Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1858: Go against

Ms. Mayn realized the focus of Catwoman ’s proposal, and frankly speaking, if Jin Jiang was indeed the culprit causing the abnormality of the repeater in London today, and the two columns of the repeater, Marceau and the level system actually lost contact. Although it cannot be concluded that the two pillars have become enemies, it is necessary to anticipate the situation where the strength of the two pillars cannot be used, plus there is indeed no other staff around, and there is no way to move the public to fight back, then, in this way In a situation where people are in a bad position and they are all defeated, if you want to reverse, you can only do something unexpected, go straight to the heart of the enemy-do not consider the personnel inside the repeater, do not consider here Who can be a helper, and who has become an enemy, pick out the factors that make you look unfavorable, and the core of the end is "Jinjiang" itself. ???

As long as it can affect Jinjiang, even if it has made a counterattack, under such simple logic, to find the thing that can best meet this standard, the final answer will only be Gao Chuan. Gao Chuan is indeed not a netball person, but the whisperer is closely related to nog. Under the influence of the collision of the repeaters, Gao Chuan with Sanxian Island is the most likely combat power to escape. Assuming that the impact of the repeater's collision will not be spared even in space, then Gaochuan, which owns Sanxian Island, is also most likely to take advantage of the situation.

It is also very reliable in Ms. Mayn ’s judgment to let Gao Chuan handle the affairs in the river.

In this terrible catastrophe, those who can maintain their mobility have become the decisive factor. In the eyes of Catwoman, Gao Chuan with Sanxian Island is such a decisive factor.

On the other hand, even if the London repeater had a mutation, it could not be determined why the mutation occurred. What kind of thought did Omi do? However, Catwoman was still willing to believe, or say, I have to believe that in the past few days, I learned that Jin Jiang himself was not a "bad guy". What the other party showed at the time was that the same-minded will was not false.

"Omi is behind the scenes of the status quo ... I don't find it strange if this is the case." Catwoman said to Ms. Mayn: "But, why did she do this? Is it possible that she did so, also Is it also to prevent the end? Is it possible that her perspective on the end is different from ours, so she has produced different ideas and embarked on a different path from us? "

"Well ... It's not impossible. We accepted Jin Jiang at the beginning, not just because she was talented. Netball is a mysterious organization united by like-minded people. Our original intention has never changed, and we accepted each other. ——I do n’t think that Jin Jiang deceived everyone in mind. ”Ms. Mayn echoed her thoughts.

"That is to say, although she has created such a distressing situation in front of her, she may be doing the right thing ... emotionally, it is reluctant to accept this possibility, but if she is In order to prevent the end, I made these things right now, but I think it is understandable. Probably because it ’s a crazy scientist style. ”Catwoman smiled, although she said in her mouth, but her The smile is not so reluctant.

"Yes, Omi sacrificed everyone for the purpose ... She felt so cold indeed." Ms. Mayn also smiled, touching the pain, and frowned, "I just I really care about the message left by Chang Huaien at the end, such as 'Jinjiang is a monster' ... Assuming that everyone is sacrificed just for the purpose, I don't think it will be called a monster by Chang Huaien. Hard, and, the things that are revealed in that information that cannot be described in words ... maybe this is not credible for an old woman like me who does not perform front-line tasks, but I really feel Despair and terror are definitely not normal, and they are not explained by human emotions and truths. If it is Jin Jiang, then, in this incident, is this Jiang Jiang treated from a human perspective or an inhuman perspective? What about treatment? I think the results of the two will be fundamentally different. "

"... You're right. Although I try to think of Jinjiang as well as possible, maybe she is actually worse than we guessed. Maybe she is hesitant:" But if Jinjiang is so bad Then, even if Gao Chuan comes back with Sanxian Island, I am afraid that there is no way to save the emergency. Even if Gao Chuan and Xia Huo join forces, we do not have a sufficiently confident chance of winning. "

"Yes, the best case is that Omi still has a goal in common with us, and Gao Chuan was able to take advantage of the impact of the repeater and withdrew from the confrontation with the Nazi headquarters. Before getting into the hands of Omi, rescue us. "Ms. Mayn has sorted out her own ideas." We can only get out of the best situation on this assumption, because, if the actual situation is worse than this assumption, then, It ’s not just a little worse, it will crash completely in ten cases. ”So she said, she paused and said,“ If possible, I want to talk to Omi face to face. Our enemy is the doomsday truth, the end of the world. In itself, maybe it ’s cruel to say that, even now, I do n’t want Jin Jiang to stand on the opposite side. If she thinks that her approach is the one that can really save the world, then, I am willing to listen, understand, think . "

"Now that everyone else may have been killed by Omi, do you think so?" Catwoman couldn't help but confirm that although she didn't want to admit it, she knew that she had the same idea in mind. Of course, now that Chang Huai'en has been killed, the two of the three pillars have lost contact, and the others are nowhere to be seen, life and death are unknown, and the state of the fire is unknown. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no bit of grievance and anger towards Jinjiang. Among those who may have died in this repeater change, there is Catwoman ’s usual best friend. From a personal emotional point of view, it is also very natural to say "I can never forgive Jinjiang".

However, these sentimental grievances and anger can't offset the doubts about doing something about Jinjiang, because Jinjiang is also the core of the Internet ball all the time. When it comes to sentimentality, is it not between him and Jinjiang? Catwoman confessed that she knew about Jiangjiang to a certain extent, so she wanted to know "why did Jinjiang do such a thing" anyway.

