Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1896: Placed on stage

The invisible impact is just like the "reading power" in occultism. Mystery experts have not yet known what the essence of this power is and where is the limit. Knowing a little about what this invisible shock can do so far, it is just a form of "shock" and can impact any common sense and extraordinary knowledge, which can interfere with what he currently knows and Abnormal phenomena that can be seen by the naked eye.

Therefore, the invisible mental erosion before was difficult to interfere with "impact". As for whether or not the subject of the "hand" outlined only by imagination and sensitivity can form interference, he can only try. The violent turbulence of the air caused by the invisible impact, and the sound of some objects breaking, all told him how destructive the attack was.

Although it was only a short time, the feeling of "hand on my shoulder" did disappear. At the same time, a very clear pain and feeling of relief came from the shoulder touched by the "hand". A glance at the mysterious expert revealed that the shoulder muscles had withered and shrivelled like dehydration, and even the outline of the bone was prominent on the skin.

"!" The mysterious expert's inner shaking is not intense, and a more serious injury has been suffered in other mysterious events. However, temporarily losing an arm, for a mysterious expert like him, no matter when, It was all seriously injured, because he did not have the ability to heal quickly.

At the moment when the "hand" disappeared in the sensation, the mysterious expert exploded again with the force of shock, pushing himself aside. Because it was not yet clear what was going on with this "hand", so I held the idea that the "hand" would appear at the next moment and tried my best to escape. Under the impulse of the impact, he leaped a distance of tens of meters at a stretch, and a few rises and falls followed the outline of the nearby building. He took advantage of the gaps, protrusions and seemingly sill positions on the surface of the building to turn his feet from the surface of one building to the surface of another building nearby, and he did n’t need to think about where the enemy was hidden because of the rich In the fog, there is hardly any place to feel at ease.

In five seconds, the mystery expert has traveled a distance of hundreds of meters. Most of the time, his body floats in the air, and the heavy air makes a tearing sound, but not only his own explosive power. Echoes in this area, and human voices and various unnatural sounds are heard not far from the shadow of the field of view. The intensity of those sounds can easily outline the battle scene in the mind, but it is really real. The battle scenes I have seen have a slight sense of incongruity. The mystery expert is not sure how much the scenes outlined in the mind through these movements, and the actual situation there, really have companions fighting there, or another trap.

He was moving, and those sounds were moving. Even if he speeded up, he couldn't catch up with the movements over there, as if he was playing hide-and-seek. This experience reminded him of the experience when he first entered the ruins of the mayfly, as if there were some kind of invisible wall, with a strangeness that is absolutely not coincidental, dividing people one by one in different areas, even if these areas are each other Adjacent to each other, there are always obstacles that will obstruct the vision of both sides, even if it has the ability to extend to a wider range than the field of view, it is difficult to achieve clear observation in such dense fog.

If mysterious experts can gather together and use different mysterious forces to cooperate, they can naturally expand their adaptability to dangerous environments. However, this kind of good thing is not often on the real battlefield. Being divided and broken down by each, it is impossible to coordinate the actions of oneself and others, which in turn leads to some kind of substantive conflict. Instead, it is the most common experience among mysterious events.

However, when the "hand", which was invisible and only felt, launched an attack, the mysterious expert also confirmed at the same time that the body of the enemy who attacked him was definitely not a body life. The attacking style and fighting style of the body life are direct, brutal, and more prominently its physical strength. From this perspective, it is not as strange as the invisible "hand".

In the judgment of the mysterious expert, the thing that attacks itself is either some kind of gray fog demon or a doomsday shaman. Although the latter has mostly died in the riots of the Grey Giant Net before, it is not certain that all the members died. Conversely, being able to save one's life in that situation and being able to respond to spells based on the changed combat environment If the genre changes, this doomsday shaman is certainly powerful in the diversity of abilities, the agility of thinking, and the full combat qualities.

Comparing the experience and data obtained in the past when dealing with doomsday shamans, the mystery experts are very clear that this is no longer something that ordinary mystery experts can do.

The invisible "hand" did not reappear after the impact erupted, and the mysterious expert converged on the roof of a building like a shell. He suddenly had a feeling that he was "forced" or "guided" to this place. Although it is not clear from a distance, at the same time it fell on the rooftop, there was a clear sense of crisis that struck this place. There was something else besides itself, and that thing was full of deadly danger.

The roof covered by the gray mist exudes a sinister breath, which makes it difficult to describe. Is it true that the keen sense of something is wrong, and then this kind of sinister breath is perceived, or the sinister breath is first noticed, because this kind of breath makes you feel Not right. Where he looked subconsciously, there was a huge human-shaped outline vaguely ten meters away, but compared to the normal proportion of the human body, the outline was too slender and tall. The torso of the body alone was more than two meters tall and slender. The almost skinny limbs, like a camera stand, are firmly rooted locally on this platform.

At the same time, in the gray mist all over the rooftop, suddenly a lot of eye-like strange things appeared, they rolled their eyes drippingly, sometimes like rolling rice grains in boiling water, blinking their eyes from time to time, completely irregular, It's so creepy.

