Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1915: Advent

The explosion happened around Fr. Sisen without warning. A large number of spores flew out of the fire and was swept away by the hurricane. Fr. Sisen seemed to have just been awakened. Once he realized that he had been Involved in the violent chaos. Before he responded, his body had been smashed into the rubble, and the structural materials that had always appeared to be very strong were instantaneously burrowed, and the damaged areas were powdered and slammed onto the ground like sand.

Father Xi Sen was covered with wounds, cuts, bruises, burns, blisters, and corroded skin. He could feel the internal organs failing under a very complicated side effect. His eyes were tinnitus and his head was blank. The damage to the nervous system made him dizzy and gagging, even unable to control the normal activities of his limbs and organs. And all these extremely painful injuries did not make him a little shaken. He struggled to get up, but the subsequent shock blew him away again and rolled on the ground until it was slightly controllable. The limbs just grabbed the protrusions on the ground.

In front of his eyes, there was only a catastrophic scene. To the extent he could see and feel, there were not too many things that were truly intact. The gray fog is like the ash that has not been extinguished. The dark red light fills the field of view, twisting the atmosphere and sucking is very difficult. It is like a force to open the lungs and expel the air from the lungs from the open mouth. , Father Sissen can feel the drastic reduction of the external air pressure, and a large number of distorted shapes fill his vision, forming some kind of indescribable horror image. Father Sissen can recognize that they are just the wreckage of the structure material, However, these twisted shapes are melting.

Everything he saw made him feel how he survived. The harsh environment can no longer be concatenated with the scene in this area of ​​memory. Instead, it is like a scene from a different world, a product of a different star that is completely different from the environment system where the current planet is located.

Even more strangely, when Father Sisen looked up, he saw the moon. He can swear that he has never seen the moon in the ruins of the ruling bureau, and the moon on the earth is definitely not like this: this sphere like the moon is so huge, it is heavy like it will fall to the ground at any time, it is red It is not moisturizing, glowing, but not smooth, but it is conceivable that it is covered with a thick layer of reddish red earth, which is just like gravel, like rock, like soil Rough texture.

The change of the scene may not be an appalling thing. In the long time, the unknown mystery is enough to reach the unimaginable situation of mankind. Although the scene today is strange and inexplicable, it is not Every scene is unrecognized. People can still use their own imagination to describe the unexplained changes, and this is one of the best news at this moment.

Father Xi Sen was breathing heavily, and the violent explosion was like an order that changed the world, but it is an indisputable fact that he is still alive in this world of big changes. The atmosphere full of irritability, madness, and death has suddenly become quieter, not without sound, but each sound has become so small, in contrast, it gives people a peaceful silence.

The fine sound cannot be heard without listening to it. But if you listen carefully, you ca n’t judge what the sound is. It does n’t seem to have a special rhythm. There are no rules for length or height, but it does n’t make people think it ’s noise. The cry is fed back into a sound that humans can hear through the sound wave device. Some people describe it as a very beautiful song, but it is just a modification of the beautiful side of the sensibility. In the ears of Father Sissen, the voice always brings fear, a kind of deepness from the bottom of the sea. Darkness, undetectable fear, as if his body was sinking with this sound to a place that no one could touch.

That is death, that is sleep, that is the time that has flowed through the darkness for thousands of years, and it is a tomb that cannot be disturbed by any changes.

Father Sissen only felt that he was dreaming and had hallucinations, otherwise, the phenomenon that once violently almost shattered himself, why suddenly became so silent? Even so, he can still feel the existence of himself, and does not feel that he is stepping on an illusory ground, nor does he feel that the sulfur smell he smells is equally unreal.

He just felt that he was walking on the edge of reality and illusion, and turned into a strange ghost. Even so, the injuries he had suffered did not improve, nor did he particularly deteriorate, as if to stay on him to such a degree forever. He spit out a **** saliva, just trying to understand what was going on.

To say that I was lucky, I was saved, but it is also true. The previous explosion was so fierce that he was about to tear him in half. Although the wounds were scarred and there was no sign of improvement, there was only a quiet ruin.

On the other hand, Father Sissen can still hear the hallucinatory sound:

"Such persistence must be so painful. Such persistence is meaningless. Living with pain will not change the length and height of life, nor will it cause qualitative change or sublimation of life. Those thoughts transformed from inherent social concepts, It ’s just a foolish lubricant. The so-called change is just a self-righteous illusion. "

This illusory sound made him suddenly realize that he was still lucky that he was not involved in the attack of ideology, but now he is really stuck in the wall. His own experience at this time does not prove that he is right. Are you in a world of ideology? However, it is impossible to determine whose ideology this is and what kind of ideology it is. From experience, although there are many things full of artificial flavor, it is hard to believe that this is done by human beings.

Is this really a "human" ideological world? Father Sisen couldn't help thinking. At the same time, the crimson moon appeared with a dark shadow, which at first was only the size of a pinhole in the naked eye, but soon turned into a huge hollow, and then the shape of the hollow was twisted into a shadow of life. It's creeping, it's getting bigger, it makes people think it's coming down from the moon.

