Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1811: Team up again

The appearance and words of teenager Gao Chuan made the escape more and more feel the grotesque wonder of this world. Mysterious experts will always encounter mysterious events, no matter how much they learn, they will always encounter things that they cannot understand. I thought I had penetrated everything, but there were always unexpected things that proved my ignorance and shallowness. I ca n’t capture all the clues with logic. I thought that the cause I had mastered already covered the range I wanted to understand, but the result would prove that all I got was a piece of cloth, which seemed to be smooth enough, but When I zoom in, I can see thick holes, and the unknown things are continually digging in from these holes, into things that I think are known, and making it into something I do n’t understand. appearance.

The more the fire escape studies the mysterious events, the more unable to understand this mysterious world. The macro seems to be infinite, the micro also seems to be infinite, the unknown is infinite, but his own vision and knowledge are limited, and, relative to the infinite unknown, the limited knowledge of the self only occupies a very small A corner.

Therefore, there is a very important life problem waiting for fire: if no matter how long you live, no matter how smart, no matter how much you learn, your known is always a small corner of the unknown relative to the unknown. What is the meaning of the pursuit of knowledge? If the concept of "world" is a puzzle that can never be solved within the bounds of the infinite unknown, then, once the origin of the end is from an unknown distant place that can never be understood and cannot be reached, then fight against the end Does action make sense?

If the unknown is infinite, then the power within the known range will become meaningless, because this known power can never resist the power from the unknown. The existing logical way of thinking can effectively expand the known range of people, but as long as the unknown is unlimited, then the logical way of thinking will become meaningless to the expansion of the known range, because the known is always relative to the unknown. All are limited.

Human and human society, in the unknown that has no time, is beyond logic, infinitely infinite and infinitely deep, has always just been lit, and may be extinguished in the next moment. In the abyss that is horrible and dark, and it is never possible to understand, there is always something unexpected, and that is by no means wonderful, it just exists, and if it does not move, it will cause harm to people.

Everything about human beings is so small and limited. The time limit of human existence is not extended indefinitely. Human existence is meaningless to the profound unknown darkness.

So, what is the purpose of human existence?

The existence of the Doomsday is certainly full of pain for those who existed at that time, and wanted to resist, but these emotions and behaviors originate from the affirmation of self-meaning and the struggle of life instinct, or because This is part of a huge and far-reaching law that exists in the unknown that humans cannot understand?

People are born, grow up, experience love and hate parting, have different possibilities, build a society, resist their own destruction, and then one day will collapse, is it already doomed before people are born? People's thinking and all actions are not as people think, for the continuation of the self, but they are mistaken for the continuation of the self. The essence is actually other situations?

And if you think so, is it a trivial screw in a certain great necessity?

Whenever you think so, the thing called Doomsday Truth will move around in his consciousness, intending to replace his existing ideas about the world, self, and others.

Yes, like many mysterious experts, the fire escape has been eroded by the truth of the end because of years of exposure to the mysterious event, the one after another, the inevitability of the end. He realized that this erosion was not physical, but ideological, not ideological, but more like the behavior of "thinking", so he had more doomsday truth than others. Much resistance and fear.

The doomsday truth religion is only the product born under the erosion of the doomsday truth. They are the embodiment of the doomsday truth, but they cannot fully represent the doomsday truth. Fire escape has a deep understanding of this, and it is for this reason that he has found a way to temporarily resist such erosion of thinking and thought from his resistance and fear.

In the eyes of the fire, the prostitute Gaochuan is undoubtedly facing the same problem and is under the same pressure-the weird performances of the prosthesis Gaochuan are so similar to his own personal experience. Silence is not because of nothing. It ’s because it ’s hard to tell. Once you start thinking, you ca n’t avoid the negative, self-destructive, messy thoughts that breed from your mind.

How difficult it is to resist these thoughts born out of the bottom of the heart, it is not clear how to escape. He always has a keen sense of anyone who has fallen into the erosion of the truth of the end.

However, when looking at the youth Gaochuan, no matter how close the connection between this existence and the prostitute Gaochuan, the fire escape has not been felt in him, and can always be felt in himself and the prostitute Gaochuan- Juvenile Gao Chuan is obviously sensible, sober, logical, knows many things, and thinks, but the problem is that when he thinks, the fire escape has not seen him and the adult Gao Chuan happened to him. Happening.

Teenager Gao Chuan is very pure, maybe there are many words that will make him feel weird, like a lunatic, but the fire escape knows that it is just because the world in his eyes is different from other people, but it is only a matter of perspective, It is not a difference in the thinking process. Juvenile Gao Chuan's perspective on the world and people's observations is different from ordinary people, but his thinking is only at the level of normal high school students. The perspective of the self and the prosthetic body Gaochuan's observation of the world and people is closer to that of ordinary people, but many of the things that have been born in the process of thinking have already deviated from ordinary people.

"You ... aren't like us." The fire escape couldn't help but say. At this time, he actually didn't care anymore, what the young Gaochuan was saying, or what was behind the words. He felt that it was impossible for him to understand the thoughts of young Gaochuan, because all the other party ’s ideas and starting points were completely different from their own. Even if the degree of thinking was only the level of high school students, but since the source is different, then, The process and results are very different and difficult to understand.

When a person says that he can understand another person, it must be because the two have or have had in common in observing things and understanding things. However, the young Gaochuan is different-he is a real alien and thinks so.

