Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1844: Survivors II

The sound of gunshots rang in the sky, but it did not make people feel a little bit of a killing smell, but instead produced a feeling of helplessness and sadness. Locke screamed in pain and despair, struggling like a madman, and his hysterical expression, Doubling makes people feel desolate, making people feel that this is a trapped beast on the end, people can't help but think of their own situation. The vertex novel is updated almost at the same time, subconsciously suppressing Locke ’s Jung and the Shepherd Dog will understand what is the situation now. As a mysterious expert, he has a strong ability to accept and reason about any abnormal situation. The experience beyond common sense allows them to withstand the contrast between the normal in the previous second and the dramatic change in the next second.

And, when they began to use inertial logical thinking to analyze the current situation, this kind of thinking behavior immediately made them taste the pain of the indelible pain, the indescribable distortion, coldness and darkness, from the cracks of the immaterial spiritual world It ’s a shock, no matter how much psychological preparation they have, they ca n’t resist and avoid it. They can connect their situation with the shock that broke out from ideology in a short time, and they can think of a deeper level. Consequences and meaning, but when they begin to understand, they also need to suffer from sequelae.

Almost in the next second, they were weakened by the madness of the conscious level, just like the file that had just come back. Instead, the crazy Locke threw them out, and just stood up carrying the file. The file that clung to Locke ’s arm and tried to stop him from committing suicide failed to continue to clamp down on this man. When the lock was already strong, Locke was as powerful as a crazy giant bear, and the file could pass through the tightness between the skin. Paste, feeling his muscles tense up, a hint of aggression, which pierced her nerves like lightning.

The file reflexively pushed Locke away, but before that, Locke had waved it easily, and easily dropped her five or six meters away. Locke ’s eyes were full of tears, and his pupils seemed to be stimulated to turn red. No one knew what he would do next, whether he would continue to commit suicide or attack other people here. The crazy and dangerous breath made it difficult to get close. The only good news is that his hysterical suicide in the past allowed him to shoot the bullets in his pistol at a stretch.

The file rolled on the ground, quickly adjusted the balance, took the pistol and knife in the hand, and watched Locke a few meters away. Shepherd dog and Jung both hugged their heads and rolled on the ground in pain. There was no sign of improvement for a while. On the other side, several survivors such as Dada also showed signs of awakening. It is entirely expected that while they are sober, they will inevitably have conscious traumas due to thinking behaviors, just like filing themselves, Locke, and shepherds. Dogs are the same as Jung.

The people who survived here are all mysterious experts. Let ’s not mention whether it was because of the identity of the mysterious expert that they survived. They did not become a living dead person who was only alive, but his personality consciousness was completely destroyed, just to resist the transmission of thinking and association. The indescribable fear and despair that come over are not easy things to do. The battle-hardened file has realized that it can be restored to normal, and it has nothing to do with the mental strength and willpower of the victim, but only whether it has enough cleverness and logic, and whether it can make an in-depth association. The more you are good at connecting things and the relationship between things with logic, the more you will fall into this logic trap.

On the contrary, giving up thinking and being too stupid can better maintain your spirit.

However, on the other hand, even if you give up thinking subjectively and objectively be a stupid person, you cannot avoid a certain degree of instinctive thinking. This behavior is enough to cause harm to people. Therefore, in this shock, it is inevitable to be injured, just according to the situation of each person, the degree of injury is different.

Before being really hurt, no one can be sure which one is the most hurt. Locke, who behaves casually and behaves like five big and three thick, is also the earliest man among the first mysterious experts to wake up. The file couldn't even judge how far Locke was crazy and whether he could return to normal.

Locke is very dangerous right now, and not many people on the scene can stop his aggressive behavior in a crazy state. The file was staring at the restlessness, it seemed that Locke became hysterical in order to confront or avoid fear. When she was thrown out by Locke, she was already prepared to shoot this companion.

What did Locke think of? When he regained consciousness and could think, what logic and judgment did he make? None of this makes people know that Locke is crazy. This is the most obvious and direct recognition.

Locke took a few steps towards the file, but suddenly stopped and waved his arm violently, as if pushing away something invisible. But the file believes that Locke must have seen something, maybe an illusion, maybe only he can touch it, some kind of mysterious phenomenon, he is so resistant to that kind of thing, maybe in his personal subjective consciousness world, in In his subconscious world, which is subtle, that is the most terrifying thing he gets after thinking.

Locke shouted sternly, panting, and wailing again in a second. From the perspective of the bystander's file, the neurotic behavior was the same as those of the critically ill patients in the mental hospital.

"Forgive me, forgive me ..." Locke swallowed, and on weekdays, no one could imagine that he would show such a cowardly image one day.

"I didn't mean it, Mom, Mom!" The man shouted "Mama" frantically, which made people feel terrible, and wept inexplicably sad.

"Locke ... Locke! Wake up, Locke!" The file could no longer stand, shouting at him with a gun, "Don't think, don't think!" Although she said that, she couldn't guarantee that this madness fell into a world of self. Whether the man in can hear her, and she has a lot of troubles to solve. The sequelae of the sudden impact of consciousness also persisted in her body, except that she woke up earlier and woke up faster than others, and immediately took some of the ways she could think of. However, these spirits of deconstruction The burden method is not completely useful. The file does n’t even dare to imagine when he will become the same as Locke in front of him.