Mystery experts are very clear that these inexplicable numbers are large enough to make people suffer from intensive phobia and numbness of the scalp. What is the gray fog demon, and finally presented in front of the eyes in such a clear and vague way of revealing the subject .

The silhouette of the human figure that lost the normal proportion of the human body, and the dense eyes that suddenly opened in the gray mist, let the mysterious expert understand at the first time that he was not mistakenly entering here, but was being guarded. However, as long as the enemy appears in front of him in such a tangible way, for the mysterious expert, he is more fortunate than the obscure but substantive, direct-to-heart lethality.

Let's not mention **** the enemy. Before attacking the enemy, if you can't lock the enemy, you can only choose to run away, just like the invisible hand that you encountered before. The other party does not have a substantial subject, but only appears in the sense. It is also extremely difficult to get out of its attack range from the physical position. Compared to unspeakable enemies, these monsters can stand upright in front of themselves, and they are considered lucky.

A new rustle sounded in the ear of the mysterious expert. As if I also heard the noise of such a communication, the slender tall silhouette hidden in the gray fog stood up, and then the mysterious expert realized that he had wrongly judged the height of this silhouette before, because, when it stood up The height of the eyes is more than three meters. The area where the arms seem to be split like squid tentacles, and the lower body shows a restrained shape fixed on the ground. Its movement is not fast, as if it was awakened by someone. Mysterious experts believe that as long as he does not stop just now, he can definitely pass this clumsy thing, but now it seems that he ca n’t do it, and he does n’t plan to do that do.

Keeping running away may temporarily save your life, but it is definitely not the best choice for what you and others want to do, and subconsciously take responsibility for yourself. Fighting is necessary and inevitable. When the enemy is determined to use combat to solve all problems, no one is ahead of himself in this battle anymore. It is precisely because of this that the mysterious expert must stay here. The rooftop is obviously filled with unnatural breath.

The sense of crisis is like a needle stick, a sense of urgency, like standing on the edge of a cliff and about to jump down, so that the mysterious expert cannot fully adapt to it no matter how many times he encounters similar situations. He felt that he could survive the mysterious events of the past, and the luck component accounted for the majority. At that time, all the luck was to bring him to this moment. Joining this battle is like a fate that must be completed. Like the last scene in the stage script.

If you must die in this scene, then, in what way do you want to die most? And what is your opponent? What is the end of these opponents? Thinking from this angle, the mysterious expert naturally wants a tragic hero-like ending in a dead place with no choice, facing the dominant enemy, fighting as hard as possible, the final result may be dead, but However, it can leave a little advantage for others, or a little disadvantage. In short, if you really want to die in this battle, then your death should not be insignificant on the balance of the overall strategy. .

Therefore, the mystery expert thought of what he wanted: an opponent with enough weight, an opponent who defeated it and could be called a victorious opponent whether he was alive or dead.

In the gray mist, the weird eyes blinked, and the maliciousness it contained had overflowed from the non-human pupils, as if at a certain moment, they would overwhelm, from all directions, rolling down towards the mysterious expert. Even so, the mystery expert ’s attention is still focused on the high profile of the specific details that are directly opposite him, which is obscured by the gray fog. That is something that only has a human form but is not human. It is enough for the mysterious expert to understand what kind of enemy is a body life.

For him, such an enemy is indeed full of weight. Compared with the number of mysterious experts on my side, there are only five body life invading this area, which is exactly half of his own. It is only half the chance of being able to face such enemies.

One-half, for most mysterious experts, is an elegant, philosophical proportion, like life or death, positive and negative, yes and no, as neat as it is, and full of interweaving The rhythm of rotation, like the spiral form of human genes, metaphorizes the source and essence of life. One-half of the other way around is 50%. The probability of exceeding 50% is often regarded as a success. If it is less than this probability, it is more likely to be considered a failure. Therefore, it is exactly 5% Ten, there is a wonderful sense of uncertainty, neither success nor failure, as if fate will show up here, and the power of the self is amplified.

Some mysterious experts even believe that people like them absolutely do not like "one-half".

Faced with the life of comedy and beauty that made him "half", the heart of the mysterious expert thumped, he knew very well that behind the tension was an excitement. He does n’t want to break away from this battle, and he does n’t want to occupy the so-called first-hand advantage in such a constant tension, he feels that he should be as delicate as cooking, waiting for the other party to fully reveal his body ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ confirmed the will of both parties, and declared it a positive attack.

Of course, the mystery experts are also very clear, this is a very naive idea. However, of course, if he is placed on this stage, what he would hope for more is a dramatic performance. He rightfully thinks so and looks forward to it. He never felt that he would have such an idea one day, but he no longer thought of "why did he have such an idea".

He accepted this fate arrangement.

In this gleaming gaze, a heavy buzzing sound similar to that of a vortex engine appeared on the platform. The mysterious expert did not distinguish where the sound came from, but naturally felt that the fog was rapid because of the sound Dilute. It's like a spoon digging out a piece of cake. Those weird eyes that grow out of the fog seem to be evading and fleeing to other areas where the fog is thicker, so the rooftop seems to be swept away Into a clean, undisturbed, rather described as "some sacred" stage. There are only two clowns on this stage: a humanoid life, and a mysterious human expert.

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