The huge fear did not know where it came from, but it was just so abruptly dispersed in the air, and every **** that accompanies it, flowing in the blood vessels of Father Sissen, made him feel a completely different suffocation. He felt that he had seen something, and he had a vague idea. He felt that the name of that name was looming, but he couldn't remember it, and he couldn't describe the strange shadow reflected in his eyes.

Father Sisen's eyes were captured by the shadows. He almost forgot the time. He snuggled up in the corner of the broken wall. There was no higher shielding around him than adults, and there were cracked low walls, pillars, and stairs everywhere. Pieces and structural parts that do not know what part. Firelight emerged from the cracked ground, but those once could see that the abnormal flesh and blood that had colonized a large number of structural materials and the spores floating in the air at all times were gone. The weird black shadow that can be seen only by looking up, comes to the ground where it is at a speed that makes people feel terrified.

Father Si Sen wanted to make a sound, but he didn't know what to make. He just gasped "hehe". He didn't think the wound on his body would cause death, but the feeling of death was so strong. Mageweave Superpower and Critical Weapon are still working, and they are indeed producing some phenomena that are visible to the naked eye. However, even if they are surrounded by the phenomena generated by their own power, they will not bring him a little sense of security. He told himself that everything he saw in front of him was an illusion, but he could n’t find a way to wake up. It was like being trapped in his soul by this soul full of the taste of the end, as if it were the last thing left in the world. local.

Father Sisen could n’t think, he could only listen to the murmur that faintly appeared in his mind. He felt that he could still know what it was murmuring before, but now he ca n’t understand the meaning at all. Don't understand, it seems that there are some ideas coming out, but he is also afraid of these ideas coming out.

"This is really great." Father Sisen suddenly heard his own voice, and even he could not tell whether the tone was mocking or complimenting.

He has realized that if he ca n’t stop the dark shadow that came down from the moon, he will die together with the end-time world he sees. It's like suddenly crossing time, faster than others, and reaching the end of the world. While others are still struggling in the process of the end, they have already witnessed the truth of the end. However, such truth is really not something that ordinary people like him can understand.

There is a strange voice, in the complex and hazy feelings of Father Sissen, in this atmosphere that is still quiet despite the sound, in the overwhelming fear brought by the advent of the weird shadow, follow The wind spread out.

The weirdness of this voice cannot be described. Although it sounds "sound" when it is heard, it cannot distinguish the timbre and tone. That is neither long, nor rushed, nor deep, nor sharp, nor The rhythm, but it ’s not confusing, it ’s not unpleasant, it ’s not good, it makes people feel pure, aside from all the subjective and objective relativity, blending all the features into one, killing each other, and finally remaining thing.

Upon hearing this voice, Father Sisson couldn't help but think of Father Edward, the manic and crazy battlefield before the change that happened before him. So, he knew exactly what the black shadow came from the red moon, and what was the body that made a strange sound at this time.

The battle between the two monsters did not end, but from the corner of the battlefield, under the influence of some complex factors, with the power of perception, it touched the other corner of the battlefield. Originally, I could only observe the battlefield of the previous type, but now I have observed the battlefield like this, but in fact the battles on the two battlefields are still going on, and there are more different battlefields at the same time, or All these complex battlefields that seem to be torn apart are combined to form a complete battlefield and a world that two monsters can see.

My own illusion of the transformation of different spaces is just a proof that my observation ability has huge limitations.

The weird "sound" makes the space wrinkled, like a wave pushing, and there is some kind of deep power hidden under the wave, but the low and subtle wave of sensation is also in the perception of Father Sisen Clear. If the black film and television falling from the Red Moon is a flying dragon, then the fluctuations hidden under the folds of space seem to come from a whale. The two strong senses of existence are intertwined, divided, and conflicted. There is a resonance between the world and the earth. It penetrates into the body of Father Sisen, and he suddenly spits out another blood.

Father Sissen knew very well that a collision was about to happen. Do n’t look at the distance between the two monsters in the visual range of the naked eye. However, for such monsters, the ordinary “distance” has never been a problem. When he looked at the dark shadow that descended from the red moon, he couldn't help but want to see clearly, what exactly was the behemoth that vaguely emerged from the waves of space.

A vague intuition told him that it was Father Edward. No, it should be said that it was the gray fog demon once called Father Edward.

The sky is dimmed, like the sun is setting, but in fact the sky here cannot be called the sky at all, and there is no sun, just an empty ~ ~ and its far-reaching visual space. In the bleakness after sunset, the red moon became more conspicuous, and the distorted black shadow had occupied two-thirds of the area of ​​the red moon, gradually revealing a more real form: Father Sisen guessed that, it was forcing Father Edward had to use the power of taboo to snipe the monster, the monster suspected to emerge from the collective subconscious of human beings, the monster who somehow presented a female form.

Nowadays, it is still the female form of deja vu, can't see its real figure and face, but has a sense of familiarity that has been known for a long time. Father Sisen couldn't remember when he had spoken about it, or what the reason was, which caused him to feel familiar at this time.

It, or she, obviously occupies two-thirds of the huge red moon, but does not make people think she is a "giant."

It clearly has a huge sense of vision, but from the cognitive aside of reason, it seems to be only the size of a normal human female individual. The size of a normal human female individual is also extremely ambiguous, not a fixed value. . (To be continued ...)

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