Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1880: Domination

The light floats in the steam, and the shadow spreads to the distance and the depth with the flicker of the light. The light in the hall makes the area of ​​the hall seem spacious but limited, but in the place where the view and light are hidden, a kind of let The fearless sense of bud sprung up quietly. The things that Father Sisen can see are the floor under his feet, the ceiling above his head, a carpet-like light organic red, two rows of heavily armed, standing like statues, the inner guard is not clear, and the end of the organic red is like The vacancy left in the equipment piled up like a junk mountain, and the pipeline that stands like a vacant place, grows out of the vacancy, is dropped from the ceiling, rises from the ground, and extends from the equipment piled up like a junk mountain The connected tall, slender and sturdy form-at first glance, it looks like her, a female human figure; at second glance, it looks more like a huge device carved from a hazy image Part of it, especially like the part of "antenna" or "center"; at a third glance, it is it, which is completely inconsistent with the concept of "human" from the basic structure.

But no matter what it looks like in people's eyes, it is undeniable that it is a living body with wisdom and thinking. Father Sisen has seen too much of this weird inhuman life, but beyond imagination, its form and behavior in this world are not a special case.

This self-proclaimed "sha" aborigine transformed himself in a mysterious way, more thoroughly than its transformation of another aboriginal companion, "Ban", and more thoroughly than its transformation of Father Sissen himself, and therefore more logically from the human , Biased towards the concept of non-human. Ever since he met him, Father Sissen has noticed that its appearance has been changing. This kind of change has a huge and essential difference from the temperament change of human beings due to the change of personality and psychology, as well as the use of cosmetic surgery to adjust the body structure.

The appearance of "Sha" is more reflective of its inner shape than any human form.

At least compared to those truly grotesque and mysterious things, "Sha" still seems to be understandable and can be explained by the logic of mysterious experts. As a partner of its cooperation, Father Sisen takes this point particularly seriously, and therefore is very attentive to its physical changes, fearing that at a certain moment, it will become something completely incomprehensible to him, just like the mysterious events in the past The self-cognition and knowledge that I have seen cannot be explained, and once this radical and essential change occurs, Father Sissen does not think that he can continue to cooperate with the indigenous people who claim to be "sha".

However, as the signs of the end of the world emerged one by one, compared with the speed of the end of the process, the pace of "Sha" becoming a completely incomprehensible non-human existence was slow.

Father Sisen is almost certain that, according to current trends, before this world is completely destroyed, "Sha" cannot really become a completely incomprehensible and incommunicable existence. Therefore, in order to be able to observe the coming of the end, until the last second of the world, to practice the truth of the end that he believes in, his cooperative attitude has changed more deeply than the original.

Father Sissen had neither a decisive power like a repeater, nor a three-and-a-half-level Mageweave ambassador, nor did he have the decisive power, nor did he have the doomsday to be able to interact with the Netball, the Nazis and the Marl Jones Foreign aid such as the Truth Church and other mysterious organizations. In the present end of the world, I want to live longer than anyone. In order to completely override the moment in the world at the end, and ensure that I can confirm and observe it at the last moment when the "original" is exposed, he You must find more insurance for yourself.

In his understanding, for the doomsday truth, the end is an inevitable process, the end will return to the starting point after crossing the end, the meaning is at the moment when the end becomes the starting point; for Father Edward, the end is a pain The end of and the beginning of another kind of pain, meaning needs to be sought from the pain; comparing the two, the end is more like an opportunity for him to really start only by observing it.

Many people will die in the process of the end. Rather, it is said that the end of everything is the process of the end, and when everything is over, it is the end of the end. Fully observing the beginning, the process and the end point is the complete observation of the end. Therefore, although you must die at the end, ensure that you are the last thing to be destroyed and confirm that you are the last thing to exist. At the same time that his own self is destroyed, the end is over. In the plan for observing the end, it is the most important.

Whether the Aboriginal people with "Sha" as the core can ensure that they become "the last thing to exist", Father Sisen is not absolutely sure, or that the hope is extremely small, but if they are not invested, then even a little bit There is no hope. For him, the aboriginal community where he is now, and the people gathered in the community, no matter where they come from, with any ideas, what kind of things to do, they have more meaning to him Like a "shell".

With the doomsday process, this "shell" will be destroyed first, which is an inevitable result, but in the plan of Father Sissen, this "shell" should not be more than a mysterious organization such as cyber balls, Nazis, and doomsday truth The faster destruction, its strength and time of existence determine the time he can exist in the hiding place.

Through various secret activities, Father Sisen prepared many prototypes of such "shells", and even the "Black Nest" is one of them. However, with the increase in the intensity of war, unprecedented changes in the situation and various The incredible mystery surfaced, and the doomsday process hidden in these details, the prototype of these "shells" was like a bubble, which was easily destroyed, leaving him no more choices.

Father Sisen has been unable to abandon this last "shell", even if the opponent is the elementary life, and those mysterious organizations hidden behind the elementary life, who are unwilling to collide with them directly. He has some secrets, some opinions, and some observations from other perspectives, which hides "Sha", but only from the results, his proposal is indeed from the standpoint of trying to save this indigenous community. Proposed.

