Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1871: Real River Monster

The deep red that can even be swallowed by the void is wriggling, and the sense of space that could not be distinguished from top to bottom, left and right, and suddenly there is a division standard. In the eyes of the Goth girl, this wriggling deep red is so clear, sure, no Any feelings of illusion and instability, which should seem to be such a changeable phenomenon, in front of such a clear and clear crimson also make people feel that it should not be like this-as if crimson is the real The reality of the self, even the existence of the self, becomes erratic in front of this reality.

This kind of truth and certainty that can be felt through observation is full of the force of oppressing the soul. The Gothic girl only feels that what appears in the entire human collective subconscious has become stiff, even her own thinking and actions are no exception. This power is like a needlepoint, like sulfuric acid, which erupts directly from your own thoughts and penetrates into your own thinking. Even if you are unwilling to think, you will think so involuntarily: this thing is probably this changeable and difficult to understand The only thing in the world that is truly eternal and real.

This involuntary thought cannot be thrown away, even if it is the party that observes, but it is not the party that observes that decides what it can see and how it can understand what it sees. It was not "that I was observed by myself", but "I was forced to observe this particular appearance", and the Gothic girl was deeply afraid of it.

The unshakable sense of authenticity, the sense of certainty that cannot be rejected, so that no matter what happens to this deep red, this change will not cause people to sigh "This is fake". The Goth girl only feels that no matter what she feels from this deep red at this time, it is all real and certain, even if it is malicious and fearful, it is by no means an illusion.

There is no reason, no reason to analyze oneself from any angle, and the facts that cannot be covered up are coming. It's not that when the Gothic girl thinks this is "Jiang", it's "Jiang", when it thinks it is "Jiangjiang", it's Zhenjiang, but the other way around, the Gothic girl thinks of her feelings, guesses and Confirm that it was forcibly stuffed in, and it made itself feel like it was "Jiang" and "Zhenjiang".

This thing that let the Gothic girl know that "This is Zhenjiang", the lower body is hidden in a deep crimson like cream, and it seems that there is no lower body in the normal sense, and the upper body is a beautiful silhouette. Beautiful, but people can directly feel malicious, crazy and eerie women. The hair that could have been described as "smooth and beautiful black long hair like a waterfall" gives a feeling that every hair can be seen clearly. Although it can be said that it is beautiful, it makes the Goth girl feel very Awkward, I think there should be some more appropriate descriptions, and these descriptions will definitely not be a positive description-although I feel so, but I can not find a proper vocabulary, this feeling also makes the Gothic girl feel the front Things are terrifying, and the emotions produced when you look at yourself are no longer simply described by "terrible".

What is more scary is that under the cover of this beautiful and scary black long hair, there is a slightly vague face. It is also from the outline that people feel that they should be a beauty, but they can not find clear details to describe. What kind of beauty is what makes a person's back sullenly half-covered and half-covered, like there is an instinct to persuade yourself, if you look for these details more seriously, you will see behind this hazy beauty, then It is full of the terrifying aspect of strong reversal, and the stimulus generated by this reversal will probably stop your heart from beating in an instant-such an instinctive feeling prevents the eyes of the Gothic girl from staying for a long time. Anywhere on this face.

However, the gaze of wandering was quickly attracted by another thing that felt more cardiac arrest. That is, on this beautiful and vague face, it looks like the eyes are embedded. This is its right eye, and only this right eye is exposed in the long bangs, which can be seen between repeated hairs ... No, the Gothic girl overthrew her thoughts, because, now she feels that herself It is inevitable to notice this right eye, because the presence of this right eye is so strong, and this sense of existence is composed of naked maliciousness and deep evil, which is by no means human eyes, from All the evil and evil constituted by the departure of human nature will tremble under the gaze of this right eye.

When you look at this right eye, you feel like you are going to fall into a bottomless abyss. The evil and evil beyond humanity are like countless hands, holding your soul and dragging it to the endless depth.

The more the Gothic girl looks at it, the more she feels that it is not human, except for the upper body, there is no human element, but the upper body is humanoid, and the lower body may be the dark red, or just hidden in the deep In red, one can't help but wonder: if it stands up, will the lower body also be humanoid?

Obviously not a human being, but in the collective subconsciousness of human beings, the outline of a human form is presented. Obviously, the outline of a human form is already there, but it is very certain that it is by no means human. In this way, the Goth girl felt more horrible.

Goth girls can only call it "things".

This thing is "Zhenjiang". What it is is not determined by the person who sees it, but by itself. The Goth girl felt that this strong cognition was squeezed into her head.

On the other hand, the Gothic girl can still recall every "jiang" he once appeared beside Gao Chuan. Among them, the real river is very different from the real river in front of it, but it does not make people doubt that the real river in front of them is a fake. The reason why Zhenjiang in the memory is the characteristics of Zhenjiang exists on the thing in front of her. The reason why the Gothic girl feels a world apart is probably because the things in front of them constitute the ones that constitute Zhenjiang. Features are amplified in extreme ways. This is a feeling of expansion and distortion that essentially arises, which makes the Gothic girl feel dizzy.

