Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1666: Sleepless at night

The Gothic girl disappeared, so Gao Chuan and the driver felt this way. Even though she was leaning on the huge sofa, the black tea was still steaming hot, but it seemed that lying here was just a body, a human-shaped device, her soul , Her sense of presence has gone away with her voice. The room was quiet again. The driver wanted to confirm what was going on with the girl in front of him, but heard a series of footsteps, as if someone had walked in line. These people had already passed through the door and were listed on both sides. However, the two could not see the figures of these people except for sound, and could only use sound to distinguish their position.

The room was bright and magnificent, full of elegance, but extremely empty and quiet, as if the footsteps were just to set off this atmosphere. Gao Chuan turned his head around and saw that the walls were decorated with modern light fixtures, but in fact they were all suddenly extinguished with candlelights, and the room was plunged into a clear dark color. Throwing in the big window makes people feel as if they can go back into the wilderness just by walking forward.

What a dark, quiet, and spacious hall. However, both Gaochuan and the driver clearly remember that this is not an entrance hall.

"Is it my illusion? I always feel that the room seems to be much larger than before, and the driver murmured. He looked up at the ceiling. The height of the floor was very different from his impression.

High ceilings, expanded rooms, changes in brightness and colors, and inexplicable sounds make people feel that the place where they were a second ago is not the same as the place they are today.

The footsteps of those people have stopped. The last impression is that these invisible "ghosts" are listed on both sides, as if waiting for the two to leave. Based on the impression alone, Gao Chuan and the driver can estimate where they are standing. However, no matter whether they use their eyes to see or walk over to touch, the area seems to be just air.

For a time, the driver was hesitant and did not know what to do. Although he felt like he was "sending away", he didn't come here for no reason what he wanted to do when he came here. He firmly believed that the previous Gothic girl was a witch Therefore, even if the other party's secret way of speaking or calling himself a messenger, even if it reveals some weird and incomprehensible information, he can accept it. Moreover, he felt that only in this way was the image of a witch. He also did not deny that when he saw the other party, he was overwhelmed by the grotesque breath and the satisfaction of the desire to get what he wanted in his heart.

However, when all this subsided, he found that he did not know what the witch was called. Although the other party said, using the name in the story of the witch, it is also possible to call her full of suggestive meaning and name, and the name is not important. But the driver thought that since she exists, since she compiled the story of the witch and let her unknown courier know the story, then before that, she should have an original name.

In addition, the rumor that "seeing a witch can pray for her to help realize a wish" is an important reason why he insisted on coming here, but now, he even has no chance to make this wish.

"Are we going to stay here?" The driver looked at Gao Chuan with a hint of prayer: "Mr. Gao Chuan, what do you think?"

"Do you still want her to fulfill her wish?" Gao Chuan calmly looked at him and said, "Actually, I also have some friends. They may be able to help you. As long as your loved ones are sister, sister, wife, or daughter, as long as they haven't died yet, If it is just injured by radiation, there should be no problem. "Although said, the driver, as one of the three giants of the Doomsday Truth, deliberately created a" courier ", even if he did not have enough self-knowledge about it. Avoid many abnormal situations happening to him. Gao Chuan is not sure whether he really has loved ones, and if he realizes that he does not have these loved ones, how much impact will he have on his psychology.

The conscious walker changes and fabricates the consciousness of others, so that it is not difficult for others to believe in things that they never had. Gao Chuan has seen a case in the online ball. The conscious walker acted in secret to make a lonely homeless person feel that he is working hard every day to raise his wife and daughter who have been separated for many years. Eventually, when the conscious walker let this go After being alone, the poor homeless man finally realized that the driving force supporting his life for many years was actually false and non-existent, so he died.

Not a physical suicide in the normal sense, the conscious walker did not hurt his mental consciousness, he fell asleep, and then did not wake up. Everyone thought that he killed his own consciousness in a dream.

I don't want to live anymore, so when I sleep, I die. This is the mildest and cruelest euthanasia that Gao Chuan has seen. However, Gao Chuan is not sure whether such a dead homeless man really enjoys his happiness.

In Gao Chuan's eyes, the driver is in a strange and dangerous situation. After knowing the existence of the witch, his survival motivation is gradually becoming singular, as if he saw the witch and asked the other party to realize his wish. Pursuit, in addition, there is no reason to live. In the eyes of normal people, this is a very unhealthy idea. For every normal person, the will and motivation to live is a very complex combination of physical and mental interactions, so it is also natural. , Without a reason.

Complex factors are intertwined, so that one of the factors is lost, and it does not cause survival to collapse, and singularity means that this person is both stubborn and strong, and very fragile, just like diamonds, hard enough, but It lacks resilience.

Anyone with a pure and single idea is powerful, dangerous and vulnerable at the same time, just like the driver in front of him.

"No. Mr. Gao Chuan, I want to stay." The driver looked at Gao Chuan earnestly and said, "I know that the witch hasn't left, nor is it to urge us to leave. At present, she still speaks very well, she is very good at the end Both the Truth Church and the Nazis know the truth, but they are not with them. Maybe we can get her help. This will kill very few people. "

"This is not the reason why you want to stay." Gao Chuan took out his lies with a sharp eye.

