Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1707: Nemesis

Without knowing which corner of Gaochuan's consciousness level, the "trap" turned into a simple building and courtyard, even Gaochuan has been unable to recall, but the hazy sense of the acquaintance always made him guess the eyes. The truth you see. ????????????????? The deep lawn under the courtyard, the branches and leaves that have not been trimmed for a long time, such as the umbrella-opened trees and the swings tied on the branches, as if someone was walking in the cobblestone aisle On the top, it seems that you can still smell the red bricks, cement and wood, which is heavy and depressing but sometimes has a fun taste.

Although the scenery in front of him has a deep and cold variety of colors, it is "grey" in Gaochuan's most direct feeling. Just like green, it is grayish green, white, and grayish white.

Not far from Gaochuan, under the big tree tied to the swing, two "girls" who looked like girls were facing each other. Just from the appearance, it is generally good to call it a girl and a person, but exclude the appearance and spy on its built-in, the ingredients of the girl in the conventional sense, the ingredients of the person in the conventional sense, and both What proportion does it occupy?

Long time, distorted emotions, struggling desires ... The two also have many similarities. They both watched too much death, and tried to cheer up from the death line to pursue a truth they longed for.

Patient-like Dorothy; tulip-like goth girl.

Gao Chuan experienced their respective abilities and simply evaluated their strength. Gao Chuan felt that he could not do it. However, whether emotional or rational, Gao Chuan felt that Dorothy had the upper hand.

The confrontation between the two sides started in a dialogue way in front of Gao Chuan, but before Gao Chuan came here, they might have fought a fierce battle from certain ways and levels that were invisible to the naked eye and felt difficult to reach. Because when Gao Chuan heard it, Dorothy was already revealing the existence of the Gothic girl. Instead of saying that this was Dorothy declaring victory to the Goth girl, Gao Chuan felt that it was actually speaking to him.

In the process of continuous destruction and reorganization of the world, in the process of death and recovery, in the split and collapse of personality, under some more special circumstances, some of the overwhelming and disintegrating personality completely disappeared, but still Some of the residues attracted each other before disappearing, gathered together, and expanded with the continuous loss of time and continued to absorb more personality residues. Under some opportunity, a consciousness was recovered from this pile of personality residues. This is the original Gothic girl. Ideology-but because of this, she did not actually have a clear self-concept at the beginning, nor had a stable personality, and even observed from the collective subconscious level of human beings, which would only be obscured by those residues. Although this state can bring some advantages, in some cases, it is not an advantage. The Gothic girl finally realized that what she wants to be is not a "ghost" born from the residue, but more real. , Can better express the way of existence of its own existence, so it spread the legend of the witch VV and fixed the self-image.

However, in the world where mystery prevails and the end of the world follows, it is very dangerous to completely fix one's own image and one's position in the collective subconsciousness of mankind. The formation of the Gospel of the New Century was initially an attempt to fix her own concepts, but afterwards, the Gothic girl witnessed the destruction and reconstruction of the illusion of doomsday, and saw the monsters deep in the collective subconscious of humanity. These experiences let her choose a more capable To adapt to the existence of this world, the legend of Witch VV spread, but did not spread. Instead, it constituted the cognitive system of "Three Couriers". With the "Three Couriers" as the core, it renewed the new way of maintaining its own existence. Century Gospel is adjusted.

"In a sense, you are the three messengers, the new century gospel. You can exist in any phenomenon cited by the new century gospel at any time, no matter when and where this phenomenon occurs. Conversely, If you completely destroy the Gospel of the New Century and the Three Couriers, you will become a ghost living in a misty place, "Dorothy said.

"It's very good, but it's useless. Even if you use the repeater to eradicate the New Century Gospel and the three messengers from the source of time cause and effect, you can't really kill me." The Gothic girl calmly seemed to be a bit sad. : "How long ago did you think the repeater appeared? It can interfere only with the world this time, and I existed before it appeared. The world continues to reincarnate, every time although there are strangers Newcomers appear, but there are still some people who have always existed. Repeaters cannot even kill these characters that have always existed. "

"I think you misunderstood something. The repeater can't kill anyone, and the phenomena it causes are not done by killing. In this world, it is extremely important to really kill someone. Difficult. "Dorothy said in a meaningful way. She lifted her chin slightly, revealing a green eye under the forehead covered by the long, maybe not many people would pay attention to her eyes on weekdays, just because she was the final weapon of imitation, what made the whole person special It is enough to cover the abnormality of this eye, but at this moment, the abnormality of this eyeball is gradually strong to the point that people unconsciously put all their attention into it.

The Gothic girl's body stiffened for a second or two, suddenly opened the umbrella, and the umbrella edge was slightly lowered forward, blocking the eyes of the two.

"It's me who underestimates you, Dorothy. Although I have been watching you all the time, and you play a similar role in every world reincarnation, but ... maybe I should have been with you before Meet. "The Gothic girl said so.

"No, if you never take the initiative to show up and have nothing to do with Gao Chuan, maybe I will never be able to detect you." Dorothy said quietly: "That's a good thing for you."

"Good thing?" The Gothic girl's lower half of her face, not covered by the umbrella, showed a contemptuous smile: "If the repeater can't kill me, what can you do to me?"

