Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1712: Ruan Li's death

The reality of the hospital, the isolated island is filled with a depressed atmosphere, and the sky seems to gather a thick dark cloud against the atmosphere. Soon after, the lightning flashes and thunder, and the long purple snake looms out of the gap of the dark cloud The dull thunder almost submerged the sound of the waves. The people working at the pier were numb and wrapped around the container with big fist ropes. They did n’t really know why they did this, which was obviously not meant to be fixed in the storm. These containers, and, why use hemp rope? In the world, there are more wires that are more reliable than hemp rope, and hospitals are not unable to pay. ????? Hunting ?????????????? They did not ask anything, just do their jobs as required.

No one at the terminal knows what is in these containers, but the containers are heavy and must be transported by trailer. The people who received the containers drove heavy trucks and the boxes were sealed tightly and escorted The personnel are also heavily armed. It really makes people feel that these containers are not good things. The work continued in silence until the auditors signed the name, and the staff at the terminal continued to leave, but they could not go back by boat anymore. They were all placed on the island and they all knew that the whole island was mentally ill The scope of the hospital, they feel bad about the psychiatric hospital, but there is nowhere to go. When they took this job, they did not know that things would become like this, but when things really became like this, they also Weak to resist.

Under the gloomy sky and armed roaring armed men, the roaring seaside, under the light of lightning, carried a terrifying terror. The staff at the wharf was breathing in his heart, and he didn't even dare to look at it more. They did not know that the ship they were riding on was controlled by an autopilot system. After leaving the island a few nautical miles, they were blasted and sunk. After today, it will take another month before new ships arrive.

In addition, even if they learn more about the weird things on this island, and some rules that sound like a joke at ordinary times, or are theoretically inefficient, they can't understand at all. What are these weird things and rules based on Decided for various reasons. In the eyes of ordinary people, these are "stupid and unintelligible things" and will be born on this island repeatedly.

The life of the outsider is not easy, but some time ago, it was not strictly strange to this extent. The sharp turn of the situation started from inside the hospital, and before these disturbing conditions were born, there were already researchers Vaguely aware. The people in the hospital who know what they and others are doing are doing their best to try to reverse these disadvantages, but they soon realize how futile their efforts are. Today, even the most well-recognized team and the most informative team have fallen into anxiety.

The most obvious sign that these people can recognize is that the situation will undergo a drastic change. It is Dr. Ruan Li ’s death.

After many researchers have also been infected with "viruses" and become patients with doomsday syndrome, Dr. Ruan Li can't avoid it-she used some tricks to try to cover up her own abnormalities. She seemed to be successful when she was alive, However, when she died, all the things she covered up were exposed to the public. Others don't think this is due to Dr. Ruan Li. Whether a person is infected with a "virus" is not determined by his own physical and mental qualities. Researchers still have no way to determine what is the reason for such a long-term study Various factors determine whether a person will become a "patient with doomsday syndrome".

This makes people feel discouraged, and makes people feel involuntarily afraid, as if infection with "virus" is inevitable, and when others are infected, when they are not infected, it seems that it is not because they are more immune, but only " lucky". For researchers, it is only a matter of "good luck" to avoid a disaster, which means that it is also a matter of time before they become patients with doomsday syndrome.

Unstoppable, unrelievable, unavoidable, undisturbed, everything is operating as usual, the stability of this kind of luck makes them feel that humans all over the world are infected with "viruses" is an inevitable future And, in that doomed future, their work of wasteful sleep and oblivion failed to come up with a rescue method with theoretically a little feasibility.

The whole world will be infected with "viruses", and people are helpless and can only passively wait for the "viruses" to show themselves-this is the only hopeless conclusion that can be drawn in such a long study in hospitals.

Dr. Ruan Li, like other researchers infected with patients with Doomsday Syndrome, is simply "bad luck" and died a step earlier than others. This is the feeling of the surviving researchers. This feeling filled their hearts with the sadness of rabbits and dead foxes. The gloom and grayness of the entire hospital is precisely because the patients and researchers trying to save the patients have this despair in their hearts.

The hospital concealed their situation from those who supported the hospital ’s research behind the scenes. They submitted their research progress in accordance with the regulations, but all of them were theoretically feasible and actually proved to be unsuccessful. They Deeply hide your foresight, foresight, and the most pessimistic conclusions in your own heart. They said to themselves that it is impossible to tell everyone that "the world is no longer saved." In the eyes of many people, it is precisely because in their own eyes that the whole world is falling into the most desperate and pessimistic situation, it is necessary to block this idea and let other people who are still full of enthusiasm and confidence to find more possibility.

In this world, people and institutions studying "viruses" are not just hospitals on this island, but 99% of them are already doomed.

According to the originally signed contract and the "disinfection code" that had been confirmed long ago, the cover of yourself and others was nothing more than letting you breathe for a while. As long as there is no major breakthrough in the research progress, there are only two types of people on this island: one is that they continue to be infected with "viruses" and collapse after becoming a patient with doomsday syndrome; the other is that they are directly "disinfected" by a nuclear bomb.

The island is large and small, and all organizations that exist and act on the surface and in the dark face the same desperation. No one can ensure that other people do not send any information to the outside world, so it is impossible to confirm when the disinfected nuclear bomb will be dropped. However, the researchers can determine that even if it is to send real information to outsiders, Can't escape in a real sense. Without research results, even if a nuclear bomb is run away, the "virus" can never be run away.

