Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1878: Death Star Shelling

The Universe Joint Experimental Fleet is like a slammed hammer. It began to whirl under the control of Sanxian Island. More and more waste peeled off from the hull, just thrown out of the ship, it was like a certain force field. Bound, unable to move away from the location of the fleet. The waste revolves around the entire fleet, just like a star ring. It seems to rotate slowly from a distance, but when it is close, it is a very violent and uncoordinated movement.

As the invasion of Sanxian Island deepens, the closer these ships are to Sanxian Island, giving people a feeling of tight compaction on the outer shell of Sanxian Island, the changes that are taking place inside are so complicated, even The prosthetic body Gao Chuan can't figure it out one by one in a short time. Not only the changes in the macro structure, but even a tiny detail will bring about a violent chain reaction. The transformation of these ships by Sanxian Island is like making changes at the atomic level. In the observation, the places that are changing are like fish scales turning up and the snake's belly swimming. There is a sense of tightness that makes people goose bumps.

Gradually, in the eyes of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet is becoming a holistic creature: a kind of life full of metal texture in most parts, but showing a matte color non-metallic life in a few key parts . The inside of this living body has the same complex and balanced structure as the human body. The various functions of these structures make it very suitable for the current cosmic battlefield.

Sanxian Island has finally become a closer core part of the whole. Each ship is a limb that extends from Sanxian Island, like a tool, like a shield, like a weapon, like a skin, as if they were originally Sanxian Island. portion. A lot of information jumped on the retina screen of the prosthetic body Gaochuan. The dark red light jumped in the space of the bridge, flowing out of the disk, and released from the spherical core to the totem pillar of the external space, and then spread from the totem pillar to the wall On the wall, it flows into the container inlaid on the wall. Most of the people confined in these containers are soldiers carefully selected by the Central Principality, but the number is far less than the original 10 million, but in addition to these soldiers, there are also their own residuals on the battlefield. military. No matter where these people come from or where they originally belonged, they now have only one identity: the firewood of Sanxian Island.

Every time Sanxian Island launches a large-scale and high-level mystery, they will always be consumed like firewood, but even if they do not use the unimaginable attack power, they will not be idle-their brains pass special In the form of series or parallel connection, the bins listed on the wall are like positioning marks, alienating their thinking and consciousness, and integrating their thinking together for the collection and processing of information.

When these people collaborate in this way, the prosthetic body Gao Chuan can't imagine how these people's thinking and consciousness, the process of collecting and processing information, follow what is similar to the multi-processing core of electronic computers. Mechanism, or still retain self-sensibility and rationality?

The red lake light carrying a lot of information jumped into these tanks, and then jumped out of the tank at the next moment, just like the current flowing in a huge and complicated circuit.

The patterns on the twelve totem poles of the "Twelve Capitals of Gods" system are also wandering, and when you look closely, you only feel dazzled. These patterns are scattered and gathered together, like clouds and water, and like a kind of auspicious creatures, like unknown monsters proliferating in the clouds and water, and like a map that constantly eliminates the fog, gradually Exposed terrain that has never been seen before. The knowledge possessed by the prosthetic body Takagawa is completely unable to parse the information brought by these patterns, but it is instinctive to feel that these changes mean that the operation of Sanxian Island is approaching a critical point, and once this threshold is crossed, it will be generated once. A huge outbreak, however, before the actual outbreak, it is impossible to predict in advance what kind of outbreak this is.

Prostitute Gao Chuan couldn't find what he could do in these movements, which had become macroscopic or microscopic and became quite violent. It can also be said that he does not feel that he can cooperate with such intense exercise through subjective sensuous cognition. If you just want to join in, it will either be crushed or smashed, or you will be dragging your feet. Therefore, it is probably correct to choose not to interfere, even when waiting, it will always give people a feeling of "it is redundant." He can only let go, allowing Sanxian Island to run on its own.

At this moment, it seems that there are no external things that can prevent the plan of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet.

The prosthetic body Gao Chuan focused all his attention on the Nazis. He closely watched the movement of the lunar stars, the activities of the Nazi bases implied by the changes in the lunar surface, and the lunar repeaters that had completely entered the physical world.

The Nazis took the entire lunar star as the main body, completely abandoned the irregular polyhedron fleet that was stuck in the impact of the repeater collision, and consumed the incomparably large number of this irregular polyhedron fleet in a strange way. To adjust the internal structure of lunar stars, generate special outer space phenomena, adjust the orbits of stars, and accelerate the movement of stars. These movements allow the lunar stars to release huge amounts of information no less than the joint experimental fleet of the universe during the observation of the prosthetic body Gaochuan.

Just like the movement of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet itself has begun to produce various strange phenomena in the surrounding space, the lunar stars also seem to be surrounded by these strange phenomena.

Although the overall movement is so intense, and the movement of every detail is so complicated, no matter whether the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet or the lunar stars, the time from the beginning to the end of the change does not exceed ten minutes. Everything is accelerating. When the lunar stars enter a linear orbit towards the floating continent, the time for the two to complete the collision has begun to count down on the retina screen of the prosthetic body Gaochuan.

Sixty seconds before the coordinates of the moon star and the mayfly ruins overlapped, the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet finally became a fortress of death stars armed to every inch of land in the science fiction movie. Its overall shape is spherical, but it does not have a smooth spherical surface. The undulating structure is a weapon and a propeller everywhere. The joint experimental fleet of the Fortress of Death Star has more than the ship cluster. Flexible and more powerful mobility, and part of the data of this death star fortress form was stored in advance in Sanxian Island data, giving the body Takagawa a feeling that "the Central Principality considered this method of use in advance" . Whether the facts are communicated with the Central Principality at the same time as the shipbuilding of all parties is no longer important.

