Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1641: General Administration of Macroeconomic Control

When the fire opened his eyes, the familiar furnishings in the room seemed to be swirling and caught in his pupils, disturbing his brain. This discomfort is no stranger. As the top management of the network ball, he can choose a variety of ways to enter and exit the London repeater, but there is no method that is completely free and has no sequelae. These restrictions are not due to the poor ability of the repeater, but depend on the self-defense defense ability of the repeater, the stricter the more secure, but it also means more restrictions. Although the repeater created by the Netball is not as secret as the Doomsday Religious repeater, it is the strongest of all repeaters in the internal security mechanism.

For different identities, different instant situations, different purposes, etc., even if the same person repeatedly enters the London Repeater, the temporary permissions obtained are completely different. No one has permanent permissions, nor permanent permissions. The more people who enter the repeater hold high-level positions in the online ball, the stricter the review will be, and the sequelae will be more unavoidable. This sequelae may differ in the details of human feelings, but there are also parts that are very close to feelings-such as dizziness, such as short-term aberration of distance, and the reasons for these discomforts are often It will make people intuitively feel that some kind of force penetrated themselves like x-rays.

There are many reasons for discomfort, from the body to the feeling of perspective, but often one of the most important reasons.

Fire escape groped at the head of the bed, and the abnormality of distance gradually disappeared within ten seconds, after which he grabbed the antique alarm clock. Is it already early in the morning? He retracted his arm, rested on his forehead, and lay on his back, letting his thoughts gradually fill his seemingly blank mind. He confirmed that he entered the repeater and obtained certain information. As in the past, every time he entered the repeater, there will always be some memory fragments missing, but he understood that this is quite normal, and, I actually understand why I lost this part of my memory, but I ca n’t remember it.

"Yes, I can't think about it. The information that can't be saved consciously is the most confidential information." Huo muttered to himself, and suddenly turned up. A strong impulse made him quickly walk to the table and open the work. The computer enters the high-encryption database with its own authority. He knew what he was looking for, but he was n’t sure what the name of the thing he was looking for. A sense of sight was driving his fingers into the layers of storage. According to the strong intuition, Extract pieces of fragmented information, and then splice and decrypt them in a unique way according to another strong intuition.

He does n’t need to find any physical-style codebooks for reference, nor does he need any kind of hints-even if he ca n’t say a reason, it ’s okay. The strong feeling of overflowing from every cell in the body, Promote him to complete all the work and get what he wants.

It's like another thing you have done, and now you are just repeating that step.

Soon, the fire escape got what he wanted, which was a strong impulse and intuition to guide him, so that he must and must find something.

That is a description of the weird phenomenon that is happening in the collective subconsciousness of human beings, as well as the processing decisions and processing methods finally adopted by a meeting in the repeater.

"The threshold is 10,000 deaths per second? Can only be handed over to Gao Chuan to solve?" Nodding nodded without any panic look. He picked up the phone and dialed the number of Omi Lab.

"Stop fire?" The phone was connected immediately, as if Jin Jiang had been waiting by the phone.

"We discussed some things in the repeater." Huo said.

"Yes, you are responsible for arranging specific actions, and I have no objection." Omi confirmed.

"Finally I want to confirm again, can Mr. Gao Chuan really handle it alone?" The voice of the fire escape was as calm as possible.

"As long as the Central Principality agrees to hand over the management of Sanxian Island." Jin Jiang paused and said, "Although there is already an agreement, in terms of time and manner, our requirements really violate the provisions of the agreement."

"I understand." Zhaohu felt that the problem that Jiang said was not really a big problem for him. "As long as the Central Principality understands the seriousness of the situation, all the problems have room for discussion-what we lack It ’s time, but it ’s not just a lack of time for us. I want to ask, is there really no way for you to contact Mr. Gao Chuan? ”

"... not exactly." Jin Jiang paused and said, "I will try as much as possible here, but the efficiency may be better than let Sanxiandao set off immediately. I prefer to take the initiative to contact Achuan for our side. All time and resources are spent on the confluence of Sanxian Island and Achuan. "

After the fire broke out, he confirmed some of the situation to other relevant persons, and a more specific action plan gradually formed in his mind. The situation at this time is very simple, but because of the simplicity, there is no clever shortcut in the way of handling: Gao Chuan did not leave the first time after the completion of the new Titanic plan, but was involved in a temporary The data hedge space, and the formation of this dying data hedge space is closely related to the weird phenomenon in the collective subconsciousness of human beings. To solve this anomaly that will kill 10,000 people and even more in a second, the best way is to let Gao Chuan launch an attack from inside the temporary data hedging space, because he is currently a free-moving phenomenon Observer.

With the exception of Gao Chuan at this time, it is difficult for other people to observe this anomaly. If even the target cannot be found, it will naturally be impossible to attack.

Assuming that Gao Chuan was not involved in the temporary data hedging space, but arrived in Australia at the first time, let ’s not mention how many procedures and time it takes to take over Sanxian Island, even after taking over Sanxian Island. The possibility of this anomaly was observed from the outside, and for the time being, a question mark will be given.

From this perspective, Gao Chuan failed to arrive in Australia at the first time, which made people feel both a coincidence and an inevitable feeling. It is as if Gao Chuan will definitely do this kind of thing, and will definitely encounter such a situation. Therefore, this mysterious event will definitely be turned around.

In any case, this powerful mysterious expert from the Central Duchy will once again stage the act of saving the world alone.

Thinking about it, he didn't stop his movements. After re-examining himself with words to convince the other party, he initiated liaison with the central Principality government department from a special line.

