Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1674: 0 threads

The Magical Girl Crusaders wanted to know what happened in the temporary data hedge space, and their doubts were enough to prove how powerful the Gothic girl's control over their own information spread. The network ball, which includes super-conventional forces such as the repeater, Dorothy, Super Department, and Omi, is also one of the best in global monitoring capabilities. As far as Gao Chuan believes, it is not weaker than Doomsday Truth. The intelligence of one of the giants is still very few, even if the Gothic girl appeared this time, the online ball failed to catch her tail in the first time. Gao Chuan feels that even if he provides information, the information is still within the control of the Gothic girl. The other party does not mind this level of information diffusion, and even uses this level of information diffusion to achieve further goals, which is in line with Apocalyptic style.

For most people, "intelligence" itself should not be dangerous. If certain information is encountered and the danger is encountered, then the danger comes from other things related to the intelligence, not the intelligence itself. However, in the mysterious world, in the hands of a conscious walker, "intelligence" itself can become a dangerous thing. This information is recognized by people and will cause people to change, from consciousness changes to behavioral changes. Change interferes with the things around the person, and allows the person to receive feedback from the things around him. This is a huge and complex project involving individuals and society, but a true conscious walker will inevitably sum up an efficient theory and practice in his own experience.

Hiding yourself and attacking enemies are all carried out from the most fundamental level of consciousness for human beings. This is the terrible place for conscious walkers.

In addition, all information transmission and diffusion involving the conscious walker can be regarded as a kind of mysterious phenomenon, and the mysterious chain reaction will also be after "someone has some knowledge of a conscious walker", It has an extremely strong, inevitable, and natural follow-up effect on "someone". Even if it is possible to avoid the offensive of the conscious walker himself, it is difficult to escape the ensuing mysterious phenomenon. With the enhancement of mystery time after time, even the mysterious expert may not be able to live to the end.

After all, when the situation involves a powerful conscious walker, even if it is just "listening" and "cognition", it is already extremely dangerous.

Even so, the magic girls still insist on their right to know. Gao Chuan ’s inability to refuse them on the grounds of “for whom” is not impossible, but he himself grew up under this principle: he made himself The decision must be borne by yourself. Conversely, since you already have the consciousness to bear the consequences, then the decision made according to your own ideas must be carried through. Others have no reason, no obligation, and should not go. put one's oar in.

In this process, whether it becomes a "good person" or a "bad person", whether it becomes a "hero" or commits evil to death, it should not be used for "prevention" purposes to limit it before the result comes out. The other party's thoughts and actions. Of course, if the other party has been judged as a "bad guy", then for Gao Chuan, killing him is also a comfortable act.

A person with independent thinking and ability to act, what kind of person he wants to be, what kind of thing to do, should not be intervened, but he can judge the results of his actions. Gao Chuan thinks so. Therefore, Gao Chuan will not have emotions about a person talking about "I want to kill", nor will he take action because he has such thoughts, nor will he use "correct thoughts" to educate each other, but when After the other party actually did so, they judged their behavior and made a feedback behavior.

The decisions made by the magic girls are certainly not so extreme, but for their own safety, it is more dangerous to understand the information of the Goth girls than to kill someone.

After obtaining the consent of the file and the shepherd dog, Gao Chuan finally let go. This made the magic girls a little nervous, and excited when they were nervous, even if it seemed to Gao Chuan, this kind of emotion should not appear at all. Even if his emotions are retrieved from the brain hardware, and even if he accumulates many psychological theories, Gao Chuan still has difficulty in empathizing with others' emotional changes.

"The black hand behind this incident is one of the three giants of apocalyptic truth, the Mar Jones family and the one outside the Nazis." Gao Chuan briefly described the appearance of the Gothic girl and reminded everyone: "But that is likely It ’s not her body. "

All the information about the Gothic girl I know, and my guesses about the most mysterious giant of the doomsday truth, including the situation of the three messengers, and some of the situations she suggested when talking to the Gothic girl, Gao Chuan Said it without concealment. This experience is actually very short, but it has a huge amount of information that makes people imagine. Just listening to Gao Chuan ’s remarks, the file and others still felt that it was not enough to rack up their brains. There are too many details to make pushes and guesses, but instead it is impossible to draw a silhouette that convinces oneself completely.

This is also possible, and it is possible, however, there is no conclusive evidence to fix these possibilities. The collation of this information must be given to professionals. Whether it is a mercenary who has gone through a battle, or a magical girl who has touched the power of a repeater, because of the insufficient amount of information he has, the sensitivity to information is only good, and the thinking of examining and judging information does not have a A complete and robust system is simply not an excellent analyst. Like files and shepherd dogs, their own analytical skills can support themselves to survive the mysterious phenomenon, which is pretty good.

No matter the professional experience or the scope of vision, the magic girls who are inferior to each other, it is impossible to draw a better conclusion than "the conclusion made by Gao Chuan".

Even so, they are still hesitant about the conclusions given by Gao Chuan, and they always want to find the loopholes, especially the two girls, which makes Gao Chuan feel that they have to find the mistakes in their words. To pick the bones, the situation that Gao Chuan said, based on the conclusions drawn by the situation, there are indeed many places that can't stand the scrutiny, which is also impossible. There are many things that Gao Chuan knows, and it is impossible to all Let everyone know. He and they used to observe the world's eyes and angles, there are many differences.

On the contrary, the files and shepherd dogs of old acquaintances are more able to accept the situation Gaochuan said. From the beginning, they did not look at Gao Chuan from a questionable perspective.