Importantly, after undergoing all kinds of hardships, the strength of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet is still improving-as if a transcendental will determines the way of development, but it has nothing to say logically. In any case, it is a good enough result that your own side has not become weak.

The side of the Death Star Fortress facing the junction of the mayfly ruins and the lunar star is peeled off like a peel of apple peel, the ring-shaped launch port is progressively advanced, and the concave hole is so deep that it feels that it runs through from the center Death Star Fortress. At first, a trace of light oozed out from the side wall of the emission port, and it turned into a gush in just a few seconds, followed by a lasing, and the light silk felt sharp as if it were countless. Penetrating lasers are intertwined. The phenomenon of entangled light can still be distinguished with the naked eye and they are not completely fused together. There is a tiny distance between each light, and there is a violent entanglement movement between each other, like a three-dimensional network filled in this deep In the launch port.

The phenomenon of light entangled into a whole seems to explode in the next moment, but it continues to strengthen its movement. On the retina screen of the prosthesis Gaochuan, this integral entangled light phenomenon is a translucent cannonball, which is counting down as the distance between the lunar star and the mayfly ruins is getting closer.

In the last thirty seconds, the Death Star Fortress stayed at a distance of 200,000 kilometers from the mayfly ruins, and only 100,000 kilometers from the lunar star in a straight line close to the mayfly ruins. Every second, the Death Star cannon swings at the critical point of launch. Every second, the speed of the lunar stars approaching the mayfly ruins is changing slightly, making the prostitute Gaochuan feel that the Nazis have known that they hit the mayfly ruins. In a moment, the Death Star cannon will hit both-but is this not for granted? The phenomenon caused by the operation of the Death Star cannon is still conspicuous even if it is hundreds of thousands of kilometers away. As a hostile party, there is no reason to let the other party complete its plan safely and steadily.

Even so, the Nazis did not mean to change the plan, nor did they adjust the linear movement of the lunar stars on a large scale. The lunar repeater was silent as if it was no longer running, only the phenomenon of the lunar stars' outer periphery kept increasing. The outline of the entire star becomes blurred. At the end of the tens of seconds, the Death Star Fortress could no longer completely lock the lunar stars, and the estimated collision between the lunar stars and the mayfly ruins completely became a range value, but as long as the collision between the two is inevitable What happened, then, the shell of the entangled light phenomenon must hit the contact point of the two within a very small error value relative to the scale of the two.

"Countdown to five seconds." Yichuan Gaochuan heard the sound in his mind. The mayfly ruins face the side of the lunar star, including the location of the London replacement area, and react violently from the surface to the approach of the lunar star. At a distance of 20 kilometers, a large amount of material floated involuntarily, shaped like smoke and dust, and the large-scale bizarre image around the lunar star quickly eroded these smoke and dust, and the phenomena full of illusion seemed to be These substances are filled the same, and more substances have chemical reactions.

The closer the lunar celestial body is to the mayfly ruins, the more the ephemeral ruins face the side of the lunar celestial body, the more it sags, as if a huge mouth has been opened, the lunar celestial body should be swallowed with the momentum of a snake swallowing the elephant. In the final analysis, the outline of the lunar star becomes blurred in these violent reactions, but instead makes it appear to expand a circle, which is not like the ruins of the mayfly. The prosthetic body Gaochuan did not think that the ruins of the mayfly may completely enclose the lunar stars. In his imagination, the final position between the two is like a round bead embedded in a jade disk.

Just when the countdown jumped to zero, the idea in the mind of the prosthetic body Gaochuan jumped, and the information stimulated and fed back and forth, and then from the outside to the inside, swimming in the Death Star Fortress, the time spent was even hundreds. Not in a second. Without any feeling of recoil, the cannonball that entangled the light phenomenon instantly disappeared in the huge launching port, and even the prosthetic body Gaochuan could not rely on his own feeling to sense how the cannonball was fired, and the way of excitation was absolutely not It is a beam type.

The shooting data is also summarized on his retina screen, but the hit phenomenon is already present at the target location.

The lunar stars and the mayfly ruins are like a large hole cut from the inclined plane, and the phenomenon caused by their collision with each other is also like being blown out by an invisible storm. The surface of the exposed material is at least one third of the material. Instantaneous annihilation, and the remaining material is also undergoing a chain-like collapse, as if the overall collapse has been unstoppable.

For this shelling, Sanxian Island once again burned the firewood of two million people. However, it was supplemented with members of other ships. Before the cooling time of the Death Star cannon, the original one thousand was refilled. Ten thousand people standard.

The London replacement part of the mayfly ruin has been completely annihilated in the death star bombardment, no matter how it originally existed. In the observation of the prosthetic body Gaochuan, this part has completely become a hollow part. The values ​​returned from the places directly penetrated by the shelling are very confusing, but some of these data prove that there are still a lot of unnatural regular movements. These motion data further proved that the interaction between the lunar stars and the mayfly ruins was not completely disturbed by shelling, and the Nazis were still in an incredible way to complete their plans.

If matter is the first nature of this world, then the collapse of matter will determine that any movement phenomena based on matter will collapse, but the illusion of doomsday is obviously not a world of material first. In other words, the material in people's common sense is not the basic material that really determines the existence of this world. The Nazis are jumping out of the common sense of the material and completing the docking with the mayfly ruins.

The prosthetic body Gaochuan can be imagined, and at the same time, various phenomena caused by the life of the primitive body are also undergoing qualitative changes at the ruling site. All people confronting the life of the body are facing a sharply rising pressure that they cannot see but can feel. Because of his past identity, Father Sisen, who is bound to be in the position of the leader, is bound to usher in a crucial life and death choice at this time.

No, it should be said that this is another fatal turning point for everyone on this battlefield.

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