The huge body of Saya stood up from the black water, but failed to walk in front of the deep red Zhenjiang monster. Its growing deformed limbs and abnormal flesh and blood have made it unrecognizable, and all the structures used for "moving" this behavior Are disintegrating. . The fastest update Saya is not entirely dependent on the movement of the limbs, but all the deformities and alienations that occur from it seem to be eroding its moving means from a mysterious angle, no matter whether this moving means uses the visible part, Still use the invisible power.

Despite being unable to move, the body of Saya is still standing in the black water. Its image is full of morbidity in the observation of the Goth girl, and the flesh and flakes peeling off from it are turning into unusable ashes. Although this "damaged" phenomenon can be used as a link of the three messengers, just like the real Jiangjiang monster destroyed the black smoke face in one breath, the ashes that cannot be used for sacrifice are one. This huge loss will cause a huge gap in this linkage process.

No matter in the material state or ideology, no matter what form of existence, there is no fundamental difference in the eyes of the Gothic girl. The material state is converted into ideology, and different forms are converted into the same form, or vice versa. All of her insights exist, and the relationship between them follows a certain macro-conservation, but this macro-scope has completely exceeded the scope of her own visibility. In the tiny cognition of human beings, everything in the imaginable range is always regarded as a closed system, and a conservation law is applied in this closed system by default. However, in the eyes of Goth girls, this closed system is only It will be bigger and bigger than you think, and people are not sure whether this is really a closed system.

Conservation in this macroscopic range beyond imagination, the change of the state nature of a thing is just an external manifestation, the most basic essence may be the same, and the basic essence in this hypothesis is also positive It is the basis of the three messengers linkage. The black water turns into a smoky face, a change of state, and the loss of the smoky face, the birth of the body of Saya, is a change of nature. Their essences show different changes in the state of nature in the mysterious sacrifice, And the harm one messenger took to another messenger

Summoning is also a transformation of this kind of macro conservation.

In theory, as long as there is something that exists, as long as it has a law of transformation, it can transform the external appearance of things without changing the essence of the thing. This process is the sacrifice of the Gothic girl. Sacrifice ceremony. In the eyes of others, the sacrificial ritual is very evil and cruel. In the face of the truth of the end, it is not a change in the nature of things, but only a change in the nature of the phenomenon that can be observed. This is a natural purity, but it does not involve fundamental changes. , There is no need to look at it with emotion.

For the doomsday truth religion, it is better to say that the sacrifice is a human, rather than the expression of "human". Human beings are just a manifestation of the essence of things.

The Gothic girl tried to understand the doomsday truth religion, to think about the doomsday truth, and in this doomsday illusion has the identity of the three giants of the doomsday truth. The depth of knowledge is not as good as that of Father Sissen and Father Edward, etc. Therefore, the defects of the three messengers inevitably appear. The sacrificial ritual used by the "Three Couriers" is close to the sacrificial ritual of the Doomsday Truth, but it is not thorough.

This "incompleteness" is having a ripple effect in an environment where the factors required for sacrifice are not met. The Gothic girl wanted to prevent this chain reaction and save as much resources as she could, so she had to give up those resources she could no longer use. The body of Saya was forcibly suspended without being able to exert its fighting power, and all the parts with abnormal shapes under the influence of the Zhenjiang monster were forcibly cut off, and the side effects generated were inevitably fed back to the black water.

In the silence of the Gothic girl, half of the body of Saya was turned into ashes, and it fell like snow on all sides, and the other half fell into the black water, but even a little ripple did not occur, because the half body was centered and filled. The grayness of the sense of death is also spreading in all directions. If the ashes falling from the sky are described as snow, then the gray-white spreading in the black water is like the accumulation of these snow.

The off-white part has lost the characteristics of black water, and can no longer be used by Goth girls. The black water that has been hit hard is still endless, but it makes Goth girls feel the same cancerous infection. It is being transmitted in black water, not count Fast, but unable to reverse.

The time that the Gothic girl was able to delay with the help of the coconut palms of the Four Heavens Institute was greatly reduced again, and the difficulty of the three messenger linkage was greatly improved again. The Zhenjiang monster is still in her observation, doing nothing However, its influence has repeatedly expanded. The Gothic girl cannot estimate how much change she needs to make before she can weaken the influence of this enemy.

Even so, the new attempt of the Gothic girl has been hidden in the ashes of the sky, and it is scattered in all directions. The spores that are invisible to the naked eye are a manifestation of the product "Saya virus" obtained after the forcible disintegration of the Saya body. form. The appearance, size, and inertness of these spores are similar to ash, and only when they are bred in a specific thing, the restrained mystery will burst out.

In this human collective subconscious full of unknown dangers, the Gothic girl is always using the form of power she is familiar with, or she is trying to make all the phenomena that she can observe, the power she can use, as familiar as possible. Way. The fear that Zhenjiang Monster brought her made her have to go after those things that she was familiar with. Survival instinct warned her that once she fell to "all familiar things became strange", it was a defeat set.

Cancerous, grayish white spreading in black water, turning fluids into solid, and turning water into powder, as if to transform into a gray land in the endless ocean, hiding spores from the ashes falling from the sky, just like being The wind blew towards the direction of the deep red Zhenjiang monster. However, there is no "wind" in the sense of common sense on this battlefield.

