Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1766: Area 51 Offense and Defense

In the deep universe, one side is the earth, one side is the ruins of the huge and huge building complex, one side is the moon and the irregular polyhedron fleet that encloses it, and one side is the smallest cosmic joint experimental fleet in terms of volume and mass. ◇ Tomato Novel Network`The four constantly rotate around the sun and rotate at their own speeds. The war seemed to have solidified within these seconds, as if the ignition star could ignite the explosive barrel, but in this short time, the spark did not immediately burst out. The next second, the gray mist overflowed from the ruins, and the demons that had not yet formed but could observe its erratic shape came into the universe.

Observing from a more ambitious perspective, the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet is in a situation where it cannot advance or retreat. This is not a strategic error, but the enemy ’s plan is more adequate than the United Nations can achieve, even if Sanxian Island has a comparable The power of the repeater, even if Gao Chuan can allow the entire fleet to sweep, but with limited resources, he cannot take the lead in opening the war-for him, for Sanxian Island, and even the entire universe joint experimental fleet In general, there is a fatal weakness, that is, they have fewer opportunities than enemies and can exert power fewer times than enemies.

Gao Chuan is not a god, and Sanxian Island is not a repeater. In the mystery of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet, there is also a huge gap between the anomalous things around him. This all-round defect cannot be remedied simply by strategy. Gao Chuan always knew that he needed a signal, but with the extension of the waiting time, every second his heart was about to stop beating, and the signal he needed never appeared.

As long as the signal does not appear, all of your own attacks are just dying and struggling. Gaochuan, who knows this, can only watch the fog spread into the cosmic space outside the ruins. --`-`If the signal never appears, then waiting is as cruel as a probation, except that all the power erupts in one brain, and if you try to aim a little bit to attack desperately, there will be no good ending. Gao Chuan believes that everyone in this fleet is not afraid of death. However, at the expense of death, he did not do what he planned to do, but everyone is unwilling.

"Only we are left here ..." There was a voice saying in the internal communication network. The person who said this saw the enemy increasing every second, and every second was entering the track of its plan. The heart must be anxious.

But even so, still can not act rashly.

The weapons that can be used have been tested several times, and no matter what kind of attack, they have entered a state where they can be activated immediately. Even so, they still cannot act lightly.

The air pressure in the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet is lower than ever, suffocating.

"There is also the earth ... The United Nations cannot be unpredicted, but we have a prophet." Another voice suddenly said: "If anyone can interfere with the situation at hand, then it must be on the earth and it has already acted. . "

"The moon's trajectory has changed again." Another voice said: "It moves at this speed and will enter the atmosphere within twenty minutes."

This notice changed almost everyone's face.

"Is the Nazis going to use the moon to hit the earth? Really a group of lunatics." The voice said dryly.

"The strength of these Nazis is much stronger than that shown on the earth. In fact, according to my ideas, the best way to destroy the human world is of course a violent meteorite impact. The entire moon and fleet smashed Going on, there will be a catastrophic disaster on the earth.-`````-`But the Nazis did not let the moon fall from the beginning, and also did not directly drop these warships on the earth. It is incredible. Suppose it It ’s because of some constraints that it ca n’t be done. So, what ’s going on now? As soon as we go to heaven, they can do whatever they want? ”

"Recalibration, there are 15 minutes and 23 seconds left before the moon enters the Earth's atmosphere. Sanxian Island, we must be ready to attack." Another voice suggested to me calmly.

"You should be clear that if we put great effort on the Nazi fleet, it will become weak against the moon." Gao Chuan replied.

"However, we can't do nothing, just watch."

"... We have been unable to protect ourselves, and the fog has surrounded us." When another voice reminded, more and more warning boxes popped up on Gaochuan's retina screen.

"We need the earth to send a signal!" Someone finally emphasized this again, "Even if the United Nations cannot use the normal way, it must be able to exchange for an opportunity in another way."

"But they haven't done anything yet. What are they doing?" The voice asked.

However, the people on earth are not doing nothing. In the suburbs of Las Vegas in the United States, the war with the 51st area as the core has not stopped. Even if the universe joint experimental fleet opened up the universe front, the Nazis that were reasonably constrained still have n’t stopped sending them to various fronts on Earth More troops. Since the end of World War II, the reserves made by the Nazis hiding on the moon, and even the efficiency of the increase in the number of personnel, are more and more powerful than the United Nations had expected. An endless stream of anomalous soldiers, countless irregular polyhedrons, a few airships that have more technical advantages than the United Nations, and strategic mobilization in the macro situation have successfully created suppression on the earth and the universe. Banana ☆ Fiction Net △ ▽ △ -`-`-`--```-

As many insiders are concerned, the Nazis are not absolutely without allies-on the contrary, as a more apocalyptic promoter than the apocalyptic doctrine, it does something that the Mar Jones family and the New Century Gospel cannot do. replaced. In a sense, the Nazi is no longer a pure evil force, but a symbol of the end of the world. For the other two giants of the original doomsday truth, its existence and behavior, and the weather vane it represents, are Their respective plans have a positive impetus.

In order to deepen this promotion, a girl wearing a gorgeous vest and a Gothic dress and holding an umbrella, in a realm that no one can realize, passes through the battlefield in which artillery roars and freaks occur frequently. The outline of the base of the fifty-first area on the ground is reflected in her eyes. Her eyes pass through the physical appearance, through the illusion of energy, through the obstacles set up by the human heart, watching the one who has seen many times, Huge outline hidden in the collective subconscious of human beings.

