Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1684: Ill Village Two

The reason for not using quick sweep is to attract the attention of the enemy, and the reason for using quick sweep is to avoid the enemy's line of sight. Takagawa, who originally planned the stealth operation, has encountered mysterious events one after another. However, these events are not like the past. In general, it seems that I broke into the adventures of others, and then because of various circumstances, I made myself occupy a certain core position in the entire event. Today's situation is completely directed at myself.

Gao Chuan knows that this is because he is being stared at by a terrible guy, and the other party ’s details are like a mist. He neither knows the other party ’s style of action and handling, nor is he clear about the anti-contradictory thinking. Actions have just taken place, but earlier, they have already paved the way for today ’s actions. Whether it is manpower, funds, ideas or strategies, there is no shortage of them, and because of her actions, she is gradually falling to a bottom in the situation. Counting all the people who can help themselves, either shoulders more important responsibilities for themselves, or because the opponent's actions are in an awkward situation, and they cannot help themselves.

Gao Chuan is very clear that the other party ’s actions directly penetrate his own blind spot, and the seemingly strange peaks are actually methodical. If this continues, the network he manages will be severely traumatized. Even now, his own pace has been forced to follow the other party. What is the best way to break this forced situation? Gao Chuan thought about this question, but the final answer is only: talk to the other party.

Yes, only talk.

Gao Chuan itself does not have the brute force to break the deadlock, although in terms of the ability of the mystery expert, he does have uniqueness, and it is only limited to individual combat. If you were a person and challenged the world with your own strength, you would certainly not fall into such a tangled situation. However, although it is possible to observe the doomsday illusion from the perspective of the hospital's reality, it is still impossible to treat the world as a completely illusory world, and to treat the people of this world as a completely illusory character. Don't worry about others at all.

On the contrary, even though Gao Chuan thought of "Sometimes the world will be finished in the end anyway", and reason can conclude that "The plan of Dorothy and the color must be promoted through the end of this time, so this time is probably still impossible. "Save the Doomsday Illusion from the Doomsday Ending", it is also difficult to use such careless assumptions and rational cold judgments as the core of his own behavior in this world.

Even when he didn't get his emotions back, Gao Chuan has never been on the grounds that "this world is destined to perish in the end, all people who live and jump in front of their eyes, whether they like it or hate it, will die". , Ignore the lives of others. Now of course it is even more impossible to think and act like this.

In this way, knowing that death is a matter of time sooner or later, they ca n’t resist the trend of the world, but they still have to buy time for the people they care about, so that they can at least persist until the "world is destroyed", Gao Chuan must do more hard work Pleasant things, to bear those contradictory and tangled thinking. After all, what he has to do is inherently so contradictory.

Gao Chuan is very clear about how heavy the word “rescue” is. In a certain angle, it is “no benefit at all, but he has to pay a lot for this, and in most cases, he cannot pay for it.” .

Only people with consciousness can try to save someone without destroying themselves in such an act, but even if they really save someone, they may not necessarily be heroes. For Gaochuan, this has already been Self-evident things.

A person suffering from terminal illness but unable to save himself, but trying to save other people suffering from the same terminal illness in a morbid world, maybe this is really a ridiculous arrogant idea. And the punishment he has suffered also runs through his actions. Even so, Gao Chuan couldn't stop his thinking and actions.

This is how he used to ask himself again and again in the pain, confusion, and sorrow imposed on him from time to time by torture of others, to firm up the belief that he must do so. If you do n’t want anything, or, if you come to other conclusions while thinking, you probably gave up long ago. After all, human behavior is determined by human will, and the source of will is thinking. Tell yourself the answer, you must always be consistent in order to carry out your actions throughout.

Gao Chuan has always needed to think. The quick swiftness allowed him to move most of the time, but he didn't always hurry. He would use his feet to walk like a normal person, he would feel everything around him like a normal person, he would smoke, he would stop halfway, he would not be able to concentrate during the fight, and he would toss and turn at night and could not sleep.

He will also be confused and shaken. Moreover, in the mysterious events one after another, he is also more and more uncertain. His confusion and shake, the contradictions and entanglements in his heart, are forced by mental illness. Thinking is divergent, or I just like to be so horny, I always like to force myself to accept things that I don't need to care too much about.

At this time, he felt more and more that the life of Gaochuan was so slender, uneasy, and fragile, and so strong, but rather stubborn.

Gao Chuan looked at the ruins of this once-lit village, but his mind jumped with thoughts that were completely irrelevant to the scenery in front of him. He felt that he should think about the situation in front of him, but in the surging and violent thinking, this idea was like a cluster of unremarkable wild grass. Fortunately, the brain hardware does not focus on it because of the activity of the native brain, thus neglecting its work. It uses mechanical calmness and logic to regulate every information receiving organ of Gaochuan Yiyi: Eyes, nose, ears, skin, pores, nerves, internal organs and chain judgment.

The air breathed by the prosthetic body, the sounds heard, the images observed, and the unspeakable information received in a mysterious way are all sorted, distinguished, summarized and summarized in the brain hardware. In order to facilitate self-calling, the highly encrypted data is saved, and part of the core data is fed back to the retina screen.