There are also people who are still struggling, and there are more deaths than deaths.

After the current body of Dr. Ruan Li, many people were sullen and came to the scene silently to pay their condolences. After that, they collected the information on the corpse, read the notes left by Dr. Ruan Li, and roughly understood what she was doing What is going on in the experiment. Many people know that Dr. Ruan Li ’s experiment relied on the experimental data left by her mentor doctor. The senior researcher who led the hospital ’s special drug research for patients with doomsday syndrome in the early stage tried to create a "Takagawa replica" "To splice the outline of" virus ": what exactly makes" Gaochuan "different from other patients with doomsday syndrome, in the process of manufacturing" Gaochuan replica ", trying to figure out why, and after figuring out why, Naturally, you will get a "virus" feature, and then use this feature as a foothold to expand the scope of exploration.

Yes, the doctor's plan is undoubtedly very feasible from the perspective of "finding a foothold", although his plan is not the same as the mainstream plan currently being carried out in hospitals, but also because of certain factors He was rejected, but his plan was finally approved and publicly inherited by Dr. Ruan Li, enough to prove the possibility of this plan.

However, just like being cursed, Dr. Ruan Li, who inherited the plan, was infected with the virus in a short period of time, and eventually reached the point where he had to "suicide" through a special method-yes, all have seen the autopsy report , And researchers who have seen the corpse in person can be sure that Dr. Ruan Li committed suicide. Furthermore, her suicide method made her death not quite the same as other patients with doomsday syndrome, or indeed, From a certain perspective, it avoids the collapse of other patients with doomsday syndrome.

The usual suicide method cannot do this. The collapse of patients with Doomsday Syndrome has always been regarded as an inevitable result. No matter whether the patient died because of other factors before the collapse, and how he died, the final state of his body , Must be consistent with the characteristics of patients with doomsday syndrome after the collapse.

However, Dr. Ruan Li seems to have gone further at least in this respect. Her corpse, the report left behind, and the explanation of the test by example, left valuable information for the researchers present, so that they seemed to be able to catch a glimmer of light in despair.

"We need more copies of Gaochuan." Some people said: "Maybe after Dr. Ruan Li, no one can make the same degree of replicas in a short period of time, but there are some things that we must go through by ourselves. Only the way we walked will be understood. "

"We don't have much time to go again." Some people objected: "Rather than placing the experimental target on the Gaochuan replica, it is better to put it on Dr. Ruan Li's body, since she has used some method to ensure her own body. Is normal, which proves that she has captured at least one characteristic of the 'virus'. "

"But why didn't she leave a clearer message?" Some people retorted.

"Maybe it's too late." Others said: "We can't confirm to what extent her physical condition was urgent when she committed suicide. The condition of the corpse does not prove this level, because the state of the corpse is very much It may have improved, not the most severe state at the time. "

"After suicide and death, the condition of the corpse became better?" Some people scoffed, "What are you kidding, I think that Dr. Ruan Li's situation did not reach the critical point of collapse before death, and her suicide method ensured the body We will not reach this critical point, and why we will not arrive, this is what we need to know. "

The debate surrounding Dr. Ruan Li showed no signs of cessation, and it was finally concluded by Dr. Ande, the top person in charge of the hospital: “Seal the site data, sample Dr. Ruan Li ’s body, and put it in the greenhouse. Although It seems that the corpse will not change, but whether it will change and what kind of changes will happen will require more time to prove. "

"What about Gaochuan's replication plan?" Someone asked.

"..." Dr. Ande obviously hesitated for a while, but still said: "Under the premise of not hindering the progress of the existing research, you can try something. However, I personally do not maintain optimism, although the doctor and Dr. Ruan Li stayed The information below is very complete, but just walking based on these information will not have a good result, because they failed, did n’t they? Both the master and the apprentice failed, so it ’s meaningless to just repeat their path , Must be more innovative on top of them, but, IMHO, among us, no one can be more clever than this mentor ~ ~ other researchers Looking at each other, it is true that Dr. Ande is not saying good things, when they ca n’t refute in their own hearts. The study of unknown things has never been as long as they are willing to work hard, have information, and have legacy left by their predecessors. Outcomes, including talent, luck, and aura of light flash inside, those things that are most uncertain and least accessible by effort, often occupy a decisive role.

The hospital has gathered strongmen in various fields of research, but they are only strongmen in the field they are good at. They are not geniuses who can show their strengths in all fields. After the death of a researcher in a certain area, the legacy he left is difficult for the remaining people to inherit Yang. The inheritance between Dr. Ruan Li and the doctor is actually very special in this hospital, but Dr. Ruan Li also died. .

"All in all, I am definitely not the only one who wants to try it." After a moment of silence, someone said one by one: "Since Dr. Andre is not against it, then I must try to make a human replica."

At this time, someone suddenly intervened: "Dr. and Dr. Ruan Li ’s research is called Deep Night, and Gaochuan ’s replica is only a part of it. From the information left by Dr. Ruan Li, Deep Night has passed human intervention. The stage of being able to maintain, does this mean that the changes caused by the deep night can also be confirmed from the data of the doomsday illusion? "(To be continued.)

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