The Principality of the Central Government, the State Administration of Macroeconomic Regulation and Control in Special Periods, and also the relevant departments recognized by foreigners. People who did not have a good eye all night accounted for two-thirds of the headquarters office staff. Although most of the pressure brought by the Nazis went to Europe and the United States, as long as the most terrifying war monsters in history were located above their heads, the mysterious lunar celestial body made it difficult to sleep A good night.

These war monsters are investing troops from outer space on a large scale in a way that is difficult to stop with current technology, creating terrible casualties on the surface every day. It ’s not just the Nazis that need to be taken seriously, the peeping of the Doomsday Religion is vaguely visible, and more importantly, a group of terrorists preaching Japan ’s independence are trying to shake the dominance of the Central Duchy in Asia with various small moves And the order that has always been pursued.

For the Central Principality, which has not yet faced the Nazi soldiers, these terrorists are nothing but scabies. However, it is also a national policy decision not to eradicate the other party for the sake of some political factors. These terrorists jumped up and down in the Sanxian Island project, and the incidents were not too small, but they could not completely calm them down. How to eradicate them in a "reasonable and reasonable way" is one of the biggest worries of relevant departments recently.

However, just an hour ago, there was a targeted high-level communication from London, followed by an interim meeting of the highest parliament of the national government. Those who have heard of some of the buzzwords are ignorant. However, such an attitude makes people clear that there must be a certain situation that will bring changes to the current national decision-making. When the relevant department received further notice, it was already 9:13 in the morning.

Therefore, the relevant departments had to convene another temporary meeting to respond to this decision. Participants knew in their hearts that they must implement national decision-making. There is no room for discussion. However, how to implement, how to achieve what kind of effect, after a lot of foreshadowing, and a series of seemingly coincidental must, then what kind of result Closing is the thing they must consider.

"Our big hero Gao Chuan is in trouble?" Some people questioned at the meeting: "It is clear that it has completed the plan for the new Titanic, but it did not come to Australia in the first time, but it was caught in new trouble. Isn't it a coincidence? Alright? "

"Shangfeng has already confirmed that Comrade Gao Chuan's choice seems coincidental, but once again makes him the only person who can solve a major human problem. Whether from the future of all mankind or the future of our people, we We must provide help in the first time, and the only way to provide help is to temporarily stop the control of Sanxian Island. "The moderator of the meeting further elaborated," If this is a coincidence, it is undoubtedly a lucky coincidence, but, we I do n’t believe in coincidence, so— "He looked around everyone present and said with a loud voice:" This is an inevitable situation, and we have no reason to blame. "

"For the future of all mankind-this hat is a bit big. What the **** is the situation?" The other person tapped and asked.

"According to reports obtained from credible sources, if Comrade Gao Chuan cannot handle this incident in time, at least 10,000 people will die every second-random 10,000 people may be all foreigners, or they may all be our country. "People." The host's words made the participants look at each other, but they breathed a sigh of relief.

"At least? Ten thousand dead in one second? Are you sure?" Someone confirmed it again and again with incredible tone.

"Yes, at least. This is an estimated threshold, that is to say, once more than ten thousand people, a worse situation will occur." The host said: "Our London allies have issued a warning, even if Comrade Gao Chuan If you try harder, the number of casualties of the event will definitely reach this threshold. They mean that since it is impossible to control under the threshold, then the thing that can be done is not to exceed the threshold too much ... let the event end in the shortest time , This is the best result we can get. "

There was a lot of discussion among the participants, and the host did not interrupt their discussion. After a minute, the venue gradually became quiet.

"I believe everyone understands that when the decision of Shangfeng is down, we do not have the power to decide whether to do it or not, but we must strictly implement the national decision." The host's serious eyes swept all the participants, saying: "So, everyone Talk about how we should implement this decision. "

"Giving up management of Sanxian Island is temporary, isn't it?" Someone asked.

"Yes, according to the original agreement, we only hand over the right to use-let Comrade Gao Chuan have the priority to use, can better play the mobility of Sanxian Island." The host said, "This emergency is London We are the first to abandon the agreement. Of course, since it is for the future of all mankind, we must not always hold this point. "

Others heard the deep meaning of the host ’s words and could not help but make a low laugh. They were very clear that the benefit from the agreement was not only when the agreement was established, but also when the agreement was torn by the first party-Britain is not The direct enemies of the Central Duchy, but not the best allies, complex and ambiguous relations, so that in the game of advancing and retreating, the two sides need to pay more attention to the role of the agreement.

"We can't lock Comrade Gao Chuan's position." Some people said: "Is this the reason they asked to lift the restrictions on Sanxian Island?"

"Yes ~ ~ To put it simply, Sanxiandao can only be allowed to operate according to a certain mechanism to reach Comrade Gaochuan." The host made an analogy: "It is like investigating with a wolf dog. We must loosen the rope at the same time. "

This analogy made the venue laugh again.

"However, if the wolf dog is lost, we can't help it clean up the fleas on its body-go out and stroll around, will it become a dirty wild dog?" Someone said with deep meaning.

"This is no problem." Another said: "We are not throwing it away, but changing it to its owner. The new owner has been proven to be loving, not lazy, and will not forget to help it clean up. And, to be honest, say Comrade Gao Chuan is a master at cleaning these fleas, and his environment may be less suitable for fleas. "

"In this case, I don't have much to say here." Many people nodded gradually, and more specific communication, adjustments in processing methods and details were not a meeting, and they could be completed with a few mouths.

Everyone understands that this interim meeting is just to clarify goals, to communicate with everyone, and to unify everyone's ideas. (To be continued.)

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