Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1687: Only thing

"Senior man, what you said is true? Outsiders will live longer?" The young husband could not help but exclaim, "But outsiders don't happen to meet us, they don't know anything, but they will do something dangerous. Right? "

"What's not dangerous here? The danger will not change as much as you know." The strong old man said quietly: "Data statistics can't be wrong. At this age, I have seen many outsiders, and they really will. They live longer than the locals, but when they get used to it, they can be regarded as locals after they have integrated into the night, and their chances of survival will be lower than that of new arrivals. This village It ’s unclear. The more you get used to it, the more dangerous you will be. And, young man, do you know how long the last night has appeared? How many locals do you think were born and raised in the village? "

Gao Chuan heard the meaning of the strong old man's words. He looked at the young couple and asked, "Did you move in from outside?"

"Ah ... how to say, it's a coincidence." The young husband scratched his head annoyed and explained: "I and Uchiko have a strong interest in folklore, folklore and urban weird talks all over the world. In Australian traditional folklore Although there are various myths and strange talks, they are a bit shallow compared to other countries with a long history. Even so, there are occasionally some rare rumors spread in a very small range. Uchiko and I are looking for such a The rumor about the witch found the address of this village. As I said before, this village is not isolated from the world. There is a route directly to the city a little further away, but the route is remote, even if people passing by are difficult to detect. So , A year ago, Uchiko and I came here ... "

"Then? Was the village already in ruins?" Gao Chuan asked.

"It was like this during the day, and we were also surprised and puzzled at the time. You also saw the fires that were not extinguished. Although there were no traces, it did not look like no one had been there." The young husband whispered : "We felt dangerous at the time and wanted to leave, but it was too late, and we thought about it the next day, and the village became dangerous at night." With that said, he cast a grateful look on the strong man, "Without the help of the grandfather, Uchiko and I will not live now."

"Although this is said, it is still very dangerous, and if I can, I really want to end this soon." The young wife added shyly but firmly.

"Sounds like, this girl is not your child?" Gao Chuan's eyes fell on the little girl behind the young wife. The other party always seemed to be able to summon the courage, but after gazing with Gao Chuan's eyes, this courage would be hit It has to be scattered. After all, does she want to come out from behind? Or continue to hide? She has hidden back and forth several times.

The young wife silently silently looked at the girl ’s head. The girl narrowed her eyes like a rabbit and only heard the young wife say, “Yes, she came to the village a week after we entered the village, but, for some reason, We do n’t know why she came here until now. "

"You haven't asked." Gao Chuan stared at the little girl, and people of unknown origin are certainly doubtful, just like everyone else is wary of him.

"If she doesn't want to say anything, there is no way to force her?" The young husband turned his body slightly, blocking Gao Chuan's sight, and maintained the girl's momentum: "Speaking of it, don't you mean you didn't state your identity?"

Gao Chuan nodded, but the calm expression made him unable to guess his heart. For the young husband, did he agree or disagree? The young husband frowned slightly.

"You have lived here for so long, haven't you thought about ending the deep night?" Gao Chuan opened the subject and asked the strong old man.

"I didn't think about it." The strong old man said firmly: "Why should I end? My lifestyle is originally the hunter's lifestyle. The hunter should challenge the monsters in the deepest night, instead of just hitting a rabbit fox Gao Gao nodded his head, and he could see that this strong old man had different views on the meaning of "hunter" than the common sense of the world. He would not say that the other party was right or wrong, but only learned a message: This old hunter was not dissatisfied with the harsh surrounding environment and his way of life. Although he acted sanely, he was completely integrated into the deep night. Of course, this way of life and thinking cannot be used solely to prove whether he is a good or bad person, but if he wants to do something about the deepest night, this old man is likely to stand hostile because of his resistance to change Party.

On the other side, when the young couple heard the old hunter say this, they looked helpless on their faces. Gao Chuan understood a little bit. Although the old hunters sheltered them, they wanted to leave here, but they could not get useful information from the old hunters.

"So, from a hunter's perspective, what do you think of that girl?" Gao Chuan asked unabashedly, making the young husband's eyes anger a little. If it weren't for Gao Chuan's previous record performance and the existence of the old hunter, I'm afraid he would immediately teach him. However, whether he is facing a monster outside the house, an old hunter, or Gao Chuan, he is an ordinary person who has no strength to fight back.

Even so, he still held his wife and girl and moved a little distance quietly.

The strong old man gave Gao Chuan a meaningful look, but he didn't go to see the girl at all. He just said: "I didn't see any girls."

"Wh ..." The young husband seemed to want to say "what?", But he changed his tongue abruptly: "Sir, can't you say good things?"

"What good words?" The strong old man glanced at him, and Gao Chuan realized that his eyes were indeed not focused on the girl, even if the girl was beside the young husband, "All outsiders will look before they become locals. To that girl, but when he became a local, he couldn't see it. Do you understand what I mean? The boy from a foreigner. "

The old hunter's words made the young couple show a stunned expression, and after a few seconds, their face became a little pale. The two looked at the girl involuntarily. They seemed to want to say something, but they couldn't say anything. With confusion, guilt, and hesitation to find out, Gao Chuan knew that their final choice would still not be an initiative, perhaps because the fear of asking questions would hurt the girl ’s heart, if they had such an idea, It also means that no matter whether they subconsciously believe in the old hunter more, they also do not want to know the bad answer that the girl does not exist normally.