The sincerity and kindness of the standpoint is also the basis for Father Xisen to persuade Sha. After all, his proposal is not smart, nor is it absolutely correct. On this battlefield, life-and-death decisions have become blurred. It seems that no matter what you do, you may be right, but if you think you are right, you may be wrong.

Father Xi Sen tried to harass the enemy as long as the enemy had not yet fully established his foot, to delay the time and wait for the larger variables to occur. Naturally, he could also imagine that once his own side had done so, it might have hit the stone with its own eggs. Will end up in a larger trap and become a bait for the enemy hidden deeper. However, he prefers to be more proactive at this time than a more conservative strategy. He also hopes that Sha will accept his relatively subjective and more proactive strategy.

"If I want to ensure the initiative, I also have an idea here." Sha seemed silent for a moment before she said to Father Sisen: "As long as you can contain the life of the body for a period of time, there is a way to completely isolate our area. Go out. "

"Isolation?" Father Sisen didn't quite understand.

"The entire ruling bureau is a huge temporary data hedge space, which has been stable for a long time, but the intensity of this war may not be able to continue to stabilize. Once this temporary data hedge space begins to loosen, we can Separate it. "Sha explained, a pipeline connected to his body popped up like a flexible life, moved to Father Sisen, and after he confirmed it, he inserted it into the structure interface of his body.

A large amount of information used in the explanation was instilled into Father Sisen's body, and he understood it in the first time. The idea of ​​"Sha" is like thinking of the entire ruling site as a pizza, divided in half with a knife. After the division, the one-third of the area owned by the self is no longer bordered by the two-thirds of the area occupied by the life of the body. It is because the enemy will transform the safety network in an extreme way. The existing security network is also modified by restarting, which ultimately results in a huge difference between the two parts of the security network, so it is possible to use this as a basis to achieve the complete regional isolation as envisaged.

For Father Sissen, this is also a very attractive proposal. However, regardless of the life of the body, the Nazis, or the doomsday truth, it is impossible to let this division be done by oneself. Once "Sha" starts, the safety network will feed back relevant information and the enemy's offensive will increase accordingly.

Whether Sha is the first to complete the division of the safety network into the ruins of the entire ruling bureau, or is his own defense line defeated first? From the current strength comparison, this is a very low chance of gambling.

"... I still think there will be a turning point." Father Sisen still can't think too deeply, but he feels that his intuition has become extremely sharp, hoping to implement his intuition as a mysterious expert, see this The plan with very low odds is carried out.

"If we fail, we will be completely destroyed." Sha reminded this: "In this war, I must devote myself to the division, it is difficult to help you. Even if you are in our area, you can't Geographical advantage. On the contrary, once you invade the enemy ’s area, you will be at a greater disadvantage. Are you really sure? Father Sissen. "

"I can't say I'm sure, but I believe in my intuition." Father Sisen replied.

In the past, even Xi Xisen couldn't convince himself, but perhaps there were other considerations, perhaps a deep sense of the necessity of fighting against the water, or it could be a sincere impression of Father Xi Sen's words and deeds. Or, it is because it was brought up by myself. All in all, "Sha" agreed to implement this seemingly risky plan.

"I will lead the latest security guards to install separators at the regional junction between ours and the enemy. You must buy her time. You should be aware of the heavy price that you outsiders will face." Sha once again It is reminded, "Only Kan and the new security guards can install the splitter. This is determined by our commonality. Once all the Kan and those guards are dead, the plan will fail and you cannot make it up."

"I will make everyone psychologically prepared." Father Xi Sen said in a deep voice, "But, we need more weapons and equipment, our personnel have better combat qualities than you, but, if you deal with the life of the body, There are not enough weapons to break their shells. Their structural materials are very special. So far, only attacking critical weapons can ensure that they will be damaged when they are hit. "

"Our critical weapons are all auxiliary types, all of which are used in the control of the safety network and cannot be provided to you." Sha said very straightforwardly: "But there are indeed a number of weapons that can have a non-lethal impact on the life of the body, The original intention of manufacturing these weapons is to ensure that the operational personnel can meet with the life of the body for a period of time and increase the chance of escape. If you can ensure that our personnel are not on the front line of the battle, then this part of the equipment can be You lean. "

"Yan's work is the core of the plan, and we will do our best to ensure that her work is not disturbed." Father Sisen did not hesitate. Although the body life is very powerful, the mysterious experts who can live to the present are not lacking the experience of fighting with the body life ~ ~ From the perspective of pure battles, the words of "pan" and "sha" The new security guards are as vulnerable as children. Even if it is currently the best "battle" in the aboriginal community, it has never had a one-on-one experience with the body life.

Compared with these aborigines, the mysterious experts who are keen to excavate the ruins of the ruling bureau and the life of the elementary body are fighting head-to-head. In the absence of critical weapons, the occasion of still using all kinds of factors to win is never an example.

"The agreement is reached. This is the information of our activities in the plan. The key border areas must not be interfered. I will try to block the safety network information feedback in these areas, but once the life of the body has gone to these areas Signs, you must stop at all costs. In order to improve the odds, I will make a second transformation of your righteous body, and your life form will be extremely close to the body life after this transformation. "

The information was infused within a few seconds, and more pipelines rose from under the floor, dropped from the ceiling, and connected to Father Sissen ’s body, transporting it to the cabin being built in mid-air.

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