Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1748: 6-ship joint

Elemental life, the non-human life that exists in the ruins of the ruling bureau, whose material structural foundation is not carbon-based and cannot be divided into organic and inorganic from the current materials science. ☆ Tomato ○ △ Fiction Net-The original structure is a mysterious product of “gray particles”. Under normal circumstances, self-consciousness will not be born. However, there are only two kinds of “gray particles” in the ruins of the ruling bureau. Constituted life forms. The unanimous life is undoubtedly one of the life with self-awareness, wisdom, rational thinking and emotional emotions. It has similarities with humans in appearance, but no matter the social form, way of thinking or even self-structure The way of operation is very different from that of human beings, and it is often not regarded as a humanoid existence, but an inhuman life.

Compared with this, the basic material structure is also composed of "gray particles", but what is called "demon" is more abnormal in the literature. Life born from a single environment containing only gray particles is even more abnormal. The existence of is even doubtful whether they are a kind of life or a phenomenon, and it is impossible to judge whether they themselves have self-awareness, although, when dealing with mysterious experts, they will make them be regarded as "wisdom" , Or even a "cunning" act.

According to legend, the ancestor of the body life is the symbiosis of the demons and the human beings at the time. In order to get rid of the cruel rule of the ruling bureau with people as salaries, some people embarked on the path of using the power of demons. These people did not originally possess the identities related to the gray particles, but the demon born in the gray particles is rumored to be the enemy of the ruling bureau. The two have the same enemy, so they came together by chance. How the original man and the demon were combined can no longer be verified in the literature of the ruins of the ruling bureau. However, related rumors have persisted to this day, and the body life has always been regarded as the product of the alienation of the rebels, even if they Having formed a social group, it is likely that a civilized form with its own characteristics has been constructed. Tomato Novel Network ☆ -``-`

The life of the body or the devil is an enemy to mankind, but this hostile relationship is not naturally formed. Everything that emerged from the ruling bureau naturally has a nature that excludes outsiders, but even so, they eventually proved to be communicable. The doomsday doctrine of the doctrine of the Doomsday has always proved this: the wizards summoned the demon and used the demon. Until recently, it has been confirmed that they have reached a certain cooperative relationship with the body life.

Regarding the application of the “gray fog” of the cluster form of gray particles, the doomsday truth has always been at the forefront of the human world, and it is difficult to sort out what kind of identity the devil and the body life have played in it. Gao Chuan does not know all the secrets of this world. He can only see what has appeared in front of his eyes, only through what he has observed, and known information, to guess what he has not yet known, limited by human Limitations, those things that are known and guessed, never reveal the most real scene in this world.

If a person really wants to understand the end of the illusion, then he must have answers to three questions: first, what is the end of the illusion; second, how the end of the illusion begins; again, how the end of the illusion will end. Gao Chuan has no answer to these three points. He did n’t know what doomsday illusion was, whether it was real, or illusion, based on what reason appeared. Although it was observed from the reality of the hospital, its foundation was like the morbidity of the patients of the doomsday syndrome, but then there was a problem How did the patients with Doomsday Syndrome come into being, and what exactly contributed to these morbidities, could they come to their cause and law early? Unfortunately, although everyone said that the "virus" caused all these heartbreaking scenes, no one can be sure what the "virus" is, or even its existence has never been actually observed. ▽ ◇ ``

Therefore, the first problem is directly unsolvable, which in turn leads to the unsolvability of the second and third problems.

Gao Chuan knows the information that many people in the Doomsday Illusion do not know, but he is also very clear that his understanding of the Doomsday Illusion is not necessarily as comprehensive as the people in the Doomsday Illusion. All he knows are words and phrases. The more he delves into it, the more he feels that what he knows is so fragmented that it is simply not enough to form in his mind a solid, true, unchangeable image of the illusion of doomsday.

Gao Chuan believes that his knowledge of the "world"-whether it is an illusion of doomsdays or a reality in a hospital-is barren. However, even if he wants to become more sophisticated in understanding things in this world, he still lacks the most precious. time. He is like a critically ill patient, even if he wants to understand the world in the last few days of his life, he can only sigh in vain.

For Gao Chuan, the life of the body is such a kind, there is no time and opportunity to understand the existence. He knew that they existed, and that they had reached a cooperative relationship with the Doomsday Truth, so even if they appeared in the universe in front of him with the help of the gray fog vortex, these were all very logical things.

However, other people in the fleet do not have this logic, or that the intelligence they possess cannot allow them to prepare for such logic in advance. Some of them also knew the intelligence of these elemental life, but it was obviously far worse than Gao Chuan knew. The exclamation in the communication network is almost the biggest shaken one in the fleet since the battle. □ Tomato □ ○ Fiction Net △ □ `` --- `` --- Gao Chuan thinks so.

After all, the life of the elemental body is indeed very powerful, so powerful that this cosmic joint experimental fleet is overwhelmed by their appearance.

The structures discovered in the vortexes of gray fog with different sizes make people feel that they are the base of these elemental life. Although there is not a short distance between the gray fog vortex and the gray fog vortex, the structures that are visually divided are faintly suggesting that their parts behind the gray fog vortex are connected together. No one can imagine such a huge creation.

"They are approaching!" A voice warned: "The vortexes are moving."

Gao Chuan has also been observed. The distance between those ash vortices and the fleet is getting closer, but under the background of the universe, they can't find the trajectory of these ash vortices moving. From the point of view of feeling, it is roughly like this: At first, they felt that they were still far away, but, the next moment, they felt that the distance between them and themselves was not that long. Sensitivity to distance has always allowed Gao Chuan to always determine the location of the ash vortex. He now feels that the reason why these elemental lives and the structures they stand on is moved by this vortex of gray fog.

