Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1668: Awareness interface

Although it is not clear what the name of the Gothic girl is, the other party also said that the name is not important, if there must be a name, the name of the witch legend can also be used, but for the mysterious expert Gao Chuan , Really use "witch" to call each other, always feel a little inappropriate. In the sociology of normal people, a person ’s title includes the name given by his parents when he was born, various titles and nicknames given by people around him, and even some other joke or official names he gave himself. Makes sense. In occultism, these names used to represent the characteristics of one or some things and to distinguish them from things have a more unusual and important meaning.

The importance of this "name" also has great common ground in the world's cognition. In some unique situations, even the words "real name and surname" will be used to express some extremely serious situations.

The fields of "name" and "appellation" are also the same places that Gao Chuan has seen, and the mysterious phenomena and mysticism are the closest.

Every time Gao Chuan encounters a mysterious phenomenon, he often starts from the details of the target object to speculate on some information, and in these speculations, from the already existing names of people, non-humans and things themselves, and other people's names for these people, non-humans Starting with the title of things, the information obtained is often more accurate. In his own experience, things that were originally indescribable, unpredictable, and difficult to explain were given artificial names, or after they were known, their unremarkable, unpredictable, and inexplicable places, It will "disappear", or "sink". In short, it will become less conspicuous and strong, so that it will appear on the surface to be slightly understandable, as if it is not so difficult to explain.

Yes, when there is a name, the mystery will not be completely cracked, but its mysterious nature will become restrained, thus making room for people to deal with it. It's like putting a nuclear reactor in a sealed box. Although the nuclear reaction is still going on, people don't need to deal with the nuclear reaction, just the sealed box is enough. This treatment does not go deep into the essence, but it can indeed solve some problems. After all, it is true that solving problems in essence is the most thorough method, but starting from the actual situation, not all problems must be solved in essence.

The Gothic girl is like a nuclear reactor. She puts a shell on herself in the legend of witches. Gao Chuan feels that if she also admits this shell, then for herself, this shell will become stronger. Assuming that the two sides will become enemies, then, although changing the angle and dealing with the shell directly may solve the problem, it is better not to seal it by yourself just in case.

In order to give himself the possibility to deal with it more directly, Gao Chuan has always used the superficial and popular term "Goth Girl" to call each other.

However, he can do this, but the three messengers cannot. The Gothic girl handled the three messengers very cautiously and in a very special way. Gao Chuan still couldn't find a way to crack it. The legend of the witch has a very special status in the consciousness of the three messengers, and the two messengers other than the driver may even have completed some kind of contract ritual, such as letting the Gothic girl fulfill her wishes and so on. The result is that there is a closer relationship between the two and the Goth girl.

In occultism, this is the most commonly used means of the devil: rigorous and demanding contracts, ambiguous and imaginative content, and the strong bond created after the completion of the contract, and then use this bond to achieve further goals. It is so advanced that it is described as "even death will not end".

The three messengers are likely to be in a similar situation.

Gao Chuan carefully observed the three people sitting on the bench motionless like a puppet: from left to right, respectively, Father Edward, Si Coconut and the unknown driver. The place where the four people are now is also very special. Gao Chuan is not sure whether he is dreaming or not. A large lake around him is obviously out of step with the wilderness and the opposite view, and this lake can not be put in the ocean pavilion.

From the perception to the disappearance of the driver, to this dreamlike lake, weird three people were found. Factors such as environment, candidates, timing, etc., have a very strong sense of abnormality and suggestiveness.

This is certainly not a coincidence. Gao Chuan felt that the Goth girl was watching what is happening now.

She is everywhere, just like this mist floating around.

If she were called here, would she respond? Gao Chuan couldn't help but think about it, but before that, he still preferred to observe the situation of the three people in front of him: in the past minute, they were really motionless, not only in the sense, but also in the more accurate value. A living person, even sitting and standing still, ca n’t have no slight fluctuations. The natural operation of biological physiology will be reflected in the subtle movements that ordinary people will not pay attention to. , Is naturally a "corpse".

Being motionless often means death.

Sometimes, the corpse will even move.

The situation of the three people in front of them is completely beyond these common sense. However, Gao Chuan felt that they did not die. The one sitting here is definitely not a specimen. However, the three of them were interfered by some mysterious force, and from their own perspective, they could not recognize their movements. To put it simply: they are actually active, but they cannot observe it.

Why are the three messengers here, why do they meet them at this moment, all this is not a coincidence, then, it must be under the conscious guidance of the Gothic girl. In this way, what exactly does the Goth girl want to do?

Gao Chuan touched the coconut palms of Sitianyuan from the face to the abdomen to the legs. She personally confirmed the activity of this body. She was motionless, but she was as warm as ordinary people, with a real, beautiful and delicate touch. Is alive. It is expected that Father Edward and the driver are the same, and the reason for not confirming the two of them is simply because there is nothing touching * about their appearance.

Even such close contact did not allow Si Tian Yuan to show active movements. Her body would generate feedback due to Gao Chuan ’s touch, but it was passive, like unconscious.

Why are you here? What should I do? Gao Chuan has been thinking. Only one thing is very certain. At first, he just wanted to get the driver back. Now, he wants to know more about what happened to the three.