The only solution that the file has a certain grasp is to return to the London repeater and use the power of the repeater for treatment. If possible, she certainly wanted to bring back all the survivors in front of her. However, she is also not sure whether she can do it.

"Stop him ... file, stop him ..." Jung yelled with a trembling voice, even if he yelled, his voice didn't have any emotional ups and downs, just like he usually said, but even if it was like this The sound of the sound is full of power in the sand and gravel where there is no other sound except crying, roaring and natural wind.

The file gritted her teeth, and a thought of thought flashed across her mind, her fingers could not help pulling the trigger, and the gun rang.

Locke's thigh was bleeding, and he stumbled and knelt down on the ground, but the pain of the shot did not cover his madness. As if he did n’t realize he was shot, he said inexplicable words to nowhere. The content had begging, controversy, and memories, sometimes about himself, sometimes like some acquaintances about him, and more The names of some deceased people even known as files and others were mentioned. At the end of each narration, it will be cut off by the voice full of negative emotions, like a self-violent self-abandonment, making him utter a meaningless roar.

Soon, Locke ’s unexplained and inexplicable narration turned into a weird grunt, and his movements gradually calmed down, but still gave a very strong sense of depression.

The file stared at Locke like this, trying to curb himself from thinking, what kind of thought he had before, prompting himself to shoot at Locke. In the ordinary time, she must pursue to the end, think about it, but now the act of "thinking" itself has become a very dangerous thing. It is difficult for people to act without thinking, and mysterious experts are even more so, but in addition to the necessary thinking, it is necessary to control the depth of their thinking.

It is uncontrollable to think, but to be controlled as much as possible. This is the pain that the file has never gone through. Several times she couldn't help but lost her mind, biting her lips several times, trying to use the pain to ease the pain of thinking. Under this circumstance, she didn't think that her shooting would still have the usual accurate head. The shot that she shot on Locke's thigh before, in her intuition, was actually aimed at Locke's head. She glanced at the corners of Jung and the Shepherd Dog, two equally old mysterious experts, who were also unable to immediately struggle out of similar pain.

The other survivors woke up one after another, and immediately I saw the pain that the file had tasted just after waking up. The file was not sure. When they endured that kind of pain, they noticed whether the confrontation that was happening around them would fall In deeper reasoning and thinking, it will inevitably cause them many times of pain.

"Locke! Stop, Locke!" The file warned loudly again, because the mumble that was coming from Locke's mouth made her feel very bad. This is too much a sign that the vicious people or things have become more serious in the mysterious events that have happened in the past. Fortunately, Locke seemed to hear it, and the voice gradually weakened, leaving only Locke to stop breathlessly.

For a time, moans and gasps seemed to become the only rhythm in this land.

"Rock! Rock!" Jung and the shepherd seemed to be better. The two shouted and stood upright, vigilantly moving closer to the direction of the other survivors. Beware of the survivors who are in pain.

"It's okay, don't think about it, it's okay." The three of File, Jung and Shepherd took turns to use these words to comfort those survivors who were in pain because they did just that, so they thought others It also works. However, as they guessed, Dada and others seem to be finding the trick. In terms of status alone, Locke has been the most tragic one of all survivors.

The file also began to try to approach Locke. The man hung his head, his body trembling, and he raised his head gradually as the file was only one step away from him. The raspberry endured the violent emotion of shooting immediately while looking at him.

"No, it's okay ..." Locke's voice was soft, but the file still heard, "It's okay, it's okay."

"Rock?" The file confirmed.

"Well, I'm okay." Locke said with a trembling voice, this time, the file finally had a sense of stability.

"Don't think too much, you are already a veteran, knowing what to do." The file reminded.

Locke ’s eyes were still bloodshot, and he covered his face as if he could n’t stop crying. No one can imagine what he had experienced before, and he was unwilling to tell others. The things he had seen were his privacy, and it was these privacy that made him feel vaguely associated with something even more terrifying. However, at this time, the more he calmed down his mood, the more he crowded out those complicated thoughts, the more he couldn't find the shadow of the terrible things he once thought of. If he could, he didn't want to go through the second time. But to be precise, the first time has not passed.

Locke rubbed his face ~ ~ to wipe away the tears. Although his head was still buzzing and painful, it was much better than before, and he didn't forget the hysterical performance of his own.

"Are you okay? Deep suck, deep suck." The file said as he put away the knife and gun. However, Locke didn't show any further attack, so she simply put away her arms, sat aside, grabbed the man's shoulders, and hugged hard.

"Your performance is really the worst in the audience today." The file deliberately said in a mocking tone.

"Nothing to say, if you can still enter the bar, it's all mine." Locke said after a while, the content and tone really let the file rest.

"I almost thought you would never come back." The file said.

"You shot me, it's dangerous." Locke frowned and pulled a bullet from his thigh wound. "What the **** happened? What happened to the others?"

"Probably only us are left." The file said with frustration: "We have failed." (Unfinished ...)

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