Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1893: Round 2

"Hey, what is this?" A mysterious expert gazed at the gray silk thread that interspersed every gap around him. He heard many small but sharp sounds, like the sound made when wicker wicker, and like The sounds made by the chainsaw when cutting metal. These sounds are stuffed in an invisible box, which makes people feel upset. The terrible turbulence has distorted the air, and everything in the field of vision has become unusual. The original smell has disappeared, replaced by another indescribable taste. The gray silk-like thing is like A substance that rotates at high speed in a mixer, however, mysterious experts understand that it is not just "substance" in common sense.

The terrible impact has been distorted when it was released. From the source of the outbreak, the more it is weakened, the more it goes out, but this does not mean that this battlefield is not dangerous. Needless to say, in this chaotic matter, all peace is depressive, frightening, and makes the subconscious understand that it is not lasting. There is a terrible indescribable sense of bursting brewing, there is an indescribable danger wandering around, no one will doubt that once it explodes completely, it will blink this vast battlefield, including the enemy and its own people, all in the blink of an eye. Wiped out.

On the verge of collapse, the power of the impending runaway, the indescribable chaos, and the people who are forced to be in such a dangerous situation. It's like standing in the air with a transparent step underneath. You can see the bottomless abyss through this step. The depth makes people dizzy and has the illusion that they will fall at any time.

No one can think that the situation will become so weird, the danger is certainly there, but it never happened to be such a danger. The mystery expert, the aboriginal, and even the enemy, all the actions are planned in advance, the difficulties are estimated as far as possible, and psychological preparations are prepared for all conceivable crises. However, what happened in front of me was never thought of—what happened? No one can answer this question, but the facts are obvious. Although the enemy has been hit hard, but his own people are also deeply involved, it is likely that he will step into the enemy ’s footsteps in the next moment.

"Is it Fr. Sissen?" Some mysterious expert asked, but even the people in Black Nest could not give a definite answer, because this was a situation that even Fr. Sissen himself had never expected.

"There is no way to escape." Another mysterious expert has a somber expression. He uses his own method to detect the possible way out of the scene, but the results returned by the feedback clearly show the scope of his own people and have become a dead place-before I have tried to use the mysterious power, but the effect in this frantic, wriggling, high-speed gray giant net has no ordinary effect at all. For mystery experts, this is a situation that is easy to understand: the mysteries owned by myself and others are all suppressed by the mystery that caused this calamity, not only on my own side, but also as powerful and mysterious as the life of the body 'S existence, it is impossible to get rid of this mysterious and violent and brutal phenomenon like a natural disaster, and was forced to retreat in a corner to hug and warm up.

"How is the situation of the aborigines?" Another mysterious expert asked, just because he had nothing to do on his side, so he could only expect those who stepped back earlier. Although it is difficult to imagine what they will do, they really have no way on their side, so they can not deny the possibility of the aborigines, otherwise they will be really helpless.

"I can't feel it anymore." The mysterious expert's face was gloomy. The direction of this battle was completely different from what was expected. Although he was mentally prepared from the beginning, the difference was so desperate that it still made people feel. Anger and disappointment. Although I have encountered all kinds of incredible phenomena in mysterious events and experienced all kinds of unpredictable turning points, I have long understood that not everything in this world will develop as people imagine, Surviving the elusive brutal destiny, you will never think of dying in the same situation again-even if almost all mysterious experts died in this unpredictable situation, the sudden and unbelievable situation at hand is simply It is the standard template for the death of mysterious experts.

Mystery experts have been unable to tell whether the emotions in their hearts are caused by themselves or by others. In short, in such a terrible phenomenon that makes people helpless, when they can no longer make any guarantee for their lives, When you try your best to be more aware of your powerlessness, these emotions that will not appear in the weekday will become more intense, and the source will become more blurred.

A mysterious expert stopped first, and he looked in the direction of Father Sissen. However, in the visible range, only the distorted, monotonous, but it could feel the complex movement of gray, all the buildings are In this piece of gray, the color is lost, it becomes lifeless, vicissitudes and fragility, those blurred outlines seem to be turned into ashes at any time.

"That is to say ... we can only wait for this phenomenon to end on its own?" Some mysterious experts concluded that the silence of the companions around him meant affirmation, but it was a disheartening answer. He also dislikes this passive situation.

No one knows when this chaotic and dangerous, extremely widespread phenomenon will end, and before it ends, can one wait for others to be safe. Even if you use intuition to estimate, you can't get a clear answer. You can only say that although you feel that these people are more likely to survive, it is not impossible to survive all intact.

Ambiguous, chaotic, and abrupt, all things now exhibit consistent characteristics at this moment.

Then, in the silent and depressive wait, it seemed like a long time, and it seemed like only a few breaths. Some sensitive mysterious experts felt some changes-"... weakened?" He could not help murmuring. , Did not deliberately lower the sound, so everyone around you can hear it, and will come over the first time.

"It's weakened." The second mystery expert said in a more positive tone. When the third and fourth also said something similar, the omen became clearer, and the sharply blowing "wind" did become weird, like many high-speed moving objects were forced to interrupt the movement process , Just rely on inertia to continue moving.

After a few more breaths, this trend became more obvious, the flow of gray fog became sluggish again, the distorted field of vision was returning to normal, and the information such as sound and taste could be vividly learned in a short time. Here, I returned to my decent acquaintance.

What followed was an extremely strong sense of both sight—the feeling of deja vu, which was clearly struck by the different scenery in front of my eyes and the different scenery in my memory. Therefore, each of them has the same feeling: their emotions are like being provoked by some kind of power.