"What the **** is that?" Asked people who are not very familiar with the life of the body. From the query data in the communication network, people who do not know the ruling bureau, the devil and the body life actually occupy the vast majority. Gao Chuan really felt the fear that was hidden in the voice of inquiries in the communication network. Of course, they will feel fear, because that is the appearance of human beings, but the inner but non-human existence. They rely on the appearance of images alone to make people feel that their dominance on this planet is a bit shaky. Fan eggplant novel network ▽ △ `-````-

Gao Chuan disclosed the information about the life of the body he knew, which made others feel a little reassured. However, the information alone cannot clearly understand how powerful the enemy is. This battle seems inevitable, Gao Chuan thought.

"They have a small number of people." A voice pointed out the point: "The things under their feet-no matter what it is-don't seem to be equipped with weapons."

"The body life itself is a weapon. Another voice reminds:" From the current research results, even if these body life are not weapons like fortresses, the body life of the body itself is enough to threaten us . "

"Are they trying to fight white-edged?" Another voice confirmed.

"Unable to judge." The voice reminding everyone before: "However, if the weapons they are holding are equivalent to the critical weapon level, once they are approached, our odds of winning will approach zero indefinitely."

"Then don't fight close combat." One voice said indifferently: "When it comes to cosmic warfare, it really is the truth of the giant ship artillery."

"Hey? Don't you fight white-blade?" A new voice appeared on the communication network, and I heard some complaints. "My ship was specially strengthened for the approach war. The rest is mediocre."

Everyone was surprised by what the new voice said. After the arrival of the modern industrial revolution, the concept of weapon development tended to be suppressed and attacked from a long distance. It is also generally believed that in such a wide space as the universe, the concept of long-range enemy control should be given priority-when judging the body When life has a tendency to approach combat, although they know that these enemies are very powerful, there are still not many people who are worried, because they do not think that the body life that is prone to melee can reach them under the fleet salvo. distance.

With such a prevailing concept, there is a ship in this fleet that has particularly strengthened the approach to war. Of course, others are a little puzzled and feel that this does not make much sense.

"All in all, if it is a close combat, my ship can perform 100% of its performance." The voice said: "So, if you are broken through the fire net by them, come to my side."

There was silence for a moment in the communication network, and finally there was a voice to cope with it, and it seemed like relief, saying: "It must be certain."

"Those body life is about to enter the best bombardment distance." The sound that has entered the combat state reminds: "Three Immortals Island, let the seven ships join ... Oh, it is the six ships join, go first. Just take these bodies Life test the feasibility of the strategy. "

Taking the attack ship that was damaged during mass projection and unable to reach the maximum power as the core, it was originally intended to use six ships to structurally associate with it to form a huge body. However, there was a problem with the Enterprise in the six ships, and an improper way was taken in the action to solve the problem, which caused a rift in the relationship with other ships, resulting in a large fleet main body with a damaged attack ship as the core Great changes have taken place in the hardware. In the case of changes in the hardware structure, the six-ship alliance is also different from the original seven-ship alliance in terms of performance. In terms of overall quality, it is generally believed that the fleet has dropped by a grade.

Even so, based on the combination of the six ships, everyone re-modified a series of strategies so that the fleet can have a greater chance of survival in the face of various imaginary crises. It is undoubted that the six-ship alliance, which has just completed the main body construction, is already the most important part of Sanxian Island as the core of the fleet. In contrast, just as Sanxian Island must bear the most important responsibilities, the Six Ships Alliance must also prove that it has the ability to undertake more affairs.

The elementary life in front of us, excluding the huge base main body that is hidden behind the gray fog, only their number and fighting style trend, let everyone think it is a good practice test object. Through the battle between the six ships and the life of the body, you can get first-hand data without worrying about too much loss. The combination of the six ships with the attack ship as the core, the best is the long-range artillery battle. Although the attack ship's mechanical power is damaged, but the structure of the other five ships is combined, it still allows the six ships to simultaneously contribute to the second To the extent of Sanxian Island.

The six-ship alliance is such a complicated structure ~ ~ The bombardment is fierce, the attack distance is long, and the big man who runs fast. The six ships combine their respective characteristics organically, and have almost no shortcomings in overall performance. Even the most unfamiliar approach battles are above the average level in the fleet.

The theory is as described above, but the actual effect still needs to be verified by practice. Taking the 25 elemental life that has been observed as the object, the Six Ships Union also feels that there is nothing wrong with it.

Gao Chuan remained silent. He didn't think that the body life that appeared in front of him would be a small group fighting independently. It has become his instinct to be vigilant to the Doomsday Truth and to the Nazis. Sanxian Island's focus is on places other than the life of the body. While everyone is consulting, it has begun a deeper search. As far as he knows, the elemental life itself has never exhibited the technical ability of the "gray vortex". Then, it is a situation of great probability that the shaman of the apocalyptic religion is watching.

With the weird and comprehensive magical abilities of the apocalyptic wizards, and the structure system of the life of the body like the strongest spear and the strongest shield, even if the number is small, it will make people feel particularly difficult. Once procrastinated by them, the Nazi repeaters that should be shot from the collective subconsciousness of the human by the "kill gun" are likely to re-enter the ideology after gaining breathing time. When the Nazis had already suffered a loss, they could not imagine that they would repeat the same mistakes. (To be continued.)

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