"It's not what I can do, but it involves me and Gao Chuansheng, but it will encounter terrible things." Dorothy's smile gradually became a bit more terrible, "In this world, I want to Really killing someone is not something that humans can do, even if we already have some common sense of human beings, it is still difficult to do. However, there are things that can really do this kind of thing, if you are unlucky People who have been completely eaten by it will no longer exist in the next world cycle. Unfortunately, as far as I know, it has been watching me and Gao Chuan all the time. "

Although Dorothy speaks in general terms, people who do not know the "virus" and "Jiang" may have difficulty guessing the true meaning of the words, but for Gao Chuan, these are not lies, but the most that they and others must face Urgent situation. In the reality of the hospital, a lot of LcL has completely turned into clear water, and the personality preserved in it has ceased to exist. Compared with the illusion of the end, that is the real death. The case where LcL turned into clear water was caused by an attempted attack on "Jiang". After that, even if there was no such direct attack on "Jiang", LcL turned into clear water. .

After continuous research, everyone has confirmed that this is the end of all patients with doomsday syndrome-the first stage, from a normal person to a mental patient; in the second stage, the human body structure completely collapses, forming a stable organic liquid such as LcL Structure; In the third stage, the organic structure of LcL is destroyed and eventually becomes a pool of inorganic water.

In the view of the color center and Dorothy, this process is undoubtedly the process of "virus" eating. Gao Chuan was deeply affected by this understanding.

"... Horrible things?" There was no fear in the Gothic girl's tone. "Is it scarier than the monsters in the collective subconscious of humans? Or ... Actually, what we are talking about is the same thing?"

"Unsure, but there is such a possibility. We have been investigating, but even if it is not the same thing, it is undeniable that there is currently no way to solve them." Dorothy said, and the momentum was inward. After receiving it, it ’s not so aggressive, "Witch, no matter what you want to do, it seems that you ca n’t bypass the monsters in the collective subconscious of humans, and since it is involved with us, then you will also be stared at by the monster who is staring at us. No matter whether they are the same or not, even if there is only one, once you encounter it, you are not the only one you can deal with. "

"That's true." The Gothic girl seemed to know what Dorothy wanted to say, "So, you have to be cautious. I don't plan to build more enemies."

"We also hope to put aside our differences for the time being." Dorothy said: "I brought the goodwill of the online ball, hoping to maintain the good relationship of Black Nest."

"Oh ... Is it just the Black Nest?" The Gothic girl smiled. "It really has the style of a netball, but it is not annoying." After a pause, I should bear it: "Yes, just use the Black Nest as a link to achieve Cooperation, since you are so intentional, I think the way to return to the nog is also ready. "

"That's of course, the online ball never fought unprepared." Dorothy said very simply.

"If the cooperation fails, are you ready?" Said the Goth girl.

"What do you think? Witch VV." Dorothy asked back.

"Prove it with facts." The Gothic girl said so, the umbrella in her hand spun, and an abnormal landscape radiated outwards with her body as the center, and the deeper and more turbid darkness was like a roaring torrent, a little gray The repressed but still orderly courtyard landscape engulfed. However, although the dark torrent gives people an unstoppable feeling, the actual effect is not as powerful as the feeling, and can only be said to be difficult.

A hurricane came, and Gao Chuan couldn't tell which direction the wind was coming from. He just felt that no matter where he turned, it was coming. The wind blows Dorothy's patient suit that looks like a skirt, and covers the length of most of her face. The unusual emerald eyes gradually release a huge sense of existence, replacing the peach in just a few seconds. The humanoid impression of Le Si only makes people feel that her true face is actually the eyeball of the small, emerald pupil.

The Gothic girl stared at the eyeball in amazement, and even Gaochuan, who was not directly looked at by the eyeball, could hardly divert her attention from the eyeball. All the scenery at the moment, under such a compulsive gaze, its sense of presence becomes negligible. The indescribable anomaly overflowed from the eyes, and all the visible things such as courtyards, buildings, turbid darkness, etc., seemed to be shrunk in front of the unusually large, indescribable feeling ... No, maybe It should be described as that eyeball has become bigger.

Obviously at the last moment it was just normal eye size, but at the next moment, it became a planet, and beyond the galaxy, the place people looked at was only a small part of its surface. Gao Chuan can intuitively feel the huge oppression released by the unspeakable volume and mass. If this is an illusion, it also makes people feel that they will be crushed by this false volume and mass.

"Human Completion Plan--" Gao Chuan only thought of the name, which is a theory that affects humans through mental feedback. Dr. Ande has explained his plan from a positive perspective: ~: using sound and The strong mental response affects the growth of the human body, making up for the defects in a way that causes aberrations, in order to complete a sound and strong body that matches the sound and strong spirit. Without being able to observe the "virus" and failing to capture the alienation of the patients with doomsday syndrome from the spiritual level, Dr. Ander hopes to transform the human spirit to overcome the physiologically elusive morbidity and achieve the patient's Self-healing and repairing.

It is for this reason that Dr. Ander paid special attention to the end of the illusion, transformed the color into the center of the color, to monitor the changes in the personality of the patients in the end of the illusion, and transformed the relevant situation into a data form that he could try to analyze. Although these data have too many garbled characters, based on the personal experience of "Gao Chuan", many studies in the hospital are based on these data, and "Gao Chuan" can be modulated multiple times. These data are given to the researchers Our tips also contributed.

It is not surprising that Dorothy has this theory and can transform it into her own power form. Gao Chuan knows very well that even if everything in front of him is just an "illusion", its mental interference with the target is enough to achieve the degree of change in the material form of the reality in the hospital-it is no longer known that everything in front of the eye is false, or that the front The scenes are false and can be avoided. The firm will manifested only in the illusion of apocalypse, under the double interference from the illusion of apocalypse to the reality of the hospital, under the influence of the spiritual and material carriers in the two worlds at the same time, it will also become powerless. (To be continued.)

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