If Omi did this, it was also for the core program of the "Beat Doomsday Truth, Stop the End of the World" network ball, then even if it was emotionally unacceptable, Catwoman wanted to know more about why it must be done right now. As cruel as it is. She still hopes that Jin Jiang still has a reason.

Catwoman finally understood her true thoughts at this time: she hoped that Omi would have a reason that "it must be so cruel to save the world"; there is a reason "as long as you do such a cruel thing, you can really save the world" . She looked at Ms. Mayn, and her not-so-bright eyes had something she could understand.

"If only two of us survived, then I would also like to ask why we can survive." Ms. Mayn said: "Conversely, is it really a coincidence that we can survive? Omi never believes in accidents, and she does not leave accidents. For her, everything that is being born is inevitable. We can stand here alive and engage in such a dialogue, maybe she knows the necessity. "

"... So this is the case." Catwoman thought she could understand Ms. Mayn's idea, because the situation was so weird, it made people feel awkward, and people were puzzled by the fact that "I am still alive", nor I will be glad. For mystery experts, "lucky" is necessary, but aside from the luck component, the perception that "nothing is accidental" is also important.

"However, if she really wants to meet us, she should meet us when we say something like this." Catwoman further guessed: "What does she want us to do? Or, she doesn't want us to do anything ? "

"When we were unable to meet Omi, our final idea was to temporarily abandon Marceau and the ranks, preferentially seek fire escape, contact the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet, and collect effective hands in this way." Ms. Mein said: "This is probably what Jiang wants us to do."

"So why does she want us to do these things instead of doing these things herself?" Catwoman frowned and said, "The equipment that the fire escape is using is made by Omi. Where is the fire escape? What kind of state is theoretically the best understood by Omi himself. As for the space of the Joint Experimental Fleet, it is impossible to contact Omi with his ability, I personally think it is unlikely. In other words, Omi has to contact that It ’s easier than any of us. "

"Obviously, I can do something that I can do better. Instead, let someone who is already an enemy do it. In this case, I can only think that Omi really cannot do these things for some reason. Even, maybe she has helpers, but they are not suitable to do these things. "Ms. Mayn thought about it." Maybe, in her plan, it is best for us two to do this. select."

"An old prophet woman with an inexhaustible organizational core is the best person?" Catwoman laughed at herself, "I don't think this is something that we must do, nor is it only us Thing. "

"Do n’t make the two of us so unbearable ... At least, we still have something in common, you see, we are smart and not stupid, our credit is not bad or bad, our sense of presence is not high or low, maybe it ’s not good "No less' This evaluation is a key factor in itself." Ms. Mayn said so, but in Catwoman's ears, it was also full of self-deprecation.

"In short, if you feel better, I'll be out." Catwoman decided not to get entangled in this place. No matter what her thoughts and guesses about Omi, they all needed to act in the end. Based on her understanding of Jinjiang, she always felt that the other party would not take the initiative to explain to the two of them-to say the feeling at this time, it was as if Jinjiang, who did not know where, was watching the two of them, his eyes seemed to be in Say, if you want to know why such a thing happened, just find it yourself.

"It's okay." Ms. Mayn moved her arm a bit, and her body was a lot easier after treatment, but the spirit was still bad, and the disability of her lower body could not be recovered. For a moment, "Go do what you should do, Catwoman, I can take care of myself."

Catwoman found an electric wheelchair, took Ms. Mayn up, and watched her fiddle with the wheelchair until she confirmed that she could move freely according to her will. The two people felt the constantly changing anomalies around them. The internal structure of the repeater became more and more complex, making it more and more difficult for people to understand. Fortunately, the places that were very familiar in the past were not directly destroyed, but were strange. Things are surrounded and divided, hidden in the corners, making people feel that these familiar places can still be used as reference landmarks ~ ~ Catwoman is not sure whether she is involved in a fire. At this moment, even the fire is not right The place where she met for the last time was also uncertain. She just hoped that her instinct as a mysterious expert could continue to shine in such unfavorable conditions.

Ms. Mayn is a prophet who doesn't care about the truth, but she never feels that it is difficult to let herself do the truth. From a practical point of view, she also has her own set of logic, confirming that she can contact the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet. For her, this matter didn't need to be questioned as to whether it could be completed, but it was something that must be as she wished. However, if things really go so smoothly, it naturally proves her previous guess: this is what Omi wants to do by herself.

Based on Ms. Mayn ’s understanding of Jinjiang, when a certain stage of the plan is completed, Jinjiang will confirm it. Such a rigorous attitude makes Ms. Mayn feel that through such a proof, she can turn her attention to her side. So that you can get the chance to talk to them. Therefore, she thinks this: what she is doing may not be something that can determine victory or defeat, nor is it entirely in her own favor, and from another perspective, it is not something she really wants to do. However, it is possible to achieve your goal by doing the result of this matter yourself-therefore, this is an inevitable process.

As in the past, using the inevitability of doomsday prophecy in the past, although it is impossible to reverse the doomsday directly, it was able to take advantage of the situation, make the necessary accumulation, and finally did some things. What I am doing now is no different from what I was doing in the past. It is just using this necessity in the eyes of others. 8

Baidu Qiufuwang has what it takes! The latest chapter of the restricted-level doomsday syndrome, welcome to collect! Seeking fiction net, answer whatever you want!

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