The Gothic girl walks both in the material state and the ideology. She went too deep and too far, and her location was so sinister and vast. She was in it, as if she had penetrated into the tropical jungle alone, and was difficult to be noticed by the second person.

Like the London side, District 51 continues to focus on repeaters as the core. From various angles that cannot be explained by current science, it pays attention to the war between the United Nations and the Nazis and is alert to any possible threats. With the power of repeaters, their eyes can spread to the whole world, and even to the universe and human ideology, to collect the information that is currently happening. ☆ `` ---- `-`-`-`However, as a human being, his physical qualities, understanding ability, way of thinking, perspective of observing the world, outlook on life, values ​​and world outlook, and cognitive world and transformation The methodology of the world inherently has its limit. Even if they collect a large amount of information, they cannot read it all. The efficiency of the use of information is almost a zero percentage relative to the total amount of information.

This caused them to be unable to penetrate the obstacles set by the enemy, to contact the troubled space joint experimental fleet, and only to watch them-this watch is so eager, full of unrest and expectations, under the pressure of human survival, the most Strong emotions. However, the observation was too focused, which caused their field of vision to become narrow, and did not notice the maliciousness close to themselves in the first time.

Repeaters may be omnipotent, but people who use repeaters are full of flaws. This is the most vulnerable point in the 51 area. Even if a repeater is used to block the core of the entire fifty-one area, leaving only a base with traps in the physical world is not safe. Many people are subconsciously ignoring this, perhaps it is a fluke, perhaps because they lack the imagination of the mystery and the ability to extend the thinking of the intelligence that they already have.

In any case, when they were alert, the unknown figure was already standing outside the gate of the base, standing on the edge of the relay outline deep in the collective subconscious of humanity.

That's the enemy. When they realized this, the soldiers who tried to fight back had been bitten off their upper bodies by sudden big mouths. All the soldiers who were aware of the enemy's invasion within a certain range were suddenly appeared in front of them. Big mouth bite dead. This weird with only a mouth, cruising like a ghost in a **** space, the internal organs, residual limbs and blood scattered around became a black liquid in a few breaths, as if driven by a certain consciousness, along Different routes converge to a place in the base.

The base in the material world burst into a sharp siren in the second second, and the red warning lights cast a shadow of blood on the otherwise bright base.

"Where is the intruder?" The responsible person shouted to the monitor.

"Here, here ... to, everywhere ..." The monitor seemed stunned. On the screen in front of him, there should have been pictures of different corners, some somewhere on the earth, some somewhere in the universe, some somewhere in the collective subconscious of human beings, but at this moment, These pictures are all replaced by a petite girl silhouette-no one can see her directly from the picture, but vaguely know that she is wearing a gorgeous Gothic dress and has a natural look like her own territory , Calm but so proud eyes.

"Yes, yes ... it's a witch, witch vv!" Obviously I don't know what I'm talking about, but the people who were greatly stimulated in the middle of the world cried out in fear, "Witch, witch is coming!" Fear brought some information from unknown places, which is not what these people want to know, and even had a chance to encounter related things even before this second, however, watching this Goth girl At that time, they naturally knew what she was-something that still has human meaning but is not a human concept in the sense of common sense-yes, many people would rather call her "something" rather than "someone".

There is a huge difference from common sense, and even the horrible thing to reverse a person's self-concept is accompanying these people's cognition, flowing into their brains, making them scream of despair. In the eyes of those who still retain reason, these inexplicably influenced people are hysterical like crazy.

However, as a force with a repeater, District 51, not all members do not know the meaning of the name "Witch vv".

"Why is she here?" The person in charge couldn't help but show an unbelievable expression, but quickly responded, pushing away the people around his head shouting hysterically. He is very clear that these crazy people are not saved, no, it should be said that in this urgent situation, they can not be expected to have the opportunity to be treated, and compared to treating them, including him The survivors have more important coping tasks to complete.

No matter why the witch vv comes here-even if the answer seems obvious-she must stop her.

If you want to stop the "thing" witch vv, you must use the maximum power you can mobilize in the shortest time, even if this power is difficult to control for the fifty-one area, it is as dangerous as a double-edged sword. Goods.

"Open all scp compartments below this floor!" He issued a command that shocked the entire fifty-one area to the communication device still in work ~ ~ What, what? "An incredible response came from across the contact."

"Are you deaf or stupid? I said let out all scp below this level!" The person in charge shouted, "Immediately! Immediately! Or wait for the military court to shoot you!"

"Yes, yes, please confirm your identity again." Some of the shocked respondents subconsciously confirmed in accordance with the process.

The responsible person inserts the certificate that he has already taken out into the card reader.

"Yes, yes, sir, you have confirmed your identity and authority." The person on the opposite side was a little trembling, but it made the responsible person impatient. He is one of the most aware of how dangerous the enemy is, if possible. He really wanted to omit this confirmation process.

"Open the isolation compartment immediately. Hear clearly, it is below this level, scp isolation compartment!" The responsible person said heavily, after the other party confirmed, he suddenly pulled out his pistol and pointed at the mad soldier who was rushing towards him behind him. Pulling the trigger hesitantly.

boom! (To be continued.)

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