Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1838: Role positioning

Gao Chuan is special. He can collect not only the data that most patients have, but also the data that only a few patients have, or that only appears in Gao Chuan. The fastest update of the vertex novel Gaochuan replica can not fully reflect the particularity of Gaochuan, but can approach Gaochuan's data from a few details. The research on "virus" started with the special experimental body of "Gaochuan" as a breakthrough, which continued until Gaochuan's condition deteriorated and disintegrated into lcl, and even if it became lcl, it was mixed with other lcl solutions. Nor can he separate this part of his lcl from the material structure, but the color center and super Dorothy still pay attention to his personality changes from the perspective of doomsday illusion.

Dr. Ande knows very well how much data volume the color center provides for the creation of Gaochuan's replica. Now he understands even more that the huge amount of data is also involved in Super Dorothy. The Gaochuan replica was a plan that was carried out with permission from the research team, and has been under observation by the research community. However, this plan is not only promoted by the research team on the bright side of the hospital, but the interference of these lurkers has never been. Be perceived by them.

In the present situation, it is no longer important how these lurkers avoided the eyes and ears of the dominant research team. Dr. Ande knows that he has no time to pursue any personnel. The things revealed in Dorothy's tone are enough to prove that the lurkers have already been prepared. They only lack the most prestigious and capable candidates in a certain link. For him, it is also a matter of luck.

Dr. Ende is not sure how long he can live. For the statistics of the disease data of patients with doomsday syndrome, it is impossible to obtain an accurate time from onset to death, and it is difficult to find clues and logic about the timing of the disease. The fastest update of Apex novels is reflected in the messy data, as if it is a random fate. Some infected researchers intend to judge the time of his death based on the information he has, but the point of time when he really died is either earlier or later. Special effects medicines are not omnipotent. Even if the latent people's ability to make medicines is already equivalent to the level reached by the hospital when Dr. Gao Chuan and Hawke were still alive, it is impossible to continue the lives of the sick patients.

The Doomsday Syndrome is a concurrent terminal illness, from psychological to physical terminal illness, and an terminal illness that cannot be predicted nor truly controlled. All treatments are just turning around on the surface of the disease. Now that the "virus" cannot be caught, there is no way to survive except for luck.

Hanging such cruel facts on his head is like the sword of Damocles. This is the only attitude Dr. Ander can maintain in the development of his condition.

Dr. Ande can finally understand why the researchers who died because of the infection always spare no effort to save and publicize their research data, instead of sealing it to a designated person. They no longer need to compete. They The threat faced seems to have surpassed the ceiling that human society can reach together. In such a short time, even if all the people in the hospital work together to fight this terrible disaster, the success rate is extremely low. Personal talents and abilities become insignificant in the face of such vicious enemies. But even so, they still hope that there may be a day when the survivors in the hospital, or some people in the world, can be inspired by the materials they have left behind, and find out the real murderer who caused this disaster. , To crack the "virus" threat.

This mission without any utilitarianity, but only for the survival of future generations, allows researchers who are about to die to truly treat their legacy with a fair and transparent mentality. Apex novels update fastest

Once they knew that they were about to die, and when they realized how terrible the "virus" infection was, they did the only thing they could do in their lives. The same is true of Dr. Ander today.

Even if he is not sure, whether these lurkers are really prepared as Dorothy said, is it true, as long as the final lcl retrograde project is completed and Gao Chuan ’s personality is re-entered into the new body, then Can find a way out.

After throwing away these doubts and the anger of the theft of his research, Dr. Ander has only one conclusion: in the afterglow of his life, he must complete the last link of the human complement plan. Not for lurkers, not for myself, but simply because, this is the only thing I can do. Putting aside all political struggles and conspiracy theories and focusing on this matter, we can ensure that this research can keep up with the time. Even if we do this wholeheartedly, we may not be able to catch up, just that we hope to be able to catch up Come on.

In the final analysis, there are too many unformed theories in the "Human Completion Plan", and some have not even grasped the clues, but only conceived. To transform a process that one thinks may be correct into a process that actually happens in this way requires a smart mind, profound knowledge, sufficient time, an ideal environment and a lot of good luck. However, even Dr. Andre, who first initiated this research project, was unable to meet all the standards.

Dr. Ande knows himself very well. When he puts it on a daily basis, the "Human Completion Plan" will only be regarded as whimsical and unrealistic. It will only add jokes and reduce his prestige. Therefore, although Dr. Ander borrowed The public resources of the hospital did not disclose their research on a large scale. The apex novel is the fastest and even faster. He feels that he may have never expected it, and can complete such research in the days of the hospital.

However, all the reasons that prevented him from doing his best in the past have no place now.

"Understood." Dr. Ande Shen Sheng said: "I will assist you. However, I hope that the remaining survivors can be sent out of this island ... We have failed and no more victims are needed. Give them a boat, Maybe the outside has become very bad, but it may be safer than the island. "

"..." Viruses "are everywhere. When we **** and exchange materials with the outside world, it will enter our body in large quantities. Everyone is a potential infected person, and leaving the island will not make them sick. The rate drops. "Dorothy reminded.

