Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1835: The third infection expansion

Dr. Ende tried a monster that claimed to be Dorothy in front of him. Even if this monster was really transformed by Dorothy, there is a convincing precedent such as the color center, but it is because of the It was only after understanding that Dr. Ande could not determine whether the monster in front of him still possessed the human mind. 』⒉3 It possesses wisdom, which is not wrong. However, if there is a big gap between the way of thinking and the attitude of consciousness and human beings, then everything it does now seems to be good for itself and others. The nature will gradually change in the future.

The driving force behind "Doris" is the lurker. To cooperate with the lurker, it seems impossible to avoid Doroth's interference. Cooperation with lurkers is an inevitable tone. However, how much Dorothy's influence among lurkers is, how deep you have to contact each other, and to what extent you need to cooperate, you need to study carefully. The bad thing is that this meeting is just the first meeting, but you have to make a decision. Whether it is Dr. Andre or other survivors, there is not much time to study carefully.

The abnormality that happened to him before has made Dr. Ander feel a more serious sense of crisis. Compared with other survivors, his state has clearly come to the edge of a cliff. Although he is unwilling to admit it, no matter what angle he considers, the abnormal condition of his body is over 90%. In the hospital, there is never a precedent for the patient to be cured. Even if I am the researcher, I will not delay the deterioration of the disease for how long. In the field of researching special drugs, Dr. Ruan Li and her mentor are undoubtedly Even the best people in the hospital, even after this, failed to prolong their lives after they were infected, and could only helplessly consider themselves as experimental subjects.

On the premise that there is a 90% chance of contracting the Doomsday Syndrome, Dr. Ander felt a horror that was more terrifying than death. That was the torture before death, and there seemed to be a silver lining. Out of despair. People who have been studying "viruses" for a long time can feel despair and fear more than ordinary patients after infection, precisely because they know more about it. Knowing more is never simply a happy thing. This has been repeatedly proven in Dr. Ander ’s past research career, not only in the study of “viruses” but in earlier studies. In the subject, he has already encountered a similar situation, except that it is mostly caused by the dark side of humans and the dangers of social activities.

If the horror and danger are caused and dominated by human beings, people will always feel that they should be "solvable." However, the hope of being able to solve it is caused by a "virus" that is simply not understandable and cannot be clearly observed.

Dr. Ande knew very well that all he could do to survive was to continue the research. And to continue the "virus" research, it is impossible without the assistance and support of the lurkers. Regardless of the situation of the lurkers, the research power on the hospital ’s bright side has been irresistible in the expansion of the “virus” infection, which is almost a devastating blow. There are only 30 survivors, including Not all of them are researchers. At this point, even the related research equipment is not fully operational, and the work efficiency is so low that it is outrageous. In addition to praying for luck, Dr. Ander really does not know that he can do it. Order something.

Cooperation with the lurkers is already the most hopeful method. Solve your own infection problems, avoid the cleanup of hospitals that may come soon, and seek a first-line vitality in the continuously deteriorating external and internal environment-these goals are enough to let you think about it and compare your current situation. People feel almost hopeless, and Dr. Ander can reasonably judge the method, timing and degree of cooperation, and rationally face these lurkers who are not friendly and friendly to such efforts. The level of struggling was also very surprised.

"You have been infected. The special medicine injected for you was developed according to the last research direction before Dr. Ruan Li died. She pointed out your importance in her last words, Dr. Ander. This is why you can use this You should be very clear about the reasons for precious special-effect medicines. Most of each special-effect medicine can only be used once. After the repressed condition reappears, using the same medicine will not only not relieve the condition, but sometimes even accelerate the deterioration of the condition. "The sound of Dorothy echoed in Dr. Ander's ear. The name of Dr. Ruan Li appeared here, which made Dr. Ander both amazed and suddenly realized. This is not a strange thing. Dr. Ruan Li's ability has always been Very strong, only in the fight in the office, the means are not as good as Dr. Ender, it is suppressed. Needless to say, Dr. Ande himself is the main pusher to suppress her, but the reason is not due to Dr. Ruan Li ’s ability, but that Dr. Ruan Li ’s mentor Dr. Hawke has always been his biggest competitor. reason.

Dr. Ruan Li has not been reused in the hospital, and it has been delegated to seemingly important, but there is not much room for actual use. The clinical psychological diagnosis and treatment of the special experimental body "Gaochuan" is undoubtedly only by her tutor in the research competition. Failure is implicated.

Dr. Ande can't talk about Dr. Ruan Li himself. After all, the other party is also a smart and beautiful woman, and he is also a pleasing part of the hospital team. Therefore, after the death of her mentor, Dr. Ande reactivated her to inherit the research of her mentor. After all, competitors need to suppress, but their research areas and research capabilities will definitely add to the research project.

Dr. Ande thinks his strategy is correct, but he just didn't expect that Dr. Ruan Li turned to the lurkers. For the lurkers, Dr. Ruan Li's ability is absolutely rare, even if he is not in the snow.

"When did she join you?" Dr. Ander couldn't help asking.

"After you appoint her to continue Dr. Hawke's research." Dorothy's answer made Dr. Ande's complex bitter smile. Obviously, Dr. Ruan Li's choice was not subjective hatred, but time urgency and Hospital research is helpless in a dead end. Dr. Ande has been aware that it is likely that Dr. Ruan Li was already suffering from Doomsday Syndrome when he was reactivated. Although she has been reused and fully supported by her promise, the intrigue in the hospital team still exists, and there are not limitations in the research. Her own gender is also an important factor that is hindered. To break the rules and make people convinced, it is definitely not possible to do it in a short time without the support of Dr. Ande, and Dr. Ruan Li has realized that he does not have so much time.

