Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1862: Past and future of Father Sisen

Baidu Qiufuwang has what it takes! Restricted reading of full text of doomsday syndrome! Seeking fiction net, answer whatever you want!

The long road spreads towards the endless front, and the tree-like steps radiate in all directions along the way. The fallen buildings, collapsed platforms, circles, squares, trapezoids, polyhedrons, pipes, all kinds of shapes are like being in the body. In the pile of blocks, the light does not know where it came from. Looking up, I only saw the light in the distance like a starry sky. It seemed to be extinguished at any time, looking down, and I did not know that the stairs and roads that spread down would lead to Wherever, any situation shows the impression that "I am on the way".

In the visible range, I don't know whether there are more bright places or more enemies covered by shadows. In the mottled light and dark, heavy mist was lost. These gray mists are so dead, but people don't want it to become lively. There seems to be a feeling emerging in my heart. Once these mists flow, many unknown things will appear.

This is the scene in the eyes of Father Sisen. In this environment, which is not known as the ruins of the ruling bureau, there are only three routes leading to the same exit, from which the area can escape. The information that Shah transmitted to Father Sissen's righteousness module through a wonderful network is spreading in his mind in a way similar to map knowledge. Father Si Sen is well aware that his transformation is not as thorough as that of Gao Chuan, and it seems that there are many different places in technology, but it is still a novel experience to be able to enter information directly into his brain.

He touched his wrist subconsciously, the bracelet-like final weapon appeared very quiet, but let him sweep away the uneasiness in his heart. He began to walk along the route, crossing the lumps of unknown material, using the tube as a bridge, jumping over the wreckage cliff, the air lifted his body, and turned into a wind flowing outwards centered on him, as long as Being blown by this wind, you can feel it personally. This is not a natural wind. These winds are like Father Sissen's more arms and more eyes, overlooking his surroundings in a tolerant way.

Any movements that cause changes in the airflow will appear in the mind of Father Sisen. Anything that is swept by the airflow will be outlined, and many sounds and smells that cannot be heard with the ear alone are sent by the wind into Father Sisen. Into a more vivid picture.

All the time, wherever there is air, or where there is "gaseous matter", Father Sissen will have a geographical advantage, relying on the infiltration of gas into things. The so-called "atmospheric control" is just a superficial description of the super energy it possesses. In fact, with this ability, Father Sissen can do much more than others think. Whether it is used to directly create a destructive attack, or used to assist in operations, there is no disadvantage.

Being able to use his Mageweave superpower so thoroughly and skillfully, have an in-depth observation of the phenomena that superpower can produce, and then put aside the superpower's name, think about the deeper things behind the superpower phenomenon, and finally get some Achievement-This last point is why Father Sissen is stronger than most mysterious experts.

Mageweave messengers are rare in this world. It may be said that compared with conscious walkers, there will be more, but there is no specific statistics. Therefore, even in the eyes of mysterious experts, the three-level Mageweave messengers are Already regarded as a "legend". The three-and-a-half-level magic pattern is already an incredible limit in the eyes of many people. Even Father Sissen himself is not sure whether he can reach the fourth level, and what incredible mystery the fourth-level magic pattern will produce.

At the same time, the three-and-a-half-level magic pattern is also an ambiguous intensity. If it is strong, it is certainly very strong, but there is always a feeling of half-hanging. Father Sisen has always been in this kind of feeling that ca n’t be too high. Every time I use my abilities, I always feel that I am still deliberately unfinished, as if there is a hint to remind myself that I should not be at this level. Precisely because there is no exact way to upgrade the magic pattern from the third level to the fourth level, therefore, Father Sisen especially wanted to find relevant information from the ruins of the ruling bureau.

The Mageweave messenger was once part of the ruling bureau's security network system and belongs to the highest level of security guards commonly known as "dead soldiers". From this perspective, the Mageweave messenger is actually a security guard, and its initial role is not much different from the dead soldier. On the other hand, in terms of the strange form of existence of the dead soldiers, the body life is more like the existence of the same power system than the Mageweave messenger. Why today's Mageweave messenger is more morphologically biased towards humans, has always been to let Puzzles that people feel puzzled.

For those things that are obviously closely related to the ruling bureau, the characteristics of the shell as the structure material are very consistent. Judging from this appearance alone will always make people wonder. Perhaps it is such a "magic pattern". After something was brought out of the ruins of the ruling bureau, it changed its shape because of the nature of the user. In the time when the ruling bureau still exists, the "magic pattern" is not a magic pattern, but another image. At the time, the so-called "Mageweave Messenger" level of security guards was also more inclined to the image of dead soldiers and body life.

Precisely because of this assumption, there was later verification by Father Sisen, especially after observing Gaochuan's form of prostitution, he had begun to doubt that perhaps prostitution was the way to become a higher-level Mageweave messenger . In other words, the structure of the body unique to the dead soldiers and body life is the form that restores the power of the magic lines and fully exerts its power.

Therefore, Father Sisen has been looking for relevant clues in the ruins of the ruling bureau. In fact, in his guess, perhaps the body life is the best carrier of the magic pattern, and I also tried to verify it. But these are all past stories, and, limited by their abilities and available resources, there are not many experiments that can be done-in this respect, Father Sissen has always believed that he is far inferior to Godfather Father Edward The shrewdness and suspicion of Father Dewar's demon disguise, only the number has made people wonder, what kind of evil wisdom can accomplish this feat.

What you want to do cannot be done by yourself. After making such judgment, it is inevitable to seek help from others. Whether it ’s building a black nest, or going deep into the ruins of the ruling bureau to find an aborigine, it ’s the action taken in response to this demand—in the beginning, it was just this idea that contributed to the action of Father Sissen, which made him feel lucky. Yes, both of them let him do it.