The driver was silent for a while before saying, "Mr. Gao Chuan, when you were a child, did you ever imagine that the fairy tales you heard actually existed? I have."

"I understand." Gao Chuan nodded, and no longer persuaded, "Since you hope so, we will stay well." Then he took out his phone and glanced, there was no signal, but the time was still moving, he could not be sure This is the time flow rate in this temporary data hedge space, or the time flow rate of the outside world. Perhaps, here, time has no meaning at all.

"Forty-eight hours." He added: "Forty-eight hours, if she still has no news, then I will force you to leave. You are my driver, and the job is to deliver me to the destination. You should be responsible. . "

The driver laughed heartily and nodded vigorously, saying, "I will be responsible." Then he looked at the sides again. The place where the invisible ghost had stood when he stopped, he still can't see them now. , But he just felt that these invisible things were just like the trained servants, waiting for their decision.

As a result, the two left the room with a big change under the invisible welcome. When they stepped out of the door, they had a strong feeling that they didn't just cross a door. In such a brief moment, many thresholds took the initiative to pass under their feet. Gao Chuan suddenly turned back to look behind him, only Seeing everything behind him is going away quickly, obviously he has no movement, but the sense of movement of things away from himself is very amazing.

When all sense of movement ceased, the witch's room had disappeared, and he and the driver were in a new room. The furnishings here are telling two people that this is a double bedroom. The style is the same as the witch's room. It is dark, luxurious, quiet and open. The candlelight does not need anyone to ignite, just along a thin groove, dotted the walls all the way. The wall has a rough stone texture, but is decorated with modern precision and smooth home improvement items. There are two large beds enough to lie on four people. They are placed on two sides and are separated by ten meters.

Such a huge sense of space makes people feel more and more confused about how to manage themselves. Even if he had seen the mansion, Gao Chuan could still feel the anger of this emotion, and then he was suppressed by the brain hardware. There is still a mysterious taste floating here. The mysterious power affects the entire wilderness and the western pavilion all the time. I do n’t know how to feel at home.

When he saw these two large beds, the driver's expression became very tired. He seemed to be puppets manipulated by invisible silk threads, and ignored the Gaochuan who was still standing beside him, and wobbled to the bed, even the clothes. Without falling off, the whole person fell down and fell asleep.

Of course Gao Chuan knew that this was not normal, but he did n’t feel that the driver was hurt for the time being. He just slept and fell asleep normally. Although the process was a bit weird, it was only from the results obtained on the retina screen and feeling , There is no abnormal physiological changes.

As for what the driver will see in his dream, Gao Chuan does not intend to know that even at this time, he can use the ability to walk consciously into the driver's dream.

Gao Chuan sat on the bed and pressed down hard. Although the mattress was very soft, he inexplicably gave him a "feel of something under the bed", so he leaned over and looked at the bottom of the bed. Although he was mentally prepared, there was nothing there, which made him feel suspicious, but as a mystery expert, he certainly believed in his intuition.

Although the driver may think that the Goth girl is a witch, she is a good speaker. Judging from the doctrine of the doomsday truth, her character is also moderate. More importantly, she has something to ask for people, whether it is a transaction or There are great chances of pulling her into the Nazis to deal with the Nazis. However, Gao Chuan and his views are different. In this doomsday illusion, no one knows better than him. What would a person who can observe the reality of the hospital through the doomsday illusion even if the Gothic girl has no actual The reality of the hospital is observed, but it is only separated by a film. She regards the separation between the reality of the hospital and the illusion of doomsday as a dream of a creation myth, and believes in the authenticity of this dream. From the perspective of Gao Chuan, the request made by her is almost impossible to complete how to make a person who has collapsed, break free of the precise connection between personality and personality, and between spirit and spirit, and reconstruct it in order to What about "recovery" in reality?

In fact, this is the same problem that Gao Chuan has already collapsed, and he wants to become a super Gao Chuan. Just turning into super Gaochuan in the illusion of apocalypse does n’t make much sense. You do n’t get the basis for action from the perspective of the world you can observe. Then your own changes to the world will be one-sided and full of regret. ~ ~ The Super Gaochuan project was originally initiated by Gaochuan, and was actually perfected by Dorothy and the color system. Moreover, it is not a stable plan, based on the change of the doomsday illusion and the actual reality in the hospital. The details of the plan are always in adjustment at any time. Although Gao Chuan himself is an executor, he does not know the details. It is precisely because these details are complex and changeable. In this plan, how to make Gao Chuan obtain the reality in the hospital again, Dorothy's explanation is only "the completion of the human complement plan by Dr. Ande", and the part that Gao Chuan can understand is just to imagine "reverse It's just a matter of turning to the "Human Completion Plan", and exactly how it can be done is unknown, because it seems to involve the so-called "Great Unity Theory".

Even with the help of Dorothy and the color system, the Super Gaochuan project is struggling, and it is really possible to vacate the resources to return the Goth girl to the reality of the hospital.

Gao Chuan put his hands behind his head and lay on the soft bed, turning his back and forth, unable to fall asleep. Not only did the brain hardware and prosthetic body prevent him from sleeping, but the information received from the Gothic girl was too surprising.

It turns out that someone really can, in reverse, observe the reality of the hospital from the end of the illusion. He feels that this is just an imagination, and now, the examples are in sight. To be continued. ..

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