"Just give them a little psychological comfort. Although not everyone thinks so, there are indeed some people who think that the hospital is the culprit of all this. Leaving the hospital can make them feel better in their hearts ... They think that it is unfounded. When you leave here and go back to the outside world, your chances of getting infected will decrease. I think, at least in the last time, this little delusion of satisfying them. "Dr. Ander paused and replied:" And , The plan is only for Gaochuan. Now that you have completed the Gaochuan replica, you do n’t need them to do the experiment at all. In fact, you ca n’t afford to leave the island. Or, the technology and experience accumulated in the Gaochuan replica Not enough. Need to turn more people into replicas of Gaochuan? "

"Are you tempting, or are you ironic? Forget it, although others think it should be concealed, but I think, for this part, we must give our collaborators some respect. The vertex novel is updated the fastest" Dorothy ’s The tone makes Dr. Ander feel that there is no one word within the lurker, but Dorothy ’s words may not be important, but his behavior will actually affect the overall plan of the lurker, and Dorothy is not that kind. Chess piece that will listen to orders.

Dorothy, like the monster in front of him, not only possesses wisdom, but also has the ability to use wisdom no matter how much such wisdom is, but it has a strong subjective initiative, which is enough to make it the most influential link among the lurkers. Judging from Dr. Ander's experience, Dorothy may not be able to control the direction of speech, but he has a strong, even if it is not second to none, in this lurking group, and gradually tends to this degree of dominance and decision-making power.

With whom to cooperate, what kind of treatment is given, and which direction is preferred in research, the monster in front is probably enough to decide in one word.

This is fine. Dr. Ander really thinks so. Dealing with a monster is always easier than dealing with a group of people. Although the monster may not be able to speculate with human thinking, as long as it is still doing things in a human group, whether it is occupying the main position or not, it needs to be To a certain extent, it follows the laws of human social engineering in order to drive this human social group more flexibly and efficiently.

Although I do n’t know how much the influence of human thinking on it, it is impossible to do so. Now that I do n’t understand the specific situation, what I can grasp and must grasp, only this part of the influence is left.

"... It's unexpected, you don't seem to care much about other people's objections." Dr. Ande tentatively detected.

I don't know if I didn't hear the temptation, or disdain to cover up. Dorothy replied bluntly: "Because they are all likely to die, but I will not. I am already a patient with doomsday syndrome and will not be infected for the second time. Rather, if my posture is now easy Replicated, there will probably be many people willing to become this look, although it is terrible and pitiful in the eyes of normal people, but as long as you correct your personality, you will get used to it sooner or later. At least, such a gesture may Will they live longer? They ca n’t destroy me, they ca n’t leave me alone, they need my ability, and I have things that I ca n’t do, and I have to depend on others. But in general, yes, I do n’t care about others 'S opposition, because their opposition is very weak, and it will become increasingly weak. "

Correct personality? habit? What a terrible word it really is like a monster. Dr. Ende tried hard not to be shaken according to his inner shock. From the situation that Dorothy said in front of him, he associates with the color center, whether at a certain earlier time, the color center has been the same as Dorothy in front of him, and is already in a personality trend that is completely different from the ordinary people. Now, is it a plan that is driven entirely by subjective initiative, not a plan to echo and execute the hospital ’s research team?

The answer is already obvious, but Dr. Ander did not let that answer come to his mind clearly in the end.

No matter who is the main body of the hospital today, Dr. Ander hopes that his promises to the survivors will realize that he is very clear that he is not a saint, and that his desire for promises comes from the fact that he is already a patient of doomsday syndrome. Those survivors are like a bunch of crumbling candlelights, and Dr. Ende hopes that they can cross the sea in a paper boat. Such a small possibility is actually a sign of deep despair and incompleteness. Extinguished hope.

"We don't need them anymore, but if they are lucky, they can get a ray of life beyond our horizons." Dr. Ande said in the calmest tone possible: "Personally, I hope they have this Fortunately, I also hope that their luck will also be our luck. Dorothy, you must know how much imagination and how much luck is needed to complete the last link of the human completion plan in order to collide without sufficient theoretical support We achieved the expected results like a big luck. We simply cannot determine how many secrets the 'virus' involved in the reverse engineering of lcl, nor can we complete the analysis of the process in a short period of time, nor can we be sure that in case of the resettlement of personality, and What kind of situation will be triggered. We do n’t understand, too much to understand too much. Maybe it sounds ridiculous, but compared to an excellent research environment, I now hope that you can focus on how to let the uninfected The people who left this island ~ ~ are indeed ridiculous, not at all like what Dr. Ander would say. Dorothy paused and finally replied: "Well, there is really no need to leave everyone in the hospital. Let those who want to go. Although I don't think, as long as they provide materials and channels, they can The currents that leave here are very wrong. Unless you can seize the material transport ships that come in from outside, the success rate is probably in the few tenths. "

"Really? Then, it is indeed a good suggestion to seize the ship." Dr. Ander seems to be moving, "if it can be done."

"Super Gaochuan can do it." Dorothy took this sentence out of Dr. Ander's expectations, as if to declare the importance, and said twice: "Super Gaochuan can do it."

"Super Gao Chuan?" Dr. Ander stunned.

"Yes, with the human completion plan as the core, lock in the specific experimental plan of one person in Gaochuan. We don't need to actually complete the ideal human completion plan, but only need to create the super Gaochuan." Dorothy's The voice penetrated into Dr. Ander's heart, "So, let me explain, what kind of plan is this super Gaochuan project." (To be continued ...)

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