At the same time as the development of Black Nest, a group of indigenous people who tried to restart the safety network of the ruling bureau were also found-at first there were only "Sha" and "Ban". However, under the circumstances of fate, they successfully repaired a regional safety network Afterwards, the aborigines gathered with these two people at the core formed a tribe, and continued to expand the ruins of the ruling bureau with the responsibility of restarting the safety network.

As the core engineering staff to restart the safety network, "Sha" not only possesses the knowledge of the ruling bureau, but also received the assistance of the most talented researcher of the network ball, "Jinjiang", when the safety network was restarted for the first time. The exchanges, and the incredible feats made afterwards, made Father Sisen feel that the person who can help himself with the reform of the right body under the premise of maintaining the independence of the Black Nest is "Sha" himself.

With the cooperation of Omi and Sha, Father Sisen has always been involved. After observation, he knows many things that Omi has done, but the network ball itself does not know. In the eyes of others, Jin Jiang can be equal to the network ball, but Father Sisen has always believed that Jin Jiang has a certain independence, and therefore believes that Jin Jiang will inevitably be completed one day in the future A goal that matches this independence, and this goal may conflict with the online ball.

It is precisely because of the contradictions and possibilities brought about by this independence that there is a complex and secret cooperative relationship among the aborigines of the ruling bureau headed by Father Sisen, Omi and Sha. The only chance for the trio to get together was the first time that the safety network was restarted. At that time, Gao Chuan was also present, but Gao Chuan did not participate in what happened after the first restart of the safety network, even in the feeling of Father Sisen , Gao Chuan did not know.

Father Xi Sen, as an actual participant and witness of the safety network restart plan, naturally has a fairly deep understanding of the tribe groups led by "Sha" and "Kan". Therefore, even when the mayfly ruins appear and the London area is replaced, he still believes that the ability of "sha" and "pan", plus the black nest under his leadership, and the near river lurking in the dark, can definitely compare to any conspiracy. Both completed the restart of the entire safety network within the ruling site. As long as the safety network is restarted, it will naturally occupy the advantage within the ruling area of ​​the ruling bureau. Those legacy of the ruling bureau that cannot be integrated because of the madness of the safety network will be restored to order and resist any external sources. Invasion.

In front of the unimaginable wide range, endless dead soldiers, and a thoughtful and strict networked security system, even if all the life of the body is dispatched, they can no longer shake the advantages of themselves and others-although in the rumors, the prime Physical life is the culprit that causes the ruling and collapse of the ruling bureau. However, in terms of the characteristics and forces currently displayed by the physical life, it is really impossible to believe that they still have the ability to reproduce the rumors of the year.

The amount of life in the body is too small, scattered in the vast area of ​​the ruling, it can be described as a drop in the sea. Because of this, they are so hungry for technology that can increase the number of their own people, and reach a cooperative relationship with doomsday truth, Nazi and other mysterious organizations. In the information of Father Sisen, these are obvious facts.

Whether the life of the elemental body first completes the proliferation of its own number, or whether Shaheqi first completes the restart of the safety network is the most critical issue for the ruling of the ruling bureau.

Father Xi Sen judged in this way and acted in accordance with this judgment. Originally everything was proceeding as planned, and it was as thrilling as walking on a steel wire, but he did have a greater chance of winning. However, suddenly, an ideological shock destroyed all Possibility of victory—Although Father Sisen could not think for the time being, Shah ’s call made him subconsciously have a general understanding of the overall situation. The information that does not deliberately recall will still have a hazy outline , Appeared in his mind.

Although I am not reconciled, since "Sa" as a core engineer has said so, the fact is probably the case: oneself and others can only ensure one-third of the ruling area, and the other two-thirds will be killed by the body. Occupy, and these elemental lives will also use these two-thirds of the ruling area as capital to complete their most anticipated population growth-almost all the pre-work has been completed.

Father Sisen felt the change in wind direction. There was a trend in the world that was approaching the direction of doomsday truth. Although he could not directly observe the earth, his communication with NOG had also been interrupted, and he was unable to contact the network ball and Omi. So it seems possible to imagine the miserable situation on Earth at this time.

I can't get into deep thinking ~ ~ In any case, I can't find a way to break the situation from this situation that seems to have stood on the edge of the cliff.

Father Xi Sen was most concerned at this time, not because of the gray fog changes that were happening in his surroundings at this time. Even if there was a demon, he did not care about it, even though the "three and a half levels of the magic messenger would be unexpected. The situation of being easily solved by some kind of mystery exists theoretically, but compared to whether he will encounter this mysterious force that will destroy himself in the gray fog, he is more inclined to be likely to die. Now, in a certain situation where the situation has developed backwards, for example, in the hands of some terrible guys you know.

For example, the final weapon, Omi, and Gaochuan ...

No, if you think about it carefully, even if you do n’t think so deeply, according to the current situation, and your own understanding of the Doomsday Truth, and your own identity in the Doomsday Truth, it will be regarded as a guiding link of the “sacrificial ceremony”. Instead, it is the most likely situation.

The cooperation between the body life and the doomsday truth religion, the final gain is definitely a sacrifice ceremony. It has been speculated that it is "to complete the transformation from human to body life by means of sacrifice", but the actual process is definitely not so simple, because body life is rumored to be the aboriginal rule of the ruling bureau. Under the high-pressure rule of the game, I chose to live with the gray fog demon and emerged after a baptism of time. Theoretically, they should have the method of "how to combine the aborigines and the gray fog demons to create tribes". Sacrifice must be based on this, bring some change to them, otherwise it is redundant behavior.

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