However, even if he had doubts, the old hunter's meaningful words also hinted at something, but Gao Chuan still couldn't find the difference between the girl and the normal person through his observations. His instinct warned him that if he could, he certainly wanted to verify it, but the other party looked like a girl, and he couldn't do it if he couldn't find any clear evidence.

"Master, do you mean that outsiders can see her?" After a long silence, the young husband finally said: "That is, you can't see her at all now, do you?"

"I know what you are going to say. I have met many people in the past. Those outsiders describe this girl exactly like you." The old hunter said indifferently: "I can't see her, but it doesn't mean I don't I know her. Of course, if you ask me if she is a ghost or something, I ca n’t answer it. She seems to only exist in the eyes of outsiders like you, only you can touch her, since someone has seen it long ago When she arrived, her appearance had never changed, and she had never heard of being bullied by those monsters outside. Of course, she would not be an ordinary existence. Even if I said that, the girl probably did n’t hear it. .. I think she ca n’t see me, and ca n’t hear people in the village like me, just like I ca n’t see her. So, you do n’t have to worry about these words hurting her. ”

The young couple glanced at each other, the complexity was indescribable, and they looked at each other with the look of inquiry and the girl. The girl seemed to understand nothing and could not see any false elements. Who is this girl? Or, is it a person?

"Witch ..." The young husband whispered softly and was heard by his wife, who also frowned, but held the girl's hand tighter, making Gao Chuan feel that in this year-long coexistence, three People have formed a very deep friendship with each other, and will not change the original impression and decision without the old hunter three or two sentences.

Is the girl related to the witch? Gao Chuan thinks it is all right. The anomalies she revealed in multi-person observations, the "witch" that appeared in the young couple's rhetoric, the disappearance of the campsite, the appearance of the new century gospel, and the deepest night of the ruins of this village seemed to have many Invisible silk threads connect them in series.

This seemingly non-existent clue makes Gaochuan feel that the survivors of the campsite remain in this village, maybe not in the normal time and space during the day, but I do n’t know how long it exists. Into the deepest night.

"Don't you see this girl when the outsider becomes a local?" Gao Chuan asked the old hunter.

"It seems so, everyone says so." The old hunter said so, paused, and as if to suggest something, said to the three people in front of him: "This girl's ending is often not very good. In fact, I have a little doubt. If the foreigner becomes a local, he can no longer see her, or because of the loss of her, the foreigner becomes a local. "

"What do you mean?" The horror in the old hunter's speech made the young couple shudder.

"She will encounter something unexpected, isn't it?" Gao Chuan calmly analyzed.

"Yes, but what kind of unpredictable it is, I don't know. The endings are various." The old hunter's voice was a little heavy, "But, even if she happened to be unexpected, when a new outsider came Here, you will continue to see her and then lose her. Generally speaking, the foreigners who were alive when she lost her can be regarded as locals, and their chances of survival will be reduced. So, for your sake, maybe you are optimistic She is the right choice. "

The young couple looked at each other. Although they set out on the journey to find rumors, they finally found it and realized that they had fallen deeply into it, but they were a bit confused. How will they continue to treat this girl? Gao Chuan couldn't help thinking. However, until there was no more evidence, he still didn't want the girl to have an accident. The old hunter's words gave him a little thought. Was anyone going to take care of the girl in the past, but later killed the girl by hand for some reason?

In mysterious events, such miserable endings are always endless.

"I will protect her." In the end, the young husband said, the young wife also held the girl's hand tightly, giving her husband a nervous but encouraging smile.

"It's your business anyway, anyway." The old hunter inserted the sharpened knives one by one into the belt and leather pocket around his waist, stood up and groped on the floor for a few times, and then lifted a dark compartment. A whole set of clothes was stacked. It is very different from the clothing style of modern people. It is not made of fur or commonly used fabrics. Its texture and texture give a thick but not feverish feeling. The long coat covering the outside is light and thin, and can be lifted by a breeze, full of elegant beauty. There are tight buttons at shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees and other important joints, and there is even a hood behind the neck.

"Are you going to hunt those monsters again?" The young husband was a little worried. "You said that if you hunt too much, people will become crazy."

"I know where my limits are," the old hunter said coldly. "Don't you say the witch is here? I want to find her."

"That's just rumors!" The young husband said quickly: "We have been searching for a long time, aren't there any clues? And, there is no evidence to prove that this will be the case here, that the witch did."

"Don't think I haven't heard of a witch." The old hunter said indulgently, and walked past the two of them. "Whether it was done by her or not, at least I have to find it out to ask. We have no other than her Other clues. "

The young couple didn't make a sound, just like the old hunter's claim. Gao Chuan feels that the atmosphere between them is like this scene repeated many times.

"Looking for a witch? I am also very interested ~ ~ Gao Chuan said:" I have some friends missing, I heard that it was here, so I came to see it. I have seen the witch, but I do n’t know if it is the same. "

"What? Have you seen it?" The old hunter turned suddenly, gazing at Gao Chuan with the stare of a hungry tiger.

"Yes." Gao Chuan's response was simple and clear.

"What does she look like?" When the old hunter asked, the couple on the side were stunned.

"A girl ..." Gao Chuan glanced at the girl hidden behind the young couple and said, "The appearance is bigger than her, but not more than sixteen years old."

"Is it a very powerful guy?" The expression of the old hunter had calmed down now.

"It's very powerful. If I'm alone, I can't beat it." Gao Chuan said according to his own feelings.

"Very good, I like powerful opponents." The old hunter grinned grimly. (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit the mobile phone URL

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