its inner mass is completely wrapped in this octopus-like extremely hard shell. It seems that it is because of the strengthened defensive ability that there is a lack of offensive ability. So far, the attack methods it has shown are only the suction from the five-featured holes and the whiplash of the tentacles. This kind of monotonous attack that does not show other characteristics, even if the volume mass, reaction speed and strength strength are far beyond the average of the mystery expert, it will definitely not make too many mystery experts find it difficult to deal with. (To be continued.)

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