It is Zhenjiang, it really exists, or it is what it looks like. No matter what you feel when you see it, everything you feel is true and true, including that deep Deeply malicious and evil.

It's too late to think about why Zhenjiang appears here, what is the essence of this thing. Needless to say, when there is such a deep fear, no one can think about these problems in the first time. If they can really think about it, it makes people think that the thinker is no longer essentially human.

Self-protection is the first instinctive reaction that is triggered, followed by an extremely intense, almost engulfed thinking ability to escape the emotions here.

There is absolutely no way to fight such things in such a place. Even if the stalemate persists, it will only fail in the end. In other words, the Gothic girl felt so strongly that when she faced this thing, she would be defeated. This kind of inevitability cannot be explained by probability. It is just a waste of words to say "possibility". The facts will definitely develop in a direction that is very unwilling to see, but extremely objective and true.

The torn black ball disintegrated back to the original black water form in a short time. It was not that the Gothic girl could not maintain this defensive form, but it also made her feel that the black ball could not withstand this pressure and had to return to black water. Form, use the characteristics of fluid to release the pressure it bears. After all, the collapse of the black ball and the reconstruction of black water are more like a forced change.

The mighty black water rolled towards the monster named "Zhenjiang", and the other party did not move, letting him be drowned in the deepest part of the black liquid. However, the Gothic girl saw this rich in the next moment The black cannot cover the red, the original deep red becomes deeper in the black like water.

Then, the Gothic girl keenly felt that the black water was missing a large part-originally in the collective subconsciousness of human beings, the black water that rapidly increased with the depth of the dive continued to increase, only at this moment, it lacked growth One fifth of the part. The missing part doesn't know if the claim should be broken down, or it hasn't existed since the beginning. In short, it's gone.

The Gothic girl has begun to rise, even if Blackwater tried her best to block between her and Zhenjiang, it could not give her a little sense of security. She heard a lot of voices, but they were not voices that could be heard in the collective subconsciousness of human beings, nor were they human voices. Many strange images accompanied the sound in her mind, no matter how she restrained herself from imagining, they could not stop these images from appearing in consciousness as she thought. Whenever she thinks of these images, these images will pounce on her, and she cannot do things like "think these are all hallucinations", a mysterious force prevents her from thinking so.

When she couldn't think it was all an illusion, those terrible and weird images jumped out of her imagination and turned into real monsters to come into the void she was in. Despite the huge amount of black water surging and drowning these monsters that became real in the first time, they could not stop these monsters from condensing the form through the imagination of the Gothic girl.

The Goth girl also heard faint singing, like from the depth of the deeper human collective subconscious, like from all sides of her, like from the black water, from the deep red that could not be concealed by black, like It comes from your own soul, from your own imagination. However, he clearly felt that it was like a singing voice, but he could not actually distinguish the specific melody, nor could he know the content, but felt that it was definitely not a person singing.

The monster hidden in the collective subconscious of human beings-if it is not the real river in front of it, what would it be? However, the Gothic girl still doesn't think that the "monster in the collective subconsciousness of human beings" he has always regarded as the enemy is Zhenjiang. There seems to be something wrong, it seems that some key parts are covered, what I observed at this time is still one-sided. Therefore, we must run away. Only when we leave this place can we have the opportunity to think about what is wrong, which leads to the "real river" observed today.

The Gothic girl desperately ascends, although it is not known whether this behavior can get rid of this Zhenjiang monster, but if there is any direction of escape, then it will only ascend. Leaving the collective subconsciousness of human beings and returning to the world of material states, if Zhen Jiang would follow, it would not be worse than the current fighting environment. Needless to say, it is because this is the collective subconsciousness of human beings, so I do n’t think I have a chance to defeat each other.

The black water swept through the monsters and phenomena that appeared along the way. The Zhenjiang monster was also submerged in the black water. However, the consumption of black water is also very alarming. Although in the observation of the Goth girl, the body of the black water did not appear obvious , But it feels clearly where the crimson is, and the black water is completely wiped out, and this is not the active attack of this monster, but it will happen naturally when it exists there.

Rather than saying that the Zhenjiang monster is slow to respond, or has mercy on his hands, there is no more action. It is better to say that the Gothic girl feels that it is like a game that is not serious, and feels at ease, just like any at this time. Struggling, can not change the inevitability it has already decided. It does not have any more actions, and it does not make the Goth girl feel relaxed ~ ~ She has not found any opportunity to reverse the status quo.

Obviously, when I dive, I ca n’t feel the passage of time at all, and it is difficult to tell the speed of the dive. So, it must not be said to be "slow", but when this deep red Zhenjiang monster appears, those who can clearly divide things The standard also seems to appear suddenly, time and speed naturally appear, and all the qualities that you can feel are developing in the direction of "disturbing and fearing", but they cannot be attributed to it. As an illusion, the unprepared and irresistible posture, once felt, will definitely slip quickly to the worst.

From this perspective, the Gothic girl actually felt that the reason why she felt that her speed was too slow was precisely because she thought that the speed was too slow. Conversely, if you can persuade yourself that "slowness is not a bad thing", can you make yourself faster? The answer I gave was not the same, hazy, and I couldn't be sure.

This uncontrollable sense of collapse is happening every moment.

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