Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1662: The oldest conscious walker

The girl with all the tulips, whether it is white, black, gold, red, seems to be able to set off her different side, but it is impossible to describe her temperament with a single color of flowers. The black and white Gothic dress and the deep eyeshadow outlined her first impression. Speaking of makeup, Gao Chuan feels that she is the strongest of the women she has seen. Even so, it does not make people feel that her beauty is modified with makeup. It has such a deep, time-like feeling that people ca n’t help but want to be immersed in it, digging in the hidden secrets inside, and At the same time, I will be deeply afraid of what I will dig out.

It's just like

"Once I see her true face, I will regret it." The driver said, Gao Chuan saw him shaking and his body movements were too obvious. The fear on his face was unprecedented before, even so, The feet that were so soft that they almost seemed to fall still supported the body hard. Gao Chuan always felt that he knew more. In the depths of his fearful eyes, there was an inexplicable light. The reason why Gao Chuan could perceive it was because he was too familiar with this light.

It is like the light of the doomsday faithists praying for the truth they follow.

The power generated by this light is eating and supporting the man so as not to fall, or to turn around and run.

"Or?" Gao Chuan turned his gaze back to the Goth girl again.

The Goth girl put down her tea cup gracefully and took the handkerchief by the side of the dinner plate to gently wipe the corner of her mouth. Her every move did not have any special power. At least Gao Chuan could not feel it, as if it was just an ordinary person who was disturbed to eat. Some are unhappy. However, Gao Chuan felt that it was impossible for her to produce that kind of emotion. Perhaps she could not treat the girl in front of her as a "human being". Does the inherent emotions, habits and instincts of human beings really reflect in her behavior and expression? Just like her makeup, Gao Chuan felt that all the details of this girl who looked like humans were just disguising themselves as humans.

After all, if this wilderness and this western pavilion are her territory, and she is indeed the master who guides them to visit, then Gao Chuan feels that all of her previous guesses about this master can be temporarily summarized in her. .

This is a monster that may have lived for many years.

Stared at by the driver with burning eyes, the Gothic girl said unhurriedly: "Unexpectedly, the one who surprised me in the end will be you. My third messenger."

messenger? The driver was a little confused and muffled, but Gao Chuan always felt that he would think of the messenger, the reason why he came here, etc. The girl's statement has proved that this encounter is definitely not an isolated incident. The reason why she used the word "surprise", Gao Chuan felt that she was referring to herself. He couldn't help thinking, wouldn't it be possible for me and her to meet without this driver as an introduction?

It ’s kind of hard to believe. Gao Chuan feels that if her identity is really what she thinks, then meeting with her will be a matter of time. So you do n’t need such a “leader”.

Now, the driver has no time to decide whether the other party is a witch. Gao Chuan could see that his brain was in a mess, but at least he was not in danger. Gao Chuan wants to walk consciously. However, in the face of this unclear opponent, in the case of guessing about her identity and ability, rash use of her ability can sometimes make herself in trouble.

After all, who is this Goth girl? Gao Chuan wanted a more real answer in her mouth.

"Who are you?" Gao Chuan asked calmly.

"I am me," the Gothic girl asked rhetorically: "But, if you say that, you probably don't understand it. So, what do you call me?"

"Witch ??" Gao Chuan gave a few examples.

"Ah, it's all right, because I said this to the messenger at first." The Gothic girl's smile has a dignified wash of time. This young petite face, showing such a smile, always makes people feel weird. "I came to Australia to settle and told the three couriers the story of the witch. When they grew up one by one, I became a witch. But in the final analysis, there is no such thing as a witch. I am neither, nor even, So, you can still use the title in this story to record my existence. "

She talked round and round and looked very meaningful. Gao Chuan thinks that this is because she uses the power of consciousness to walk to determine cognition, so that the meaning of existence emerges. In a sense, if something does not have a fixed concept, or there is a concept but no name, then, Its existence is difficult to be recognized. In the world of conscious walkers, being unrecognized is often equivalent to "non-existence", although this equivalence is not entirely correct, nor is it true of all.

"You need the knowledge of others to maintain yourself?" Gao Chuan asked directly.

The Gothic girl is not angry, and the gentle and majestic voice echoes in space: "Cognition is one of the foundations of existence in this world. At least there must be an observer, and ego can exist, even if this observer is himself. So, yes, I need the cognition of others to maintain my existence, but, because I can observe myself, even if no one but me knows me, no one knows me, neither do I Will disappear, but it is difficult to get in touch with other people. At that time, I and other people were living in two parallel worlds. "

"You don't like that?" Gao Chuan asked.

"It's hard to talk about likes or dislikes. However, I do hate being disturbed more often. So, I only limited to three messengers to maintain cognition, not more people. They will Bring the people I met, just like now. "The Gothic girl nodded slightly, looked at the driver, and said to the man who was completely immersed in his own world:" You see, even if it is a messenger, when it is not necessary, Nor can they maintain their knowledge of me. And their knowledge of me is only maintained through a compiled story and legend. "

"Although you are very frank, I still don't know who you are and what I want to do." Gao Chuan said immediately: "I have a lot of questions to ask you, but before that, can you answer more thoroughly, you Who the **** is that? "He said, he was one step behind and was halfway behind the driver. The driver didn't respond at all to the two's answers, like a broken line doll.

