Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1932: Enlarge

The meaning of this elongated and weird body life is just like the meaning of "executor". Perhaps in the mind of these elemental life, it is the most meaningful to die in the hands of this elemental life and die under its short sword. The significance of this behavior reminded her of the word "sacrificial offering".

This is an immediate, sudden sacrifice ceremony. And he is the sacrifice of this ceremony.

Why is this location at this time? Why is it so sudden? Why did you lock yourself like this? For these questions, Qi is totally unable to answer. However, this flash of speculation made her somewhat relieved of her own experience, and there was a "so-so" consciousness, as if the abnormalities in her body and mind were also explained.

While she was feeling this way, a sharp and hard object passed through her chest and hung her body in midair. He didn't see the murder weapon clearly, just thought it was a very long shaft with a sharp head, like an enlarged needle. Until he was pierced, he couldn't perceive its appearance so suddenly, no In the slightest sign, in retrospect there is no way to make a little reaction.

The heart was pierced, and the knife-like weapon that was finally taken back was held tightly in her hand. Even though the muscles in the whole body were twitching, the nerves began to numb, and they did not fall. The effect of being pierced is so strong and rapid. The physical penetration is not really what made her unable to move. The weapon itself is releasing some kind of mysterious power, hindering her behavior and thinking from inside her body. Even the values ​​listed on the helmet screen are confusing, and it is impossible to describe what happened to you.

The heart is penetrated, unable to breathe, the body is paralyzed, and even the eyeballs cannot move. Although it is unclear, a lot of blood must flow out and I feel like I am going to die.

However, her brain is still turning and her energy is losing, but her spirit is getting more and more exciting like returning to the light. She vaguely sees a large number of abnormal values ​​on the screen's detection data of her physiological state. It's like being injected with a lot of medicine. She didn't feel the injection of any drugs, but the feeling after the heart was penetrated was completely different from what she knew and thought. She felt that she was going to die, but she was not dead, as if she was wandering on the edge of life and death, and she was soberly aware that she was wandering on the edge of life and death, as if she was about to fall into the abyss, but an invisible silk thread tied her feet, Let her soul undulate on the boundary.

It must not be fortunate that Qi cannot describe her perception of this feeling, but it is definitely not good. Instead, it makes her feel more painful, and even surely, it is a kind of torture. At the next moment, sharp objects penetrated her limbs one after another. Those body life pierced her body with a spear-like thing and lifted her high. Ki felt deep maliciousness in this move, and was deeply frightened by the feeling of maliciousness. She felt that she seemed to understand what these body life is doing. Their actions, their methods, and their meaningful behaviors are like ancient and cruel rituals. They did not make a sound, but silence was more like an inaudible loud sound, loud and hopeful. sound.

Their thoughts, their statements, and their prayers are all in their every move, and there is nothing more frightening than knowing this clearly. She was absolutely unable to relieve her. She struggled and worked hard, and even the result was as she originally expected, but even if everything is expected, even if everything has been exhausted, she can't relieve her. She didn't know why she couldn't let go. Perhaps the complex emotions boiling in her body made her thoughts unable to calm down. Perhaps the drugs and fears injected into her body made her unacceptable even if she knew the ending. However, at the same time she is also very clear that in addition to being able to think now, she can no longer do more things.

The carrier that carried the thought became very weak, as if she would die instantly in the next second, she could not transfer her thoughts out of this carrier, maybe Sha could do it. However, Jing knew very well that she was just a human in the normal sense , Can't take Sha as a standard at all.

Thoughts and behaviors were stripped at this moment, with eyes open and unshakable, perhaps too weak, so most of the things we saw were blurred in outline, and in this blurry scene, a large shadow shrouded it. She didn't know what the body of the shadow was, but it was by no means an illusion. Under such a limit state, the shadow she saw was so huge. In the dark gray, it seemed to hide other colors, or This dark gray is caused by a deep color, an illusion in today's state.

Jian also smelled a **** smell, which she felt was not the smell of blood she had shed.

The heart is no longer beating, she feels that she is so pierced through the body and limbs, held up by the body life to a more peripheral place, from the feeling, it has exceeded the scope of the platform on which she had previously stood, but, The lives of those who held up their own bodies went so smoothly, as if they had been walking on the neat flat ground. The force fields that brought her a lot of troubles could not affect them at all, nor could they affect themselves who cannot move today.

Where are you going to be taken? Thinking about it, she was still thinking, maybe her ending was not the same as the people who were stuffed into the cocoon? However, even if it is alive, it is definitely not a happy thing. If you can pass out, if you die like this, you do n’t have to feel the torture that you are suffering and the greater fear and pain that is coming vaguely. .

The emotion is like a lost control wheel. She feels that her head will be burned by these dark and hot emotions.

She could not be comatose or die. Every step of her body life made her feel that she was one step closer to the situation that made her feel terrified.