Therefore, although the lurkers are also a suspicious group for Dr. Ruan Li himself, but the support of the other party is stronger, Dr. Ruan Li finally made his own choice. Even so, she failed to prolong her life and failed to achieve the most critical results. The research direction she left for the lurkers, the results of the research of the lurkers from this new direction, but instead became the life-saving thing of Dr. Ande at this moment-even if it is only temporary, Dr. Ande must also Dr. Li expressed great gratitude.

Regardless of human relations or degree of need, Dr. Ander feels that he has fallen into a disadvantage. Now I have only two chips left: my own research, which is valued by the Department of Color Center and Dr. Ruan Li.

However, Dr. Ande did not shake his expression because of this. After all, he did n’t have many chips. Without knowing the actual situation of the lurkers, he completely planned to rely solely on his tongue and political struggle experience. Go and get a relatively good result for the survivors.

There were many people who decided to contact the lurkers, and there were many people who took action with Dr. Ander that night, but Dr. Ander ’s site was only his own, which made him have to consider that he was able to contact "Doris "The only candidate for this important person. He knew very well that the reason he was able to stand here was by no means accidental. His status, ability, and connections all determined that he had an advantage over others.

Because "Doris" told Dr. Ruan Li, in Dr. Ande's judgment, her influence and importance among the lurkers have once again greatly increased. The effect of the use of special effects drugs is not reusable as it says. A new special effect drug means an opportunity to prolong life. Now that the infection of "viruses" is expanding, I believe that the group of lurkers is absolutely not Safe, this special medicine will never be easily used by others. Because of this, therefore, since the decision to "use it for Dr. Ande" was made, no matter whether it is a collective meeting or an arbitrary practice, it can prove the weight of the proposer, and "Doris" is undoubtedly in this proposal. , Occupies a considerable initiative.

"You should be clear about the situation in the hospital. What you have pushed behind you will not be mentioned for a while, but since you have not been able to study the serum, and the direction left by Dr. Ruan Li must be limited, it is impossible to support you in a short time. Make more special-effect medicines, so you do n’t need to say more about the ending you face. The present of the hospital is your future. ”Dr. Ander's tone became severe.

"Indeed, we did something in the process of infection expansion, but it was not the main cause of infection expansion. It was just that there was no way to try to accelerate research through these methods. I wanted to give it a try. "The virus" infects everyone faster, or is it faster for us to come up with a solution ... But in the face of "virus", this struggle also makes people feel powerless. "Dorothy said unabashedly:" We need to concentrate All the power that can be concentrated, which is why you are here, is n’t it? Dr. Ander. It ’s just that you are more proactive and move faster, but we are also ready for cooperation. ”

"So, can you contact the outside world? The hospital's recent support is declining significantly. I don't think this is a good sign." Dr. Ande did not intend to struggle with the primary and secondary of the dominant power. The primary and secondary issues are very important. But it was not immediately resolved. It was a good idea to set aside. He thought so, and he turned the subject and went directly into the exchange of the status quo.

"Unfortunately, we have completely lost the ability to take the initiative. However, compared to contacting someone from outside, I think we need to be more concerned about some not-so-good signs," Dorothy said. In front of Dr. Ander, a semi-transparent virtual screen quickly unfolded, which is the scene around the island where the hospital is located. Dr. Ander can recognize the landscape and vegetation there, as well as the most frequently used ship dock.

The camera moves quickly and drills straight into the sea. Seeing through the underwater lens, the seawater sifting through layers of light gives people a sense of violation. Dr. Ende blinked his eyes and couldn't help but concentrate. He was still thinking about what caused this sense of violation. He saw some solid outlines drifting from both sides of the camera, seeming to be pushed by the water flow, but The speed seems too fast. This is not because those contours are swimming, more like the impulse of the water itself. After the shadows of multiple silhouettes flickered away, Dr. Ende could see clearly what it was.

It was one body after another of sea creatures, however, their shape has become unbearable. It ’s like a fish, it ’s like something else, there are traces of starfish, squid, shrimps and turtles and even coral ~ ~ However, it is difficult to determine just by the outline, which kind of creature they are-just Like a huge mutation, these creatures maintained a painful struggle before death, and their bodies became rigid after death, but the mutation continued.

These strangely shaped corpses will give people the most unpleasant associations, make people sick, and feel cold in the heart, and strongly recognize that this change is by no means normal, nor is it a normal abnormality, but a An abnormal change in nature.

"This is the change that has taken place in the surrounding waters in recent days." Dorothy's voice continued to sound, and Dr. Ande heard it, but was unable to draw his attention away from the mutated horror. "This happened in this Jointly, we have to assume that they are related to the expansion of viral infections. Unfortunately, we, and all human beings, may be in the most unfavorable situation imaginable. "

Dr. Ande has studied the "virus" for a long time and has never seen the situation in front of him. The impact of "viruses" is no longer limited to humans, and the corpses of many species in front of them seem to indicate something. However, Dorothy has even worse news: "According to calculations, a considerable part of these corpses are not creatures in this sea area, but brought by the current from the outside-the current itself also has various problems."

In the world outside the hospital, the virus infection encountered may be more serious than we think. (To be continued.)

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