"You already have a guess, don't you? Gao Chuan." The Goth girl said: "It's almost what you guessed."

"Can you see my heart?" Gao Chuan remembered that the driver once said that the witch can see people's hearts.

"No, but I know your thoughts, because your thoughts and actions are full of rules." The Gothic girl said: "Just as you would pay close attention to the enemy's movements before the war, infer the enemy's thoughts, for me , This is not done deliberately for combat, but a habit, I see you, instinct will come to a conclusion. "

"You are a person of doomsday truth." Gao Chuan said in a definite tone.

"Yes, I am a person of doomsday truth, more precisely, I am a doomsday truth." The Gothic girl said, but she followed the words, but it made people feel a little fake.

"There are three giants in Doomsday Religion. Even if you are only one of them, it cannot represent Doomsday Religion." Gao Chuan's guard is even more explicit. "Are you trying to deal with us?"

"To deal with? It depends on what you do." The Gothic girl smiled calmly. "I haven't done it for many years."

In the time she said so, Gaochuan's little sense of security also disappeared. There is a very strong sense of stubbornness in the smile in front of her, which makes Gao Chuan believe that she will let herself do something. If she doesn't do it, she won't give up. Coming into this wilderness and entering this western pavilion, the driver is even a messenger who is not very clear about what role he plays.

"Why let him bring me over?" Gao Chuan asked.

"Very good, let me think about it, because I haven't spoken to people for a long time, and I have been thinking for a long time, so the thinking is a bit messy." The Gothic girl paused before saying, "Simply, let's start from the beginning." Talk about Doomsday Truth, why do I establish Doomsday Truth, and then you will know what I want. "

Gao Chuan nodded his head. He has a gut feeling that what the Goth girl is going to say will definitely surprise him.

"This world is not always like this, you should be very clear, Mr. Gao Chuan." Goth girl said: "In addition to the world line will jump for reasons, the world itself will be decomposed and reorganized at a certain time."

"You mean, the end of the world and the genesis?" Gao Chuan said.

"Yes, is there something wrong? Mr. Gao Chuan should understand that the end of the world and the rebirth, how many times it has been carried out, I don't know very well, but it will definitely not be once or twice." 'S gaze and Gao Chuan looked at each other: "Although the world line is beating and the world is reorganized, there will be many people who are similar to the last world, but they are actually different. In this sense, the end of the world doesn't just exist And it can also be understood as a very fast metabolic mechanism. Every time the world is born, it will usher in the end faster than imagined, this is the truth. "

"The truth of the last days, everything will die, but everything will be born again. This cycle is meaningful and cannot be understood by human wisdom." Gao Chuan did not refute, but just said so, which is often mentioned in the doctrine of doomsday truth. Say, "Blood flesh is like grass and trees, glory is like epiphyllum, grass will wither and flowers will wither, but death is not the end, just as truth will last forever."

"Some people think that this is a cycle of nature. However, when it is enlarged to take the entire world as the core, and it will cycle once or two in a short period, and will not exceed one hundred years in the long term, how do you think, It ’s hard to be named as a natural choice? ”Said the Gothic girl, making Gao Chuan ’s forehead slightly sweaty. He understood that the girl in front of him always felt weird. She seemed to have relied on her own. Power, deep into the operating mechanism of the illusion of doomsday, how much the facts of the illusion of doomsday have been understood. Although people always feel that this world has existed for thousands of years and has a long history, the memories and data of those long history are actually non-existent. When everyone thinks that this history is so long, and that their organization is so established, it will only exist within the scope that people can recognize with such recognition.

It is not history that makes people develop, but false history is instilled in human society from the beginning.

"People will calculate the life cycle of the earth from hundreds of millions of years ago. Five thousand years is the history of civilization proud of the ancient kingdom of the East, and everyone believes that after hundreds of millions of years, humans will still live, is the most on this planet. Strong existence. "The Gothic girl said:" But the reality is that the world we are in has not been this long. There is a kind of information that exists before we observe the world. This information is what we know about this The foundation of the world, conversely, without this information ~ ~ we will not see the appearance of this colorful world in front of us is probably dark. So, where does this information come from? Unraveling this mystery, I began to walk consciously, deep into the collective subconscious walk of human beings. "

After a pause, she said to Gao Chuan: "I am probably the oldest conscious walker."

The oldest conscious walker perceives the truth of this world. Before the wheelchair people, they have already begun to penetrate into the collective subconsciousness of human beings, trying to verify their ideas there. No one knows what she saw in the end, and no one knows what she wants, in the final analysis, the world she sees has become so vast that other people in the world cannot understand it. However, in this world, there are still people who naturally understand her.

That is Gao Chuan.

Patients with special doomsday syndrome have traveled back and forth countless times in doomsday illusions and hospital realities. During this process, the self-personality is constantly collapsing and regenerating. Even so, the cognition is preserved. He can understand that the end of the illusion is not the life of the planet, but the life of the patient. As the Gothic girl said, an external force interferes with people ’s recognition of the world from end to end. It is known that this kind of interference runs through the end of the world and the rebirth, or it can be regarded as the source of "the reason why the world is like this in front of you". To be continued. ..

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