"Do you believe me?"

"Of course, I believe you unconditionally."

Such a dialogue is like the plot in a drama. But from the perspective established in this trust, the file and the shepherd can recognize something more detailed. The facts seen with "Taochuan said to be true" are not the same as the facts seen with "Gaochuan said to be distorted".

It is precisely because the suspicions of the magical girls are too obvious in other people ’s eyes that they consciously hide their attitudes, but the less successful time spent on the helicopter is actually not as pleasant as described in “Long Time Reunion”.

"The innumerable giants fell down, and the liquid they turned into aggregated to form a yellow ocean. This is the source of the world?" The file chewed the story of the Gothic girl to the end and still murmured, with a strange expression: "What a coincidence, I also had such a dream."

"Have you done it?" The shepherd was surprised.

"Ah, it seems that I haven't done it yet," the file said quickly.

"Are there any?" The shepherd's face hung with a complaining expression.

"Anyway, I just think this story is very familiar." The file said: "There is a sense of sight, as if I have thought so, or when I have seen it. I can't remember the specific situation. Do n’t just say me, do n’t you feel the slightest touch? ”

"No matter how you look at it, it's like a religious creation myth." The shepherd dog held her arms and jokingly said, "Wouldn't she want to recapture the doomsday truth's initiative by compiling the creation myth? "

"Yellow sea is right, this is right." Madoka Magica murmured to herself, "This is described in the prophecy made by Prophet Mayn. I can't remember the specific content, Sister Xue ,Do you remember?"

"Do you really remember the new prophecy from Prophet Mayn? Madoka." Sister Xue looked surprised, as if "I don't remember the prophecy" was the correct situation.

"Wait, what do you mean, in fact you don't even know Prophet Mayn's new prediction?" Gao Chuan asked back. Even Gao Chuan didn't know that there would be situations where the prophet predicted that it would not be remembered.

"Not many, Prophet Mayn also said, this time there are some special predictions." Xuejie explained: "Although I heard it but I can't remember, isn't this more mysterious? So, I think Prophet Mayn's One prediction is more important than the predictions made in the past. "

"All in all, it's just us people who don't understand the situation at all." The long-silent women's lady finally opened his mouth. As soon as he opened his mouth, he couldn't help but focus his eyes on him, and then he took on the strange 'S silence looked away. The man accepted the back and forth of these sights back and forth.

"In any case, it's worth it to get this information." The file said: "It's all thanks to A Chuan, you didn't run directly with speed."

Whether it ’s the departure of the New Titanic or the driver ’s car to the front line camp after docking, it is actually possible to replace it with a quick sweep, rather than giving an exact address and letting Gao Chuan act on his own, Undoubtedly more efficient. There are very few places in the world that cannot be reached by Gao Chuan alone. His speed of movement can reach the speed of light in theory after being accelerated by a speedy ascending step-up. In fact, it has also reached the speed of light. This means that, in the eyes of ordinary people, the distance is extremely far, even if it is a circle around the earth, Gao Chuan can theoretically complete in one tenth of a second.

If a person acts, it is efficient and secret. However, to give up this efficiency and secret, and take a long time and full of danger, it may lead to more casualties. Of course, it also has other purposes.

In an inefficient and dangerous operation, witnessing the death or injury of your partner, even if it was only a temporary joint action, was completely a stranger before, and you can't help but give people a feeling of "it hurts the other party".

It is Gao Chuan who bears this feeling.

Whether it is the mysterious experts who died on the New Titanic, or the driver who was taken away by the Gothic girl, even from the perspective of the United Nations strategy, it can be regarded as an "essential" loss, even if it can actually be viewed more rationally. Even with the strong restraint of brain hardware, Gao Chuan still had a feeling of self-blame.

It would be nice if these plans were completed by oneself. Gao Chuan also had this idea.

But in fact, if Gao Chuan acted alone, he really could not achieve the potential purpose hidden behind these actions.

Understand how Gao Chuan is a person, and then understand what kind of emotional file and shepherd dog in Gao Chuan ’s heart. In addition to saying a grateful word, he ca n’t do more for him. Just like Gao Chuan ’s principle, should he cooperate? The action plan of the national organization was originally his own decision. It was he who decided to ride the new Titanic. He gave up rushing and accepted the driver's see-off, and he must bear the impact of this decision.

From the actual results, whether it is the waves caused by the new Titanic ~ ~ or one of the three doomsday truths led by the driver, they have made a favorable foundation for the UN and the action. Here comes precious information. Now, the relays of all parties are stalemate at the "world line" level and can no longer carry out large-scale operations, which in fact limits the impact of the large-scale deep-destructive weapons such as the relay on the war and has been lurking. The doomsday doctrine of truth was also known as soon as it completely surfaced.

If Gao Chuan did not take part in the voyage of the new Titanic and did not get in the driver ’s car, but went directly to the whisperer ’s camp, the result is likely to be very different.

Now that the ideal strategic goal has been achieved, the manpower lost in the process can only be said to be normal, and can even be regarded as a very small cost.

"Yes, Mr. Gao Chuan. In any case, everyone must thank you for your efforts." The magic girls who had been thinking about how to find the loopholes in Gao Chuan's speech also quickly answered. They said such a thing, but it was a matter of course, the expression of willingness, not at all look like before.

"So, what do you plan to do now?" Gao Chuan asked quietly: "Send me to see if there are any stimulating incidents along the way, or let me go directly by myself?" . Mobile phone users please visit the mobile phone URL

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