"This is definitely not an attack on the physical level." A mysterious expert said so surely, but then he was ridiculed by others, because any phenomenon caused by "gray fog" as the main factor has never existed only at the physical level. , "Gray Mist" itself never has a single materiality.

In the gray fog, not only should we be alert to changes in material states, but also to mental illusions. Any concept that does not need to be understood from the physical level may be presented in a certain physical way in the fog.

When it was too late, the gray that covered completely beyond the scope of the field of vision was all calmed down. The delay was heavy like mercury, with a thickness enough to block the field of view of ten meters away, because it was too rich, so let it be in it. Of people find it difficult to breathe.

"... Really stopped!" The voice of a mysterious expert came from the near side, but when another mysterious expert turned his eyes to the speaker's direction, he could not see the other person's figure. A hazy, illusion-like silhouette faintly swayed. However, even a mysterious expert who is far superior to ordinary people in physical fitness and possesses extraordinary abilities cannot be sure that he saw a "human being".

"We are dispersed." The mysterious expert shouted, he had realized that new troubles had come. The ten mysterious experts, including him, are not considered to be "close to each other" even when the gray giant net is raging. The distance between them is because of their respective eyes and actions when they first avoided the terrible phenomenon. The action is different for the sake of it. In other words, almost every mysterious expert will subconsciously rely on his own instincts in that kind of fatal crisis, in a very short time, too late to think, to obtain a space for his own activities-although not completely alienated from these Companions who collaborate temporarily will subconsciously maintain their distance from each other, and will only try to shorten the distance between them until they have to get closer to each other.

However, this time, although they have long recognized that these people must cooperate more closely than usual, they have been divided by sudden and sudden changes before doing so in subconscious actions. When one of the mysterious experts noticed that everyone around him was covered by thicker fog, as if he was left alone, he already knew that it was more difficult to join with himself than before. Too.

In the eyes of ordinary people, under such circumstances, it seems that “it is enough to“ pronounce others while making a sound while trying to get closer to the direction where others are vaguely located ”). But in the experience of the mystery expert, it is so full of mystery, and I noticed that I was in an isolated environment-even before the blink of an eye, my companion was still around-whether it was "self-sounding" or "to The looming outlines are close to "dangerous", and what you will encounter will definitely not be a friendly human being.

The gray fog is originally a strange thing. Anyone who has seen the ruling bureau will encounter some unusual situations in the environment full of gray fog. Unusual and dangerous things have been lurking on the near side all the time. They are not "beasts gathered from smelling scent from a distance", but "monsters born from the fog".

The most infamous among them is undoubtedly the demon, the devil of gray fog. This kind of monster is often based on people's imagination, and on this basis, it is often a monster with a side that exceeds the imagination of the person concerned. The earliest traces come from the existing reports on the ruins of the ruling bureau. There is enough evidence to prove that during the prosperous period of the ruling bureau, they have been entangled by these gray fog demons. They were originally a byproduct of the gray fog technology of the ruling bureau, and they were more biased towards malicious products, and they also buried the ruin of the ruling bureau. A deep cause and effect.

These gray fog demon often appear in the dense fog environment, and the concentration of gray fog now is also rare compared with the past experience of these mysterious experts. It would be unbelievable if there were no demons.

The mysterious expert heard the sound coming from other directions, which sounded vaguely like a call from his own voice, but it was difficult to be sure that it was a human voice, and from the strength of the sound, it was fundamentally It's not like it came from yourself, the distance of feeling has far exceeded the place where those companions used to be in my memory.

He did n’t make any more sounds, and the faint cries gradually faded away. He did n’t want to move in the direction of those sounds at all. The unclear feelings pervaded all around. A crisis full of floating senses struck him from all directions, making him feel I was completely isolated.

If you want to say that in this feeling, there is something that can make you feel more energetic, it is probably "I am still alive". Did not die in the terrible phenomenon before, and do not need to face the life of the body immediately. Just be alert to the gray fog demon, which will make people feel more relaxed.

The mysterious expert remained silent for a long while. Although the unknown surrounding it did not become denser again, and no more precise crisis hit, there was also no sign of rescue. He does n’t want to stay in the same place any more. If he does n’t do anything, he ca n’t expect any change at all. If he is already stuck in a weird situation, he will never move without enemies. Salvation-just the kind of "nothing but gray fog and yourself" situation is enough to kill a person.

Father Sisen pressed his temple ~ ~ as if pressure could penetrate the brain where the brain connects with the brain, reducing the feeling of overload. The power of the bracelet-shaped critical weapon has completely disappeared. The gray giant net that once enveloped a huge range has already passed. The huge team of doomsday shamans has long disappeared, and the life and intention of the body gathered together to resist the crisis are distinguished. The team of mysterious experts also disappeared in his perception. Only the Indigenous people were coming here with the wounded non-stop.

Construction machines far from the battlefield have completed nearly half of the project, and node information is fed back into the brain hardware to form an intuitive view. If it is smooth, it is really smooth. Although the power of critical weapons has exploded, although it has caused major impacts from unpredictable aspects, the results of these impacts still seem to be positive. Father Sissen held the gold-colored bracelet and felt a sense of uncertainty in his heart. If he wanted to pursue the enemies who had committed the offense, he would definitely use the power of this critical weapon. However, I haven't really been able to master the performance of this critical weapon.

Take dangerous weapons that you can't anticipate and control, and deal with the enemy. In the worst case, it will surely become your own cause of death.

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