Rather than saying that "wind" is abnormal, it is better to say that "wind" does not come from convection of air. The concepts in the human collective subconscious are so complicated, and no concept can be presented alone. All kinds of weird phenomena are precisely the manifestation of the staggered influence in this chaos. Therefore, the "wind" blowing ash and spores is also a weird phenomenon. In the previous time, the Gothic girl has been using black water to protect herself and avoid being affected by these strange phenomena in an all-round way, but now she must disarm some defenses, "leak" certain specific phenomena, and hide her counter-attacks. In these strange phenomena, and promoted by these strange phenomena.

While the "wind" was blowing the ashes and spores, the Gothic girl was also directly subjected to the interference of this strange phenomenon that was leaked by the black water. For any conscious walker, it is dangerous to face the strange phenomena presented in any ideology. These strange phenomena are not all dangerous. The interference effects produced by different conscious walkers are different, but, As long as it is a strange phenomenon that can interfere with the conscious walker, it is possible to directly kill the conscious walker. Facing the strange phenomenon in ideology is like playing a Russian roulette game.

The weird phenomenon in the collective subconscious of humans directly affects the Gothic girl. The complex unexplained geometric phenomenon distorts her human form, causing ripples on the surface of her human form, allowing her to look It was a twisted and ugly gesture. However, the Gothic girl himself can confirm that these effects are not fatal, and can even be said to be extremely superficial. It is like looking at the deformed self inside the haha ​​mirror, but the real self has not actually changed. As in the past, there is only one problem that I have to face: when and how does a truly deadly weird phenomenon occur, and how does it happen to myself. It's like using a pistol that doesn't know when the bullet will be fired, pulling the trigger over and over again, only knowing that there is a bullet that can kill yourself.

Even if the Gothic girl is the strongest conscious walker in human beings, with a special origin, he cannot directly confront the dangers generated by the entire human subconscious mind. The probability of lethality fluctuates. Once fear. The spores hidden in the ashes drifting toward the crimson Zhenjiang monster allow the Gothic girl to withstand this growing fear, because that is hope.

It was full of hope when the spores did not disappear, nor did it fall on the monster.

Heishui is trying to cut off the infected part, but even if the part centered on the former Saya body is isolated, the gray spread will not be stopped. The alienation produced by the body of Saya and the side effects that were forcibly removed are not fed back from a "point" associated with the body of Saya and the black water. The infection generated at this time is a kind of location where no specific lesion exists Full chain.

After removing the initial infection site, a new infection will appear in a seemingly intact site. After treatment of this site, that site will relapse. The cancer that will not stop at all will only change at a certain rate from different If the position is passed on, the cause of essential alienation cannot be eradicated, and it cannot be truly healed. The volume of the black water will only get smaller and smaller. If there is no specific way, the complete disappearance is already a visible ending.

Although the spores hidden in the ashes can also be converted into black water, the Gothic girl is not sure, but after they are converted into black water, whether the ongoing canceration of black water will continue to appear on them. In front of the Zhenjiang monster, the body of Saya and the black water were broken away, and the face of the black smoke was unable to face it. The spores were already the last resort of the messenger of "Four Heavens Garden Coconut".

The crimson Zhenjiang monster still has no movement. In the quiet and evil eyes, the Gothic girl who clearly thinks that the chaos is beyond repetition, but the heart becomes more and more silent, only sees a grand and full of continuity. The movement that seems to be so continuous. The Gothic girl couldn't tell what was in motion and what kind of motion. The combination of this sense of movement and that inherent and huge presence made her feel as if she was struggling in a moment of eternity.

Every decision of the Gothic girl made her think that it took her millions of years to make a decision. Every judgment made a million years of waiting. From this long sense of time, she felt that her movement was slowly still. She felt this was an illusion, but this feeling was so strong that even insisting on it was an illusion.

The spore finally passed the long distance, and fell in crimson with the ash. The Zhenjiang monster raised his hand for the first time, as if waiting for the snow to fall, let the ash fall into the palm of the hand. This is the first time the Gothic girl saw this monster. In addition to his appearance, he exhibited human sensuous behavior for the first time. The beautiful upper body is like a woman who is feeling the snow. The attention of Jinjiang Monster seems to be distracted by this kind of sentiment, freeing the Gothic girl from that terrible gaze ~ ~ The long sense of time as if he is still disappears as if the illusion disappeared.

At the same time, the spores hidden in the ashes splintered apart, the roots and branches expanded with a force full of elasticity, plunged into the blood-like liquid, wrapped around the body of the woman, within a few blinks of time It rises from the ground and grows into a tall and weird plant: all the branches are entangled with countless small rhizomes, and the vines are wrapped around the main trunk as if they are accompanying creatures, but they are actually part of the main roots. The leaves and fruits growing on the roots of this plant are deformed organs and peristaltic flesh.

The Zhenjiang monster was wrapped inside by this huge and weird plant. The Gothic girl felt its existence, but could not feel its change. The Gothic girl didn't think the monster would be destroyed, nor believed that it would be suppressed for a sufficient time. In an unknown time, this weird plant will be eroded from within. If this erosion does not turn this plant into something as unusable as ash, then the linkage of the three messengers will return to normal, but, assuming that the result of the erosion is still unable to act on the linkage, then, it has been concluded at this time The leaves and flesh are the last guarantee. (To be continued ...)

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