According to the information received from the network ball, Father Edward and Si Tianyuan Jia Coconut both participated in the Las Vegas Repeater Raiders. The battle there was very fierce, and the whereabouts of the two were eventually unknown. Not long ago, the two Gaochuan met during the voyage of the new Titanic, which made Gaochuan feel that the two were already fierce. Then there are more details that seem to prove this.

Unexpectedly, they even appeared in Australia, and still stroking the body of Sitianyuan Jia coconut in a seemingly innocuous way, there is really no trace of injury, and feel the inside through the skin, although and Ordinary people have very different internal organs, but they also have a strong vitality. There is no doubt that as long as she can move, she is in a state of full prosperity.

In addition to trying to understand the situation of the three messengers, Gao Chuan is also thinking about another very important question: how to leave this place.

Looking around, there is a big lake around, and under the mist, the place where the four people are is like an isolated island. The three messengers sat on the bench on the shore, as if looking at something. So, what would you encounter when you walked deep into the land? At least, looking in from the bench, it is difficult to clear the fog and see what is inside.

Without prompting, Gao Chuan can only think for himself.

Gao Chuan tried to carry the three men up and did it easily. Using the tools he carried at any time and the wood everywhere on the shore, he made a raft, bundled the motionless three, put it up, and dragged him inland.

In the past, the environment surrounded by fog often caused people to feel panicked, as if surrounded by countless dangers, watched by countless malicious eyes, and there were many unseen monsters hidden in it. However, this lake shore, like the wilderness and the western pavilion, has a similar strange but quiet temperament. People don't think at all that something bad will suddenly jump out of the fog.

Gao Chuan walked for a long time, and the landscape on the land in the misty haze seemed to be repeated all the time, making people feel that they were walking on a road that goes back and forth instead of a road that has no end. No matter what direction you are in, it ’s the same way, you ca n’t find an obvious thing that can serve as a sign, you can see it vaguely, there are trees blocking from both sides, no matter which direction you go, even if you turn suddenly, the outline of these trees will only divide Listed on the left and right, and people are walking in the path between them. There is no need to worry about hitting them. On the other hand, it is impossible to actually walk to the side of these trees and see how they look.

Does this make sense? Gao Chuan thought.

It may be meaningless to yourself, but it has a different meaning to Goth girls.

I circle around here, and I can't see the end point at all. This is like a kind of suggestion itself, and all things that have a hint, whether it is a phenomenon or a process, are the past or the present, what happened, or What is going on will definitely have meaning, and from the perspective of occultism and past experience in dealing with various mysterious phenomena:

Meaning is the most important.

There is no meaningless thing.

There are a lot of things that have a meaning to me, but cannot be recognized or recognized by others.

Whether it is from the perspective of doomsday illusion or from the perspective of hospital reality, it is better to say that this world is composed of energy and matter, rather than "meaning": from macro and micro, from self to others, Observe and recognize the meaning produced from the perspective of metaphysics to metaphysics.

Therefore, if you can feel the meaning of your situation, you can often get help in dealing with mysterious phenomena.

However, even with such recognition, how to feel the meaning is a very emotional and personal thing. Judging from Gao Chuan's experience, the ratio in the accurate estimate is really very low. More often, it will only make people wonder what to do, and can only wait in vain for other phenomena to break the current situation.

Because it is useful not to know what to do and not to know what to do, so after doing a lot of useless work, we can only wearily wait for death in an unchanging and closed environment. When people are exposed to mysterious phenomena There are also a few cases.

All in all, the obvious experience, strength, and knowledge, but it is still impossible to accurately estimate the current situation. The "don't know how to be good" situation is one of the most dangerous situations recognized. However, after looking at the conclusion, this situation is often not really unable to do anything, but only that his consciousness has produced a "dead end".

It is not easy to find the "dead corner" in consciousness.

Gao Chuan stopped and stopped, completely clueless, only relying on the information available from his observations, he was in vain, and his actions were "completely meaningless."

Although he was not tired, he still sat on the raft ~ ~ Think again, he lighted a cigarette and said to himself, think again. He felt that he had forgotten something.

Conscious walking? This is the most extreme approach. The phenomenon presented by one's own consciousness walking is a "bridge", one on the other's consciousness and the other on one's own consciousness. When the "bridge" appeared, my consciousness was also open and unobstructed, and I could reach others' consciousness through the bridge, and vice versa, especially here, the environment is special, and the host Gothic girl is conscious walking Older senior, unpredictable ability.

It is too dangerous to actively use consciousness to walk. Conversely, if it is necessary to use consciousness to walk out of the current predicament, then the goal of the Gothic girl is ninety-nine percent of her own consciousness. Even if it is not direct intervention, it is also like "borrowing" to accomplish a certain purpose through the level of consciousness.

Where can my consciousness lead? Gao Chuan made a rough calculation, only to think that there would be some unexpected answers. At least, Super Dorothy and the Color Center will notice, then another Gaochuan, and even "Virus", or "Jiang". The special case that the Gothic girl found through the deep dive of the human collective subconscious: Gao Chuan is indeed different from other people in the doomsday environment.

Gao Chuan knew that he was very special. The special self has become a prying "interface". (To be continued.)

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