The prosperity of Gaochuan is like this, using "two heads" to operate.

No traces of human activity, or even traces, were wiped out in a fire. Although the air at the scene was still hot and smoke was billowing from the ruins of many mansions, it was different from what I originally thought was a "just a disaster". It was more like "the fire has not been completely extinguished for at least a week." "In this case, under such conditions, in such a village, it may really happen that" the fire has been burning for a week, but the village has not been burned to white ground, and no one has come to fight the fire "?

It seems normal here, but logically, full of mysterious details.

In turn, we can compare the campsite events. Although they are very close in location, they do not seem to be related in time.

Unless the people who attacked the camp were hiding in the ruins of the village, or they were originally the people of the village, or it was the culprit that caused the village to become so miserable. But no matter how you think about it, it is difficult to directly link the "fire" and "the camp was attacked" into a progressive event.

Even so, from the experience of mystery experts, there are no two separate mysterious events, especially in this coincident geographical location. Space and time, no matter which of these two elements appear to appear to be accidentally connected, the results afterwards often prove that this is not accidental.

Not knowing when, Gao Chuan realized that his thoughts had finally come to a close in the village now. When he looked back, he found that he had traveled more than two hundred meters to the place where he entered the village, and this distance was only one tenth compared to the diameter of the village measured by his eyes.

The village is very large, with uneven terrain and narrow roads. Where there is no building, it is also occupied by wild woods, unrenovated bushes and mottled bamboo forests, but these vegetations are not destroyed by fire, but instead It was like being burnt by a heat wave, not with the last breath, but also withered and yellow. The stones on the dirt road were either cracked or easily crushed, and the grass on the side of the road turned into ashes. , The overall impression is particularly sick and depressing.

None of the burned houses collapsed completely. No, it should be said that there are very few houses that actually collapse, people feel shaky, they seem to collapse at any time, or they have collapsed halfway, but they are stuck on the way, and most of the houses that have not completely collapsed.

And, as originally felt, there is no figure here, even if the fire has come to an end, you can put out some water to extinguish it, and there is no breath from the owner, just like the people in the entire village, when the fire started, Has completely abandoned the feeling of the village. However, if there is no one, it naturally means that no clues can be found about the campsite. Gao Chuan really hopes that the situation here is related to the incident at the campsite. The same group of people is in this place, and he hopes that the whisperers will be detained in this place.

He traversed the entire village, and then placed his goal in a more detailed place. He wanted to find out if there was a basement or something. To this end, he had to walk into a house that seemed to collapse at any time and search for it carefully.

When Gao Chuan sorted out the specific conditions of the village, the setting sun had touched the top of the mountain in the distance. The gloomy light dragged the shadow of the village ruins to a long length, and the swaying smoke seemed more strange. It seems that something will happen after the sun sets completely. Gao Chuan looked at the data on the retina screen, and there was no conclusion that "no one has been here" at all. It can't be said that there are really people here, but it also means that there may be people coming.

If people only show up after sunset, and will deliberately use fire to eliminate traces of their past, this behavior is undoubtedly weird enough to let people imagine the reason, and produce some bad reverie. In many cases, there are creepy situations behind the weird things.

Gao Chuan settled in a room with a wide view and special terrain. The house was built of stone and wood, one third completely collapsed, one third collapsed and did not collapse, only the last one third remained intact, but it was also blackened by fireworks before he was reorganized, A fire pile with a diameter of about three meters is still burning in the corner. The fuel is the building materials of the house itself. The wooden window frames, door frames, pillars, substrates and beams and the like are split and broken. After burning, the rest, Vaguely, it can also outline the original appearance through the brain hardware.

The wood used as fuel would not have run into a fire in such a corner. Although it is conceivable that some people used some of the building material waste from the collapse of the house, it has to be suspected. When the vegetation is ignored, it insists on using the building materials of its own house as fuel, what a weird idea it is.

To this end, Gao Chuan specifically checked whether a part of the wooden building materials of this house completely disappeared. The result is indeed true, not only the collapsed and semi-collapsed parts, even the parts that are still intact in appearance, and the building materials that are not the main supporting parts have been It becomes empty and makes people feel that there is a danger of collapse at any time ~ ~ The fire that Gao Chuan will extinguish for observation is re-ignited again, this time, he is a little clear that the fire left in the village now , Maybe not completely a fire residue, but someone intentionally keeps them burning. Although I always felt that there was no one in the village before, if there were any people left in the village, then these fires were the best clues.

Perhaps this week, some people have returned here to confirm that these fires are still burning. The time is probably evening, and since the other party insists on this behavior, the ten * will not stop tonight.

Gao Chuan fiddled with the fire, and the jumping flames gave his cold face a little ruddy.

He took out a high-energy rod-shaped supply and took a bite, but one bite was enough to keep the prosthesis functioning for a long time. These energy bars imitate the same things in the ruins of the ruling bureau, and now it is the main ration of Gaochuan, which is a body style. And ordinary food, although it can also provide the energy needed for action, but in terms of quality, can only be said to be better than nothing.

Chewing like this, Gao Chuan glanced out the window. The sun is falling faster than he estimated, and the uneasy night is coming. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit the mobile phone URL

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