One step, two steps, three steps ... The huge shadow in the vague outline, overlooking from the sky, felt that it was approaching, getting closer and closer, and then she seemed to see clearly, it was a huge head It is also tightly the head, obviously the structure of the whole body. The lines like the bone texture are actually formed by the dense mechanical structures connected to each other. It just came down and swallowed the body of life that held up its body.

As a result, darkness fell in front of the eyes.

The scope of the new Valpuss Night is expanding, and its internal structure is becoming more and more complex, which also means that Sha is becoming stronger and more complex. She knows the concept of "temporary data hedging space", but never knows the feeling of "temporary data hedging space". She has heard that some people in the past have become temporary data hedging space. In fact, this is a rumor, but It was with her interest in this rumor that she finally reached this step and turned herself into a Valpus night.

Observing the confidence gained by the Valpus Night from the perspective of a third person, and the information obtained by directly becoming the Valpus Night and monitoring the self, the difference is even greater than what Shah had thought. She ca n’t even judge what is the difference between herself and herself in the past. A general and approximate difference is known, but the details cannot be summarized in a short time, because the difference between the two is too great, It's too complicated.

The sudden impact once damaged the scope of her coverage, but this damage is different from the previous damage to human beings or non-human beings, judgment and perception. Not just a difference in feeling, but a more substantial difference. All in all, this injury is not a big trouble for her now, but it is not too deep trouble. Even, she does not need to use "maintenance" in the sense of common sense to be able to make herself better. The term "get better" seems to be incorrect. Although she is damaged in scope, she cannot In a bad situation, she also regarded this damage as a normal concept of "loss", but soon she found herself wrong.

The range of Val Pugets Night seemed to be narrowed at one time, but from the perspective of the meaning of "data hedging", the data hedging phenomenon she covered became more profound and violent due to the impact. From this perspective, she You can even claim that you have become stronger than before.

Sha has a feeling of utter conspiracy. As long as he continues to make such a huge impact and make the data hedging phenomenon frequent and violent, he will grow faster. In various senses, the destruction of high intensity and high mystery seems to be the source of the growth of Val Pugets Night. Sha had a bad feeling about it: it was like she had completely transformed herself, but she did not become the positive thing she thought. She seemed to have become a kind of inducement to lead destruction and enlarge destruction.

Even so, I feel that I am growing and that my strength is increasing. These feelings are not self-deception. Sha can only think in a good direction: for example, she can spend more time to find people such as Qi and Father Sisen. However, when she was thinking this way, new information entered her body. It's a faint feeling, it seems that it's a big mold, and, in a worse situation, it will zoom in on her, and it will eventually spread to the entire ruling area.

Sha doesn't know what happened to Ban, but her condition is very bad, and it will be involved in more troublesome things. This kind of feeling is very deep. She was chasing the information, her thoughts and perceptions were like following a route that ordinary people could not see, rushing to the place where she felt the most palpitations. However, she didn't get more information in that place, only knowing that it seemed that she was besieged by her body's life, and then they were taken away.

Sha's already-made armament didn't even have a chance to get into her hands. Moreover, judging from the rough information, there is a very exaggerated amount of the life of the element body that appears in front of Qi, and Qi has no chance to escape from the beginning. The last message of Bian stayed here, but the whole person disappeared. Sha was only sure that Bian had not died yet, or that the life of her body would not let her die so easily. The reason was not clear, but, she I really feel this way.

Sha can go to find Qi, but she soon realizes that the huge impact that hit the ruling board before has brought more trouble. From the perspective of Val Pugets Night, it is possible to observe ordinary people and other unobservable things from the data hedging phenomenon, and even mysterious experts, most of them cannot have such a perspective. In this perspective, the overall style and structure of the ruling bureau is very different from the ruling bureau Sha Sha used to recognize with both eyes and practice. The huge information flow did not settle because of the end of the shock, but instead formed more data hedges, but these subsequent data hedges did not create too large a shock phenomenon. Even so, these data hedges are not weak. It is not very small, both in terms of volume and extent, these data hedges are causing huge turbulence in the area of ​​the ruling bureau overall.

Since the collapse of the ruling bureau ~ ~ in the world where it is located, this huge and huge data hedging space that is second to none has never been so turbulent. Various pieces of information are entangled, and various reactions take place irregularly, producing new information that even the current Sha can't interpret. That's confusing, crazy, information that can't be interpreted by existing methods, and even their existence has been considered by most people as impossible in the past, and is treated with existing theories. , Is full of contradictions and paradoxes, and is simply not established. But now, they just exist.

The ruins of the ruling bureau are undergoing extreme and tremendous changes that cannot be judged. It is combination and cleavage. It seems that there is a power to try to adjust this process. One, then, the larger part that does not turn with a certain will strongly distorts those adjusted parts. In this case, there will be deviations in doing anything, but Sha feels from the new data hedging that these deviations are being guided, exploited, and concentrated to have a power, like a gold digger, will be a grain Gold particles called "deviations" were collected and tried to condense into a "deviation" population.

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