The differences that cannot be explained clearly in these languages ​​are manifested in this ideological world, and there have been conversations before and after all the bull heads are not right. The boy Gao Chuan saw blood for a while: although the two were in the same place, what he saw was completely different from what he saw when he escaped.

"Do you also think that I am abnormal?" The young boy Gao Chuan asked back, "but, I think, in fact, we can't say that we are normal. You are also a patient, and you are on fire."

"Patient? It's a good description." Fu Huo said: "However, our illness is definitely different."

"No, it's the same." Junior Gao Chuan said very positively.

Fire escape does not intend to argue on this topic, it has no results. I can't be persuaded, and I can't persuade this young man Gao Chuan, the language confrontation is actually not necessary. In the process of resisting the erosion of doomsday truth, he learned one thing in the process of confronting the negativeness of thinking, that is: no matter how many ideas he has generated, he should not adjust the initial judgment because of those ideas.

For ordinary people, it is a very natural thing to change their behavior at the same time because of the change of ideas. However, in the case of the fire itself, if the behavior continues to change because of the idea, then nothing can be done, cannot be done, and those sources are constantly flowing. 'S thoughts will disrupt their own steps, so that what was not a bad situation has evolved into a very bad situation.

Splitting one's own thinking and behavior to a certain extent is the method used by the fire to counteract the erosive influence of the end of truth on one's own behavior and thinking.

As the supreme commander of the network ball, most of the judgments and decisions made by the fire are not drawn after understanding the actual situation, but before the actual situation is known, the decision has already been made. Sounds incredible, because, it ’s like gambling-Fire escape has always felt that his luck is good, even if such a decision is made in advance, for a sufficient length of time, it is often the more correct choice. , These choices really make the network ball grow stronger.

The same is true when confronting teenager Gao Chuan. Before facing the teenager Gao Chuan, he already had an idea, and all kinds of thoughts generated in the present, no matter whether there are results or not, will not affect this idea.

"I don't know about you, but, I think that it is not a bad thing for you to join us." Huo Huo said very bluntly to the young Gaochuan: "More importantly, I don't think you will help the doomsday truth and the Nazis. And whether you choose to help them or not, they will not be polite to you when they win. "

"Victory?" The young Gaochuan smiled calmly and said, "No one will win. From the beginning, we are all losers. To win, what needs to be defeated is not a doomsday truth."

"Maybe." The fire escapes did not refute, just said this: "But I believe that no matter what is required to achieve a substantial victory, the Doomsday Truth and the Nazis must be defeated. They may not be the most essential disaster, but they must be one of the disasters. Link. "

"... You still don't understand, go fire." Young Gaochuan's voice showed a tired color, "If you don't solve the root cause, the doomsday truth is absolutely impossible to be defeated."

"So, what about the Nazis?" The fugitive did not ask questions like "Why is the Doomsday Truth impossible to be defeated" or "Where is the fundamental problem"? It was just the Nazis who narrowed their goals. Yes, this is the initial decision. Perhaps in the eyes of others, it is a one-sided, short-sighted decision, because the young Gaochuan seems to have a big secret hidden in it, but the fire is in the negotiation with it, which is only limited to the doomsday truth and Nazi. However, the fire was originally just expecting the other party to stand in such a small position, before he gave the network ball to the teenager Gao Chuan to provide certain assistance, it was only out of such expectations.

Fire escape does not intend to change this initial decision.

"... I see." The young man Gao Chuan paused for two or three seconds, and said, "You are still the same as the fire, the goal is simple and clear."

"Which side? The Nazis? Or the doomsday truth?"

"Nazis." The young Gaochuan finally answered yes.

There was a smile on Zhahuo ’s face, and he only then asked: “Is it because another Gaochuan is also there?”

"Yes, because," Gaochuan "is there." The young Gaochuan replied in a meaningful way.

The fire escape still wanted to say something, but the fog-like light became dense again ~ ~ Soon the young boy Gao Chuan on the opposite side was covered, leaving only a hazy outline, this change is like The same happened in an instant. Fire escape felt a pulling force, and he was about to get out of this Las Vegas repeater who didn't know where he was. Although this meeting and negotiation was unexpected, it seemed to hide a certain deliberate feeling in the taste of coincidence, but the fire did not care, or said, did not intend to care about these things, whether it was coincidence or true It is a kind of deliberate arrangement.

The Las Vegas Repeater will launch actions against the Nazis-this result is what he originally wanted. As the teenager Gao Chuan said, his goal has always been simple and clear.

There was no resistance to fire escape, the room contracted in his field of vision, and instantly became a point in the endless darkness, and the ground that had lost its support began to fall again. When a sense of suffocation came, he could not help but breathe out for a long time, the weird taste of the solution choked into his mouth and nose, and he suddenly recovered his keen consciousness. At this moment, he knew that he had returned, returned to the London repeater, and returned to the experimental cabin.

Fire opened his eyes and raised his eyes to see around the cabin that contained his body. Those familiar comrades stared at him.

Omi opened the hatch and stood up naked, and Dorothy beside him threw a towel around him.

"How does it feel?" Catwoman asked with concern.

"It's okay," said the fire.

"Unfortunately, it still failed." Chang Huaien's voice fell from above his head, with some regrets. "I didn't receive the connection information at all."

"No, it's not a complete failure." Fire escape said, "I contacted the Las Vegas repeater."

This sentence fell, and the atmosphere around him could not help but calm. (To be continued.)

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